Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 14: War star manifestation

Chapter Fourteen Star Wars Revealed

(Little sister-in-law has cooked the pot and returned to the body. Because Liudao and Xiaoliuda participated in the parent-child sports meeting in kindergarten today, in order to continue to cause some teachers and younger brothers to leave the palace without opening, Liudao stayed up late to write this chapter, update it early, as for the second Moreover, it is not yet possible to determine the time, but it will definitely change. If it is not changed after 12 o'clock in the evening, six will be broadcast live.

The cosmic void, with an eternal battlefield transformed by a huge star with great power, slowly rotates, interpreting the eternal and immortal deep charm, the track is extremely mysterious.

In the corner of the eternal battlefield, in the vein of heaven and earth, Tianyuan Peak of Qianwang Mountain is located in Tianyuan.

Chen Zong is meditating with his eyes closed.

Ascend to the Void!

Battle towers are all accessible!

This allowed Chen Zong to obtain higher qualifications and get greater opportunities.

Starry Sky Old Road!

This is a unique mystery left by the ancient Star God for the younger generation. One of its functions is to purify and improve the physical fitness or bloodline.

Chen Zong entered it, and promoted the lower-level spirit body to the intermediate-level spirit body, the physical strength was obviously improved, and it was more helpful for cultivation.

Under the retreat, the seventh place of the heaven and the earth was completely completed, and the eighth place was born out of it.

The seventh heaven and earth decision is to transform the heavens and earth into the yin and yang power of heaven and earth. It not only has the mighty power of the heavens and earth, but also has the mystery of the yin and yang way.

The eighth heavy decisive battle is the mystery of yin and yang's extreme transformation, and its power is also strengthened.

Naturally, Chen Zong's strength has also been significantly improved.

After this exit, Chen Zong planned to enter the virtual world again and continue to participate in the war.

The ninety-game winning streak, then, naturally hit the ninety-one winning streak.

But all of a sudden, he was startled.

That shock came from the eternal heaven and earth order, which directly hit his soul.

Eternal World Order!

This is a chance left by the Lord of Heaven and Earth when he passed the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary of Lingwu Holy Realm.

Although it is only left behind, it is not trivial.

The eternal heaven and earth order is the embryo that was forged by the eternal battlefield, and then the power of one heaven and earth was finally condensed.

The eternal heaven and earth order obtained in the heavenly sanctuary has an inseparable relationship with the heaven and earth sanctuary. Therefore, when the power of heaven and earth in the heavenly sanctuary of the day or the heavenly path is abnormal, this eternal heaven and earth order will also be corresponding The feedback is thus known by its owner.

"Is there an unpredictable change in Tianyuan Sanctuary?" In Chen Zong's eyes, Jingman suddenly flashed, secretly shocked.

What kind of change will happen in the heavenly sanctuary?

He even shocked the eternal heaven and earth order, and shocked himself.

Thinking about it this way, for no reason, a feeling of palpitations breeds from the deepest part of the heart, making the heart seem to shake uncontrollably.

This is not a good feeling, but an ominous hunch.

However, Chen Zong, who was not very familiar with this, decided to consult with him. The best consultation object is naturally the master of the battle tower, Lord General.

Because the number of contacts is the most.

Sure enough, after a visit, Ming will not refuse.

Hearing Chen Zong's intention, Ming will groan slightly, then looked at Chen Zong, his gaze was a little dignified.

This solemnly targeted Chen Zong, not himself.

"This situation shows that the world you are in has undergone a terrible change, which is not good for the world in which you are. He will wake up and fight back. "Ming will say in words that Chen Zong can understand.

"I don't know what your world is, but it should have been traumatized, so its counterattack will not be direct."

"At my suggestion, there are two."

"One is that you give up the ontology of that world, cut off the ties, concentrate on staying in the Eternal Battle, cultivate, and turn this body into an ontology to make a breakthrough."

"Second, it is to return to the body as soon as possible, but that approach will be dangerous, you may encounter accidents, and you will die, and everything will be empty."

"However, choosing the second one is extremely dangerous, but it will also be accompanied by opportunities. If you can seize the opportunities, you may get benefits. As for the benefits, the magnitude is uncertain."

How to choose is all in Chen Zong.

Chen Zong naturally chose the latter, the second one, without hesitation.

The ontology cannot be discarded, not to mention that Tianyuan Sanctuary is regarded as its own hometown.

Unless it is directly destroyed, it cannot be abandoned.

After the resignation, Chen Zong returned directly to the residence of Tianyuan in Qianwang Mountain, ready to withdraw his consciousness, and returned to the body through the eternal heaven and earth order.

"Little guy, I hope your choice is correct." Ming said secretly.

He can't interfere with the decision made by Chen Zong, but only hopes that the choice is correct. After returning to the body, he can get the chance instead of being destroyed under the danger.

It would be a pity if it was toppled.

After all, any king-level genius, or even a genius who has obtained the ancient road to the sky, is of great value to the eternal battlefield.

The time spent in the Eternal Battle this time is actually not that long, compared to the last time.

Therefore, the improvement after returning to the ontology cannot be as obvious as the last time.

But no matter what, you must go back and see what is going on.

Consciousness withdraws, erupts into the eternal heaven and earth, the void channel opens, and consciousness is enveloped by an invisible force, and it continues to the heavenly realm.

After a short while, the consciousness plummeted, and went directly to the top of the body of the meditation in the island of Miguang Island to return to the spirit.

Immediately, the power of heaven and earth surging surging, gathered in the sky, pouring down.

Within the Shenhai, the phantom of the sword of mind, the phantom of yin and yang, and the phantom of the mixed fire and wind, are constantly drawing the power of heaven and earth to strengthen themselves.


This is an essential promotion.

The sword power in the beginning of the Taichu movement naturally, tempering a sword power in the beginning, the more condensed, the more arrogant.

On the body, Tai Chu Jian Ying condensed out of thin air, and the diffused breath was boundless, as if cutting everything in the world, terrifying to the extreme.

But it is clear that this time, the power of heaven and earth is not as strong as the last time, with some differences.

In addition, this time Chen Zong's cultivation of Taoism and so on, etc., are not comparable to the previous one. It is more difficult to improve.

When the power of the heavens and earth stopped completely, the shadow of the sword in the beginning was a little more concentrated.

In Shenhai, the three kinds of Taoism are also more solid, especially the Yinyang Shenlun, which is the initial bloom of halo and spontaneity.

With their eyes open, for a moment, it seemed that there was a sword in the beginning, and it seemed as if there were yin and yang **** wheels turning in the void.

At the beginning of the sixth period, Jianyuan ’s sixth power did not break through to the seventh. However, compared with the previous entry to the sixth, he also has a lot of improvement. It is expected to create the seventh, and then break through.

In the Shenhai, the sword shadow condensed by the heart and sword Taoism has been more solidified, but it is still in the second state of Taoism condensation in the extreme state.

But compared to the previous, it has not been improved, it is considered to have reached the second highest level of the extreme, and further the third is the Taoism.

However, a breakthrough from the second to the third is more difficult than the first to the second.

As for the mixed meaning of the wind and fire and thunder, the light that seems to be constantly exploding is becoming more and more solid, but in the same way, it does not produce magic.

Only the yin and yang godwheel is solidified to the extreme, and it gives birth to an inch of magic.

That fascination is naturally derived from the yin and yang **** wheel, permeating an indescribable mystery.

When Shenhui reaches three inches, it represents the third extreme of Taoism, and has the conditions to impact the Great Holy Realm Xeon, or the qualification to impact the Divine Realm.

Of course, this is one of those qualifications.

This time, it can be said that the improvement of the yin and yang ideology is the most significant, but Chen Zong is very clear that this has something to do with his choice in the Eternal War Fortress.

I chose to use the meaning of Yin-Yang as the starting point, and created the seventh place of heaven and earth to incorporate the mystery of the yin-yang way, and the eighth-place is to further interpret the mystery of the yin-yang way.

Moreover, Yin Yang Jian Jue also created the second and third strokes by himself.

It is for this reason that the feedback obtained after returning to the ontology of one's own consciousness has led to the infusion of more yin and yang power, thereby making the yin and yang Taoism break through to the third level of the extreme realm, and the Taoism has a magical power.

At this step, the power of Taoism has been strengthened. Although it is only a new entry, it is certain that its own combat power has also been enhanced.

As far as the enhancement is concerned, Chen Zong cannot say, it should be able to reach nine stars.

But is it ordinary nine-star or elite nine-star?

When he moved his mind, Chen Zong immediately worked the exercises to motivate the yin and yang meaning, and his breath was strengthened in an instant and constantly improved.

The sudden vision suddenly surprised Chen Zong.

Over his own back, even a little bit of starlight condensed out of thin air.

one two three four five six seven eight nine!

There are a total of nine stars, each of which is about the size of a finger. At first, the star lights up in black iron, the second, the third, and the fourth.

Soon, all the nine-point starlights were illuminated with the color of black iron. Then, starting from the first point of starlight, the black iron color became bronze.

Immediately after that, the starlight from the first point ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the bronze color changed to silver white, but by the ninth point, there was no change, and it was still bronze.

Change without ending.

From the first point of starlight again, the silvery white became golden, until the eighth point, the ninth point remained unchanged, or bronze.

This surprised Chen Zong. What was it?

I reached out and touched it, but found that the starlight was like nothingness and could not be touched at all.

So, what about God?

When God knew the body and touched the starlight, Chen Zong found that he could feel it and feel it clearly.


In a hurry, all kinds of information emerged from within the stars and followed the consciousness directly into the conscious soul.

Chen Zong did not resist, because there was no half-point hostility and crisis.

For a moment, after receiving the information, Chen Zong understood it.

These stars, called battle stars, do not have any offensive and defensive capabilities, they are just a sign and manifestation of combat power.

A battle star represents one-star combat power.

The nine battle stars represent nine-star combat power.

As for the color of the battle star, it is also a representative of strength.

Black iron, bronze, silver, gold.

This represents the high and low points among the same stars.

The black iron color represents ordinary, and the bronze color represents elite. Generally, the division of the fighting power of the half-step saint is like that, ordinary and elite.

However, on top of the elite, there is more powerful strength, but there is no clear division.

For example, some powerful elites can kill other elites, just like the blood claw king Manshan King. Obviously they are elite seven stars, but they can kill other elite seven stars.

And his current battle star represents the elite nine-star combat power.

This is the use of the yin and yang Taoist fighting power, so what is the combination of Xinjian Taoist and Fenghuo Thunder?

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