Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 15: Ended by my sword

Chapter 15 Ended by My Sword

(Little sister-in-law returns, the sword will come out of the sheath. Today Liudao and Xiaoliudao won three third, one second and one first place at the kindergarten parent-child sports meeting.

In ancient times, there was no heavenly sacred realm, and the spiritual and sacred realm was complete. There was no shortage of heavenly will, the rules of heaven and earth were complete, and the power of heaven and earth was magnificent.

However, the Void Demon invaded and destroyed in an aggressive way, and the practitioners rose up against the Void Demon and waged a life-and-death fierce battle in the spiritual and spiritual realm.

In that battle, the sky was falling apart, the mountains were falling, the rivers were dry, the creatures were coated with charcoal, and the corpses were everywhere.

That battle also caused the Lingwu Holy Realm to almost fall apart.

In the end, the sacred realm of Lingwu was divided into many realms, as the sacred realm of Tianyuan was the most central, and it was naturally isolated from other realms.

In this way, the will of Lingwu Holy Realm fell into a deep sleep because of the damage, and fell asleep in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

On either side of the world, there is its will, such as clouds in the sky, indifference to the vicissitudes of the world, in the invisible, a little bit of subtle influence to promote the development of the world, and gradually become stronger.

In a way, the world can be likened to a cultivator. That will is like the consciousness of a cultivator.

Originally, according to normal circumstances, this world will not know when it will be able to wake up, after all, the trauma is too serious, it may never be able to wake up.

It's like someone who suffers from anorexia.

The invasion of the purgatory ghost clan is a huge disaster for the souls of the Taixuan Realm in Tianyuan Sanctuary. I do n’t know how many people lost their lives and their souls were scattered.

Originally continued like this, until the entire Tianyuan sanctuary was occupied by the purgatory ghost family, the will of the land would not be awakened, and it would even be unknowingly affected by a hint of will of the purgatory ghost, and slowly reversed. The sanctuary becomes a new ghost.

However, because of the relationship between Chen Xiu, the top three ghosts of the purgatory ghost clan will be killed as many as possible, and even more ghosts will be killed, resulting in major damage to the purgatory ghost clan and having to dispatch stronger men.

Ghost King!

It is the Purgatory Ghost King!

Every purgatory ghost clan has a trace of power attached to it, and that power will not strengthen them. It is more like a kind of luck, belonging to the purgatory ghost.

If the infernal ghost triumphs in a big victory, that trace of ghostly luck will unknowingly affect the heavenly sanctuary and the subtle changes.

This time, the purgatory ghost clan suffered heavy losses. To a certain extent, it also angered the will of the purgatory ghosts. Under its interference, a purgatory ghost king entered the heavenly sanctuary in advance.

Under normal circumstances, the Purgatory ghost king does not appear so early.

Because the more powerful the ghost clan, the stronger the luck of the purgatory ghosts drawn by him, and the more obvious the favor of the will.

The Ghost King entered in advance, and the powerful and willful ghost spirits carried by him directly caused the natural suppression of the Heavenly Realm.

It was as if threatening to feel the suppression, but the result could not be suppressed, and was defeated by the counterattack.

In this way, it seems to anger the sanctuary's natural counter-attack mechanism, and it will also awaken the sleeping will of heaven and earth in the heavenly sanctuary.

Upon waking, I immediately felt the malicious invasion of Purgatory ghosts.

Of course, the will of the heaven and earth on this side is unwilling, but after the trauma of the ancient war, so far it has only recovered but has not recovered, and it is simply unable to suppress the purgatory ghostly party directly, and can only adopt roundabout tactics.

That is to start with the practitioners of the heavenly realm, and even because the relationship just awake is not strong enough, it can only be confined to the scope of the Taixuan Realm.

The first change is the emergence of the battle star. This is only a basic change. It seems that people's combat power is further condensed, and the most visible level of star power in the half step is the most intuitive.

The second change is related to purgatory ghosts, or to kill purgatory ghosts.

Two changes are the counterattack that the will of the Heavenly Sacred Realm can make in the Taixuan Realm.


Taixuan City in the boundary of Taixuan Mountain.

Located in the depths of Taixuan Holy Palace, it is dark inside Taixuan Cave, which is blocked by a boulder and guarded by a nine-star powerhouse.

Here, it is just like another world, but it exists according to the heavenly sanctuary attached to it.

Inside, quiet and quiet, silent, just like a silent place, a place of no life.

On a half-moon shaped like an altar, there is a person lying, who is a **** of the Taixuan Sheng womb.

Her eyes were closed, her face was gray, her body was soft and weak, her vitality was gradually passing away, and she was slowly dying.

Going on this situation, there is no accident, the palace **** will really lose a vitality and die here completely, just like the ancestors of the Taixuan Holy Palace who decided to step into this place many years ago, together with the bones will melt here .

Yes, after the Taixuan Shengzi entered the Taixuan cave, he came to the end and got the so-called chance.

But unfortunately, it seems that luck is a little bit worse, and the opportunity is obtained, but the opportunity cannot be regarded as its own. Instead, it cannot be afforded, and it is backed by the opportunity. Now, it is to step into death.

The breath becomes a little weaker, the vitality is invisible, and a little bit passes. Although this vitality is not passing fast, it means that the soul of the deepest soul in Taixuansheng womb has not given up, and is still doing the final Fight.

However, it is true that the breath is becoming weak.

This situation continues, and after a while, when there is no vitality, it will completely die here.

All struggles are just futile.

Suddenly, if there is a trace of golden atmosphere, if it is absent, it permeates from the nothingness, and it hangs like a smoke, immersed in the head of the **** of Taixuansheng womb and disappears.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the pale complexion of Gong Tianshen, which seemed to become a little rosy, and the soft body seemed to have a new force gradually growing.

Get back to life!

With the passage of time, Gong Tianshen's complexion became more ruddy, and the vitality on his body became more and more vigorous. The dried-up body gradually recovered fullness.

Strong blood!

Immediately afterwards, the change was born again. The half-moon-shaped white jade altar under the son of Tai Xuan Xuan appeared countless fine lines, the lines were criss-crossed, intricately complex, extremely mysterious, and the diffused atmosphere fluctuated. Charm.

Immediately afterwards, the lines seemed to come alive, meandering and wriggling, flowing out of a strange beauty, spreading towards the body of Taixuan Shengzi, as if they had become a silk thread, intertwined with Taixuan Shengzi surround.

A trace of white jade lines slowly penetrated into the body of Tai Xuan Shengzi, penetrating deep into the bone marrow.

Immediately, the jade white brilliance gradually lit up from the depth of the bone marrow and spread out a little bit.

The whole body is covered with white jade veins, and gradually enters the body, undergoing a kind of transformation from the depth of the bone marrow.

This transformation is carried out silently, and it is a transformation that originates from the depths of the body, from the level of life, and is an essential ascension.

At the same time, in the mind of Tai Xuan Shengzi, light and shadow continued to emerge.

Either the figure sitting cross-legged and practicing, the light on his body is constantly on the move, or the four-way performance of martial arts, all of which are natural, magnificent, and overbearing.

Invisibly, Tai Xuan Shengzi is undergoing a deep transformation, a transition of life, and a transformation of essence.

Once transformed, I don't know how amazing it will be.

The ancient collection of the Taixuan Holy Palace records that the opportunity of the Taixuan Cave is astonishing. If it is obtained, it will be as if it was born and reborn, which will make people step up to heaven.

However, the acquisition of this opportunity is extremely difficult and dangerous.

But what is so dangerous is unknown.

Because for many years since ancient times, the Taixuan Holy Palace strongmen who have ventured into Taixuandong before and after have decided to enter Taixuan Cave. There are no one hundred and eighty. Among them, they all have good talents. Genius in the world.

There are even a few who are already known for their genius.

However, after those people entered, they never came out again.

No doubt they are all dead.

It is so dangerous that it is dead.

Tai Xuan Shengzi is regarded as the most talented and most promising entrant from ancient times to the present. In theory, this risk should not be taken, but he is extremely determined and must enter.

Only let him in.

Earlier, it was proved that it is dangerous and ten dead.

If not, if there is no appearance and entry of golden breath, Tai Xuan Shengzi is undoubtedly dead, but because of the influx of golden breath, he was given a glimmer of vitality in the ten dead, and that glory of vitality was Basis point, began to fight back, and gained this opportunity for many years, no one has gained.


That's it.

When the chance is fully accepted and the transformation is complete, the Taixuan Shengzi will reach a whole new level.

This ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is a gift after the will of heaven and earth awakened.

To some extent, this Taixuan Shengzi seems to be like the darling of Tianyuan Sanctuary before he can get this gift.


The deity Chen Zong and Shura are separated into Chen Xiu. The soul is one, so when Chen Zong returns, he can actively contact Chen Xiu and directly perceive what the other party knows.

Purgatory ghosts!

In this way, Chen Zong was greatly surprised.

It turned out that the so-called surprise change was brought by the purgatory ghost clan, and the combat power of the purgatory ghost clan was very amazing, and it was cruel and violent. It took human race and other food as food to devour vitality.

There is no life!

Either you die or I die.

"The King of Rakshasa's purgatory ghost body is closely related to this purgatory ghost family." Chen Zong thinks more, and is different from Chen Xiu.

After his eyes flickered and his thoughts continued, Chen Zong came to a conclusion that surprised him.

The purgatory ghost door opens, and the purgatory ghost family is now closely related to King Rakshasa.

Perhaps it was the battle that he and Chen Xiu teamed up with the King Rakshasa's purgatory ghosts and broken the deep black hole behind King Rakshasa, leaving only a trace in this world, just like coordinates.

In this way, the purgatory ghosts got coordinates, and following that coordinate and the trace of being opened, they directly broke the void and connected the two realms, so that the purgatory ghosts could enter the Taiyuan realm of the heavenly realm.

At first, only the ghost soldiers can enter first, and the weaker ghosts will enter, and gradually they will be able to withstand the entrance of the more powerful purgatory ghosts.

In this way, the purgatory ghosts will invade and have some relationship with themselves.

"Since this matter is related to me, it will be ended by my sword." Chen Zong did not confess, nor did he blame himself, his expression was cold and his heart was supreme.

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