Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 13: Ghost King Rage of Sanctuary

Chapter 13—Ghost King's Rage in the Holy Land

Tiansha sword tactics, the first type of shadow, pays attention to speed, promotes the speed of the sword to the extreme, and the power is extremely condensed, very sharp, penetrating all hardness and nothingness. ΩΔΩ

However, the shaman sword in the form of Anger Shura not only has the extreme speed of the sword, but also has some terrible sharpness. It also promotes the power to the extreme. It suddenly becomes a combination of power and speed, and its destructive power has been further improved. stand up.

A sword stabbed, as if the gray dragon smashed into the sky, the edge of the void was broken, and countless black fragments appeared. Within each piece, you can see the lightning flashes and thunders jumping, and the breath released was extinguishing everything. Destroy Cangsheng.

The first punch is like a broken bamboo.

The second strong punch was irresistibly crushed. Although the sword-light dragon had faded a lot, it still carried away with terrible power.

Then, a loud roar sounded, shaking the world, making everyone's eardrums seem to be completely defeated.

The superior ghost general was shocked, too late to dodge, and punched again.

Bombing Bombing Bombing!

With continuous bombardment, the boxing power seemed to become more and more fierce and crazy.

Smashing Jianguang, blasting towards Chen Xiu like a bamboo.

The extinguishing evil sword burning with gray blood-red flames seemed to be a bit more majestic, held up high, condensing a terrible power, and suddenly fell off.

Jianguang smashes the vacuum!

Tiansha sword tactic second style: sword butcher!

Similarly, the power of sword slaughter in the form of Fury Shura also more than doubled.


Under the sword, everything can't resist the slightest, and it will be cut off directly.

This sword, Xeon Wushuang, is invincible.

All the violent punches fell apart under this sword, as if the snow and ice had melted away like the sun, it was impossible to resist the slightest.

"No!" The upper ghost scared his face to the extreme, but could not dodge it, because the terrifying power contained in the sword completely covered and suppressed it, and the surrounding space was completely blocked. Avoid.

Can not be avoided, but can only resist.

But can such power be carried?

If you can't carry it, you have to resist.

The power broke out completely, gathered into his arms, and the soul and the body of the war also burned, and a raging fire filled with all his strength.

Jianguang cut off, and immediately took the monstrous Jianguang cut the arms of the superior ghost with a slight meal, and that Jianguang sank in an instant.


Chen Xiu's power broke out again, becoming more and more violent, pressing down directly, smashing the upper arm general's arms defense, and chopping it off.



Cut off from the top, in the most amazing and overbearing posture, split the head apart and destroy it completely.

Starting from the top of the head, the purgatory ghost made the extremely strong body as fragile as the broken sand stuck together.

Under a sword, the bones are gone, and even the soul and warfare are also beheaded, and the soul is scattered and completely dead.

After a while, the sky seemed to shake, and all the ghosts present felt trembling, an unspeakable thriller and panic that spawned for no reason.

The two upper ghosts will be most surprised.



The purgatory ghost who claims to be fierce and extremely brutal is also afraid.


With an order, the remaining purgatory ghosts broke out at full speed.

"Dead!" Chen Xiu's eyes flickered with blood, and a sword came out.

A more than 100-meter-long gray scorching moon sword light tore up the sky and kill it, the sword speed was amazing, and it directly cut to the infernal ghost who fled quickly.

I didn't see the results. The body flickered, soared into the sky, Jianguang broke into the air, and he carried the murderous man with no mercy, and directly killed the two higher ghosts.

Any high-level ghost will have terrible combat power, leaving one more will pose a great threat to the human race.

Now that they have come, they have killed everything together, weakening the power of the purgatory ghost clan.

What's more, in the form of Anger Shura, the inner anger is so high that the intention to kill is extremely strong, but it has not subsided yet.

How to calm down?

Without him, only killer!


Ask the world, who can stop me?

The two superior ghost generals were killed by Chen Xiujian one after another. Their combat power is twice as weak as the previous superior ghost in the future.

Jian Guang's passage immediately penetrated, and their soul and body were too late to be defeated, and they were completely destroyed.


The leader of the Taiyuan League and a ghost hunting group have issued extremely amazing killings and immediately pursued them.

The remaining ghost soldiers fled in a hurry, and were very embarrassed.

For the first time, this is the first time in more than a year that the infernal ghosts have invaded this world and they have been defeated.

Standing high, Chen Xiu in the form of anger Shura, with red eyes and silver awns intertwined, looks like a devil.

In a hurry, it dived directly, as if the meteor fell to the sky, and killed it with a terrible sword.

No escape!

This time, hundreds of purgatory ghosts did not escape at all, and all counted on Fuxi.

Great victory!

This is the first real victory that the Terrans have achieved since the invasion of the Purgatory ghost clan. In the past, at most, they were able to resist the attack of the Purgatory ghost clan and repel it, with great differences.

"Okay!" Yuan Jimeng's face was pale, but he was very excited.

Yuankong Taishang and Yuanfeng Taishang stared at Chen Xiu, who had released the form of anger Shura and returned to his original state, secretly surprised, and secretly shocked.

It looks so young, but has an elite nine-star combat power, and also has a kind of ability similar to the secret method, which can multiply the original combat power, terrible.

For a moment they couldn't help but feel like they were getting old.

All gazes are concentrated on Chen Xiu, full of shock and shock in the deepest place.

Just before, Chen Xiu's angerous Shura form is impressive, as if imprinted in the soul and cannot be forgotten.

Too strong!

so horrible!

Like the advent of gods and demons, they are invincible.

But at the same time I feel happy and excited.

With these strong men sitting in town, what about the purgatory ghosts?

In any case, the victory of this battle is a great incentive for the Taiyuan League.

Of course, in this battle, the Taiyuan League also suffered considerable damage, and more than thirty strong men died.

But relatively speaking, this damage is much smaller than the purgatory ghosts.

After all, the purgatory ghost clan has killed three high-level generals, as well as many middle-level and low-level generals. The ghost soldiers are more than 700.

When the news reached the entire Taiyuan League, it was unbelievable, then frightened, and then exulted.

Naturally, the Taiyuan League will not conceal such a large-scale battle report, or even proactively spread it to Xuankong League and Taiyuan Saint League.

One is to give them an incentive to improve their fighting spirit and let them know that the purgatory ghosts are not invincible.

Second, naturally it is a kind of competitive psychology. There are fights in some people's places, or open fights or secret fights. Sometimes they are not for gaining benefits. They are just pure fun.

It ’s like saying, you see, I have surpassed you, you can only look up at my back.

In this way, I feel refreshed.

Naturally, Xuankongmeng and Taiyuan Shengmeng quickly learned the news, and they were shocked to the extreme.

Hundreds of purgatory ghost clan, including three high-level ghost generals, were killed and none survived.

how can that be!

The overall strength of the Taiyuan League is clear. The Xuankong League and the Taiyuan Shengmen League are clear. Even the most powerful Taiyuan Shengmen League has only achieved a small victory. It can only be called the upper hand.

The battle report did not mention Chen Xiu's combat power. He did not deliberately emphasize who was superior in power. Naturally, the Taiyuan Saint Alliance and Xuankong Alliance were not clear and specific.


It must be thoroughly investigated what the Taiyuan League is in order to achieve a great victory and kill so many ghosts.

It was equal to one time, the purgatory ghost clan of Taiming City was killed.

Immediately, the Taiyuan League quickly acted and rushed directly into the city of Taiming, where no purgatory ghosts existed, and rescued tens of thousands of practitioners who were raised by the purgatory ghosts as pigs.

These tens of thousands of practitioners were all selected by the purgatory ghost clan. Their talents are relatively good, allowing them to multiply and provide endless food for the ghost clan.

The boundary of Tailo City is within a dark extinct area covering a million meters.

A massive cold and fiery atmosphere suddenly emerged from the infernal ghost gate that had expanded to ten meters in diameter, like a torrential **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ like a storm crossing.

For a while, the purgatory ghosts who were guarded in this dark city turned around and bowed down to salute the purgatory ghost gate to show their high respect, and they could see a kind of awe and awe from their looks. fanaticism.

After the storm passed, a strong figure with a height of three meters appeared. Once the figure appeared, it seemed as if a terrible storm had been rolled up. Numerous ripples swept away from the whole body, madly surging.

The next breath, the figure rose into the sky, directly out of the dark extremity, appeared at a height of several kilometers, overlooking the mountains and rivers.

Boom boom!

Between heaven and earth, as if there were war drums, the amazing sound was violent, and the storm swept madly out of nowhere. Amazing air pressure rushed to the strong figure, constantly squeezing, it seemed to crush it.

But I saw this strong three-meter-high figure covered with armor, which looked abnormally overbearing and terrifying, as if suppressing the sky and crushing the vacuum.

If Chen Xiu saw it, he would recognize it, this is the ghost king.

Wearing armor is terrifying, as if destroying the world.

The violent body suddenly trembled, and the armor that seemed to grow on him also released a terrible light, as if the fire was burning, and the breath squeezed from the surrounding area was completely crushed when it was simmering.

At this moment, it seemed like he had stolen a horse honeycomb, and seemed to anger some invisible existence.

The sky was trembling, the wind was rising, the hurricane was roaring, as if the heavens and the earth were angry, all the thunders suddenly appeared in the sky, like black dragons winding, their teeth dancing, and they were shot down, as if everything would be destroyed.

Like the wrath of heaven and earth!

In the face of such destructive powers, the Purgatory Ghost King not only did not feel shocked, but showed a provocative and disdainful smile.

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