Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 25: I am the sword emperor (on)

(Please pay attention to the public account: The Fall of the Six Roads, you can read Chapter 6 of the Sword God on Earth)

Swords such as the dark stars fell from the sky, the sword mighty, as if the meteor fell from the sky to suppress the void and sink the earth.

The superior purgatory general who attacked Chen Xiu felt only an unparalleled sword oppression. For a time, it turned out to be like draining the airflow around him, and it became a repression. The amazing power naturally came from The surrounding area collapsed toward the center, suppressing itself to the spot immediately, making it difficult to move.

The mighty power burst out suddenly, and when the sword pressure of Chen Zong was to be stretched out, the sword light that was still far away was approaching.

In a flash, the sword light seemed to turn into a curve, but I don't know why, but its sword speed suddenly increased into a number, and the killing speed exceeded the imagination at a faster speed.

A sword runs through the heart!

The tyrannical power instantly smashed the heart, but the sword was withdrawn, and it was instantly slashed out, with the original Jian Jian who was invincible and destroying everything.


Suddenly, after cutting the ghost's blade single-corner, the slightly hard single-corner couldn't stop Tai Chu Jianyuan's characteristic of tearing everything apart and was cut off immediately.

The blade horn, this is the reliance of the purgatory ghost to cast the talent and secret method. As soon as it is cut off, it immediately loses this ability, and the soul and body cannot be manifested.

Suddenly, a tyrannical will emptied from the body of this higher ghost general, disappeared into the void and disappeared. At the same time, a sufficient essence of the essence also permeated out of the body, submerged into Chen Zong's body.

This is the original essence of the superior ghost general. It is many times stronger than those original essences that he had previously obtained, and it is not only multiple times stronger, but also a qualitative improvement.

When running and absorbing, the lack of refining is inadequate. Chen Zong immediately felt that his lack of refining seemed to be filled up.

Maybe come again, your own refinement war star will change.

Not enough now, not the time to check.

With one sword to kill the upper ghost general, Chen Zong did not stop, and immediately held his sword to kill other infernal ghost generals.

As for Chen Xiu, he completely put his mind and consciousness into the sea of ​​God, and started a life-and-death battle with the ghost of the ghost.

When the deity comes, you should be safe.

Seeing the comer slaying a high-level ghost general with a sword, the morale was suddenly boosted.

Looking at the manifested battle star, this is obviously a strong cross sword repair that is not inferior to Shura Sword Demon. When they saw its appearance, everyone was shocked.

Why does it look exactly like Chen Xiu, the sword demon of Xiuluo, but the breath and temperament are different, but the appearance is like a mold printed.

What relationship does this person have with Shura sword demon Chen Xiu?

Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat Serial!

For fear of change, Chen Zong's shot was an astonishing killing.

As soon as the mind moves, the sword will break through the air, as if omitting a process directly, only the starting point and the ending point.

But the fact is that the sword is too fast.

Each sword has a perfectly parabolic outline, and the speed of the sword is more than ten percent faster than a straight piercing.

Unable to dodge, irresistible.


Along the way, one after another the purgatory ghost generals, whether they are in the lower or middle positions, were all killed, and no soul showdown could be performed, and they were extinct.

All the essential essences are continuously submerged into the body and absorbed by refining.

Chen Zong was able to feel his body, and it continued to strengthen. It seemed to be enhanced to the extreme. Suddenly, the sound of trembling trembling continuously rang from the body, and continued to pass through one by one.

The bones on every limb and body seemed to become more compact, and its structure changed invisibly, as if it had changed from rough iron to steel, becoming stronger and harder.

The spine shook like a dragon, as if the submerged dragon was out of the abyss, and then it sent out a mighty force, radiating away, sweeping the entire body.

The viscera, blood, fascia, muscle, membrane, and everything, followed by gentle vibrations, as if a stronger new force was derived from the deepest, more and more powerful and amazing.

Others can't see it. Under that robe, Chen Zong's musculoskeletal muscles are twisting and springing, undergoing an essential transformation.

The sound of tiger and leopard thunder kept ringing around in the body, forming a large piece, as if Wan Lei Qi Qi fell.

However, this voice can only be heard by Chen Zong himself.

The only thing I can feel is Chen Zong's body. The air is undulating, as if the stones fall into the water and ripples.

Chen Zong knew that his shortcomings in refining were finally filled, and he began to transform and become more horizontal.

In other words, at least the first refined battle star turned from silvery white to golden yellow.

The transformation between silver and gold is not only a transformation with increasing combat power, but also a transformation with depth and height.

If silver and white can be regarded as Tianjiao, then golden yellow is the top peerless Tianjiao.

But now, it's not the time to study it well, so let's kill all the ghosts and clean them up.

Holding the sword all the way, invincible.

When Chen Zong approached one of the higher ghosts, there were already seven or eight ghosts who would become ghosts under the sword.

Mind moves, the sword comes out, heart beats serially, kill!

In an instant, the swords of light became parabola across the most amazing and perfect track in the world, starting with the hand, taking the void as the road, and ending with the ninth battle star whose black iron color is the upper ghost. Kill it.

At the beginning of Jianguang, the ghost would feel only an irresistible tremor in his heart, and an indescribable panic was born from the deepest part of his heart. When he was shocked, he felt shocked and felt an uncontrollable palpitation.

Being stunned affects the concentration of one's mind, making one stunned, and the response is slow.

The original combat power was significantly different, not to mention that it was even more impossible to avoid the sword when one's heartfelt response was slow.

A little light of the sword penetrated the ghost's heart, but it was not pierced from the back, but stopped in the heart, as if the terrifying force that penetrated the space, directly broke the heart into nothingness.

The second sword was cut out, and his blade was cut off by one corner at once, so that the soul and war body could not appear, eliminating some trouble.

Without the blade edge, the soul and body cannot be revealed, and the soul duel cannot be cast.

Another source of essence gas into the body.

As soon as Chen Zong arrived, the pressure on Yuan Kongkong and Yuanfeng was greatly reduced.

Kill kill!

On the human race side, morale has been raging, fighting spirit is high, and vaguely, it seems to draw the mighty situation to the side, oppressing the cold and cold atmosphere on Wan Xing's original, it seems to gradually recede.

At this time, Chen Xiu also defeated the ghosts in Shenhai and absorbed them.


When the deity and the avatars joined forces, they laid down the mysterious killing array, and the lethality was greatly enhanced, becoming even more amazing.

"Kill!" Taishang Yuankong and Taishang Yuanfeng screamed, and the two teamed up to deal with a high-level ghost general, with two palms bombarding, terrible palm strength, suddenly blasted into the body of the ghost general, bombarded them Fragmented.

The body collapsed, and the soul and war appeared, and the two seemed to have been prepared for a while, and once again smashed.

For a while, a source of essence was divided into two and submerged in two people.

This is the first time a high-level general who has killed each other since fighting.

When Chen Xiu, the Shura sword demon, once again slayed his sword, this incentive was even more amazing for the human race.

The morale was boosted, and the spirit was soaring.

On the other hand, the morale side dropped greatly, and the flames became weak.


On the human side, they roared, and their murderous spirits became stronger and stronger.

Chen Xiu displayed his Shura phantom, the real and the phantom came out together, there were four, and immediately killed a superior ghost, but it was controlling the evil sword of silence to not absorb the vitality of the opponent, but to draw on the origin of the opponent Essence is stored in the body, and only after it is passed to the deity for absorption.

The situation that was originally unfavourable to the Terran side has begun to be reversed.

It can be seen that no matter Chen Zong or Chen Xiu, there is a clear brilliance rising from the sky. It is like a kind of care, a kind of care that originates from this world, and carries the atmosphere of this world. Shipped.

The more ghosts killed, the clearer and clearer the light became.

It is even more obvious when compared with others.

Looking at the clear light that pervaded other people, it was just a few strands that did not form, even the strongest, just a few more strands, like the residual candle in the wind, it seemed to dissipate at any time.

But the clear light on Chen Zong and Chen Xiu was like a cloud of smoke rising, and the gap was more than ten times.

In addition, once a ghost family is killed, the body's light will be invisible, and it will become more intense and increase continuously.

The deity and the avatars join forces and cooperate with each other, and there is no tacit understanding. No ghost can resist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if one can stop one, it cannot stop the other.

Kill kill!

After a while, the upper ghost will be killed as many as possible.

Next, naturally, other ghosts.

The threat of the powerful ghost clan that would destroy one side of the Terran Alliance is now disintegrated.

Basically, after killing most of the purgatory ghosts, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu did not shoot again.

After all, some soup must be left for other practitioners, so that they can also kill the ghost clan, draw their essence and strengthen themselves.

Fighting against the purgatory ghosts has never been the responsibility of the deity and avatar. As long as the practitioners of the Taixuan Realm have responsibility.

Although he did not make another shot, he was also on the sidelines, especially the people of the Shura ghost hunting group. They should try their best to keep them from death and attrition. These are the reliance of Shuramon in the future. Naturally, the stronger the The better Shuramon was, the better.

Thousands of ghosts are coming, and now they are defeated.

Everything is because of the arrival of Jian Xiu, which looks the same as Chen Xiu. If not, even that Shura sword demon is in danger.

This battle was another big victory.

It is even more inspiring than the last victory.

Despite this battle, many practitioners have also died, but the practitioners who have survived have more or less received the essence of the essence, and have benefited. One by one, the atmosphere has become stronger and more condensed, and the combat power has been improved. .

"But I don't know what your name is?" Yuanfeng Taichen bowed his greetings to Chen Zong.

"This is my brother, Chen Zong, Emperor of the Sword." Chen Xiu replied, reporting Chen Zong together with his name and title, and he was very upright.

From then on, this title will ring through the Taixuan Realm.

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