Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 11: Anger Shura (1)

God Shasuluo's fourth battle!

Run with full force.

An overwhelming force of gods, as if the rivers and waves were turbulent, stirred up in the body.

The overbearing arrogance of these forces, replaced by other races, is simply unbearable, and the body will be broken directly.

But Chen Xiu is Shura's physique and fits naturally.

The breath of breath is constantly erupting from the body, shocking all directions, far apart, it will make people feel depressed and suffocated, which is a feeling derived from the body and mind.

In the face of Chen Xiu's greatly increased combat power, the superior purgatory ghost with an elite nine-star combat power did not dare to despise the slightest.



Originally he came to reinforce, but stayed in the rear watching, no intention to shoot.

The Purgatory Ghost is a natural fighting race. Under normal circumstances, the strong do not like to take the initiative to deal with those who are weaker than themselves, unless there is a special need.

But Chen Xiu caused a lot of trouble to the purgatory ghost clan, and he had to shoot.

Since there is no reason to stop at this point, it is necessary to destroy them, destroy them all, and reduce their own losses.

Unexpectedly, before killing other peoples, the people who had been hit by themselves before did not die, but became stronger, faintly giving themselves a clear sense of threat.


However, I was excited and excited.

The human race is too weak. From all kinds of information, he has come to the conclusion that it is difficult to find opponents.

Now there is one, there is a feeling of hunting.


In a hurry, the power erupted, and the extremely strong body disappeared in an instant, appearing directly in front of Chen Xiu, and attacking directly from the front.

One punch, crushing the vacuum.

The void under the fist shattered, and countless fine cracks were spreading, making the heart full of hearts.

In the face of this fragmented void punch, Chen Xiu did not mean to evade half, and the evil sword of annihilation directly cut out.

A sword that embodies the fourth-strength God's wicked fighting power, also tears the void directly, and ruthlessly kills.

Shenshaura's warfare has just broken through to the fourth level. Although it has been slightly consolidated, it is actually not so precise. It is just that this opponent is powerful and can be used to sharpen himself.

No matter when and where, Chen Xiu's habits are similar to Chen Zong. After all, the two souls are in the same vein.

Every punch and every sword was blown into the sky, countless cracks appeared, and it would take a while to heal. The breath that emanated was extremely heart-shattering and terrifying.

too strong!

It is too arrogant and completely beyond understanding.

Elite nine-star combat power!

This kind of combat power has never been held in Taiyuan Hall.

For many people, it is almost as legendary.

Fortunately, such strong men can appear on the side of the Terran Alliance. Otherwise, this time, they will be completely exterminated by the purgatory ghosts.

It's exciting to think about it.

Tiansha sword tactics first type: Shaying!

A sword stabbed, the sword completely disappeared and disappeared, plunged directly into the void, and a faint shadow could be seen.

But when seeing the gray shadow, it was already slow, and already had a sword.

The purgatory ghost general was indeed a sword, but it was only scratched through the membrane and was not significantly injured. Rao was so horrified.

Avoiding Chen Xiu's sword, the purgatory ghost general responded extremely quickly and immediately returned a punch.

This fist has a roar of evil spirits, heavy ghosts, indistinguishable from true and false, as if attacked from all directions, trying to swallow Chen Xiu.

Jian Tu!

A sword is cut, the ghost is completely broken, and the void is cut into a crevice, which is filled with a terrifying horror.

This purgatory ghost will not be able to completely avoid it, and his body is suddenly torn by the sword's edge to create a terrible rift, and dark red blood is pouring out.

too strong!

The fighting power of this human race is really overbearing.

At first, I could only fight fiercely with myself, but now, it seems that I have the upper hand and hurt myself.

Although the injury was not serious, the power was terrible, constantly invading his body, trying to cause deeper damage.

If you are not strong enough, you cannot resist at all.

indeed so.

Chen Xiu, who was originally the third peak of Shenshauluo ’s warfare, was arrogant and powerful enough to easily kill the mid-level ghost general. Even if he faced the ordinary nine-star combat power, it was not without resistance.

You know, the gap between eight and nine stars is huge.

And the first three of Shenshaura's warfare can be regarded as the foundation, which is to build a near perfect or even perfect solid foundation for himself.

At the fourth level, it was a leap-forward ascension, and then it began to truly reveal the power of God's Shasula Warfare.

Therefore, it seems that it is only a breakthrough between the third peak and the first entry into the fourth. In fact, it is a straight rise in combat power.

From the top eight stars, it has crossed the ordinary nine stars and directly broke into the elite nine stars level.

This is still the case without fully consolidating and mastering this powerful force.

After a fierce battle, he sharpened himself with the pressure brought by his opponent, completely attacked and completely controlled the fourth-strength force, and controlled freely.

The consequence is a further increase in strength.

Elite nine-star, how difficult it is to further improve.

Chen Xiu, on the basis of this, has become more horizontal. Of course, it can be regarded as the elite nine-star category.

The sword slaughter, with its powerful strength, will bring a strong threat to the superior ghost.

This scene immediately made the distant people and the Purgatory ghosts hold their breaths and widened their eyes.

Raising a sword and raising an eyebrow, the amazing devil's combat power is rushing straight into the sword of silence, the sword is discouraged, as if the waves are heavy, like a violent wind blowing, in the void, there is a whisper of wind and waves.

The horror of horror permeated, and a kind of extreme murderous slaughter also swept in all directions.

This is not a deliberate killer, but a ubiquitous killer.

Under the killings, everything shivered like a cricket, leading to killing.

The sword has not been killed yet, but the purgatory ghost has been told to look dignified to the extreme. He feels that the sword can completely threaten his life.

If you ca n’t catch it, you may be killed.

A terrible sword, an extreme sword.

For a while, the blade's single-corner on his forehead flickered with a strong dazzling red light. Between the red light, an amazing breath raged on.

Suddenly, the blade's one-corner detached directly from the ghost's forehead, flew out of thin air, bursting out a thousand rays of light, and a figure condensed in the light.

The light came into the body, and his body became apparent, and he turned into the appearance of the purgatory ghost general, and also had no blade edge.

Chen Xiu took a moment's notice and reacted immediately.

Body of soul!

This is a kind of talent and secret technique that the upper ghost can master, manifesting his own soul, and possessing the same power and means as the ontology.

Moreover, the soul appears as a war body, and the body does not lose consciousness and strength.

Although it is not clear what the principle is, it is certain that this is a very terrible means.

The ontology and the soul are dual, as if they have avatars, but different from avatars.

However, the general upper ghost will only be able to appear as a soul and continue fighting after the body is destroyed.

However, the powerful superior ghost general can directly summon the soul and body to bless himself.

Just like this one.

A sword kills people and kills.

The terrible murderous power that destroys all beings is completely restrained into the blade body, tearing the void along the blade.

In the dark fissures, howling winds and thunders raged, and the destruction was becoming more and more intense.

The ghost dropped the soul and war body, as if to be integrated into the ghost's body, forming a double image. At first glance, it seems that there is an almost substantial shadow surrounding the body.

A punch is not only a punch of the body, but also a punch of the soul and war body. The punch is double and the power is unmatched.

The moment the punch collided with the sword that killed Cang Cang, Jian Guang paused for a moment and immediately broke the boxing, but the second punch hit him and hit Jian Guang.

After a while, Jian Guang had a meal, and cracks appeared, breaking apart.

That punch was also broken.

The ghost will strike again with another hand.


The double punches smashed into the void, and immediately brought a great threat to Chen Xiu.

In this case, the soul war body was inspired, and the combat power of the ghost general was also significantly enhanced.

On the human race side, the falling heart is lifted again, while on the ghost side, the lifted heart is falling.

It's another transformation.

Each means.

Boom boom!

This upper ghost killed two fists in continuous bombardment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Each fist condensed the dual strength of the body and the soul battle body, terrible and abnormal.

Moreover, the double strength is continuous, and the connection between each other is extremely short, making it more difficult to resist.

When the first boxing force is generally resisted, the second boxing force will be immediately killed.

Chen Xiu was blasted back to practice, his sword trembling.

The double punches are crazy, breaking the void, hitting countless broken cracks, interweaving and spreading, filled with a breathtaking breath fluctuation, a little closer, you may be torn to pieces by the cracks in the space, even soul Save and die completely.


Under the double punches of this superior ghost general, Chen Xiu suddenly fell into the downwind, and it was difficult to even dodge.

Because the opponent's soul and body, directly pointing to the soul, locked himself directly.

Although Chen Xiu continued to retreat, his eyes became brighter. Gradually, it seemed that a gray flame was burning.


A kind of burning from the heart.

The endless gray breath turned into flames, and it gradually diffused out of the body, gradually spreading on the body and slowly burning.

The breath, as a result, gradually increased, becoming more arrogant, and containing an amazing anger.

Anger Shura!

This is a unique secret method that can be practiced with the Shensha Shura warfare after it has been trained to the fourth level.

Anger Shura, that is a unique form.

Under the suppression of the opponent's arrogant strength, Chen Xiu let go of his anger, breeding anger, and rising anger, using this as a guide to inspire the secret method of anger Shura, anger stimulated a arrogant strength and potential, turned into a gray flame, and gradually burned Get stronger and stronger.

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