Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 37: Runaway

The nine-day-ten-field warfare is a peculiar method of cultivating warfare, and it is very arrogant. Among them, there is also a corresponding martial art.

The former Gongtian **** has not mastered its martial arts, but only by means of cohesive warfare, dominates all powers, and displays them with great power.

As for the various martial arts he has cultivated in the past, it is actually useless. The level can not keep up with the nine days and ten places of warfare, and it is fully integrated into the front of war and becomes one.

The ring-cutting ring is the first form of the nine-day-ten-story battle method.

After several fierce battles, after life and death, under the pressure of the horrific life and death crisis brought by the ghost king, finally made a breakthrough and initially mastered this style.

The three-point warfare was sharp, turned into a ring, and the strength was further condensed. It was terrible, like tearing the void in essence and killing the ghost king.

With this blow, the nine Venus stars above the head of the Gongtian God will almost be connected, and the light will shine.

The infernal ghost king who is resisting the erosion of silence and death light, the combat power has dropped a lot. Anti-jail is a line slower than before, and he is facing the three-style tricks of Chen Xiu. Can't avoid the chopped ring.

Silently and silently, the armor is torn by the chopped ring, just like a sharp blade tearing benzene, easily and lightly.

After tearing the armor, the power of the chopped ring did not consume much, and it was directly killed in the imperious body of the purgatory ghost king.

The moment his body was torn, he slammed into his body, causing the Purgatory Ghost King's look to change dramatically.


Suddenly a claw, the black light turned into a raging flame, smashed the chopped ring unceasingly. Rao was so traumatized, and the bone was deeply visible.

But the vitality of Purgatory Ghost King is extremely amazing.

Chen Xiu's three swords were completely broken, but Chen Zong's Emperor was smashed, but he never slid forward, broke all obstacles, and directly bombarded the ghost king of Purgatory, smashed the battle armor, and struck the body. .


The infernal body of the Purgatory ghost king was smashed by an imperial **** to break a human head-sized pothole, and the bones were already visible, and even the bones were damaged.

Even so, the combat power of Purgatory Ghost King is still overbearing, and his breath is still very scary.

Eyes burst out with unparalleled fierce light and cold mansions, murderous surplus fields, overwhelming, and in an instant, all around turned into blood red, and black diffused, faint and faint, as if purgatory came.

Whether they were Chen Zong, Chen Xiu, or Gong Tianshen, they all trembled, their bodies were cold, and they felt like they were falling into the ice hell.

The yin wind roared, trying to freeze the body and blood, and the blazing breath was diffused, as if to burn the consciousness and soul of Shenhai.

Then, I saw the arms of the Purgatory Ghost King startled.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu's faces changed suddenly.

That is a type of purgatory ghost gate. Once it is opened, the purgatory ghost king can immediately draw strength from the purgatory ghost to replenish himself and recover his injury. At that time, all wounds will be recovered in a short time.

The dying light in the eroding body will be quickly worn away.

All in all, the Purgatory Ghost King will immediately resume his peak combat power.

On the other hand, the three have reached the point where they have done their best, and finally managed to hurt the Purgatory Ghost King. If they are restored to their peak state, I'm afraid that if they can't escape, the entire heavenly sanctuary will gradually fall.

The will of this world seems to understand this, too, instant cup.

Howling wind, fire, and thunder, followed by surging surges and constant impacts. For a moment, the palace **** seemed to understand something, guided by his own war will, as a guide, condensing the power of the world's will.


A chopped ring condensed out, which was originally half a meter, and immediately turned into one meter, two meters, and three meters. It stopped until ten meters.

This is no longer part of the power of the heavenly gods, and only a small part of it, most of it is the power of the will of this world.

The will of this world cannot directly attack the Purgatory Ghost King, but can use the hand of the son of luck.


The ten-meter chopped ring was really terrifying and could not be completely controlled. Wherever it passed, the sky thunder turned into nothingness, the void was completely torn, and a huge black crack spread out as if born by life. Erase-like, shocking.

As long as the purgatory ghost king is directly smashed, even if the purgatory ghost gate is opened, it will not help.

With this blow, the Purgatory Ghost King's look changed greatly, and he was so horrified that he didn't dare to take it, and avoided it immediately.

Fortunately, the speed of this attack is not fast, allowing the purgatory ghost king to calmly avoid.

But the ghost king can avoid it, and the type of ghost gate that is being formed cannot move.


The ten meter size condensed the terrible and extremely powerful chopped ring, and instantly struck the type of purgatory ghost gate.


The yet-to-be-formed Purgatory Ghost Gate is not so strong, but it is broken when it resists the breath slightly, and collapses into no need.

The purgatory ghost king's body trembled, and he couldn't help spitting out a blood. The three flowers on his head were also faint and dim, and his arrogant breath weakened again.


At the arrest meeting, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu shot again, killing the Ghost King of Purgatory again, making them more serious.

The Purgatory Ghost Gate was broken before it took shape. In a short time, the Purgatory Ghost King couldn't summon the Purgatory Ghost Gate again. It was closely related to him. When it was destroyed, it would also be damaged.


A trace of astonishment grew in the heart of the ghost king.

He couldn't help but not be afraid.

I thought I could take the shot and kill these two people who carried the world's air transport, especially the child of the air transport.

As long as you kill them, you can get the great care of the ghostly will, and you can definitely go further than the current one.

I just didn't expect that although these two peoples are not as powerful as themselves, they are so tenacious and tough, and they have more decent means to compete with themselves.

Sure enough, there are people who have great luck, and it is not so easy to kill.

Even more, he was wounded.


At this point, the purgatory ghost king resigned, because he continued to fight, and he had no absolute confidence in killing the three.

The terrible power in the body is still raging, and I have to split half of the power to suppress it.

Maybe, if you continue to fight, you will be killed. After all, the will of this world is interfering.


When the decision was made, the Purgatory Ghost King immediately retreated, turned into a black light, and quickly walked away. The speed was so fast that it was called Chen Zong Chen Xiu and Gong Tian Shen, and they could not chase.

Seeing the Purgatory ghost king retreating, Chen Zong Chen Xiu and Gong Tianshen also secretly relieved.

To be honest, if I continue to fight, I am not sure.

In the end, I can't kill the other party. I don't know if I will die or not. I'm totally unsure.

Now that the Ghost King is retreating, it is naturally a good thing. At the very least, he is still alive, and after this battle, although he was not badly hurt, it is not without gain.

After a slight sigh of relief, Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen gazed again.


Or not fighting?

Today, Chen Zong ’s left arm is almost abolished, Shenhai is turbulent, and it seems that he has not been harmed. Chen Xiushi ’s death light, which consumed 80% of his strength, seems to have fallen a lot.

However, the actual hands are still strong.

Gong Tianshen hesitated slightly and found that he was not sure.

For one thing, pulling this side of the world is not going to work for Chen Zong.

The second is that the person who looks exactly the same as Chen Zong but has a different breath, who does not know where he comes from, is also very terrible and is a strong enemy.

Three, the world's will will exert its strength, and with its own help to break that ghost gate, it also consumes a lot of itself and needs to rest and recover.

Four, after this battle of life and death, nine days and ten battles, when there will be breakthroughs, it will take a little time to integrate.

Well, this battle ends here.

Glancing at Chen Zong indifferently, Gong Tianshen's figure quickly dropped and left quickly.

Chen Zong also has no intention of chasing, because now, he is not sure to defeat Gongtian God.

That superb inheritance and the care of this side of heaven and earth have made Gongtian God truly rise.

For the moment, the more powerful the Terran side is, the better.

But another point, the victory and defeat between the two will be separated sooner or later.

"That's okay." Chen Zong smiled, and from the bottom of his heart, he felt that his opponent was a strong opponent. It was very beautiful.

However, Chen Zong always believed that he could definitely surpass Gongtian God, not at this time, but at that time.

Chen Xiu turned into a ray of gray, immersed in Shenhai ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ began to draw the power of God's original origin beads to restore himself, while also practicing God's Shara warfare.

Strength is still not strong enough.

This time, in cooperation with the God of the Palace, only then reluctantly repelled a ghost king. In the next day, what if he met the ghost king alone?

Or maybe more ghost kings invade?

In the memory fragments obtained, the Purgatory Ghost King is more than just a statue.

While falling quickly, Chen Zong took the elixir to take, almost broken the left arm, and was wriggling a little bit, a strong itching, which was the feeling of flesh and blood re-correcting growth.

The domineering physique gave Chen Zong a more amazing self-healing ability. Coupled with the aid of elixir, the injury recovered quickly.

However, because it is severely broken, it will take some time to fully recover.

When Chen Zong returned to the temporary mountain gate of Xiuluomen, his left arm seemed to recover, but the interior was still being repaired slowly, not so quickly.


Chen Zong re-entered the state again. There were no particular major incidents that must not be disturbed.

This time, whether fighting with the gods of the palace or fighting the ghost king, brought the ultimate life and death crisis, but also brought a breakthrough opportunity.

All thoughts have reached the third level of the extreme.

Next, it is natural to digest everything in this war, to further improve oneself.

Repair it!



All of them must be promoted. It is best to ascend to the extreme first, and then condense the flower of the extreme realm to break through to a higher level and step into the demigod extreme.

In this world, only when it reaches the extreme level of demi-gods, can it run through the world and ensure the safety of the body.

Otherwise, luck would not be so good if we were to fight again today.

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