Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 18: Heart Sword Mingwu

The boundary of Tailuo City is more gloomier as it goes towards Tailuo Mountain.

The sun fell and fell, but was obscured by the ubiquitous darkness, unable to penetrate, and unable to reach the ground, making the ground shrouded in darkness for many years.

It is dark but not wet, but rather a kind of dryness, which is because of the power characteristics of the Purgatory ghosts.

In such a dark but dry environment, the original plants have also undergone abnormal changes. From the original lush appearance, they have become bald, penetrated by the dark breath, and the whole body has become dark, giving out a dim cold. Breath fluctuates.

There were not many ghost clan patrols. After a while, Chen Zong encountered only three batches, killing them as much as possible, and not let them spread any news.

Naturally, the will of Tianyuan Sanctuary also received the willless ghosts' will to recover itself, and Chen Zong also got the essence of these ghosts.

Naturally, all the essence of the essence, Chen Zong are all used to make up for the lack of refining.

However, there are still more than 20 consecutive essences, but they have not been made up, and more is needed.

Gradually, Chen Zong saw a dark envelope shrouded in darkness to the extreme, as if all the light in all directions was swallowed up, an amazing cold and fiery breath permeated every place in the darkness, and Sen Luo was like prison.

At this point, Chen Zongyue was cautious.

This is the base camp of the purgatory ghosts. Among them, the powerful purgatory ghosts are guarded. Once they are alarmed, they will inevitably cause many attacks of the purgatory ghosts, which is very bad for themselves.

Although thinking so, deep down in his heart, Chen Zong did not have half anxiety and fear, but instead felt a sense of excitement eager to try.

It was a feeling of putting yourself in danger, but your mind became very exciting and stimulating, like walking a tightrope barefoot, and under the sword mountain hell.

The mind is extremely concentrated, the mind is extremely cohesive, and the way of the mind seems to be invisible, and then it becomes more and more condensed.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's heart moved, naturally thinking of the sword of mind.

Heartbeat is the first form.

This move is intended for his own heart, and the sword comes out, the sword comes out instantly, and the other party's heart trembles.

In this way, it can be divided into two halves.

However, in the first half, it was quite perfect and reached a high level, but in the second half, it was somewhat inadequate.

Those whose mind is much weaker than themselves will be affected instantly, but if the mind is not much weaker than themselves, the impact will be minimal.

Invisibly, the power of a heartbeat sword becomes limited, and only that amazing sword speed remains.

However, just the speed of the sword is not enough.

Such a sword, when still does not fully realize the mystery of the sword of mind Kendo, thoroughly interpreted.

Now, in this unique and extremely dangerous environment, Chen Zong ’s mind and spirit are absolutely calm, but he has a strange feeling, as if the lower layer is a piece of ice, but on the ice, there is a raging The flames are burning.

The colder the ice, the fiercer the flames burning above.

After a while, Chen Zong had a strong feeling of palpitations, not a feeling of crisis, but a feeling of palpitations that originated from the connection of the mind to the sword.

The heart was moving, the sword trembled in the sheath, and it seemed to be out of the sheath at any time, releasing a terrible blow.

Thousands of auras of light emerged in the sea of ​​gods, and the imaginary sword shadow that condensed the heart and swordsmanship also trembled with it.

There was a faint figure in Shenhai between the gods. At first glance, it seemed similar to Chen Zong.

As soon as the figure condensed, he stretched out his hand, understated, and it was natural.

As if without a trace of firework, grasp the imaginary sword shadow condensed by the mind of Kendo.

I didn't see the gesture, and there didn't seem to be any fixed starting position, just moved with my heart, and the sword in my hand was pierced with the most comfortable posture.

This sword moves from the heart, from the mind, and from the sword.

The heart moves and the sword arrives.

The sword of Yanshi seems to have an invisible wave. It spreads a step earlier than that sword, but there is no enemy, but there is no mystery. However, the figure condensed in the sea of ​​God can clearly feel A throbbing heart.

This throbbing, as if standing on cliffs and ice-like danger and excitement, and even make people fear.

Determined to reach high, sword to heart.

The figure in Shenhai once again issued a sword.

This time, it's not a sword, but a sword light serial.

Each sword, starting from the heart, is sent out with a sword, the sword light is continuous, and it has a series of mysterious infinite swords.

The heart beats a sword and blends with the serial style to form a new trick.

If you do n’t have a sword, it ’s already a sword. Each sword is a serial sword.

There is not enough sword, so there are more swords.

Chen Zong's eyes flickered with a touch of light, and a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth.

"In this case, this sword was renamed the heartbeat chain, which is the most suitable." Chen Zong said secretly, under his heart is very happy.

Unexpectedly, it was only one move, but suddenly I felt, and I improved the first move of the sword of mind and became more powerful.

Invisibly, in terms of digging the potential of the heart and sword, it has gone a little deeper, and it can be discerned that the ghost image formed by the Shendao as the center of the sword, seems to have condensed a little.

The most intuitive meaning of Taoist extreme state is the development of Taoist potential and the exertion of might.

One, two, and three are the same, but to varying degrees.


The polar world is heavy, and the potential development and power can reach 30%, the highest is 30%.

Polarity is 40% to 60%.

The polar state triple is 70% to 90%.

Basically, 90% is the limit that most practitioners can develop.

Ten percent, representing perfection, also called polar perfection, is an amazing height.

Today, his heart and swordsmanship is the second most important thing in the extreme world. The degree of development should reach 60%, which is more advanced than before.

"In the past, the mind flow was just the first form, but the second form had no clue."

In the Eternal War Fortress, he himself created the yin and yang sword tricks into the third form, and even the three must-have swords also created the second form. Only the intentional sword flow did not make any progress.

But now it's different.

"The sword of mind and the infinite endless series of swords can blend in mystery."

"There are serials, when there is no limit, there is no limit, when there is infinite."

"The second style is a sword that blends infinitely. After that, I will learn more about it."

Now is obviously not the time to enlighten.

After creating the second form, the third form should also have clues.

Maybe, both styles can be created one after another.

Constantly marching, when the march reached a certain level, Chen Zong suddenly stopped, because for no reason, he felt a palpitation.

That heart palpitation, very subtle, was very different from the heart palpitations that came to realize the flow of the mind and heart. This is a kind of heart palpitations that is about to encounter a fatal crisis.

This feeling of palpitations does not seem to be strong, but it points directly to the deep inside, and it is close to the mind.

It seems that as long as you continue to move forward, you will encounter an unpredictable crisis.

Chen Zong has always believed in his own perception because it is very accurate.

In particular, his own swordsmanship intentions are from the mind, and invisibility will further enhance the perception, reaching a level that is difficult for others to reach.

That being the case, then stop.

However, Chen Zong did not intend to leave.

What kind of crisis will make you feel this kind of palpitations that are close to the heart?

His body flashed, and Chen Zong appeared on a mountain, standing high, staring ahead.

With his extraordinary eyesight, he couldn't see too far. When he saw about ten thousand meters, he became completely dark and could no longer survive.

"yin and yang……"

The heart drank secretly, and for a moment, an inch of magical yin and yang turned round, and the mysterious and infinite power flowed out into Chen Zong's eyes.

The white eyes and the black pupil were in the moment, as if they had come alive, and slowly turned to form the appearance of two yin and yang **** wheels, reflecting the mystery of the yin and yang **** wheels.

For a moment, there seemed to be a flicker of light, like a clear wave.

The darkness in front of me also disappeared, and my eyes penetrated the limit of ten thousand meters, looking farther away.

All the darkness has disappeared, all traces have nothing to hide ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is a new mystery of pupil technique.

Chen Zong named it the yin and yang **** eyes.

This is the mastery of all mysteries after cultivating Youjue's black pupils to the extreme, and then incorporating the mysteries of the yin and yang meaning to transform it into a more inscrutable new pupil technique.

At the level, it still belongs to the sub-supernatural power, but it is more brilliant and even more potential than You Jue Hei Tong.

Chen Zong was very ambitious. He named it Shenmu, but he had high hopes. He hoped that one day, he would be able to transform this supernatural power into a real supernatural power, and his power would increase greatly.

The little magical powers left by the predecessors, etc., were not created by their predecessors.

Since ancestors can create magical powers, can't they themselves?

of course can.

With his talent and perseverance, absolutely, Chen Zong has great confidence and grasp, and he has the courage and action to give time and energy to it.

Under the shadows of the yin and yang gods, the shadows receded and were seen clearly by themselves, and they could see farther.

Chen Zong saw the outline of a city wall, and under the gaze of his eyes, as the yin and yang **** wheels in his eyes turned, he became clear.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Zong's sight crossed the city wall and looked directly into the city wall. He saw the purgatory ghosts guarding it, and even with the mystery of the eyes of the yin and yang, he could see the intensity of the breath on those purgatory ghosts. Vaguely judged the level of combat power of these purgatory ghosts.

Seeing this, Chen Zong was startled.

There are thousands of purgatory ghosts in this city, and the levels of ghosts are more than one hundred, one by one, it is very amazing, and a small number of them are even more powerful. Scary, most likely a higher level ghost.

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