Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 34: My sword is determined to forge ahead


Long hair burst, golden light rendered, straight into the clouds, shattered all the thunder around, and cleared out a vast vacuum.

A strength is completely excited, and the complete oppression is as if overdraft seems to exceed the limit.

That war of thought suddenly turned into flames.

The power rushed, and he continued to penetrate the fist. Then, he turned the fist into a palm, and the fighting spirit gathered on the palm edge, reaching two points.

Compared to the previous war, this warfare is even more condensed and strengthened.

The nine golden battle stars above Gongtianshen's head are brilliant, and a ray of golden light spreads out from the battle star, and is related to other battle stars, becoming more and more clear.

The momentum was even stronger.

This surprised Chen Zong secretly.

What kind of opportunity did Gongtian God get? It was so terrible.

Chen Zong also saw very clearly that this is not just a relationship of chance, but also a relationship of the world's care for air transport. Only when the two are combined, can this be the case.

Without one of them, Gongtian Shen could not have such improvement.

Although he also has luck in his body, the luck of this world is inferior to the **** of the palace. Although there is also the luck of the eternal battle castle, the eternal battle castle is so brilliant.

I was in it, but it was just a small pawn. Therefore, at present, I can only get a ray of eternal defense of the eternal battlefield, not to be suppressed by the heaven and earth of the world.

If you want to get more luck in the eternal battlefield, you can only improve.

Even to break through to the realm of gods.

At first glance, it may seem impossible, but it is actually because of the level of the Eternal War Fortress, which is countless times higher than the heavenly sanctuary.

In the heavenly sanctuary, the Great Sacred Realm is the apex, and that is just the lowest level of communion.

Therefore, the powerful half-step Great Saint, in the case of the Great Holy Land, is the most powerful presence, and naturally carries more air transport.

But in the Eternal Battlefield, the ordinary psychic state is nothing, abound.

It's like a contrast between a pheasant and a phoenix.

Of course, for the time being, the care of the world's luck in this side is obviously more beneficial, such as the palace god, if there is divine help.

But in the long run, it is the luck of the Eternal War Fortress.

The best, naturally, is to receive the care of the atmosphere of this world and the Eternal Battlefield at the same time, but sometimes it is a luxury.

Just thinking about it, Chen Zong didn't investigate deeply, it just messed up his mind, disturbed his mind, made him dusty, and was not conducive to cultivation.

The original heart, when not in the dust, the original intention, when the bottom is clear.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seems to explore some mystery, if not.

At this moment, Gong Tianshen slammed his body with a blow.


The blade of the palm is extremely sharp and unmatched. When it is split, the void is instantly broken, and it is relentlessly chopped towards the black mang.

The speed of Heimang was actually very fast. The time from Heimang's appearance to the time of the **** of the palace **** to the last burst was extremely short.

Under the mighty palm knife, the war-inspired golden light suddenly contacted Heimang.

When Heiman broke through dozens of boxing punches, although he was in a rage, he was somewhat consumed.

At this time, while fighting against the extremely powerful palm knife, there was a slight pause, but although the palm knife was arrogant, it was still not comparable to Heimang.


This blow was the strongest blow from Gong Tianshen, and he did his best to no longer have the slightest reservation, which can be regarded as the last blow.

This blow was broken, and he could not resist any more, and was immediately bombarded by the black mang.

The moment when Heiman hit the palace god, suddenly burst, covering the body of the palace god, countless space cracks all over the place, howling wind and thunder roaring, permeating with extreme terror.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly, his eyes were extremely dignified.

Miya Tenjin, is that so dead?

This kind of attack is really terrible.

Immediately, Chen Zong was keenly aware that Gong Tianshen was not disappearing in the darkness, but was constantly opposing.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth in all directions accompanied by the trend of the heavens and the earth continued to surge.

The howling layer, the sky fire layer, and the thunder layer were subsequently affected, and they completely oscillated and seemed to be integrated.

The endless howling wind roars, the endless sky fire sweeps, and the endless thunder light rolls. Under the traction of the will of the heavens and the earth, one after another turns into an astonishing torrent of torrents and surges, and completely strikes in the direction of the palace god.

Chen Zong was secretly shocked by the astonishing tri-color wave that kept passing by.

This kind of power is really amazing.

Roar Roar!

Vigorous and violent roars sounded at the same time, and in the endless thunder tide, nine dragons roared in all directions from the wind and waves.

Of the nine-day dragon, three are condensed by the essence of Fengfeng, three are condensed by the essence of heavenly fire, and three are condensed by the essence of heavenly thunder.

Among the bangs, the nine dragons slammed into the heavenly gods of the palace, striking the darkness outside them.

Only in an instant, the nine dragons broke apart and turned into countless thunder rays that continued to spread, seemingly eliminating the power of the black crack and smoothing it out.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be surprised.

Really worthy of being the son of luck who is cared for by Zhong Ling, the world's will, so he will not die, and will be motivated by the power of the world to fight against.

In the power of the three colors, Heimang collapsed, but Gongtian God's body had countless cracks spreading, and it seemed that his body would be torn apart, as if the porcelain was covered with cracks.

In the next breath, innumerable golden lights, such as water leeches, smoothed the horrible fissures that were so dark.

This scene surprised Chen Zong.


As the wound healed, the breath on Gongtian God exploded, and it was even stronger than before. The golden light was diffused, as if the flames were burning and burning everything.

The war-like atmosphere swept away, like a storm, with both thunder and mighty power, and the power was amazing.

"My cultivation is different, but Kendo has a sharp edge. When you are not afraid," Chen Zong's eyes flickered endlessly. Suddenly, layers of consciousness emerged, and the aura of light was divided into the sea of ​​God like a waterfall. appear.

Under the light of that spirit, the meaning of the sword of the heart was dim and dim.

"My sword intention is heart swordsmanship, which is based on the mind and heart of the mind. Whether it is a sword or a sword, it is from the heart."

"I have my sword on my heart, when I am aggressive."

When he was stunned, in the eyes of Chen Zong, there were masterpieces, and the two swords were sharp and sharp. They burst out instantly, as if from the heart.

When the time passed, the light within the Shenhai was a masterpiece.

The heart of Kendo shuddered, sending out an astonishing sword sound, ringing through the sea of ​​God, trembling endlessly, and a little aura of light followed the quivering of the heart Kendo's shadow, quietly breeding from the deepest.

Heart swordsmanship, under the light of the spirit, became more solid.

In a moment, a little bit of light in the depths turned into a glorious, gradual gazing sword image, covering it, and flowing quietly like a water pattern, becoming agile, vivid, and converging all the sharpness in it.


The intention of swordsmanship finally broke through from the second level to the third level, and the power increased greatly.

Outside, roaring winds, raging sky fires, and thunderous lights are constantly flowing, and they also carry Chen Zong's three mixed philosophical fluctuations, with great light, as if they are about to riot.

The integration of the wind and fire and thunder has reached the extreme of the extreme. Nowadays, the strength is constantly increasing and the breath is constantly growing.

With a loud bang, when the wind and fire thunder merged with the masterpiece of light, the breath soared and it broke through instantly.

The polar world is second!

In this way, Chen Zong's overall strength has been greatly strengthened. The power of these two kinds of Taoism is no less inferior to that of Yin and Yang.

With the breakthrough, the infinite aura of light flooded, and the rushing waves swept through the mind like waves, straight into the soul.

This is after the Taoist breakthrough, the details are rapidly transforming.

In other words, Chen Zong is taking this opportunity to innovate his sword.

It was late, it was fast, and it took a long time from Heimang to Chen Zong to break through the enlightenment, but the time was actually very short, just dying.

Thousands of inspirations collided with countless fireworks, and everything precipitated and transformed.

Previously, the new sword tricks did not come out of their own, not because Chen Zong was unwilling, but because the levels were not enough.

But now, the level of Taoism is enough, and unique tricks have emerged.

Soon, the third move of Mind Sword Flow was created, and the third move of San Jue Jian was also created.

Sometimes when an opportunity is seized, a significant increase in combat power is brought about.

Not only that, the power of the first move and the second move also became stronger with the breakthrough of morality.

Even if it is a breakthrough, Chen Zong is not complacent, because the enemy Rongtian God has also become more powerful.

And the ghost king who shot it appeared in front of him.

When the huge figure in the armor appeared, the breath of breath was repressed in all directions, and the violent winds and fires of Tianhuo Tianlei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ suddenly seemed to be suppressed, calm and calm.

Suppress the void!

It seems that one side of the world has been suppressed the same.

The three-meter-high body is like a steel body, and a battle armor seems to grow out of the body.

The mere exhalation of breath made Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen feel extremely depressed.

Such existence, as if only one hand can suppress themselves.

If there is a breath of nothing, lock yourself up, giving birth to a feeling that you can't avoid it regardless of heaven and earth, it is a kind of traction of the air machine, no matter where you escape, you cannot escape the lock .

It's too far away from Miguang Island, coupled with the traction of that air machine, suddenly, it is impossible for Chen Zong to return to Miguang Island in an instant.

For the first time, Chen Zong realized that this so-called hole card was not so useful.

Since you cannot escape, you can only fight one battle.

Suddenly, Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen seemed to have a tacit understanding, looking at each other.

Just one glance immediately understood the meaning of the other party.

Join hands!

Only by joining forces can we hope to get out of this predicament.

Moreover, if this ghost king is beheaded, it will greatly benefit.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen shot together, killing the ghost king left and right.

Gong Tianshen punched out, and under the blessing of the three-point warfare, this punch shattered in a vacuum, with great power and horror.

Chen Zong struck out with a sword, the three-colored swords and lights intertwined, and the mountain ghost appeared, and immediately fell on the ghost king.

Three absolutely swords first style: destroy the mountain.

With this move, the power was more than doubled.

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