Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 35: Xeon Invincible

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The war-fighting edge covered the fist, and a boxing smashed into the void.

The sword destroying the mountain is as powerful as breaking the bamboo, and the sword is broken and the mountain is overbearing.

However, the ghost king didn't seem to be aware of it, and he had no intention of dodging at all. Looking at his look, it seemed that he did not take these two attacks to heart.


Without escaping, and without counterattack, the ghost king was immediately hit by two brutal attacks.

The boxing power and the sword light burst, and the mountain's virtual shadow shattered, but the ghost king remained motionless.

Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen not only horrified, but drank the air conditioner.

The two men's attack, but a successful attack, attacked each other, absolutely can not bear directly.

However, the ghost king was completely able to withstand it, and he was not injured at all, and even his body could not be shaken.


Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen are decisive.

Now that they are both sure that they are locked out of the air machine, neither of them can get away, so they have to fight back together.

The first move is invalid, so use a more powerful move.

Gong Tianshen raised his palm knife, suddenly split, three-pointed combat intent covered, tearing the sky, the nine golden battle stars above his head, the light of the masterpieces connected to each other, there is a feeling of integration.

Over the top of Chen Zong's head, the ninth battle star also turned into silver and white, and transformed into gold. Although the overall color is not as dazzling as Miyaten, but if it can reach the level of the golden battle star, its combat power will increase greatly.

The astonishing power was condensed on Chen Zong's body. This power seemed to shatter the sky and fall apart.

It is this kind of power that will push Chen Zong's combat power in one fell swoop and completely transform the ninth battle star into golden color.

The third style of the three must swords

Condensing the strength of the 10% sword Yuangong in the beginning of the Taiji period, condensing the power of the second-level mixed Taoism in the polar world, incorporating the mystery of heaven and earth, and wielding the third sword just created and perfected to a certain degree.

The first sword is to destroy the mountain, and the second sword is to landslide. This third sword is naturally related to the sky.

Fighting with a sword!

When the sword is about to come out, between the light and shadow shining, on the sky, there seems to be countless phantoms of palaces, Qionglou Yuyu, just like the magnificence of heaven.

However, this magnificent, there is a moonlike illusion in the flower in the mirror, like smoke and dust, scattered by the wind.

This is also because this trick has just been created and has not been completely perfected, but the power has already begun to take shape.


At the moment, Jian Guang was shot forward. When the air was cut, the Qionglou Yuyu was all chopped under Jian Guang.

The sky was also chopped out into an astonishing rift, shocking.

Such power is extremely powerful and terrible.

Even if it is the respect of the ghost king, they dare not despise the blow of the two.


At first, if there was a sense of absurdity, the shocking scene suddenly appeared, and I saw that above the ghost king's head, no battle star appeared, but two flowers emerged.

These two flowers, one of which is blood red, seems to be filled with incomparable blood gas fluctuations, which are almost condensed into substance, and one of the breathtaking magnificence is permeated, and the other one is brown, with a magnificent and overbearing feeling.

The brown flower looks a bit illusive, like a ghost image. It has an unreal feeling, and it seems that it will dissipate when the wind blows.

Chen Zong's eyes were instantly frozen.

The Eternal War Fortress not only brings itself to all kinds of mysteries of heaven and earth, but also has a lot of common sense of cultivation.

Therefore, Chen Zong knew the level of the ghost king at once.

Sanhua manifestation!

This is a higher level than the war star manifestation.

Is the level after the battle star.

After condensing the nine nine stars to the extreme, communicating with each other is the true limit of nine stars.

Another breakthrough is the so-called invincible half-step saint, or the ultimate demigod.

The most basic of the demigod is to condense the flower of the extreme realm, and this ghost king condensed two of the three flowers of the extreme realm.

What is Sanhua?

The three flowers of Jingqishen also metaphor for the three flowers of heaven and earth.

Of course, the so-called demigod extreme is just a title, and there are several small stages.

Now it seems that this ghost king is amazingly talented and has a terrible degree of combat power.

The blood-red flower, called the flower of the essence, is also called the flower of the person. It is the ultimate aggregation of the essence of the human body, which represents the essence of the human body, the body, and the flesh.

The brown flower is the flower of qi, also called the flower of the earth. It is condensed by the power cultivated in the human body, and represents the power of Gongfa.

The last one of the three flowers is the flower of the god, also called the flower of the sky. It is the condensed of the divine will of man, and it represents the spirit, the will, the faith and everything.

Only the flower that gathers the extremes can break through the level of nine-star combat power and advance to a higher level.

The gap between the nine-star combat power and the eight-star combat power is huge, so the level of the invincible half-step grand saint is naturally far better than the nine-star power.

The two flowers manifested above the ghost king's head are both the size of a palm, permeating with breathtaking breath.

The flower of the polar realm manifested, and the breath of the ghost king was arrogant to the extreme. Obviously, he came up with real strength.

He also said that the killing of Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen threatened his capital.


The Ghost King waved with one hand, and for a short while, silently, black light broke through.

The power is extremely condensed within the black light, almost half of it is leaked, there is no mighty momentum, and it will not cause damage to the surroundings.

However, the power is extremely amazing.

Under that black light, a blow from Gong Tianshen and a sword from Chen Zong were also hit at the same time, a slight pause, persisting for less than half a time, and immediately collapsed.

Heiguang, without any damage, split apart and killed Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen, making them suddenly horrified and terrified.


The golden light was violent, and the thunder was raging. Gong Tianshen crossed his arms and made a charge gesture. A golden figure mixed with countless thunder lights suddenly rushed out.

Chen Zong slaps his sword, impartially, black and white.

Yin Yang Sword Wheel!

At that moment, the swords of Yin and Yang smashed, then shattered, white rose and black sunk, Qiankun reversed, and immediately swallowed that black light.

This move swallowed up the opponent ’s power and then completely counterattacked, but the power of this attack exceeded the limit of Qiankun's reversal, and it could not be completely swallowed up and directly broken.

The terrible force is raging, and he directly kills Chen Zong, making Chen Zong's creepy like a falling ice cellar, which is extremely cold.

If this blow is hit, he will die. No doubt, Chen Zong is very sure.

You ca n’t do it. You ’re not Gongtian God, but you ’re not so lucky.

However, I also have my own means.

Yin and Yang are boundless ...

This is what came out before.

Alternately transform itself between reality and reality, so it is uncertain.

At the moment when the body was virtualized, that body was immediately struck, and instantly became unnecessary. Together with the void in which the body was located, the end was terrible to the extreme.

Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat Serial!

Countless swords of light crossed the trajectory of heavy arcs, swept across the sky with the same starting point, and went to the same end point.

This sword cannot pull the spirit of the ghost king, because the spirit of the ghost king is condensed to the extreme and becomes a flower of god. Unless Chen Zong can condensate the flower of the god, the sword's spirit pull will be invalid.

However, the failure does not mean that the sword is useless. Following the guidance of its own mind, it stabs at the weakness of the opponent.

The ghost king seems to be mocking, mocking Chen Zong's useless work.

This sword hit the so-called weakness, but it left only a little white mark, and even the armor could not be broken.

When Chen Zong secretly was shocked, he changed quickly.

Suddenly, there was a gloom in the eyes, as if all vitality had been lost, and the whole person's breath was completely silent, and vitality was gone.

This is a kind of silence that comes from the heart and affects itself.

It's like it's really lost its vitality.

The dull luster of his eyes became deeper and deeper, like **** sinking.

A smear of glaring sword light spread across the sword as if it was intentionally or unintentionally, and a sword followed a certain trajectory between heaven and earth, cutting it out.

Mind Sword Flow III: Infinite Mind!

This sword was also created by Chen Zong not long ago, after the heart sword Taoism broke through to the third level of the extreme.

Heartbeat, heartbreak, heartbreak.

In terms of lethality, the sword is the strongest among the three types.

Serial, infinite, infinite.

It is also the strongest sword of infinite.

When the destruction of mind and the infinity merge into one, it is the superimposed power that becomes more and more terrible, more and more powerful, and more and more amazing.

This is a sword purely for killing.

When a sword comes out, the first intention is to exterminate the vitality. As if its vitality is lost, it drives the other side with the sword to exterminate its vitality.

There is also an amazing will to hit the other side's mind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to make the other side feel that their vitality is rapidly passing.

Reflect one's heart with one's own heart.

When the sword was killed, the ghost king showed a slight shock, as if the sword brought him a hint of threat.

This is a threat directed at the will of the mind. If he did not condense the flower of God, he would not be able to resist it. Even if he condensed the flower of God, he would still be almost drawn, giving him a feeling of life passing away.

People's minds are very strong. If an ordinary person often feels that he is poor and keeps hinting, then he will lose confidence and become really bad.

If a practitioner has a stronger mind, the consequences will be more rapid and amazing.

When you think in your heart that you are going to die, you will become weak and dying, as if you are really going to die.

With one sword in mind, you can take this mystery and merge infinite sword power, while attacking the mind directly, you have the power to terrify yourself and destroy everything.

This sword skill is first directed at the mind, and it is more difficult to guard against.

If the Ghost King condenses the flower of God, it is said to be flawless and unable to resist it.

At the same time, Gong Tianshen hit again with a single blow. The war-fighting fist became more condensed, and he was constantly breaking through in battle.

Two types of extreme killing moves, across the void from almost two angles at the same time, kill the infernal ghost king.

There was a dip of flashes in the purgatory ghost king's eyes, of course, just a trace.

Less than a level of demigod extreme, it can pose a threat to the extreme power of demigod, even if there is only a trace, it is very amazing.

It really deserves to be the carrier of the world's atmosphere, and it is indeed no small matter.

Especially the person whose gold glitters like flames is the son of luck in this world.

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