Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 33: Ghost King Strikes

(I'm telling you secretly, in fact, the heroine is Gongtian God)

The sword wheel is black and white.


Fighting furiously, Stone was shocked.

The yin and yang sword wheel, which is not Xubujiji, trembles in an instant, and it is amazing that it cannot weaken and disintegrate the power contained in that punch.

Under this more direct contact, Chen Zong felt the power of Gong Tianshen's fist more directly and deeply.

Under the fist gathered by that golden battle will, the strength of the Gongtian God was extremely condensed, all in one, condensed to opportunity, even with the power of the yin and yang sword wheels, it was difficult to shake it. Weaken it and disintegrate it, let alone fight back.

The mystery of the yin and yang sword wheel is that the yin and yang cycle rotates from yang to yin, and then the change of yin and yang is like a light and heavy overlap. Between the light and the heavy, the attacking force is resisted, and Constantly weakening, disintegrating it to invisible, and even taking away some of its power, rotating it around, and then throwing it at the other side to counterattack.

However, when the opponent's strength is condensed to a certain degree, it may be difficult to weaken and disintegrate.

Just like flowing water, flowing water can disperse the sediment, but it cannot dissolve the stubborn stones.

Even the waves of Pentium could not dispel the stubborn stones.

Nine days and ten places of warfare have cultivated a sense of incomparable warfare, everything in the battlefield and the world, nothing is invincible, and thus a war of incomparable warfare, such as the front, is indestructible.

What an amazing heritage.

Miya Tenjin now only mastered it.

With that being the case, you can initially consolidate the combat intention fist, covering a thin point on the fist surface, completely consolidating all your own strength, unparalleled condensing, all things, no breaks, and indestructible. The end is terrible.

The rotation of the yin and yang sword wheels is getting slower and slower, and gradually, a crack appears, just like a cracked porcelain, with more and more cracks, eventually breaking apart.

However, the power of that punch was also greatly consumed, and only a thin layer of combat intention boxer left.

Chen Zong waited for the opportunity to cut off with a sword, and the sword light was majestic and mighty.


Gong Tianshen's punch was immediately cut and shattered.

His terrible power came directly through the sword body, causing Chen Zong's palms to numb, his arms and bones trembling, and his body backed up.

So strong!

On the strength alone, Chen Zongdu was secretly shocked and even better than himself.

As soon as boxing retired from Chen Zong, Gong Tian's look remained unchanged, his eyes were calm and indifferent, but his warfare was like burning flames.

Throughout the body, a trace of golden light fluctuated like water, and that was warfare.

The combat intention cultivated by the nine-day-ten-story battle method.

Chen Zong stared, the more he discovered the mystery of such exercises.

It seems that he does not cultivate internal strength, nor does he rest on his body, nor does he cultivate his soul, only condensing a war will.

That warfare had amazing power.

This is really a strange practice.

That warfare, saying that it is virtual, but it is not virtual, that it is real, but it can also be turned into virtual, between virtual and real, arbitrary conversion.

This is similar to Taoism, but different.

It is really a very clever and mysterious power.

Suddenly, after several fights, Chen Zong speculated about the mystery of the warfare mastered by Gong Tianshen, but the speculation was speculation, but he could not grasp it.

After all, the nine-day and ten-land warfare cultivating warfare is a superb inheritance, which comes from the void of the universe, and it is not so easy to be seen.

You know, in order to get this tradition, Gongtian God almost died, just like the predecessors of Taixuan Holy Palace.

Without enough luck and ability, there is no chance to get such a chance.

Gong Tianshen has the ability, no doubt, it is even more fortunate to be able to obtain this inheritance in the life of the Nine Dead. The strength of the whole body is unified and the combat power surges.

With one punch, Chen Zong was not able to be killed or even wounded, but Gong Tianshen was not surprised. If he could leave a thorn in his heart, he would be killed by his own punch, which would be too disappointing. .

Well, if one punch doesn't work, another punch.

If two punches don't work, come three punches.

The warfare cultivated by the nine-day-ten-place warfare combines all its strengths, condenses to the extreme, breaks down and destroys everything, and cultivates an amazing warfare.

That warfare is invincible and invincible.

The battle is in the body, the self-confidence of Miya Tenjin breaks through the sky.

Chen Zong is also full of warfare, but this warfare is just an emotion, a thought of seeing the heart, a sense of excitement to fight with a strong enemy, and the warfare mastered by Gongtian God.

Then, if you fight again, perhaps this palace **** will become a further motivation for yourself.

Maybe, in this battle, one's own swordsmanship will be further sharpened. From then on, she will be born with magic, break through to the third level of the extreme, and increase her power greatly.

Maybe, the mix of wind, fire, and thunder can also break through the limit and reach the second level of the extreme, and the power is also greatly increased.


The astonishing warfare quickly gathered on the body of Gong Tianshen, and the sword will also condense on Chen Zong's body.

"It turns out to be the son of Qiyun in this world. As long as he kills you, the will of this world will be severely damaged. The King will have a great luck in life, and he will be able to see the realm of ghosts and gods in the future.

Suddenly, an extremely violent voice filled with endless evil breath suddenly sounded, like a magic thunder billowing, crushing the vacuum.

Both Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen faced dramatic changes.

Before, there was no perception. Until now, with the sound of malicious murder, suddenly, as if a torrent of torrents, a strong sense of crisis, and the impact immediately swept across, as if to make the two minds Overwhelmed with will.

Too sudden, too aggressive, totally unexpected.

Without hesitation, both Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen quickly retreated.

Chen Zong heard this voice for the first time, but he had already experienced the amazing malicious killings. It was the ghost king-level strongman who had been guarded in the ghost town of Tailor City before.


The ghost king-level powerhouse who has been jealous has finally dispatched.

Gongtian God does not know who the other party is, but this kind of guidance of the world's will made him understand that the comer is the natural enemy, which poses a great threat to this world.

The threat is many times better than that of Chen Zong.

Because once the will of this world is attacked, it will eventually affect itself.

Without the favor of grandeur, your cultivation will become slow and difficult.

Therefore, luck cannot be lost.

This natural enemy must be killed first.

Accompanied by the ultimate malicious killing, two black mangs killed in the air.

One kills Gongtian God, the other kills Chen Zong.

Both black awns contained terrible power. Wherever they passed, the void was broken directly, and, silently, that strength, extreme condensing, was condensed to the extreme.

Both Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen were all creepy.

As if this blow had brought him a deadly threat.

So strong!

Chen Zong did not fight hard, because the power of this attack was really terrible, terrible to the extreme, to his own feelings, he could not resist at all.

Once you choose a hard resistance, it is most likely to be repelled or even killed.

"Yin and Yang!" Chen Zong looked dignified to the extreme, his eyes transformed in an instant.

The right eye turned black, but the left eye turned white. It was a breakthrough under this extreme crisis.

Yin and Yang are boundless!

This self-made body and secret method is more advanced.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body was hit by that black mang. Silently, the black mang was broken, as if it had become a black hole in space, and swallowed Chen Zong's body.

The dark cracks in the space can be seen in the depths of howling wind and thunder, extremely horrible, full of amazing power of destruction.

Chen Zong's true body appeared not far away, his face paled slightly.

What a terrible attack.

It ’s just that I ca n’t avoid it, the real body is torn, and the soul will fall into the crack in the space, the bones will not exist, and the soul will be scattered.

Fortunately, under the pressure of the crisis of life and death, his own yin and yang inanimate method also made a breakthrough to reach a higher level, transforming yin and yang into the invisible, before avoiding this horrible blow.

As for the response of Gongtian God, it was not dodging, but forced attack.

It seems that he has practiced the nine-day-ten-ten-field warfare method to condense his domineering war will, and this is the behavior.

The black mang was silent, but extremely condensed, with an extremely strong threat, and wherever it passed, there was no damage to the void.


The fighting intentions were as sharp as his strength was extremely condensed, and then a punch came out in the middle.

The boxing force burst through the air and blasted out, banging on the black mang without hesitation.

The power of this punch is also extremely condensed.

But as soon as ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ came into contact, he paused slightly, and then was penetrated by that black mang.

It seems that it is difficult to play a little resistance, and it was broken in an instant. The black mang didn't weaken halfway and killed again.

Punch out!

Punch out!

Punch out!

Gong Tianshen's double fists condensed the fighting intentions and madly punched out. Each fist tried his best, constantly bombarding on that black mang.

Go forward!


Nine days and ten battles were urged to the extreme, the boxer was defeated again and again, and the combat intention was conquered again and again.

The mystery of the nine-day, ten-land warfare is that war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, battle

If you dodge, you will inevitably lose your spirit.

Only by confronting it positively and by converging invincible will can the road of invincibility be achieved.

However, that black mang is too condensed, condensed to the terrible extreme, even if it defeats dozens of combat fists, it still has amazing power.

Gong Tianshen's expression became more dignified.

Suddenly drinking, a long hair as if exploded, when flying in the air, revealed the amazing golden light, as if breaking the void, that warfare was suddenly condensed to the extreme by the God of the Palace, the ultimate extreme, than before, We need to be even more arrogant and go one step further.

Under layers of pressure, Gong Tianshen's nine-day, ten-land warfare has improved.

This is a superb method for fighting. The more you fight, the faster you will realize.

Only when you fear the war will you stop and lose your initiative.

Of course, Gongfa is different and each has its own mystery. The most important thing is to grasp the core mysteries of Gongfa and extend it to achieve better results and more results.

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