Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 16: Self-reliance

Chapter Sixteen-Sustaining Qi in Oneself

The territories of Tailuo City were occupied by the purgatory ghost clan. It became the first stop of the purgatory ghost clan to invade Taixuan Realm, and it is also the current base camp, because the purgatory ghost gate opens here.

Here, it is very important. Therefore, in that dark and extinct region, the purgatory ghosts build the city to protect the purgatory ghost door firmly and cannot be destroyed.

Because once destroyed, the two realms will be cut off, and the infernal ghost can no longer invade the heavenly sanctuary.

The boundary of Tailuo City is near the Miguang Sea, which is also the easiest place for Chen Zong to reach directly.

Only a moment later, Chen Zong appeared on the edge of the Tero City boundary. It was very accurate and did not consume much godly knowledge. As soon as the imperial deity was running, the consumed godly knowledge quickly recovered.

Single sword, but directly into the territories of Tailuo City, I have to say that Chen Zong is an art master bold.

Although sharing information from Chen Xiu's soul, even the situation of the Purgatory ghosts is naturally clear. It is known that among the Purgatory ghosts, there is a ghost king-level strong person. That kind of combat power is by no means comparable to nine stars. .

Even the nine-star combat power that lights Venus is definitely not its opponent.

However, if you are not defeated, you can leave directly and return to the sea of ​​lost light, and you will be invincible in heaven.

This is your advantage, and of course you cannot waste it.

Because of its advantages and differences from person to person, Chen Zong's kendo has always been not a style but an all-encompassing one. Of course, there are also many changes.

Change or remain unchanged, with one heart in mind, with the heart as the source and the intention as the cause, the mind is leading.

"This is an annoying breath." Chen Zongyi appeared in the boundary of Tailuo City, even if it was only in the marginal zone, and immediately felt the strong cold and violent fluctuations contained in it.

Cold and chill, as if it would freeze the blood and the fiery breath, as if it would burn the sea of ​​God, it also has overbearing power and destroys everything.

Watch a leaf fall and know the autumn!

Chen Zong's grasp of power is extremely sharp and precise, and so is his sense of breath. Therefore, from the breath in the air, it is concluded that the power possessed by the purgatory ghosts is very high-end and pure, and the power is also terrible.

Not only can it destroy the body, but it can also affect or even damage the spiritual will.

Undoubtedly, this is a terrible power, with a very high level, which is higher than the power cultivated by most of the half-step Great Holy Levels in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

After all, the nature of the Purgatory Ghost Tribe is inherently better than humans, but it is an amazing fighting force.

Unless there are a few practitioners who have been superbly inherited, they are expected to be comparable in strength.

For example, his own sword Yuan Gong in the early days can be compared to it, but the Shensha combat power of the cloned Chen Xiu is only limited to cultivation to the fourth level. Otherwise, the level is higher and stronger than the purgatory ghosts.

Then the next step is to find the ghost clan.

Although sharing all information and all scenes with Chen Xiu's soul, after all, it is not as profound as his own experience.

Moreover, Chen Xiu is now a nine-star combat power, or an elite nine-star combat power. The anger Shura showed in the form of a surge in combat power is even more terrible.

Repeatedly beheaded and killed the three superior ghost generals, who, as their own deities, said nothing could make the avatars compare.

So, where is the ghost clan?

Even if Chen Zong is confident again, he will not take the liberty to directly kill the opponent's base camp. Regardless of whether there is a retreat, the approach is always too reckless.

Then, let ’s go slowly. First, find out if there are any ghost races. The ghost soldiers can also do it. Try the capabilities of the ghost races yourself.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to see a patrol squad from the Purgatory ghost clan.

Today, the territory of Tailuo City is occupied by the purgatory ghosts, and naturally it is also used as its base camp, sending people on patrols, and of course, preventing accidental raids, etc., causing unnecessary losses.

This group of ghost clan has a total of seven, led by a lower ghost general, the other six are higher ghost soldiers, can be regarded as a very powerful force.

Even if the practitioners encounter eight-star combat ability, relying on the tyrannical physique of the Purgatory ghost family and the extremely strong and vigorous vitality, they can resist it and send a signal to notify other ghost family powerhouses. .

This is also the terrible part of the purgatory ghost clan. The innate physique and mastery of the terrible internal training power are just like the high combination of refining and practicing qi.

See Hunting Heart Hi!

Although it has long been known that these seven ghost clan are not their opponents, Chen Zong still has some itch.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time he has faced the Purgatory ghosts.

Chen Zong did not release all the breath fluctuations, but limited his breath level to the ordinary seven-star level.

Even if the will of Tianyuan Sanyu awakens and the battle star manifests, it cannot prevent individuals from hiding their breath and strength.

The ghost patrol team naturally found Chen Zong.

"Human race!"

"Eat him."

Chen Zong got the memory of Chen Xiu, naturally he also mastered the language of the ghost clan, and understood several spoken words, and the content was very vicious and bloody.

The seven ghost clan rushed over and formed a semi-circle, for fear of the other party running away.

A tyrannical breath directly shocked and locked Chen Zong. The cold and fierce domineering was as arrogant as a spear and ruthless.

Chen Zong then saw that the battle stars were lit up over the seven ghosts.

Since you are in the Taixuan Realm and are also affected by its will, once the amount of urging force is manifested, the battle star will be manifested.

Of course, as many forces are motivated as there are manifested battle stars.

In order to prevent the other ghosts from escaping, the seven ghosts naturally exploded.

Therefore, Chen Zong also clearly saw the opponent's war star.

Most of the seven ghosts' battle stars are silvery white, and a few are bronze and black iron, but there is no gold color.

Chen Zong understood the meaning of the color of the battle star.

For example, the most powerful ghost family has seven stars, representing seven-star combat power, but the colors of the stars are mainly white and silver, of which six are white silver, and the seventh is black iron. , Represents the level of combat power of this ghost clan, which is equivalent to the level of ordinary seven-star combat power.

However, it is not so simple.

Human race practitioners are divided into ordinary and elite. A few can strengthen the horizontal on the basis of elite. If they are divided according to the color of the star, it is silver and white.

It belongs to the talent, the talent of the top Tianjiao.

The color of the battle star represents not only the strength of the same star, but also the depth of its potential development.

The potential of silvery white is naturally not comparable to that of bronze.

A practitioner, such as a one-star, can only make the battle star become bronze, and then break through, basically only the battle star can reach the bronze color in the future.

That is the height that has been reached after the development of potential.

If you can continue to develop your own potential to the extreme at the beginning and reach silver-white, then you can also reach silver-white in the future, and your combat power will be more powerful.

Having said that, I can have a golden battle star, which represents the highest potential excitement and altitude.

Chen Zong has not seen the war stars of other human race practitioners, so it is not clear, but the seven ghosts in front of each have silver and white war stars, and the last war star is black iron or bronze , But it also means that in the end they can make the battle star silver.

It's a height.

Amazing race, amazing potential.

The thoughts just passed by, and Chen Zong's sky was lit with golden battle stars. There were five, and the sixth battle star was bronze.

Can hide strength, but can not hide the potential and height that have been inspired in the past.

Therefore, when seeing the five gold-colored war stars, the eyes of the seven ghost clan were all green, and then turned red, and the red light lased.

There is no doubt that this is the highest arrogance of a human race, and it is only at this level.

Such a Tianjiao, life chance is more delicious.

What's more, the will of this heaven and earth begins to awaken now, but the air fortunes carried by Tianjiao will also be more. If it is killed, that part of air will be dissipated, and the will of this heaven and earth will be damaged Fortune.

In this way, it will be more helpful for the purgatory ghosts to attack this world and transform them into ghosts.

The impact of killing such a top Tianjiao on this side of the world is even better than killing a thousand or even 10,000 more ordinary practitioners.


No mercy!

Chen Zongmai stepped forward, as if walking in a leisurely courthouse, as if not facing a group of fierce and wicked, but as if with a beautiful family like flowers, pleasing to the eye.

Only momentarily, the seven ghosts spread out to form a siege circle, killing relentlessly.

The spear was broken, and the black knife cracked.

The martial arts of the purgatory ghost clan does not pay attention to any changes. It only focuses on direct killing and pure destruction, and exerts its terrible power to the extreme.

Each hit is born for fighting and killing only ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's extremely simple, but it's not simple at all, but it's normal.

Chen Zong did not immediately take out all his skills to kill them, but pulled out his sword and saw a move like a move.

With one enemy seven, carefully understand the mystery contained in purgatory ghost clan martial arts.

The deity and the avatar practice kendo, but in simple terms, the kendo of the deity will be more pure, and the kendo of the avatar is not a complete kendo, power and other forces, but also occupy the majority.

Collecting the strengths of hundreds of families, Nawanliu returned to the ancestors, achieving his own supreme kendo.

But now, as far as I am on the road, from time to time, I have been constantly recuperating and changing, constantly adjusting and perfecting, and getting on the right path.

This is why, until now, I will change my own sword skills again and again, each time, it is an improvement.

No matter how fierce and violent the attacks of the seven ghosts are, they still couldn't break through Chen Zong's sword circle and were completely blocked.

After only ten breaths, Chen Zong looked at the martial arts mysteries of the seven ghost clan clearly.

Then fight back.

Suddenly, the sixth battle star above Chen Zong's head suddenly turned golden, and immediately, the seventh battle star also appeared and turned golden.

A sword is drawn out, the sword light is like a wave of water, ripples are rippling, and the waves are rippling. When the seven ghosts saw the golden seven stars, they suddenly stunned. Under the sword light, it was like a bamboo shoot. Extinction.

Immediately afterwards, Zong Zong seemed to see that there were seven rays of near-transparent and radiant brilliance rising from the heads of the seven ghost clan and immersed in the void. Black breath.

The black atmosphere was peaceful, as if submerged into Chen Zong's body like light smoke, Chen Zong felt his body, as if he had a full meal, and felt a sense of satisfaction.

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