Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 32: 9 days and 10 battles

(This is the third change of Calvin, I offer it)

The sword of imagination is infinite, drawing the desire in the heart of the palace god, plunging into the illusion.

The sword that destroyed the mountain and the sword that the earth collapsed put the palace **** in trouble, and was almost severely injured or even killed.

The reason for this is also because the spirit of Gongtian God is not a perfect relationship.

His heart is flawed, where does it come from?

From Chen Zong.

In the past, the heavenly gods of the heavens and gods were peerless, and they were called the unparalleled in the world. Among their peers, no one was able to reach them. At that time, the spirit was strong and was called the reincarnation of the **** of heaven.

However, since he met Chen Zong, he has been a little uncomfortable, but at the time, he didn't care too much, after all, there was a gap between the cultivation and the strength.

But last time, under the confrontation of equal combat power, I lost myself. If there is no life-saving secret given by Taixuan Shenggong, I am afraid that I have become the soul of the opponent's sword.

Since then, a shadow has been left in the heart of the palace god, which is a thorn left by Chen Zong's sword.

Since then, the heart can no longer be perfect.

Only by smashing and killing Chen Zong can this thorn be removed, this shadow can be removed, and it can stand back, make the soul complete, and be more stable.

This kind of perfection will not be the vain perfection of the past, but the real perfection.

In this way, we can go one step further and reach invincible.

In fact, since his birth, Gong Tianshen has received the intangible care of this world. Only in this way can he be as diligent as he is, and if he is lucky, can he be smooth.

This is why Chen Zong wanted to kill him but couldn't.

This time, the will of this world awakens, and the more and more it cares about the God of the Palace.

Now, although the combat power is poor, Chen Zong's sword skills have been strengthened after returning from the Eternal Battle Fortress.

Fighting power is just a standard, and it cannot be regarded as all. To a certain extent, fighting power refers to the limit of strength that can be exerted by itself.

But beyond the limits of strength, there are techniques. That technique is ever-changing, and it is difficult to calculate how many times more complicated than strength.

Superb skills are also one of the fundamentals of winning by weakness.

It is precisely because the life of Gongtian God was threatened that he only attracted the participation of the world's will, condensing the world and protecting the Gongtian God, while oppressing Chen Zong in the spirit of Gongtian God.

Strictly speaking, it is not that the world will take the initiative to oppress Chen Zong against Chen Zong, but it is led by the will of Gongtian God.

For example, money, in itself, has no dominant and no subjective actions, but it may have different uses in the hands of different people.

Chen Zong understands this, but understands it, and he will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the hidden fortune of the eternal battle was inspired.

This can be regarded as a blessing from misfortune.

Otherwise, this luck will only lurk forever.

Nowadays, the fortune of the Eternal War Fortress is inspired, and immediately blocks the oppression of this world, all oppression seems to become a breeze, can not affect itself in the slightest.

Moreover, when the luck of this eternal battle was inspired and added, Chen Zong found that he seemed to feel more mystery.

This is also a chance.

Sure enough, returning to the ontology and returning to this side of the world, you will encounter no small crisis, but at the same time, it is also an opportunity.

It just depends on whether you can catch it.

Opportunities often coexist with crisis.

Under his gaze, Chen Zong saw more.

The heavenly **** of this palace has an extraordinary physique, and feels that his body contains an amazing power, which is not a cultivated power, but a physical power.

It is like a heaven and earth spirit body in the vein of heaven and earth in the eternal battlefield.

Of course, the constitution of Gongtian God is not the heaven and earth spirit, but other constitutions. When it comes to the hierarchy, it will not be inferior to or even better than the intermediate spirit.

Then, it is most likely a superior spirit.

Inferred in this way, the previous Gongtian God's constitution was a spirit, but it should be a lower-level spirit. As the world awakened here, the care of the atmosphere awakened the physical potential, and it was promoted from a lower-level spirit to an intermediate spirit .

Chen Zong's speculation is that eight or nine are inseparable from each other, but he does not know that Gong Tianshen took the chance to enter the Taixuan Cave to find an opportunity.

The superior spirit body has been favored by one side of the world, and its future achievements are absolutely amazing. It is not difficult to become the first strong person in this world.

It can be said that if there is no Chen Zong, then the palace **** is really incomparable, soaring into the sky.

There was a Chen Zong who was out of all sorts of limelight. Now, even the general situation of the sky can't help each other.

Gongtian looks dignified.

This trend in the world is also one of his dependencies, and now it is no longer effective, and the inner shadow is enlarged unconsciously.

There is a lack of soul, and it is unavoidable to encounter the shadow maker and the other party can't help it.

However, after the fierce danger of Taixuandong and the life of nine deaths, Gongtian God's mind is also tenacity many times. Although the shadows quietly breed, they have not lost their fighting spirit and murderous abilities.

This is not what I used to be.

The world can't suppress each other, so rely on your own strength.

The opportunity in Taixuan Cave is not trivial. So far, I have not fully mastered it, but its power is very amazing.

Quiet and calm!

There was no wind, but the robes danced endlessly, grinning, and countless thunders gathered around and collided and collapsed, again and again, as if fierce surging thunderstorm.

Amazing power fluctuations suddenly poured out from the body of the palace god.

As the sea flows, it seems like the sky is falling apart.

Chen Zong's expression was frozen, and he was secretly shocked.

What kind of power is this?

I just feel that just the breath that leaked out is extremely powerful. Obviously, the power is very amazing and very brilliant, far from being comparable to the power that can be cultivated in this world's practice of the law.

It's like his original sword Yuan Gong, or the purgatory ghost body of King Rakshasa, or Chen Xiu's **** Shashura warfare.

However, the flavor of the opponent ’s breath can not be compared with that of Shensha Shura's tactics. Obviously, the level of exercises practiced by the other side is not comparable to that of Shensha Shura's tactics.

However, it is already comparable to the power of Lord Rakshasa's purgatory ghost body.

The reason why Chen Xiu has amazing combat power is because of the **** Shashura warfare. As for swordsmanship, it is not his best.

Gong Tianshen must have had great opportunities in these years, otherwise, he would not have mastered such overbearing forces.

Breath, quickly strengthened, a kind of terrifying warfare, also permeated, soared into the sky.

As if the war was endless, the fight lasted nine days and ten places.

This is a martial art, an astonishing martial art.

Nine days and ten battles!

This is exactly the inheritance that Gongtian God received in Taixuan Cave.

Naturally, this gate of war is not left by the people of the Lingwu sacred realm, but a long, long time ago, when a strong man from the void of the universe passed by, he passed on his legacy.



Earth-shattering, so that Chen Zongdu was shocked, and then, the sword was soaring.

That war will, that sword, will crush the million sky mines and evolve a vacuum.

The eyes of Gong Tianshen are like the essence of war, as if the golden flames are burning, incineration of the vacuum, as if to burn Chen Zong.

Strength is condensed, and the momentum becomes more and more arrogant.


Gong Tianshen punched out, Jin Guang condensed, just like the essence, directly smashed the void, the amazing war will be covered with a layer of Guanghua, so that this punch became more arrogant and unbreakable.

This is the real combat power of Miya Tenjin.

With one punch, Chen Zong's look was so solemn and dignified. Only when he felt that the punch was coming, he couldn't compete at all, and he would be defeated in an instant.

Everything was crushed where the war intentions gathered and the boxer passed.


Amazing pressure, as if the sea was flooded, pouring down and bombarded.

This punch also drew the world in all directions to condense into it, becoming more and more arrogant and becoming more and more powerful.

Heart movement, traction, want to send out a heartbeat chain, kill with one sword, trajectories are numerous.

Suddenly, they all hit that punch.

However, under the cover of warfare, all the flaws were eliminated, and the emotional chain failed because it was impossible to break that layer of warfare.

The war intentions were as if they were substantive, with a formidable attack power and an amazing defense force.

Jian Guang hit and broke everything.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately changed his moves.

The sword fell to the ground.

The three-colored sword-light blends and blends, and between the rotations, it bursts into an astonishing mighty power, crushing the earth like a bombardment.

The fist trembled a little, and the fist front was under the blessing of warfare ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it was very solid and cohesive.

The power of a punch is so powerful.


Chen Zong was directly hit, and that punch suddenly burst into a horrible power of nine days and ten places, destroying everything and breaking everything.

Chen Zong's body shattered in an instant. Then, a twisting and twisting force shattered Chen Zong's body, and the void in that side was also twisted and broken, and numerous black cracks appeared.

I saw Gong Tianshen punching out again, the golden light diffused, the fist front furiously gathered, and blasted behind him.

Chen Zong's true body also appeared silently behind him.

Jian Guang's trajectory is like water.

But this sword light, under that punch, was smashed through.

Terrible boxing.

It seems that there is only one punch, but it is condensed with supreme warfare and invincible.

The current Gongtian **** just masters this fist, but it is just this fist, but it has terrible power, as if no one can resist it between heaven and earth. Once confronted, it will be frightened by that horrible battle. Smashed by Yi Quanfeng.

A strong punch, a war-like punch, an incomparable punch.

Chen Zong's expression was sober, but in his eyes, there was a black and white color diffused, and it instantly rotated like a **** wheel.

Shen Yejian is impartial, and the sword is set up in the center of the center. For a short while, it seems that the sword is divided into yin and yang, and the two colors appear in black and white.

Yin Yang Sword Techniques First Form: Yin Yang Sword Wheel!

A faint glow, diffused on the black and white yin and yang sword wheels, looks like a radiance.

This is a unique trick that is carried out with the third emphasis on yin and yang Taoism.

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