Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 17: Have to be made invisible

(Those who want to see the big sword, can only say that you are too young)


It is the root of vitality.

The Purgatory ghosts are inherently tyrannical, and their vitality is naturally very strong and amazing, far from being comparable to humans.

Previously, the infernal ghosts were only killed when they were invaded and killed. They have no other role, but now they are different. The world in this world has revived its will. Although it has not recovered its power, it can already make some basic rules changes.

War star manifestation is actually incidental.

The real change is that after killing the ghost clan, the trace of willpower that is attached to the ghost clan will lose its foundation. Like the unrooted duckweed, it will naturally dissipate in the air.

But now, it will be absorbed and refined by the will of this world, and will be used for its own purposes, and will become a supplement to restore its own strength.

Here, after all, it is not a purgatory ghost, the ghost's will cannot exist alone, and when it loses its dependence, there is no threat.

Naturally, the heaven and earth will of this world wants to restore its own strength, then it is necessary to encourage the practitioners to kill more infernal ghosts, but to let the horse run, the horse must be fed.

Therefore, the rules of Sisi have been changed, so that after the practitioners kill the Purgatory ghosts, they can get a source of essence in their bodies.

This essence of essence is also the largest level that the will of the heavenly heaven can interfere.

Although it is only one thing, the essence of the essence is extremely pure, without any impurities, it is a pure essence, and anyone can absorb it without any adverse conditions.

The magical use of this essence is endless.

It can be incorporated into the internal force, used to assist in cultivation, purify strength or enhance cultivation, etc. It can also be integrated into the body and strengthen the body.

It can also be condensed out and sold to others in exchange for large amounts of wealth.

And the deepest application should be absorbed by the deep body, and a little bit of upgrading qualifications is equivalent to improving the talent for cultivation in disguise.

Of course, compared to others, this kind of essential energy needed to upgrade qualifications is difficult to predict.

Moreover, the promotion of qualifications is not unlimited. The higher the qualifications, the better the talents, the more difficult it is to improve, and even reaching a certain level, no amount of original essence has no effect.

As talented as Chen Zong, the essence of this degree can no longer improve.

"My current shortcoming is when practicing body cultivation." Chen Zong secretly thought.

If the cultivation of the body is not strong enough, it will affect the condensing of the magical power of the Supreme Supernatural Power, and the level of strength increase after the power of the spiritual power erupts.

When it comes to refining, the time and energy you spend is not as good as practicing qi.

Especially after going through the eternal battle, the gap between refining and practicing qi became more and more obvious.

The practice of converging and practicing qi together only broke out the power of refining. Suddenly, the battle stars over Chen Zong's head quickly decreased.

In the end, only four battle stars were still on.

In addition, the four battle stars are only white and silver, not gold. In terms of potential development, it is better to practice energy together. The gap is far away.

In this way, the practice of cultivating the body and putting aside the power of spiritual force has actually no effect on the practice of Qi, or an increase.

The combat power of practicing Qi is nine stars, and its potential development and height reach golden yellow.

There is such a big difference in the combat power between refining and practicing qi. It is no wonder that the current spiritual force has not increased its overall combat power by a small margin.

So, it is imperative that you want to make yourself stronger and improve your body.

After the idea was changed, the more powerful Nanli Yuyu Gong immediately operated. After a while, the seven essences that had entered the body were crushed and turned into dark stars. They all merged into the body.

The purpose of Chen Zong was not to directly promote the cultivation practice, but to make fundamental changes first.

In other words, it is to make up for the shortcomings of the past, and to develop the potential of refining together to the extreme, to the highest degree.

That is, the former silver-white battle star is transformed into golden yellow.

How difficult this is.

Of course, there is another method, that is, self-defeating refining practice, breaking up the most powerful blood, and re-cultivating.

Just do this. One is that it hurts you a lot. The other is that it takes a lot of time to repair the damage and rebuild.

In the current situation, it is not appropriate.

Then, we can only work from the essence of essence.

To make up for the lack of the past with the essence of essence, this is also one of the wonderful uses of essence of essence.

To make up for the shortcomings, we must start from the foundation, which is second only to improving qualifications and talents.

The battle star of the refining body only reached white silver, which may be amazing to other practitioners, but not enough to Chen Zong.

Either don't do it, or just do it to the fullest.

From this point of view, the manifestation of the battle star is not completely useless, at least it can let people see their own level, otherwise it is not so accurate by induction.

The level is clear, and it can kill the ghosts and draw the essence of the essence to improve themselves and cooperate with each other.

Of these seven essences, one is the most powerful, but the remaining six are almost the same, because one of the seven ghosts is a ghost general, and the other is a relationship between the upper ghosts.

Rao is such a strong source of essence, but he can't complement the lack of past refining. The battle star is still white and silver.

Need more.

So, continue to hunt for purgatory ghosts.

Inside, there was a little eagerness, but Chen Zong didn't mess with the square because of this, but still maintained the original rhythm.


From Tairo City as a starting point, and quickly proceeded towards Taiming City, thousands of purgatory ghosts swept across the sky, the darkness was filled, and the breathtaking coldness was turbulent and violent.

Since Taiming City has been occupied by the purgatory ghosts, there is no reason to return.

Although the purgatory ghosts within the borders of Taiming City are now killed, they can still be reoccupied, and that is to dispatch more and stronger purgatory ghosts.

A thousand purgatory ghosts!

Nine hundred ghost soldiers!

One hundred ghosts will!

Of the one hundred ghosts, sixty are lower ones, thirty are middle ones, and ten are upper ones.

It must be said that after the fierce defeat of Taiming City, it caused a lot of damage to the purgatory ghost clan, causing the purgatory ghost clan to dispatch more troops and strong men.

This gesture was clearly determined to retake the Taiming City and use the Taiming City boundary as a springboard to attack Taiyi City and devour all the practitioners of the Taiyuan League to kill the slaughter, so that the people will know the power of the ghost. And not provoking.

The Taiyuan League did not get lost in a big victory because they all knew that it was just a small part of the purgatory ghosts.

Therefore, it is still necessary to pay attention to it, and it is still necessary to probe it.

"Thousands of ghosts!" The leader of Yuanji Alliance has recovered, the combat power has reached its peak, and it seems to be a little more advanced, a step closer to the nine-star rating.

At this moment, upon hearing the spy's report, thousands of ghosts appeared again and headed for Taiming City.

And there are hundreds of them.


It's terrible!

This strength is much stronger than before.

"Come, immediately bring the news to Master Chen Xiu." Yuanji League leader Shen said.

At present, people who have gone to Zhengujie and Tianzhujie for help have not returned. After all, it is not a short time to go through the dangerous place once they set off.

Short months are possible, and long two or three months are possible.

In this way, once you go back, it is impossible to spend a few months. In a short period of time, you don't count on the reinforcements of the ancient town and the Tiancheng world.

Nowadays, the infernal ghost clan strikes again, and can only resist the confrontation with the power of the Taiyuan League.

After several wars, the Taiyuan League side suffered losses, and the losses were not small. Even after a great victory, it was very encouraging, but it could not change the fact that the power was insufficient.

Fortunately, there is also Shura Sword Demon Chen Xiu, who has a demon-like posture and is invincible. He should be the main force to resist the infernal ghosts, and he is always at ease.

Of course I also hope that the power of the Purgatory ghosts is not too strong.

Otherwise, Master Chen Xiu, the Shura sword demon, may not be able to stop it.

Nowadays, Shurao sword demon Chen Xiu is a legend in the Taiyuan League, and it is also the strongest. It is admired and revered by countless people. Even if Yuanji is the leader of the alliance, he must also honor the Lord.

"Thousands of ghosts!" When Chen Xiu heard the news, his eyes suddenly flashed a cold light.

A hint of amazing coercion suddenly filled the air, spreading all around, as if suppressing everything, making the void around him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seem to be frozen.

Immediately, the battle stars manifested overhead.

Among them, eight are golden yellow, and the ninth is bronze, but at the center of that bronze, there seems to be a little silvery white, as if it is slowly moving towards silvery white.

This shows that Chen Xiu's combat strength is in the elite nine-star, but it is a little more powerful than the normal elite nine-star.

If the form of Furyura is used, the combat power will increase sharply, and it can definitely reach white and silver. As for whether it can reach the gold color, it is not clear. After all, there was no war star manifested before.

"Essence of essence, but I don't know if it will be useful to me?" Chen Xiu thought with a turn, said secretly.

Essence of Essence is the Essence of Evil Ghost Clan, because of the relationship between the levels of life, it has great effect on human race.

However, Chen Xiu itself is not a human race, but a body formed by the supernatural power of Shura, who draws a large amount of pure evil spirits, and has cultivated the God of Shurasura warfare.

Therefore, when it comes to the nature of life, it should not belong to the purgatory ghosts, or even surpass it.

Then, the essence of the Purgatory ghosts is not so high-end for themselves, on the contrary, it is relatively low-end, and it is not sure whether it is useful to them.

"Even if it's useless, I can stay for the deity." But Chen Xiu suddenly smiled, but there was no need to think about it.

I ca n’t use it myself, but my deity is an authentic human race, of course it can be used.

What's more, the current deity urgently needs a lot of essence of essence to make up for the deficiency of the refining body and promote it to the extreme.

The deity and the avatar have the mind of comparing with each other, but also mutual benefit. It is really strong that everyone is strong.

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