Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 24: I hold a sword from the east


Fierce battle!

Endless **** battle!

When a ghost clan is killed, not only a ray of essence will be absorbed, but also the unconscious ghostly will that is attached to it will be swallowed up by this party.

However, if the human race is killed, not only will it be swallowed up by the ghost race, but also a will will be swallowed up by the ghostly will of the ghost race.

This kind of will represents the luck of one side of the world. The stronger it is, the more obvious it is to help itself.

This is a battle of life and death, and an invisible confrontation between the wills of the two parties.

There is no luck, no escape, only life and death, no retreat if no war, once retreat, there is no way back, that is, death.

Not only will people die, but the will of this world will also die. They are swallowed and occupied, and become a new ghost, falling into the claws of the ghost clan.

By killing the other party, you can find that you have been supplemented with new power, and have a gradually clearer mind. Thinking like lightning, some problems in the past also seem to be overcome, becoming clear and mysterious.

Even so, the Terran side is falling behind.

On the sword of annihilation, the light of the sword flowed like water, and between the trembling of the sword body, it seemed to be cheering and happy, very happy.

The vitality of the ghost general is very pure and majestic, and it is also a great supplement to the sword of silence.

Gradually, the wicked evil sword also digested the vitality and fell silent. Chen Xiu's long sword trembled, and Jianming was melodious, but permeated with an extreme sharpness. God's fighting power fluctuated endlessly, and the sky was stirred up.

Chen Xiu will attack again, killing other higher generals.

Suddenly, the abrupt changes occur.

From the dried-up corpse of the upper ghost, suddenly a black man rushed out, at an astonishing speed and silent, as if shuttled in the void, and then shot at Chen Xiu's eyebrow in no time.

Too fast, too suddenly, it's too late to respond more, it's too late.

Such means are totally unexpected.

Only momentarily, the black mang fell into the heart of Chen Xiumei, entered Shenhai, and turned into a ghost general.

Without hesitation, Chen Xiu immediately sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and waged a fierce battle with the remnant soul of the ghost general.

That's right, that's the remnant soul of the ghost general.

Originally, his soul and warfare were penetrated. Chen Xiu thought that he had killed them. However, he did not expect that there were still some relics in hiding, and he only waited for a suitable opportunity to shoot, forcing his soul to fight.

It was completely unexpected, so that Chen Xiu further realized that the inferiority of the purgatory ghost clan should be more careful in the future.

Now, it is very dangerous. The soul has a decisive battle. It is impossible for him to pay attention to the outside world. If a ghost clan strikes, a ghost soldier may bring himself great trouble.

However, if you don't care about the ghost souls in the sea of ​​God, it is also very dangerous.

Fortunately, the ghost has lost its soul, and its power has dropped. Somehow, he can still part of his mind and pay attention to the outside world, and quickly fly away from the battlefield.

Only when you are far away from the battlefield can you completely calm down and concentrate all your consciousness to defeat the ghosts in Shenhai instead of stalemate now.

But in this scene, a superior ghost will see it.

Without hesitation, the superior ghost will immediately break away, directly blocking Chen Xiu, killing him in one blow without mercy.

At this moment, it is a good opportunity to kill the other party.

This human race is exactly the so-called Shura Sword Demon. He is very powerful and do not know how many of his kins have been killed. Moreover, the body bears the fortune of this world's will.

If you kill them, you can not only devour the majestic vitality of the opponent, but you can also enhance your luck. In the future, you will have a bit of hope even when you step into the invincible ghost king.

When I think about it, I am very excited, and I show no mercy, I will kill if I hit.

Chen Xiu still had a part of his mind focused on his body. Facing this blow, he immediately performed the Shura Phantom.

However, because most of the mind and consciousness are immersed in the relationship within the Shenhai, only a phantom can be manifested.

The magic body brake was defeated, and the real body was immediately disengaged.

But in an instant, the ghost will catch up again, and will not stop Chen Zong.

Chen Xiu suddenly fell into the opponent's attack. For a while, he could only continuously use his physical skills to dodge, and it was difficult to counterattack. Under the attack of the opponent, the situation looked precarious.

This scene also fell into the eyes of many human race practitioners, one by one changed greatly, secretly anxious.

Chen Xiu, but the pillars of everyone's mind, if they were killed, the blow to them would be very heavy, which would directly lead to their morale falling, and the entire army would be wiped out in a short time.

Suddenly, Yuankong Taishang and Yuanfeng Taishang had to be angry, and the secret law erupted immediately. Even if the secret law would damage their own life, they must do so.

The sword of time, half a silver-white battle star, was quickly rendered, barely transformed into silver-white, and the combat power increased greatly.

For these secret methods, for them, they can still increase the effect, but they are too side-effects. Although the pressure was almost suffocating before, they still have no intention to cast them. It broke out in one fell swoop, causing heavy damage to the ghost clan.

But now, Chen Xiu doesn't know why. The situation is critical and dangerous. If it doesn't break out, I'm afraid it's too late.

With the outbreak and the increase in combat power, the momentum became more and more amazing, and immediately before the turn, the eight ghosts will be forced to retreat, and two of them will be injured without being caught.

But in an instant, the equivalent of an elite nine-star ghost will immediately erupt, the soul battle!

In a hurry, combat power surged.

You have the means, and I have the means.

You can explode and I have talent.

In this way, the superiority that the Taiyuan League has just occupied is not so obvious.

No one can support Chen Xiu, and Chen Xiu's situation is also very critical.

The ghost did not win Chen Xiu with a few tricks, and he was afraid that the other party would solve the soul duel.

break out!

Outrageous forces broke out again and again, and they continued to attack, even if they were replaced by injuries.

However, Chen Xiu was unable to do so. He exchanged wounds for injuries, and as a result he was injured, but the other party would surely die because of the power of the wicked evil sword.

But at this moment, you cannot be injured. Once injured, it will inevitably affect the soul duel in Shenhai.

It is a pity that before fighting with that ghost, he used Shura's phantom to fight against and even kill the other party, and did not stimulate the form of Fury Shura.

In order to excite the form of Fury Shura, it is necessary to accumulate enough anger.

However, relying on Shura's illusion is enough to counteract the confrontation, and by using the pressure of the opponent to sharpen himself, and constantly improve the Shura's illusion, Chen Xiu has no intention to inspire the form of Fury.

It seems that the deity's habit of seeing the hunting heart to support the war and relying on the pressure of the opponent to sharpen their own habits is still very bad, so that this situation is caused.

And in this soul confrontation, no realm of heart or self-confidence can be exerted.

It's sad.

Suddenly, Chen Xiu found himself still very self-ridiculous. It was time to be in such a precarious situation that he still thought about it.

Well, actually, because Chen Xiu has already felt that the bad character is approaching quickly, not far away.

As long as I support myself for a little while, my deity will be able to arrive. By then, the person who is about to die will not be himself.

Outside of Wan Xing, if there is no figure that seems to be walking on the surface of the void, it passes by silently and silently, like a ghost phantom, extremely fast, and hard to detect.

This is Chen Zong.

Chen Zong, who walked on the surface of the void, suddenly drew a smile, because he could not help feeling a little funny because he clearly felt the situation of the avatar Chen Xiu.

Although it is the deity, the avatar, and the soul, they are actually two people.

They coexist with each other, but they exist independently. Sometimes, it is inevitable that they will secretly compete with each other.

Now I feel that the other party is in such a predicament, a little gloating, of course, provided that the other party does not have a real life and death crisis.

Besides, I have to get there.

Draw a sword!

Shen Yejian burst out into the extreme glory, like a dark shooting star across the sky.

At first, there was no sound. Gradually, the sound became subtle, and then became magnificent again, as if the rivers and waves were turbulent, and turned into the tide of the sea.

In a hurry, it turned into a thunderous thunder, Wan Lei was rolling in general, and the momentum became more and more amazing, impacting the world and raging in all directions.

The human race and the ghost race on both sides of the fierce battle were startled, only to feel the thunderous roaring sound, and with the sound of heaven and earth killing, the eardrums were rumbling, and the brain was roaring and shaking.

Accompanied by a sharp, extreme breath, tearing the sky and earth, it seems that this square space is all broken.

This is the breath of Kendo.

With this kind of breath, it is that the strong human Kendo rushed to www.wuxiaspot.com, not the ghost.

The breath is so arrogant that it is very shocking and terrifying, it is cold all over the body, as if it will be cut and torn at any time.

Everyone felt that the astonishing sharpness seemed to be able to tear themselves through.

It seems that any one of them will become the target of this sword, making it difficult to know exactly where to kill.

In a hurry, I saw a black sword light, as if killed from the void of the universe, it seemed to tear the sky, accompanied by a huge sword shadow across the sky.

Yijiandong came to the world!

There were fissures appearing in the void across the sword light, straight and black, and breathe an amazing breath.

Nine stars!

This is clearly a nine-star power, and it is not an ordinary nine-star.




The war stars that were manifested appeared in front of the crowd, all of them were golden, eight in a row were gold, and the ninth war star was deep and quaint bronze. A little silver and white flickered in the center, looming.

The ghost clan could not help but look dignified, and yet another such powerful human race appeared. Looking at the direction, it seemed that it came from the boundary of Taiming City.

For a while, it was impossible to imagine what the other party was doing.


A sword came from the east, killing him in the air, and invincible, calling everything under the sword, extinct vitality.



Until the approach of the black sword light approached, the upper ghost who was attacking Chen Xi frantically was frightened. The target of this sword was himself.

(By the way, Sword God has been updated on the public account in Chapter Six of the Earth. Please pay attention: the six roads are sinking, reading, and the other thing is that the benefits are only written when time is available, and God is the main business. Upside down)

(37 Chinese)

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