Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 12: Anger Shura (below)

Chapter 12 Anger Shura (2)

(Go to pick up Liu Liudao after school, but forgot to update)


As if the tide is turbulent, the tide is turbulent, the surging maneuvers are arrogant, the astonishing sorrow and murderousness carry the monstrous anger, without concealing and suppressing, permeating the sky and the ground in all directions. ΩΔΩ

In the distance, everyone only felt that their minds were also affected, as if an inexplicable anger was breeding deep in their hearts, and a anger was ignited silently and slowly burning.

The grey flame full of anger became more and more vigorous, and a wave-like sound was emitted between the burning, with a strange rhythm.

The upper purgatory ghost will only feel cold inside, and dare not approach, the double punches that are blasted out will be swallowed up by the gray flame, and he will not know if he can hit the person inside the gray flame.

Everything, just wait for the change to end.

Violent burning, as if the gray flames burned through by the heavens and the earth slowly converge. At the same time, the countless evil spirits that permeate between the heavens and the earth also seem to be drawn, like moths throwing fire at the gray flames. .

When the gray flame converged to the extreme, covering the surface of the figure, the next breath, as if a stream of water dripped, completely showed that figure, everyone lost his voice and shook his face.

Great change of appearance!

The original Chen Xiu was a gray sword robe with a slender figure.

But now, the grey sword robe has disappeared, or has been replaced, instead of the grey sword robe, it is a gray body suit that looks very domineering, from the helmet to the shoes, a whole set.

The gray warframes are layered one by one, interlocking one by one, and have a direct sense of overbearing might, but it will not appear bloated and majestic, but rather a perfect combination of power and speed. The streamlined robustness is full of amazing explosive power.

The armor is gray, with a halo like fireworks. At the edges, there is a glimmer of blood, which seems to smell a **** smell of killing.

The top of the helmet is located on the left and right sides of the forehead. There are blade-like double angles that cross the perfect arc and point to the sky as if to pierce the sky. Both elbows and knees have barbs like blades, terrible. The blood is very strong, it is simply the most terrible killing weapon in the world.

Gray-gray, bloody.

Domineering, rampant, vigorous, iron, killing!

This is simply a form created for fighting and for killing.

The war armor does not seem to be worn on the body, but rather grows out of the body, is connected to its own blood, and is completely integrated.

It's like a race with a strange shape.

The sword of annihilation is held in the right hand. The handle seems to be integrated into the palm of the hand, and it has grown into a whole. A gray light glowing with blood, like a ripple ripples on the sword, there is no end and no end. Endless.

Just by looking at the shape, it seems that even the Sword of Extinction has changed a little, but it is not obvious, but its breath is even more terrifying.

Anger Shura Form!

This is exactly a unique form that the Shura people are expected to master after reaching the fourth level in the cultivation of the **** Shashura.

The prerequisite for this pattern is anger.

It is necessary to breed anger in the heart, which is derived from the anger in the heart, so that you can use it as a guide to inspire your own strength and potential, absorb the evil and murderous forces in all directions, and so on.

But what Chen Xiu doesn't know is that even among the Gods and Demons of the Shura tribe, those who want to excite the form of Fury Shura in the fourth stage of the Shensha Shura warfare are just a few of them.

Most of them can only be done at the fifth or even the sixth level. This is not directly related to the cultivation of high or low, but a difference derived from blood or talent.


The tyrannical power, accompanied by bursts of anger, was stirred in the body and rushed in the heart.

Accompanying anger is the ultimate killer.

When people get angry, they often lose their senses, become very irritable and violent, say some things that they usually do n’t say, make some actions and things that they do n’t usually do, and cause great harm and destruction to people and things. .


That's an emotion, not so favorable.

Therefore, practitioners often emphasize one point, that is, to be calm, to understand how to stay calm, so as not to lose one's reason and one's squareness, and to be able to master everything.

Otherwise, once in the fury of anger, perhaps the power of the shot will be amplified, but because of losing the rational relationship and losing the accurate judgment of the situation, it will be full of flaws, and it is easy to be defeated by others. Kill and achieve the reputation of others.


The incomparable anger is pounding on one's heart, one by one, to make himself completely out of control.

Once out of control, although the power will greatly increase, but it will also become indifferent to the enemy and me, seeing alive things will kill directly, regardless of who is who.

Chen Xiu's heart suddenly gave birth to this kind of enlightenment.

In the form of Anger Shura, there is no fear of pain, no fear of life and death, and no distinction between the enemy and me.

Gradually lost heart.

The will disintegrates, and it will lose its due calm.

With it, the strength of the body is being promoted layer by layer, and it is becoming more and more powerful.

The more reason you lose, the more you get angry, the more potential you provoke, and the more your strength increases.

This is a way to strengthen the form of Nusula.

It's like anger in exchange for strength.




Kill everything!

Kill everything!

Unexpectedly, it has been somewhat out of Chen Xiu's control.

In the original Wanxing, those human races and ghost races stared at the big-looking figure without knowing why. An unspeakable panic and panic permeated from the deepest part of the heart. Even breathing became difficult, as if pinching his neck.


Extremely scary, like a demon.


It is extremely fearful, and even scared from the heart, and scared from the soul.

It is as if they have become the natural enemy of all people, hunting thousands of people and proud of killing.

Even the nine-star and high-level ghost generals who still fought fiercely at the high altitudes also stopped their hands and stared in a serious manner, as if they were facing the enemy.

"No!" Chen Xiu's alarm bell started.

You are yourself, not the Shura, and you must not lose your reason because of this, otherwise, you may do something that will make you regret later.

Although the temperament is different from the deity Chen Zong, it is still good and evil.

Some things can be done, some things cannot be done, some people can kill, some people cannot kill.

So, how to break the game?

Exit Nusula Form?

It's difficult. I can't fully grasp this form.

Moreover, it is generally to quit when anger is exhausted.

What's more, if you withdraw from this form, it will be difficult to compete with the superior ghost who inspired the talents of the soul and war.

I can only try this trick.

In the eyes of Chen Xiu's scarlet red that was extremely scary, a ray of silver light suddenly lit up, flashing cold and cold light.

The cold light was as cold as the autumn water, filled with the slightest coldness, and as soon as it appeared, it was as if the light had dispersed the darkness.

Suddenly, the scarlet light in Chen Xiu's eyes became much dimmed and retreated a lot.

Among the scarlet, a trace of silver mang was flashing.


Sure enough, it worked.

Chen Xiu couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

After inspiring self-reliance, the gradual loss of reason also regained, the mind became clear and calm, but it was interesting that the heart was still full of anger.

It's just that the anger has no longer strengthened, but has been kept at a constant level, and it has not increased. In this way, the stimulation of its own potential and the improvement of its combat power have also been fixed.

This should be enough.

The power that can be controlled by oneself is the real power, and the power that is out of control is powerful, after all, it hurts others.

"Then, now, let you try the power of Anger Shura." This peculiar state with a calm mind but full of anger made Chen Xiu fascinated.

This is a state in which the power of rage is controlled in a calm state.

Chen Xiu is eager to try. The purgatory ghost who inspired the improvement of the soul and combat power will undoubtedly be a good test opponent.

So let's get started.

As Chen Xiu's words penetrated the majestic and murderous face armor, there was a kind of lowness lingering in the air, and the purgatory ghost sank his heart for no reason.

The pair of eyes that gazed at him, the blood light told the ghost to sink his heart, and a cause of astonishment was born for no reason, and for a moment, he felt like he was facing a high race ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's as if the wolf meets the tiger.

In the past, the level of the tiger should be the level of the ghost and the human race, which can only be regarded as the level of the wolf.

A wolf and a tiger, stubborn and weak, were clear at a glance.

But now, it seems the other way around.

How could it be so!

But when he saw the twinkles of silver in the eyes of the other person, the coldness was even more solemn.

No, it's not just as simple as a wolf-to-tiger comparison, but like an ordinary wolf versus a saber-toothed tiger.

No, I'm the strongest.

The upper ghost will growl and become violent, suddenly rushing out, his fists condensed with terrible power, bombarded repeatedly, and showed no mercy.

Each punch is a best effort, and each punch has a double punch, which is terrible.

This double punch is not so simple, because it is not a single person wielding, but it is equivalent to two people superimposed, with completely different meanings.

Its power is also much greater than the ordinary double punch.

Previously, it was precisely this double punch that bombarded Chen Xiulen back and forth, and was gradually suppressed by the downwind.

So what now?

It should be more than just a change in appearance.

All eyes stared at Chen Xiu's body.

In the face of such a violent offensive by the higher ghosts, Chen Xiu had no plans to dodge.

In the form of Anger Shura, even though he was calm-headed, his heart was full of anger, as if he was burning, and he wanted to vent.



Tiansha sword tactics: Shaying!

The shame at this time is completely different from before.

At such an amazing sword speed, Jianguang is not a ray, but a majestic one, like a dragon breaking through the air, releasing all the terrifying power that destroys everything.

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