Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 23: I have swept from 1 sword (3)

(Tomorrow will update the sixth chapter of Sword God on Earth, please pay attention to the public account: the six sinking, you can read)

On the original million stars, the wind and fury were roaring, the sky and the ground roared, and the murderous Yingye was murdered.

"Well, die!" The laughter full of malice was frantic, and the ghost race was shot down. Suddenly, a human race practitioner was severely wounded. The ghost's claws were explored and grasped, explaining the unparalleled mystery As if the ghost dragon probes its claws, it contains heaven and earth, which directly covers one side of the world, making it difficult for people to evade.

In particular, it was hit hard.

The martial arts of the ghost clan has always been mainly direct. It does not pay attention to any complicated change techniques, but only the ultimate killing of the enemy on the battlefield.

But even so, some means still contain unpredictable truth.

Such a catch, seemingly simple, but not very simple, directly lock the other side completely, very arrogant and overbearing.

It's as if it's a trick.

The fact is the same. The ghost clan devours vitality and grows itself. The most common thing is to use their own ghost claws to hold each other's brains in order to devour vitality.

Perhaps this is a habit derived from the bones, or the bad taste from one of the ancestors of the ghost family, but it has been passed down since then.

All in all, the Ghost clan loves to hold onto the soul's forehead to devour vitality. It may feel that it is faster to devour.

The practitioner was traumatized, unable to dodge, and his brain was suddenly locked, only to feel his spiritual will suddenly startled, shocked by an invisible fierce breath, dizziness, and he lost his ability to resist for a while.

In the next breath, a life full of vitality quickly drained out, like a torrent of torrents pouring out. In the blink of an eye, the original plump body became dry, the membrane became gray, and countless spots appeared. It was a corpse spot.

Blink, like it's been a long time.

With a flick of his hand, he cast aside the embalmed corpse, and the spirit of the ghost clan flowed, his breath was strong again, his face full of mad smile, and he rushed down to the next clan.

"Dead!" Under the blessing of Shen Xuan's killing team, the silver sword king Zhao Mingkong has greatly increased his combat power and already has the level of ordinary seven-star combat power.

Killed with one stroke, suddenly like a silver thunder domineering, but also an indescribable sharp, shot down like a thunderbolt, unparalleled killer, murderous condensate.

A silver mang passed by.

The upper ghost would have no time to wave the ghost's claw to resist, and he was immediately hacked.

This sword is the most powerful sword of the King of the Silver Knife. Under the support of the top-level spirit of the Ninth Turn, it condenses its power into a line, which is inspired by Chen Xiu's swordsmanship.

With one stroke, do your best, even if the purgatory ghost clan is powerful and powerful, it can't resist.


The head of the upper ghost soldier was immediately cut off and flew up, and his fierce face still had an incredible look.

People who were similar to themselves even killed themselves.

Suddenly, a source of essence gas flew out of the upper ghost soldier's body, and drew into the body of the Silver Sword King. The Silver Sword King trembled slightly, his face glowed with a red light, as if he had taken some tonic.

Ghosts are inherently arrogant and powerful, and a source of essence is a great complement to any practitioner.

Of course, for Chen Zong, it is not enough. After all, Chen Zong's talent is superb, coupled with the brilliance of his foundation, it is astounding and requires more original essence.

This essence of essence enters the body, and the King of the Silver Knife does not hesitate to absorb and refine it into its own power.

Suddenly, the consumed power not only recovered, but also broke the original boundaries.

Immediately, the outline of the seventh battle star over Zhao Ming, the head of the silver sword, condensed, slowly solidified, emitting a black iron-colored light.

Seven-star combat power!

Although it is just an ordinary seven-star combat power, the Silver Knife King is also very satisfied.

Originally according to his own talent, the elite six-star may be the ultimate. If you want to make a breakthrough, it is too difficult.

If you have to meet Chen Zong, and you can go into the secret territory of Xiuluo, you will not be able to reach the ultimate of the elite six-star, even if you can, it will take many years.

But now, under the incomparable solid foundation, after gaining a spirit essence of the ghost clan, he finally broke the original limit and stepped into a new level.

A kind of sky-high bird feels spontaneous and extremely happy.

From six-star to seven-star, the combat power has at least doubled, which makes him more confident when facing ghosts.

Moreover, it is not only a breakthrough in combat power, but also a breakthrough in the limit of potential.

After that, you can continue to improve, at least, you can reach the ultimate of the elite seven-star.

As for eight stars?

In the past, I dared not imagine. Now, there is the essence of the purgatory ghost clan. I can expect it, provided that I can live.


With the great increase in combat power, the King of the Silver Knives returned to full strength and broke out with a single blow.

I just feel that Blessing is in my heart. If there is a **** to care for me, I will give it a stab, and I will explain the mysterious mystery of the slash of the ghosts.

That sword, but a collection of masterpieces of one's own swordsmanship, is extremely condensed in strength, extremely sharp, condensed into a ray of silver light, cut firmly and sharply, and invincible, the ghost's arrogant body cannot resist the slightest.

But that knife must be able to gather its own strength and be able to display it with great concentration. However, now, it is not necessary, only a part of the strength can be used, and it can be displayed more calmly.

There is no doubt that his combat power has more than doubled compared to the previous one.

Be spirited, and then cut the ghost clan.

This battle is extremely dangerous. From time to time, some practitioners are attacked and injured by the purgatory ghosts, and then they are locked in their brains and devour vitality, which further strengthens the power of the purgatory ghosts.

From time to time, some people ’s cultivators kill the infernal ghosts, get their original energy, and directly absorb them to promote cultivation and increase their combat power.

For these practitioners, refining and absorbing a source of essence is very obvious. After all, one of them is not high enough, and the other is that their foundation cannot be compared with Chen Zong.

For example, the essence of essence is a torrent, which flows into a small pool, and immediately raises the water level of the small pool. Any increase.

Feeling the benefits of the spirit of the Ghost Clan, the practitioners became even more excited.

If it is good, it will naturally be more motivating and motivate everyone's fighting spirit, even if they are facing difficulties, they will not be afraid.

It's like seeing the light in the desert. More powerful fighting spirit and power will emerge from the deepest part of the inner body.

Yuan Kong was too high and Yuan Feng was too high, and the combat power increased greatly, and he directly resisted the remaining nine superior ghost generals.

Although the pressure is great and they feel almost suffocated, they must do so, otherwise, the nine superior ghosts will let go of their hands and feet, and other races can't resist it.

This battle was fierce, and for a while, it couldn't help that Yuan Kong Taishang and Yuan Feng Taishang, which were increased by Tai Yuan's lock-ups.

As for the Yuanji Alliance leader, he cannot fully bear such forces, unless he can reach the level of nine stars, so now he can only join the war as an auxiliary.

For a while, the Allies fell into the siege of the ghost clan, but also resisted very stubbornly and were not broken.

The leader of Yuanji League savagely killed several ghosts. After the essence of the essence entered the body, he quickly absorbed and refined, making him look more ruddy, and the atmosphere was a little stronger.

However, the Taiyuan Alliance allies suffered casualties from time to time. According to this situation, it is only a matter of time before the formation is broken. At that time, the combat power of Yuankong and Yuanfeng will be weakened and then killed.

On the other side, Chen Xiu and the superior ghost will fight fiercely and fiercely.

Under the possession of the soul and war, the power of the upper ghost will be more and more terrible. Every blow is as fierce as breaking the void.

But Chen Xiu didn't hesitate to let go, the realm of the heart shrouded the Quartet.

The figure flickered, the sword was shot through the air, and the second figure appeared on the other side when the sword was cut off.

Immediately after that, the third figure appeared condensed and killed with a sword.

Every figure was crushed by the higher ghost in a wild manner, and all of them were phantoms.

The fourth figure appeared at the moment.

Tiansha sword tactics third style: killing the dead!

It has been unexpected that a sword has been killed. This sword does not need to be as prepared as before, or in the same time that Chen Xiu displayed the Shura phantom, he has quietly gained momentum. Now he has reached the peak of the sword. Extremely merciless.

The superior ghost was immediately creepy and shocked to the extreme ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But he experienced countless blood battles and faced countless dangerous situations, all came over one by one, and it was not easy to kill him. .

However, Chen Xiu doesn't need to really kill the opponent, he just needs to be able to hurt, because the evil sword of silence is very evil.

Once the other party is wounded, it is difficult to stop the passage of life.

Killing the sword gives rise to a sword.


Sure enough, this sword, no matter how fast the opponent responded, it couldn't completely avoid it. It was immediately hit, tearing a crack, and the blood was like injection.

Suddenly, vitality quickly dissipated as if the spirit were raging, causing the opposite party to change dramatically, terrifying.

At the same time, the three phantoms reunited and launched a blow.

Even though the phantasmal sword is not the true sword of silence, it does not have the terrible evil powers of sword of silence, but it also has amazing sharpness.

Three swords, stabbed into the body of the ghost.

"Stained blood ..." When this superior ghost seemed to be about to perform some of his life-fighting methods, Chen Xiuzhen was killed with a sword.

The sword of silence pervades through its soul and body, and then penetrates its body. A vitality quickly passes, and it continuously flows into the sword of silence. On the sword of silence, the gleam of light flickers, and a slight humming seems to be Cheers are joy.

This kind of ghost generals have amazing combat power and are full of vitality. They are absorbed by the Sword of Extinction and have great benefits.

The ghost's eyes widened, unwilling, and even the last counterattack couldn't do it. The strong body gradually dried up and vitality passed.

It is a pity that if vitality is swallowed, naturally there will be no essence of essence.

However, this side of the world has swallowed the power of the sneaky will on the other side.

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