Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 38: Limit (on)

[Title: Kendo speaks thirty-eighth chapter limit (on) Author: six perish]

Welcome to Kendo's latest chapter! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Lord of the Great Song Xiaolang, Lord of the Snow Market, Lord of the Snow Eagle, read the Eternal Dragon King Legend of the Ancient Dragon King Wu Lian, the peak of the Five Elements, the gate of the Xuan Realm, and select the Heavenly King, the Night King (The seventh chapter of Fanwai is updated. Please pay attention to the public number: Six Road Depression Can be read)

Tai Xuanjie, in the depths of a void, a figure flashing with golden light is standing. The golden light around the body is swaying endlessly, seemingly weak, but extremely tenacious, and it is becoming a little bit vigorous.

Gong Tianshen is rehabilitating and adjusting, transforming a little bit of what he gained from that war into himself, and improving himself.

In that battle, the last moment was to help the world ’s willpower to help the ghost king retreat. As a result, the power recovered by the world ’s willpower was also consumed a lot. If you come again, say, Uncertainty can not help but fall asleep.

Therefore, next time, if there is still a ghost king attacking, it will not be allowed to intervene in the willpower of this world, otherwise it will be very unfavorable to the whole world.

Recovery was slow, but consumption was staggering.

Only by improving your own combat power and condensing the flower of the extremes can you surpass the nine-star level, reach the level of invincible half-step saints, and truly master the powerful force against the ghost king.

Gong Tianshen has full confidence. This time, when he retreats, he can definitely condense at least one flower of the extreme.

At that time, go out again, and definitely defeat Chen Zong and remove the thorn in his heart.


Among the temporary gates of Xiuluomen, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu are also working hard to practice every minute and every second.

Chen Zong's practice is Gongfa, Taoism, swordsmanship, etc., and Chen Xiuso's practice is Shenshaura Warfare.

This gate originates from the superb inheritance of the Shulu tribe of the cosmic gods and demons. It is arrogant and endless. Now it is only the fourth. It will allow Chen Xiu to reach a peak of nine stars. If he can break through to the fifth, Perhaps, we can condense the flower of the extreme realm and step into the ranks of demigods.

Of course, such inheritance is superb and extremely powerful, but it also means that it is difficult to cultivate and progress slowly.

If Chen Xiu's physique is very suitable, and has been greatly improved, and coupled with the help of the God Shayuan Beads left by the Shura Demon King, it will not be possible to cultivate to such a short time.

However, the more you practice in the future, the more difficult it will be to improve.

But no matter how difficult it is, you must seize every opportunity to improve.

Chen Zong's retreat naturally consolidates the breakthrough of the heart and sword of Taoism to the extreme third and the fire and thunder of the second heavy of the extreme, and then merges the heart-breaking infinite swordsmanship and cuts created in a short time. Tianyi sword moves are further improved.

In addition, it is the deep digging of the yin and yang meaning and the further improvement of the three styles.

The yin and yang blend together, with the softness in the middle, the rigidity in the softness, and the rigidity and softness. In this way, we can better resist the strong attack and quickly dissolve.

Stable, perfect, and improved.

In this way, time has passed for a month.

This time the retreat came to an end for a while.

Overall, the combat power has improved a little.

Mindless Infinite and Zhan Tianyi's attack power is more strengthened, while the yin and yang sword wheel's defense power has been strengthened by several percent. The same is true of Qian Kun Reversion and yin and yang cut heaven and earth.

"In the beginning, Jianyuan Gong was seventh and had a clue, but it still takes some time if you want to create it yourself."

"But I don't know if the seventh heavy Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong can push my spirit to the extreme and condense the flower of the extreme?"

At this step, especially after the battle with the ghost king, Chen Zong longed for more powerful power, that is, the ultimate level of demigods.

The symbol of stepping into the demigod is the flower that condenses the extreme, at least one, and at most three.

The ghost king condensed three flowers, indicating that his talent was extremely amazing.

However, the talents of the Purgatory ghosts are already superb, which is considered normal.

It can be said that the vast majority of practitioners who are expected to condense the flower of the extreme can only condense one flower.

Sanhua represents the spirit of qi and the heaven and earth.


For example, after the body way is promoted to the extreme, the flower of essence can be condensed.

After raising the inner qi way to the extreme, the flower of qi can be condensed.

After the spiritual will and so on are promoted to the extreme, the flower of God can be condensed.

However, most practitioners can only promote one of them to the extreme, thereby condensing the flower of the extreme state. Of course, more practitioners have no such potential at all, and there is no hope of the flower of the extreme state.

Moreover, the extremes of different practitioners are different.

It is as if some people are born with divine power, and their limits can lift a thousand pounds, but some people are very ordinary and can only lift a hundred pounds. The reason is the same.

Therefore, there is no hard and fast standard for the so-called extreme, cohesive flower, because everyone is different. Therefore, if you dig yourself to the extreme, you are theoretically qualified to gather the flower of the extreme.

Of course, the deeper the individual's limits, the greater the possibility of condensing the flower of the extreme.

If the limits are obvious, it also means that the potential is not deep enough.

However, Chen Zong firmly believes that he can condense the flower of the extremes, which is a kind of self-confidence that comes from the soul and the soul.

Not only can you condense, but you can also condense a complete three flowers, no less inferior to that ghost king.

However, really trying to condense the flower of the extreme is really difficult, because your potential is extraordinary.

"In a short period of time, I'm afraid I can't condense the flower of the extreme environment, so start with the Tao first." Chen Zong said secretly, his eyes twinkling brightly.

Gathering the flower of the extreme realm is not only an increase in combat power, but also a sign of the potential being developed to the extreme. It is a sign of the impact of the demigod extreme and is expected to pass through the divine realm.

However, the means to enhance combat power does not stop there.

Taoism is also a means of ascension.

Of course, after the Taoism reaches the triple level of the extreme state, it can be improved, that is, to reach the peak of the Taoism, but what Chen Zong wants to promote is not so, but the quality of Taoism.

The three robbers of the frontier secret method The third robber: Void **** thunder robber!

Last time, I found the Void God Thunder, but there was nothing I could do, because the meaning of the sword of heart was only the second level of the extreme state, not strong enough to bear, now it is already the third level of the extreme state, much stronger.

When you can try!

Even if the supreme sword intention is only a kind of conjecture and speculation, under the tempering of the Void God Thunder, at least it can make the mind sword Taoism take the third level of the extreme.

For example, now that it is 70% powerful, it can be upgraded to 80% or even 90%. This is also an increase in combat power.

This time, Chen Xiu naturally followed Chen Zong's departure, of course, to protect Chen Zong.

After all, if Chen Xiu wants to take advantage of the thunder and thunder, he must do it wholeheartedly. With Chen Xiu's support, at least some unpredictable crises can be avoided.

One year and so, Chen Zong immediately set off and rushed straight into the sky.

Suddenly, it is across the hurricane layer, the sky fire layer, the sky thunder layer, and rushes into the edge of the Yuan Sanctuary that day, bordering the cosmic void.

Look for Void God Thunder.

The last time, it took months for Chen Zong to find it.

This time, the deity and the avatar search together, and the speed is several times faster than the last time.

In addition, it is also a relationship of luck and luck, luck is more than ten times better than the last time.

Therefore, in less than a day, Chen Zong found the Void God Thunder.

Concentration, rendering an inch of divine heart and sword meaning, turned into a sword light radiated from the eyebrow, and instantly, it was shot into the thin, black and terrible black **** of thunder.

Suddenly, countless black thunders, like silk, surrounded and entangled, densely entangled the heart of Kendo, frantic raging, want to destroy and crush it.

However, the third most important mentality of the polar world is one inch of Shenhui, but it firmly resists the raging of the Void God Thunder and will not be broken.

Chen Zong immediately concentrated all his minds and began to practice the third calamity of the three calamities: the void **** thunder calamity.

The so-called "Three Robbery Fronts" is well understood, that is, the use of external hardships to sharpen and cast a peerless edge, such as forging rough iron into fine iron, and then forging into a sword embryo, and then forging the sword embryo into a shape, and then opening the same.

Now, this is the last step. Open the sword and become a real killing weapon, not an ornamental object.

This step is difficult.

No half-point error is tolerated, and once it is wrong, it will be the result of sword waste.

Therefore, Chen Zong will allow Chen Xiu to follow him, to protect himself and not to be disturbed.

Time passed slowly, the three slaying fronts and secret methods operated, drew a trace of the power of the Nether Thunder, and continued to train the sword shadow.

Under the tempering, the sword shadow also continued to solidify, and Chen Zong could feel that the sword of heart and sword was continually strengthened under the tempering of the Void God Thunder.

From Qicheng Power to Bacheng Power.

I don't know how long in the past ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jianying trembled slightly, it seems that a sword humming happened, and when the moment passed, the radiance of the sword shadow surged from one inch to two inches.

This means that the power of heart swordsmanship has increased from 70% to 80%.

Continue tempering.

Constantly improving, although it was a little slower, there was no pause.

After another period of time, Jian Ying shuddered again, Shenhui rose from two inches to three inches.

Powerful Jiucheng!

This is the limit that the third level of Taoism can reach.

The power of heart swordsmanship has improved a lot, and even with its own combat power, it has also been greatly enhanced.

But Chen Zong was not happy at all.

Because those vacant gods and thunders are about to consume all the air, and the meaning of heart swordsmanship is still the top class and has not changed.

This is not the same situation as before the fire disaster and the sky disaster.

The previous ground fire disaster and sky wind disaster respectively transformed the heart and swordsmanship from medium to high order, and then from high to high level.

Could it be said that the speculation of the Great Holy Realm Sword Repair is actually wrong, the first two calamities are useful, and the third calamity, the so-called transcendence of the top rank, is supreme, it is really just a guess.

"Yes, although the Great Sacred Realm Soul Repair is called Xeon in the Lingwu Sacred Realm, but it is nothing in the entire universe, it can only be regarded as a low-level psychic realm."

"The Supreme Word also exists, but according to the records of the Eternal War Fortress, there are very few and very few people who are expected to master the Supreme Word in the entire universe."

"It's just the three secrets of the frontiers, and it can't touch the realm of supremacy."

Withdrawing the heart and sword meaning covered by the three-inch Shenhui, Chen Zong exhaled a long breath, and could not help feeling lost.

The Supreme Realm is real, but it is extremely difficult to achieve.

Although San Jie Li Feng is good, it is not enough. 2k novel reading network

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