Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 40: Attack

The sword is three feet seven wide, **** wide, half finger thick, silver-white, and the sword seems to have a layer of psychedelic light flowing like a stream of autumn water, endless.

This sword, if it is real, seems to be made of some strange **** gold, permeating an astonishing edge.

When Chen Zong reached out, the sword flew up and fell into his hand, as light as nothing.

The sword waved from the hand, and in silence, a light sword mark was left in the void.

The strength of the space of the cosmic void is much more than that of the heavenly sanctuary. Even if it is the full-strength strike of the Great Holy Realm, there is nothing more than the cosmic void that cannot cause the slightest break.

Not enough, Chen Zong can feel that when he is holding the sword, the sharpness is amazing.

This sword is a sword condensed by the intention of the sword of the heart.

This change is completely beyond Chen Zong's surprise. I did not expect that the tempering of the heart and swordsmanship will be tempered to a perfect power, and the three inches will blend together into a solid general.

With a flick of his fingers, the sword's body shook slightly, Jin Youyang, with invisible sounds like layers of water waves rippled away, spreading quietly in the void.

"The hardness of this sword should not be inferior to Shen Yejian, but also better than it." Chen Zong secretly said.

Shen Yejian is a top nine-grade holy weapon. This heart swordsmanship is transformed into a substantial sword, and its hardness is not inferior to Shen Yejian.

The sword finger rested on the sword's edge, and with a light touch, Chen Zong felt an astonishing sharpness that seemed to tear everything.

This kind of sharpness is already better than Shen Yejian.

As it happens, Shen Yejian was broken by the Purgatory Ghost King, and he also needed a new sword.

And compared to Shen Yejian, this sword is a sword that comes out of your own understanding and cultivation. It is really a sword that belongs to you. It is closely related to yourself.

Instead, there is a complete connection of mind.

The next breath, the heart of Kendo in his hand turned into a ghost image, submerged in the eyebrows, appeared in the Shenhai, a trace of invisible power spread away, suppressing the Shenhai.

Chen Zong only felt that his Shenhai instantly became a lot more stable and more than doubled.

It is a pity that the fusion of Taoism of Yinyang and Fenghuo Thunder is still at the level of Qicheng Power and Qicheng Power. There is no secret method similar to Sanjie Lifeng, and there is no crazy help for external forces to improve in a short time. , Can only slowly enlighten oneself and practice slowly.

The intention of heart swordsmanship is to reach perfection, which is the limit, but the potential and power of Chen Zong has not yet reached the extreme, which requires time and effort.

Chen Xiu entered the eyebrow, Chen Zong quickly fell, returned to Xiuluomen, and closed again.

This time the retreat, of course, we must take a good look at the aspirations of the ascension, and use this as a breakthrough point to create the seventh most important sword element.

The accumulation before is enough. Now, with a heartfelt intention of 10%, he breaks the last trance.

In the beginning of the early sword, Yuan Yuan was rushing and smashing, and it was filled with an extremely sharp edge. After Chen Zong, a shadow appeared. The sword shadow was initially illusory. With the operation of the early sword, the power of the sword quickly condensed, and it looked more and more solid. , Exudes sharp sharp shock.

Too early sword Yuan Gong seventh!

The seventh power is stronger than the sixth.

As a result, Chen Zong's combat strength has also improved a lot.

"I don't know what level I am at now," Chen Zong secretly said.

At the end of the day, the seventh sword power in the early stage of the Taiji movement was activated, and the ten-hearted swordsmanship urged the stars to burst out with golden light instantly. They were extremely bright, dazzling and exaggerating.

Strands of golden light spread out from the golden battle star, and quickly linked with other battle stars.

Nine battle stars approached each other and formed a circle shape, which seemed to merge into one.

Immediately, the golden light became more and more fiery, and it seemed that the nine battle stars had disappeared, and Satan replaced it with a golden sun.

The sun is shining, the light is dazzling, and the breath is extremely strong.

This change surprised Chen Zong.

The battle star is gone and merged into a golden sun. What level is this?

Nine stars?

It doesn't seem to be.

So what level has your current combat capability reached?

How big is the gap compared to that ghost king of the day?

It is not clear that without a personal battle, Chen Zong could not make an accurate estimate.

In the Eternal War Fortress, there seems to be no such records in those classics that I have seen. Perhaps they exist, but the classics I have seen are not.

When you enter the Eternal Battlegrounds next time, you can look up more books, and you may be puzzled.

"The cohesion of the flower of the extreme realm requires the potential of Jingqishen in this realm to be fully tapped. I have not yet reached that limit," Chen Zong said secretly.

Everyone's limits are different. The higher and deeper the limit, the stronger the ultimate flower of the ultimate concentration.

Therefore, in the extreme level of demigods, there is also a distinction between strength and weakness.

Condensing a flower of the polar world is often not as strong as condensing two flowers of the polar world. Of course, this is also related to the popularity of the flower of the polar world.

All in all, demigod extreme is a very complicated level.

Today, although he has not yet gathered the flower of the extreme, Chen Zong wants to fight even if he meets the ghost king again.

Compared with that time, my current strength has improved a lot.

"Ascension and cultivation can be improved by relying on the essence and essence of the ghost clan."

When Chen Zong changed his mind, he planned to leave, hunt the ghosts, and gain his essence.

It is too difficult to improve the practice of cultivation. Either it takes a long time, or there is enough good resources.

Compared to the essence of the ghost clan, the beast source of Miguanghaibei is worse.

Bringing a new nine-pin holy sword, Chen Zong immediately set off. As for Chen Xiu, he stayed inside Xiumen, one practiced, and the second took Xiumen to avoid any accidents.

The reason to bring a long sword is because the swordsmanship of the heart can be solidified or vanished.

In real time, it can be used as a sword, and when it is emptied, it can be integrated into the long sword to improve the hardness and toughness and sharpness of the sword. In short, it is to improve its power.

To some extent, it can also be regarded as Chen Zong's hole card.

Unfortunately, no demigod sword can be found. Otherwise, if you can hold a demigod sword, the increase in your combat power will be more obvious.

The inheritance of Tianyuan Sanctuary is severed so much that semi-artifacts cannot be forged, and very few are left.

Except for Chen Xiu, no one else knew that the Emperor Chen Zong disappeared.

Because Chen Zong returned directly to Miguang Island, and then directly entered the boundary of Tailor City from Miguang Island. Everyone else thought that Chen Zong was in retreat.

The boundary of Tailuo City is very close to Miguang Island. Within the boundary of Tailuo City, Chen Zong can leave instantly, even if the ghost king takes the shot, he is afraid that he cannot leave himself.

Since there is such reliance, let us be more fearless.

With a left-handed sword, Chen Zongshi exhibited the yin and yang invisibility, and went silently toward the ghost town.

Chen Zong himself didn't know what level of combat power was raised by the fusion of the nine battle stars into a golden sun.

However, in the early days, Jian Yuan ’s breakthrough from the sixth to the seventh made him more than ten percent more powerful. His heart and swordsmanship was increased from seventy percent to ten percent, and his combat power was greatly improved.

The improvement brought about by the double breakthrough of Gongfa and Taoism is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

What's more, the power of the sword flow of mind has also increased.

All in all, my current self is definitely several times stronger than my previous self.

Eager to try!

Chen Zong's heart is this feeling.

If it weren't for his own will, he would be able to control the feeling brought about by the skyrocketing rent-fighting combat force. I'm afraid he would already be dead.

During this time, the ghost clan did not move, but the patrol did not stop.

Kill kill!

All the ghosts seen by Chen Zong were killed, and their essence was absorbed by Chen Zong, and their cultivation was improved.

After a period of time, the fourth battle star finally turned golden, and Chen Zong could feel his physique and become stronger.

Continue hunting.

The fifth refinement battle star also appeared, and it was black iron. Chen Zong could hear the sound from his muscles and muscles, becoming more and more tight and tyrannical.

This is based on the strength of refining alone, and has reached five stars.

This time, Chen Zong killed hundreds of purgatory ghosts and attracted their attention.

"Human race, dare to go deep into the land of my ghost clan, I don't know if it's life or death." This is a high-level ghost general. The first eight battle stars are white and silver, and the ninth battle star is bronze.

"Qiyun is clear and light is like water ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as I kill you, I will be able to gain the atmosphere." This is another high-level ghost, the ninth battle star, but it is silver-white, and more horizontal.

"Unfortunately, you don't have this ability." Chen Zong smiled a little, and didn't think of dealing with each other slowly.

Killed in the air.

Did not cast the sword of mind, nor did he perform other tricks, just a simple cross-cut to kill, the sword swept the void.

Even so, the power used by this sword is the seventh heart of the sword and the power of the sword.

Under a sword, the void was suddenly torn, and there seemed to be no sound, leaving a dark sword mark, exhaling a heart-warming breath.

The two high-level warlords did not respond. It was not that they did not respond, but that they were too late to respond.

Chen Zong wields his sword too fast, beyond the limits they can perceive.

When the sword had returned to its sheath, a shadow cast across the two bodies.


Let them not even have the opportunity to cast soul warfare.

The two essence essences appeared instantly, submerged into Chen Zong's body, and refined and absorbed.

Only momentarily, the fifth battle star changed from black iron to bronze.

After making up the congenital deficiency of the refining body, its promotion is easier than ever, as long as there are sufficient resources.

Purgatory ghosts are resources.

Returning to the ontology and returning to this world, there is a great crisis. I have already encountered it, and with great opportunity, I am getting it.

With this, the leap forward.

The two high-level warlords who were capable of fighting might have been able to fight with themselves before, but now they are not qualified to fight, and they do n’t even need to show any unique skills. Kill, this is promotion.

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