Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 30: Fight in the sky (Part 1)

The sun is shining, and this boundary has not yet been occupied by the purgatory ghosts, and the yin cannot be rendered.

The golden light swept the sky, crossed the rivers and mountains, and quickly entered the boundary of Taiyi City. With the traction and induction in the midst, he quickly went to the temporary mountain gate where Shuraomen was located.

Within Shuramon, the deity Chen Zong and the avatar Chen Xiu both felt that a crisis was approaching, becoming more and more intense.

Immediately, there was a feeling to let them know that a strong enemy had arrived.

It's just weird, why isn't there the horror feeling when facing the ghost king before.

Isn't it the ghost king that struck?

If it weren't for the ghost king, in this world, who would be able to bring such a clear sense of crisis to themselves and their avatars, in addition to those who are not known to the Great Holy Land.


After all, the combat power of oneself and the avatar is stronger than the average elite nine-star. If they are joined together, it will be even more amazing. They should be able to compete with the nine strong stars who are all golden.

No matter who it is, since you feel such a crisis and have arrived, you have to face it.

In a flash, Chen Xiu's figure turned into a gray awn, drew into the heart of Chen Zong's eyebrows, and went straight into the sea of ​​Shen. At the next breath, Chen Zong left the gate of Xiuluomen and appeared outside.

When it appeared, all eyes and consciousness were all attracted. It was a natural gaze, as if it were the most striking existence in the world.

A figure wrapped in golden light stands in the sky and emits endless rays of light. The golden light is dazzling and dazzling, like a round of sun, echoing the bright sun above.

The infinite power between heaven and earth seems to overlap on that figure.

For a moment, that figure was the center between heaven and earth.

What shocked Chen Zong was not his golden light, but the clear light on his body.

That clear light has already reached the point where the mountains and waters are clear. Compared with the clear light on him, he is much stronger. It can be said that it is two levels.

To this day, Chen Zong already knows what Qingguang represents.

If we say that our body is so clear, it is carrying the will of the world's will and strong luck, then the light of this golden light figure is carrying the atmosphere of the world's care.

It's as if the other party has become a spokesperson for this world, directly recognized.

who is it?

His eyes were slightly condensed, and through the golden light, he saw the other person's face, and Chen Zong was surprised.

"Tai Xuan Shengzi!"

Could not help Chen Zong was not shocked.

Before, Tai Xuan Shengzi could also defeat his sword. If it was not for the means given by Tai Xuan Sheng Palace, he would not be his opponent at all. He might have been killed in Tai Xuan Cheng ’s palace by himself.

How long has this been before, but Taixuan Shengzi can bring himself a crisis, like it was back to when he met Taixuan Shengzi for the first time.

Moreover, what's going on with this strong, clear mountainous air?

Could it be said that the Son of Tai Xuan is the only person in this world?

In the time spent in the Eternal War Fortress, in addition to cultivation, Chen Zong will also consult some classics to increase knowledge and accumulation of knowledge.

Therefore, I also know that in each side of the world, there will be some people loved by the heavens and the earth, often the true arrogant son, and the so-called arrogant name, different.

The title of Tianjiao represents a kind of genius.

The arrogant man of the sky represents not only genius, but also the person who is greatly favored by the will of the heavens and the earth, and is the person who carries the great fortunes of the world.

There are few such people.

Moreover, not every world will appear.

Some powerful worlds will naturally appear more easily, sometimes more than one.

Some small worlds may not exist. Even if there are, there will be only one after many years.

After the sacred realm of Lingwu, the Tianyuan Sanctuary is almost independent, and it can only be regarded as a weaker world.

Moreover, the will of Heaven and Earth was so severely damaged that it has been asleep since ancient times, and it is only now that it is awake.

This Taixuansheng uterine **** is a person who is favored by heaven and earth. Therefore, he has extraordinary talents, can he be put into the gate of Taixuansheng Palace, and he is carefully trained by his master as a disciple. Rising in a short period of time, the champion of the same generation overwhelms the previous generation.

Today, this side of heaven and earth has awakened, although it is still weak, but once awake, the care of luck, naturally falls on the Tai Xuan Shengzi who is the darling of heaven and earth, making him worthy of the name.

This is the reason, but Chen Zong is still a little bit upset.

After all, practicing your own sword is not just passionate, but you have the same passion and desire.

In addition, the greater the favor of heaven and earth, the stronger the luck, and the smoother the wind will become.

It is unreasonable for people who are transported by the atmosphere to even pick up treasures by just falling behind.

Of course, the will of the world on this side is not strong enough, and its atmosphere is not perfect, but it is far better than others.


Waves of invisible pressure continued to escape from Gong Tianshen, impacting Chen Zong and making Chen Zong feel depressed. It seemed that for a while, he was being repelled by this world.

But this is just a feeling, it hasn't reached that point yet.

"I am no longer the Son of Tai Xuan." Gong Tianshen's indifferent eyes appeared a cold and murderous look, as if the sky was turned upside down, an invisible but immense power, suddenly shocked away, as if Chen Zong was on the spot Crackdown.

The sky above Gongtian God's head also manifested the battle star at the same time.



This scene suddenly shocked everyone in the distance and shocked Chen Zong.

Nine golden battle stars, indicating that the strength of the palace **** has reached the extreme of nine stars.

What's more, the other person's body is transported in the air, and invisibly, it can further promote his power.


Chen Zong's heart is only dignified.

It turned out that the crisis really came from the God of the Palace.

This battle is already inevitable.

Then, fight.

Chen Zong is very clear about the thought of Gong Tianshen, that is, he must deal with himself, and even have a murderous heart.

To be sure, in the first few battles, although he lost to Gongtian God in the beginning, he has already affected his mind, and then suppressed and defeated it, leaving a shadow.

Only by defeating and killing himself can Gong Tian Shen be able to get rid of that shadow.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Zong rushed up into the sky.

Here, it is not suitable as a battlefield. Otherwise, if the two sides fight against each other, the combat power will be astonishing, enough to affect all the surrounding areas and destroy them, causing unnecessary injuries and damage.

The best battlefield is naturally over those nine days.

At this stage of combat effectiveness, both Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen had no fear of ignoring the fierce wind and fire and thunder, and for them, there was no obstacle.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong rushed into the stern wind layer without stopping, but kept going up, into the sky fire layer, and then into the sky lightning layer.

Fighting here, Yu Wei spread, can not affect the bottom.

As for the edge of the void above the thunder layer, an accident will encounter an unpredictable crisis, so it is better not to go for the time being.

As soon as Chen Zong departed, Gong Tianshen also set out, and Jin Guang together, like bamboo shoots, seemed to break into the sky like a sky, broke through the stern wind layer, broke through the sky fire layer, and went straight into the thunder layer.

Between the golden light, countless sky mines, as if they had met a king, did not touch the gods of the palace.

Instead, it was Chen Zong, or it would be affected by Tian Lei, which was not enough, but had no effect.

Staring at the nine battle stars that manifested above Chen Zong's head, the ninth battle star had not completely transformed into white silver, and the gap was obvious compared with his golden color.

But Gong Tianshen didn't mean to underestimate Chen Zong.

Sword Emperor Chen Zong, on the King's Tower, ranked better than himself, not to be taken lightly.

Moreover, in this battle, you must unplug the thorn in your heart and crush the shadow in your heart.

Without hesitation, Gong Tianshen shot directly.

He has seen Chen Zongjian, but he doesn't have any idea that he is more powerful and embarrassed to shoot first. After all, the level of martial arts accomplishment will not be displayed on the battle star.

The battle force manifested by the battle star represents the strength that can be achieved by self-cultivation. As for martial arts, the level is different and very complicated. With the newly awakened world will, it cannot be accurately perceived and manifested. .

Chen Zong's swordsmanship is enough to make him stronger than weak.

With a single palm, Jinguang was like a mighty river and lake, carrying an astonishing power of mountains and rivers, pushing forward rumblingly, directly pushing countless thunders apart.

Under this palm, Chen Zong immediately discovered that the void in all directions was blocked and completely suppressed, making it difficult for him to move, unable to evade, and only forcibly hit the spot in place.

Even so, Chen Zong was not afraid.

Shen Yejian suddenly came out of the sheath, a sword broke.

My heart moves!

Sent to the sword!

Mind sword flow first form: heartbeat chain.

Following a guide of the original intention, like a keen sense of consciousness, Chen Zong stabbed with a sword and killed the weak spot of the mighty golden light.

This blow has to be said to be very arrogant and very amazing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is perfect, and Chen Zong can't see it.

However, the stream of mind and sword can be found through the flaws. As long as there is a flaw, it will be sensed by the heart and killed with a sword, beyond its own consciousness.

This is a mysterious and mysterious sword.

Gong Tianshen's palm is amazing. If there is divine help, after all, it is still not completely flawless, but it is very close to perfection, so that Chen Zong himself can't actively discover it. He can only follow the sword to guide his sword .

Heartbeat Serial!

Under Jianguang's chain, the flaw appeared and was hit immediately.

The mighty golden light smashed into it, hitting Chen Zong's body directly, but did not cause any injuries, because under the heartbeat chain, it was already broken and disintegrated the main power. Save one.

The sword light that broke the golden light's palm prints was also killed. The endless number of thorns struck the palace god. Its trajectory was arc, exquisite, and the sword speed was amazing.

As soon as the two sides fought, they came out with real strength.

Gong Tianshen only felt a trembling in his heart, and seemed to have a slight throbbing sensation, but when the frequency of throbbing was high, they would converge and become intense, affecting his mood.

It was only momentarily that Gong Tianshen suppressed this feeling of palpitations, completely calm, and straightened his palm like a knife.

(About Gong Tianshen, etc., Liu Dao issued a single chapter "To my proud readers" and explained it, but did not notice the word count. The result exceeded one thousand words and reached the website's charge standard, which led to many students. I spent a vertical coin to subscribe, Liu Dao expressed anxiety and guilt, so he decided to add one more today to apologize, so today is the third one, and now the first one is offered, this paragraph is free)

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