Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 36: Each manifested

Under the void, the thunder layer, the vastness of thunder, seemed like a raging tide, and there seemed to be thunder dragons roaring endlessly.

In the face of Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen, they tried their best to make a strong blow. The three flowers on the head of the Purgatory Ghost turned slowly, and the black light suddenly diffused from the extremely strong body. The black traces appeared in the void. .

It was a fissure in space.

It turns out that just by relying on its own strength fluctuations, it can form a space crack, which is not inferior to the nine-star combat power, which is terrible.

The ghost king's arms were raised slightly, and they waved up and down.

Seemingly simple, but there is an amazing mystery in it, with the amazing killing of other ghosts and soldiers, as well as sophisticated skills.

The martial arts of purgatory ghosts often cannot be described as inscrutable, but they are pure and extreme killing techniques that are learned from countless life and death fights.

But at the level of the ghost king, it was different. On the basis of the original, it began to integrate the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, which greatly increased its power.

Between one move and one style, not only has the kind of iron blood killing, but also has delicate skill changes, and it is even more terrible.

Ghost claws waved, one claw killed Gongtian God, one claw killed Chen Zong.

The attack of the two also fell on the ghost king, instantly tearing the black light and shattering, and directly hit the armor.

The warframe was extremely powerful and extremely defensive, but it could not completely resist the violent blow of the two, and it was immediately broken.

Ghost King's cheeks seemed to be slightly drawn.

That armor is a flesh-and-blood armor. It is a armor that will grow out after the Purgatory Ghost Clan breaks to the extreme of the demigod. It will be broken and it will feel itself.

However, this is only the end. Whether it is the attack of Gongtian God or Chen Zong, it can only break the armor, and it cannot hurt the Purgatory Ghost King at all.

The gap is too big.

It's so desperate.

The ghost claws swept to the sky, silent and silent, with extremely restrained strength, but completely blocked the surrounding void and directly suppressed it.

This killing made Chen Zong's face look dignified to the extreme.

The first priority of Yin and Yang: Uncertainty!

It was only at the moment when Chen Zong's body turned into reality. Chen Zong's complexion changed. He only felt that the blockade around him had intensified, making it difficult for him to perform his work.

That claw was also killed instantly.

At the same time, Miya Tenjin is also facing crisis.

This blow is a blow of the true power of the Purgatory Ghost King, terrifying to the extreme, which is not comparable to previous attacks.

The strength of Gongtian God erupted continuously, the sky and the earth followed, the surging and surging, there seemed to be roaring and roaring, as if the will of the heavens and the earth was angry.

The will of Fangtiandi is not strong enough to directly target the Purgatory Ghost King, and can only use the power of others.

So, for the time being, Gongtian God is the most suitable person to carry the atmosphere of this world.

No way, before the world's will awakened here, Gongtian God was invisible, and he received the subconscious care of this world.

The golden light is roaring, the thunder roars, rages in all directions, and assists the palace gods to resist the mighty blow of the purgatory ghost king.

Chen Zong received no help and was in danger.

At the moment, the body becomes virtual and real, but it cannot be truly realized. If it is hit by the front, it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

That ghost claw seems simple, there is nothing amazing, but in fact, it is a blow of the tenth power of the Purgatory ghost clan, a killing move, terrible.

Purgatory ghost king's purpose is naturally to kill Chen Zong and Gongtian God.

The fortunes of these two people are very strong, especially the figure of gold light, and the son of the fortune of this world. As long as they are killed, they can accelerate the pace of erosion and occupy the world of this side, and they will also get ghost luck. It ’s not impossible to take a closer look at the realm of supreme ghosts and gods.

This is extremely attractive to any ghost king.

Every effort was made to realize the emptiness, but under this blow, the surrounding area was completely blocked and suppressed, and it was extremely difficult.


With a low sip, the six black mounts flew out of Shenhai and surrounded them. It was the six young imperial soldiers.

As soon as the Xiao Yu Shenbing came out, he immediately shared more pressure for Chen Zong, and exerted the utmost priority on Yin and Yang. The pressure was a little less.

When the ghost claws were killed, Chen Zong's half of his body was torn, which was the half of the reality, but the other half was not completely transformed.

The situation is critical!


Shen Yejian trembled, and a primordial sword element rushed into it. He penetrated the sword body to the extreme, and the black light was masterpiece.

Yin-Yang Taoism also poured into it.

In resisting attacks and disintegrating forces, the Yin-Yang Taoism has its own uniqueness, which is more obvious and effective than the fusion of Heart-Sword Taoism and Fenghuo Thunder.

Can't avoid it, can only resist.

Don't break the golden body!

In a hurry, Chen Zong also urged the unbroken golden body that had not been used for a long time.

Now that the foundation of refining has been replenished, three battle stars have turned into gold, and then they are urged to exhibit without breaking the gold body, which greatly increases their power and defense power.


The moment the ghost claw was killed, Shen Yejian trembled a little, and the power carried on it was broken.

At the next breath, a crack appeared on Shen Yejian, spreading quickly, and then collapsed, leaving only one sword handle in Chen Zong's hand.

However, under the utmost resistance, Chen Zong weakened the power of ghost claws.

Hunyuan Ironsmith!

The left hand was suddenly shaken, and under the brilliance of golden light, it suddenly burned an amazing purple-black flame.

With a bang, this mighty refining martial arts could not help the ghost claw, and the moment it touched, it was immediately crushed, an extreme terror force that instantly destroyed the power of the Yuanyuan Ironsmith , Also defeated the fire power of the Zihuan Burning Ruins.

Chen Zong's left arm trembled suddenly, and a series of explosive sounds continued to sound, which was the sound of bones breaking.

The ghost claw of the ghost king struck, even though its strength was constantly weakened, it still carried terrible power.

After all, that power is so cohesive that it's hard to weaken.

It's like a stone, even if some debris is scraped off, it is still a stone.

Unless, crush it.

Chen Zong could feel that his left arm's bones were cracking apart in an instant, and the muscle membrane of his left arm also cracked and shattered instantly, his flesh was fuzzy and almost wasted.

Chen Zong's complexion has not changed in half, and he is under his own self-confidence, and he can fully control himself.

Shen Yejian shattered, and the mixed iron-making hand was broken, and his left arm was almost abolished, but the ghost claw was also hit by a lot of power.

Under his self-confidence, Chen Zong's perception was also promoted to the extreme.

The envelope of the heart is more precise and keen on the surroundings.


Since you can't completely avoid it, move it around in a small area.

But the power of that blow was terrible and flawless, because the power was too cohesive.

It is also because Chen Zong's current level is not as good as the ghost king.

Six young soldiers were mobilized by Chen Zong and quickly shot out of the air. They were successively killed on that ghost claw, but were bounced away by that terrible force.

Suddenly, Chen Zong just felt a tremor in his own sea of ​​consciousness, as if his consciousness was being bombarded by a thunder.

Even under self-confidence, there is still a clear feeling.

Six young imperial soldiers were bounced.

However, Chen Zong's series of attacks were not without effect. Under the attack of the six young imperial soldiers, the ghost claws had a momentary flaw in the blockade around them.

The first priority of Yin and Yang: Realize the virtual!

Cast to the extreme, instantly turned into illusion, and was crushed by ghost claws.

The real body appeared in another place. The flesh and blood of the left arm drooped faintly and pale, but the bottom of the eyes was covered with silvery awns.

His eyebrows flashed grey, and Shura, who had been preparing for a long time as Chen Xiu, had been preparing for a long time. He appeared here for a short while, and his eyes turned with a wicked evil wheel. When he was dead, two gray rays burst out.

Death is dead!

This mighty little supernatural power has been cultivated by Chen Xiu to the state of Dacheng, and the distance is complete, but only separated by a line.

Moreover, with the tremendous increase in Chen Xiu's combat power, the power of this attack has become even more frightening.

At the moment of the extinction of the light of death, all nine stars in the sky above Chen Xiu turned into gold and faintly, and they were connected to each other to converge to form a ghost of a flower.

This is truly a nine-star real extreme, half step into the semi-god extreme level.

This blow suddenly called the purgatory ghost king creepy.

However, Chen Xiu appeared too suddenly and extremely fast, and that dying light locked it directly and could not escape.


Suddenly, two dying lights of death directly hit the body of the Purgatory Ghost King, invaded through the armor, and the terrible sound of wickedness began to erode the body of the Purgatory Ghost King, exterminating its vitality.

This kind of power is very clever and terrible. It really hurt the Purgatory Ghost King ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ vitality quickly flows, even with his overbearing power, it is difficult to counteract.

You know, this dying light can be motivated by Shensha's fighting power, which is very high-end.

Gein, the level of the Gods and Demons Shura tribe is far better than the Purgatory ghost tribe.

Even though Chen Xiu ’s God of War Sharma is not high-level, his strength has already begun to take shape.

As a last resort, the Purgatory Ghost King must use more power to fight the terrible power erosion that invaded the body.

The two flowers that emerged from the top of the head also became faint, especially the brown qi flower, which was almost difficult to maintain.


Jian Tu!

Killing lives!

Instantly, Chen Xiu broke out again and again, killing all three styles.

Anger is continually condensed inside, in order to inspire the form of Anger Shura.

Chen Zong's almost disabled left arm was motionless, his eyes were indifferent, and he stared at the ghost king. The imperial power of the **** was fully urged, and the six young imperial soldiers condensed and killed.

Royal God Break!

"Nine days and ten places ... Cut the ring!"

In the fierce battle, under the crisis of life and death, the war will be soaring, and Gongtian God seems to have improved again.

The flames of golden light were burning, the sky was surging, and his hands were suddenly drawn. Between the golden light, the war-like spirit appeared sharply.

Immediately, the war-fighting edge bent, condensing into a ring of different thicknesses, the edges were extremely sharp, tearing everything apart.


This half-meter-sized golden ring suddenly waved in the hands of Gong Tianshen and slammed it out.

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