Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 39: Limit (lower)

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Taoism has always been divided into low order, middle order, high order and top order.

In many worlds, the top Taoist meaning is the extreme of cognition, as is the spiritual and spiritual realm.

As for the ancient sword sacred sacred realm in the ancient times of Lingwu Holy Realm, it is only inferred that it is above the top level, and there is a stronger and higher level. He calls it supreme.

This speculation is actually correct.

In the ancient times, the spiritual and holy realm has not been broken, and it is still complete. Therefore, the great holy realm of that era will also be stronger than the great holy realm that was cultivated after the emergence of the heavenly realm. Better.

This is also helpless because the world has become incomplete and its rules and mysteries have become incomplete.

However, overall, from the perspective of a remote world, it can be inferred that there is still a higher level in the top-level Taoism, which shows that in ancient times, the talent of that sword repairing sacred realm is amazing.

From this, he was able to devote himself to the creation of the Three Secret Frontiers, and passed on it. He hoped that the younger generation would have the talent to deal with it and see if his inference was correct.

Above the top Taoism is the Supreme Taoism.

This is recorded in the powerful forces of the cosmic void.

However, there are very few who can truly reach this step.

When it comes to doctrine, when you first grasp the mastery, it is usually not too high, most of them are low-level, better are medium-level, better is high-level, and then, slowly practice, find opportunities Break through 桎梏 to transform and improve.

Those who can directly understand the troops and master the top-level Taoism have rarely, ever since ancient times.

As for the sudden realization of the Supreme Master, there is no lack in the void of the universe. I just don't know how many years of void will appear in one or two, which is almost nothing.

Of course, relying on your own efforts and continuous cultivation, you can't find an opportunity, and eventually the Tao will become supreme. It also exists, but there are only a few.

However, since Chen Zong has already accurately learned from the classics in the Eternal War Fortress, there is indeed an iniquity, and he has longed for it, and has long been planted in his heart like a seed.

The method of the three slaying fronts is to create a sword-less method.

But now, this method does not seem feasible.

Chen Zong will inevitably feel very disappointed.

But even if disappointed, there was no plan to give up.

"The third peak of the extreme is Jiucheng Mighty."

"But above 90% of the power, there are 10%."

"Perhaps, when I raise it to 10% and reach the extremes of the extremes, I can hope to see the supreme realm."

Chen Zong said secretly, continue to look for the Void God Thunder.

On the edge of the border between the world and the universe, the Nether Thunder will not be too strong, just a trace of it, but for the current Chen Zong, it is enough. If it is stronger, it will not be able to bear it at all. Instead, it cannot play a sharpening role.

Perhaps because of luck, Chen Zong found a vacant **** of thunder within a short time.

Unleashing the spirit of swordsmanship, three inches of glory, the shadow of the sword fell into the void **** thunder, and the power of milk **** kung thunder was absorbed by the three-strength sharp method. This time, Chen Zong immediately discovered and tempered Efficiency is several times slower than before.

When the power of this Nether Thunder was consumed, the power of swordsmanship was still 90%, and it had not yet broken through.

"Not enough." Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, and she had to continue looking.

Only this time, luck didn't seem to be that good. After searching for a while, he still couldn't find it.

Time slowly passed, and the ghost king fled after being wounded, returned to the ghost gate, and used the power of the purgatory ghost gate to draw the power of the purgatory ghost, restore his wounds, and soon fully recovered.

But this time, he was not in a hurry.

After this time, only one of them wanted to kill the son of luck, I was afraid it was not so easy.

As for the other one, the importance in his mind is still inferior to the son of luck.

Killing the son of Qi Yun is the most important thing. As long as the son of Qi Yun is dead, the others are not a concern.

However, the son of Qi Yun is the son of Qi Yun, which is the carrier of Qi Yun. It is not easy for him to be killed by the favor of this world.

The ghost king thought for a long time, and finally came to see.

Originally, killing the son of Qiyun and gaining the favor of the ghostly Qiyun will go even further, using himself, and now, he can only do nothing.

Please invite another ghost king to come here.

This invasion was actually not the move of the entire purgatory ghosts and ghosts, but only the behavior of the ghost forest department among the 36 ghosts.

However, the two ghost kings sit in the town of the ghost forest, and now when they come to this side of the world, there is one ghost king sitting in the town.

Now, it is to break the boat, and directly abandon the boundary of the ghost and ghost town, and let another ghost king carry the remaining ghost soldiers and ghosts, all of them invade this world.

In doing so, it is necessary to clear the power and occupy this world and make it a new ghost.

If this is done, then the ghost forest will occupy this world. The boundary here is much larger than the boundary of the ghost forest within the ghost.

If it is occupied, the Ghost Forest Department can definitely usher in a great development and become more powerful, and the Ghosts of the Ghost Forest Department can also get great benefits.

In the future, I can definitely reach the level of the most powerful ghost king among the 36 ghostly ghosts, and even surpass it, and then enter the realm of ghosts and gods.

By then, all in this world and ghosts will be invincible, and they can step into the vast universe and become stronger.

However, if you want to abandon the Ghost Forest and enter the world, you must not be too obvious. Otherwise, you will be aware of the ghosts of the other 17 tribes, and you will be skeptical.

If they were told to know this world, they would definitely invade.

Among the thirty-sixth chapters, there are the three most powerful ones, which are far from being comparable to the Ghost Forest Department.

If it was the army of the three ghosts, it is estimated that there was no other thing in the ghost forest, and all the sacrifices before were in vain.

The action must be covert and suspicious, so as not to cause suspicion by other ghost clans.

As long as the ghost soldiers and ghosts in the Gui Mori Department will all enter this side of the world, even if they are known, they will not be afraid, because at that time, this purgatory ghost gate will be closed, and heavy forces will be added to block it.

At that time, the ghosts among the ghosts will be difficult to open, and if they want to open on their side, they must first lift the heavy blockade.

This approach is tantamount to giving up purgatory ghosts, both good and bad.

The advantage is that there is no retreat and every effort must be made to seize this world.

The disadvantage is also that there is no escape route. Once wounded, you can only use the breath here to recover. Of course, as a ghost king-level powerhouse, as long as you have a little time, you can open the purgatory ghost door to connect with the ghosts and draw the power of the ghosts to recover Strength and injury.

However, in the future, be more careful to avoid being found by the ghost king-level strong within the purgatory ghosts, and use this as a breakthrough point to break the void barrier and enter the world to fight for it.

It will take some time for another ghost king and other ghost soldiers to enter this world.

Then, taking advantage of this period of time, take the power of ghosts into this world, transform the surrounding environment, form a ghost land, and become the real base of the world occupied by the ghost forest.

As a result, the purgatory ghosts suddenly fell silent.

The three major leagues do not know what the situation is, but the Ghost clan's inaction is, to a certain extent, a good thing, allowing them to rest and practice well.

In addition, the surveillance of the ghost clan will not give up naturally, and some ghost hunting groups will also look for opportunities to hunt and kill the ghost clan in order to gain the essence of the source and improve themselves.

On the edge of the void, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu are still looking for the Void God Thunder.

The fourth Void God Thunder was absorbed and sharpened by Chen Zong, but the meaning of heart swordsmanship was still 90%.

"It's about to reach the extreme." Chen Zong said secretly.

As long as you find another Void God Thunder, absorb it and refine it, you can go one step further.

This is a feeling that comes from the heart.

10%, a difference of 10% from 90%, it is not clear how much power will be improved, but it is certain that 10% is definitely better.

Because ten percent is a state of perfection and a prerequisite for martial arts.

Although Chen Xiu is helping to find the Void God Thunder, he is also holding the source of the God Sha Sha, and continuously operates the fourth step of the God Sha Shu warfare method. He draws the God Sha war power from it, refines and absorbs, and promotes repair to peace. Gongfa level.

Shensha Shura's warfare ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the greatest reliance of Chen Xiu at the moment. The god-sharp combat power cultivated by him is surprisingly powerful and overbearing.

A few days have passed.

Finally, Chen Zong found the fifth Void Thunder.

Immediately released the three-inch Shenhui's heart and sword meaning, and instantly rushed into the void **** thunder, the void **** thunder invaded, trying to destroy the sword shadow, but did not score any points.

Instead, under the guidance of Sanjie Lifeng, it was continuously absorbed to sharpen the sword shadow.

The intention of heart swordsmanship is strengthened a little bit, and all kinds of perceptions are constantly flowing into Chen Zong's soul.

This promotion method can be described as Ren.

Normal practice is a little bit of enlightenment, tapping the potential, and thus rising.

However, Chen Zong directly raised it with the help of external forces. The advantage of this is to save countless hours. The disadvantage is that he does not rise up step by step by himself. In terms of its potential and power development and use, it will It becomes rough and cannot be played thoroughly.

But relatively speaking, it is better than the first case and saves more time. As for tapping its potential and power thoroughly, you only need to work hard.



When the Void God Thunder at this place consumed all the air again, Chen Zong only felt the violent tremor of his heart and sword.

Three inches of Shenhui, then fluctuated endlessly, as if burning like a flame, an amazing breath, also constantly diffused out of it.

In the next breath, the sword is magnificent, and the light is blooming. The amazing ship seems to break the void, and it is extremely powerful.

The next breath, the three-inch Shenhuijun submerged into the solid sword shadow, covered with a layer of streamer like autumn water.

It seems that the sword shadow condensed by the heart of Kendo is like a real sword.

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