Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 31: Fight in the sky (below)

The sky is rolling, endless, like a thunderstorm, endless, gestating the terrible power of destruction.

If you come here with a combat power of less than seven stars, you will have to bear the great power here. If you are not careful, you will be injured by endless sky lightning and even killed.

Only by reaching the level of seven-star combat power can we truly resist such thunder mines.

Only at the level of eight-star combat power can it be safe and sound.

Only at the level of nine-star combat power can it be ignored.

With Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen's amazing fighting power at this moment, they can naturally ignore such thunders and split on their bodies without even being eligible for scratching.

Even more, they can't get close at all, they will be shattered by their own overbearing breath.

A sword's heart beats a chain, bringing up numerous arc trajectories, as if the flying stars are moving rapidly and beautifully every month. The trajectory is absolutely incredible. It breaks the palm of the mountain pushed by the heavenly gods, causing the gods of the heavens gods to tremble and kill instantly.

Gongtian looks indifferent, with a slight faintness. This sword technique that strikes directly at the mind is extremely mysterious and difficult to deal with.

Chen Zong is indeed the Emperor of the Sword Emperor. Not only did he cultivate a large amount of combat power, but his sword skills were also much more mysterious than before.

If he hadn't found the great opportunity of Taixuandong himself, the will of this world would wake up again, I'm afraid that he is not his opponent now.

But now, it has to be reversed.

The palms of the sword are splattered, golden and magnificent, and all the currents come from all directions, seemingly simple, but follow a certain mystery between heaven and earth, magnificent, as if they are carrying the world Majesty, no one can dodge.

The heartbeat is a sword, even though it is extremely mysterious, but it is a bit inadequate to the heaven and earth **** who is more affected by heaven and earth.

Before that Daoguang had converged into a single point, they were directly attacked by the Gongtian God's palm knife, and they collapsed and dissipated. The palm knife became a golden mang, tearing the sky, passing by along the way, and all the thunders became nothingness. .

The void was also torn open directly, exposing a terrible shadow, pervading the breathtaking thrill of extinction.

Chen Zong only felt that he was suppressed again under this golden knife light.


Heartbeat Serial!

Countless Jianguang trails are beautiful and mysterious, one after another hit on the differences of the golden sword light, emitting a burst of sharp and sweet golden iron and iron symphony.

Heartbeat style, not only good at attacking, but also good at breaking moves.

Start from the mind, no need to think for yourself, and follow the guidance of the heart.

When the dense sword light hit directly, when the golden knife light approached Chen Zong's body, it suddenly shattered and turned into countless golden light spots.

It's just a matter of time.

Chen Zong issued a second sword.

When this sword was issued, the sword light became misty, like a psychedelic light like a shadow, and seemed to be quietly merged into the void, like a mist of smoke and dust, unlike the earth.

As soon as the sword came out, the forces surrounding it changed, as if from violent to peaceful, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Mind Sword Flow Second Form: Promise of Mind!

This sword rises from the heart, moves from the intention, and emerges from the sword.

To be more straightforward, that is, in my heart, there are thoughts and desires that will confuse you, motivate your heart, and make you fall into an illusion.

Such a mind was condensed to the extreme, and then sent out with a sword, hitting the other mind directly.

This sword is a new and perfect sword created by Chen Zong not long ago, which can draw the desires of the opponent's mind and form an illusion. It also has amazing changes in itself, which implies murder.

A sliver of sword air shattered into countless fumes, sweeping away.

Gong Tianshen's eyes flashed a moment of confusion suddenly, and then turned into a kind of fanaticism, I do not know what kind of illusion was evoked in my heart.

"Hahahaha, I am the Son of Heavenly Yuan, the future Lord of Heavenly Yuan." Suddenly, Gongtian God shouted like a frustrated man, with his arms open, as if he wanted to embrace the world of heaven and earth.

A majestic and magnificent trend exploded suddenly from its body, as if traction seemed to respond in general, and the magnificent breath also spread from heaven to earth, sweeping endlessly, like the waves of the ocean, endless.

Chen Zong secretly was shocked.

What kind of illusion did this **** of heaven fall into?

It would be amazing to have such a mighty statement and draw such a mighty power.

The psychic fantasy can be divided into two mysteries.

The first mystery is naturally the illusion.

The second mystery is Promise, the sword comes out of Promise, and there are many changes.

Nowadays, the palace **** is indeed affected by the first mind, and he is awakened by a certain desire in his heart. As for the second ever-changing sword-qi killer, he cannot be approached because the world that is being towed is mixed with the palace The **** ’s own violent amount of violence stirred up all directions, causing countless swords of anger, and when they came, they broke.

It's as if being sheltered by the world's powers on this side.

"In this case, we can only break through forcibly."

The slightest bit of sharp sharpness, as if time disappeared invisible, was replaced by a violent and violent wave, which permeated from Chen Zong's body.

Wind fire thunder mixes up!

All three kinds of thoughts have reached the peak of the first extreme of the extreme environment, and the distance of the second is only a line apart.

The power of the fusion of the three morals is also amazing.

The figure is slightly intact, one sword is sheathed, and the three mixed Tao intentions rotate in an instant, pouring into the sword body and continually condensing.


When he died, Shen Yejian came out of his sheath and slashed forward.

This sword is a combination of three kinds of terrifying mighty powers, and it is extremely powerful. The mixed three-color swords and lights are intertwined and entangled, and the terrifying power that destroys the world is exploded.

Three Swords First Form: Destroy the Mountain!

The sword came out to destroy the mountain and destroy the mountain. I saw a mountain shadow appearing, the sword was killed, and the mountain collapsed.


This does not end.

After the sword was destroyed, Chen Zong did not hesitate to kill the second sword.

This sword is more powerful and more terrifying, and the strength it gathers is even more amazing.

Three Swords Second Form: Landslide!

When a sword slashed out, the sword light was in the moment, as if condensing into a piece of land, the land stretched for thousands of miles, boundless.

At that moment, the thunderous sound of rumbling sounded, the thousands of miles of land continued to be broken and collapsed, the power of the horror was extremely terrible, and the surrounding thunders were all affected and turned into powder maggots and disappeared.

When it comes to subtlety, the three must-have swords are not as good as the mind sword stream, but when it comes to direct destructive power, the three must-have swords are better than the mind sword stream.

The Sword of Mountain Destruction and the Sword of Earth Blast were successively killed, and the entire void seemed to be completely broken. The golden light that pervaded the whole body of the palace **** was like a violent turbulence, and then they broke apart.

The figure of Gong Tianshen was directly enveloped.

The roar of the roar was endless, and it seemed that the heavenly **** in the palace would be blasted to death and turned into a fan.

However, Chen Zong's expression was not half-easy, but rather dignified.

In a hurry, the light burst out from the endless black, as if the sun penetrated the clouds, incomparably burning the world.

In the fierce roar, the black was scattered and shredded by golden light, and it became unnecessary.

Gongtian **** is like a **** standing, the golden light condenses into a flame surrounding the body, the flames are burning, and the whole person's momentum has been strengthened by more than a few points. The whole person also seems to be integrated into this side of the void. If you breathe, the atmosphere of this world will be turbulent.


An astonishing oppression, constantly invading, as if to suppress Chen Zong, as if Chen Zong has become the enemy of this side of the world, to be repelled and suppressed by this side of the world, like an invasion and Like demons coming, they are enemies of heaven and earth.

Concentrate all forces, mobilize all forces, exhaust all your strength to counteract and impact, and try to crush the impact of the heavens and earth to crush.

However, it cannot be done at all. There is a feeling of a praying arm as a car. In front of the general situation of this world, its own strength is as small as an ant. There is not much resistance and it can only be suppressed by constant impact. There was a burst of explosive sounds all over the body.

It seems to be crushed like this.

Sure enough, this **** of heaven is truly recognized by this side of heaven and earth, just like the darling of this side of heaven and earth, the son of heaven and earth.

His own attack has already threatened the life of Gongtian God, which will cause a riot in this side of heaven and earth, and help Gongtian God to deal with himself.

Chen Zong further realized that the elder warrior in the vein of the eternal battlefield called the crisis.

That crisis ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not just the crisis of the purgatory ghost clan, but also others, such as the crisis that now comes from the pressure of the will of the heavens and the earth that is drawn from the gods of the palace.

Although it is said that he also carries the atmospheric fortunes of this world, there is a gap compared with the atmospheric fortunes of Gongtian God.

For example, when you are on someone else ’s site, you are valued for your superior ability. However, if you are against the owner ’s own son, it ’s normal practice to favor your own son to deal with it.

This is fine, but I just feel uncomfortable and have a feeling of being targeted.

Suppression, suppression, suppression!

Being oppressed to the limit is counterattack.

Suddenly, the anomalous changes suddenly occurred, a shocking loud noise, suddenly sounded from Chen Zong, like the eternal divine sound, when an ephemeral force, indescribable, rose to the top.

However, Chen Zong came to the Eternal War Fortress and realized the benefits of returning to the mystery. The level of the Eternal War Fortress is much higher than the Heavenly Realm.

On the body, it is naturally a trace of luck that carries the eternal fort.

Although this amount of luck is inferior to Tianyuan Sanctuary in quantity, it is qualitatively better than many times. There is nothing comparable.

At this moment, suppressed by the great impact of the heaven and earth mobilized by the palace god, the trace of luck belonging to the eternal battlefield also naturally emerged, appearing in the clear light of Chen Zong's luck, like a strand of hair , Like a dragon, like a thunder.

Although it looks subtle, it has unparalleled amazing potential.

In a short time, Chen Zong only felt the impact of force, and the terror of his crushing seemed to turn into a breeze, and he could no longer affect himself.

This feeling is wonderful.

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