Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 41: Article 2




The killing is endless and the attack continues.

During this period of time, more and more ghost races have poured into this world, already tens of thousands, which not only supplements the previous losses, but also goes far beyond.

If these ghosts invade in a big way, it will be a great disaster for the three major alliances.

Fortunately, the current ghost clan can't stand it anymore. After waiting for the army to arrive, it seems to be thundering, destroying all resistance and resisting, completely occupying this world.

This can also reduce unnecessary losses.

The current ghost hunting group is only operating outside the borders of Tero City, looking for hunting ghosts to patrol and hunt, and they dare not enter the borders of Tero City.

Only Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's unscrupulous hunting in the territory of Tailuo City annoyed the ghosts.

The strong are out!


The nine battle stars, all of them golden, emit a dazzling light.

All over the body, there are breathtaking breath fluctuations, which are overwhelming.

This kind of combat power seems to be reaching the pinnacle of nine-star rating, which is very scary.

Chen Zong was only slightly interested.

I do n’t know how many ghosts of this kind of combat power can block themselves?

Of course, it is in the case of not using a sword trick.

"Dead!" This tyrannical ghost general, without a half-point, immediately shot, and the dark long sword broke through the air, carrying a terrible force, and directly cut the void.

That blade of light is like a demon of extinction, sending out waves that destroy everything, killing Chen Zong directly, without mercy, even if it is an ancient mountain, it will be broken by the sword.

But Chen Zong didn't mean to dodge.

When the sword was killed, the sword came out of the sheath, and one sword was killed across the air.

Understatement, as if there is no trace of fireworks.

Only momentarily, the swords clashed, a trembling sound was heard, and the dark long sword trembled and was cut off directly.

The sword light was cold as water, and it had been killed like a cold light, but it had an indestructible edge.

After severing the black long sword, he smashed against the mighty ghost general like a bamboo.

The ghost was frightened, and immediately gave up the long knife in his hand, receding his shape, and a red light shot from the blade's one-corner, running through the void.

This is the light of destruction, which was exhibited by the top ghosts. The power was so extreme that it faintly surprised Chen Zongmei.

This is a threat to yourself.

However, Chen Zong still did not have any meaning to evade. A sword was lightly cut out, and then he took a look at his arm, and the sword stabbed forward slightly.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong changed his moves three times.

That point, directly hit the broken light and shatter it.

The top ghost general did not expect that the light of destruction could kill the other party, just a little delay.

Body of soul!

When he died, the ghosts killed the body and the soul to Chen Zong.

These top ghosts can already let the soul and war body appear independently, instead of being attached to the body.

It's like the deity and the avatar.

Together they have a strong throat.

Chen Zong still didn't feel much pressure.

His current combat strength has been enhanced to a very terrible height.

Jian Guang cross-cuts and kills, like a chain of iron crosses across the river, directly blocking the body of the ghost general and the body of the soul.

Immediately, the sword light became flexible and turned into countless tangles of silk threads. Each silk thread was transformed by the sword's spirit, all containing terrible sharpness and sharpness, cutting everything.

The ghost changed his look and was terrified, but found that he couldn't avoid the sword silk thread.

This is the practice of swordsmanship, and it is a superb technique that Chen Zong further mastered the powers after his heart swordsmanship has been promoted to perfection.

In the past, it seemed that the sword energy was condensed into silk threads, but it was just a form with only its shape and no god, but now it has both form and spirit.

Sword into silk!

This requires a deep understanding and control of one's own strength and of Kendo.

This superb technique works wonders for those who are overbearing.

The body of this top ghost general is very arrogant and the combat power is amazing, but in the superb skill of sword training into silk, it is still unable to resist.

Just moments later, both the body and the soul war body were torn into many pieces, which were torn apart.

A pure and magnificent source of essence, suddenly permeated from the body of the top ghost general, submerged into Chen Zong's body.



In a hurry, the bronze-colored war star transformed directly into white-silver, and then turned to gold.

The essence of these top ghosts is truly amazing.

The fifth refining battle star has completely transformed into golden color. Chen Zong can feel his own physique, and has strengthened a lot more. Based on the combat power of refining, he is also confident to blow out ordinary six-star stars, even kill Out of the elite six-star.

But that's not enough.

The refining must be cultivated to the extreme of nine stars, in order to impact the limit of refining and condense the essence of flowers.

Chen Zong's goal is not so simple. He wants to gather the flowers of the extreme, and all three must be gathered.

Essence of spirit is indispensable. Only in this way can we be successful.

According to his own reading of many books in the Eternal War Fortress, the flower of the polar realm can be regarded as the first half of the demigod, and the second half is related to the Tao.

Only through the combination of front and back, Jing Qi, God, and Taoism have all been raised to completion, and then the breakthrough Divine Realm will be an infinite Divine Realm.

Of course it will be very difficult, most Tianjiao can't do it.

At the thought and at this moment, Chen Zong suddenly moved his mind, and thought of looking through the records of many classics, one of which seemed to be mentioned.

It's about Taoism, rarely.

It seems that the method of breaking through to the extreme of the demigod, in addition to condensing the flower of the spirit of the spirit, there is another way, which is to promote the top-level Taoism to the extreme.

"Then, I'm raising my heart and swordsmanship to the top 10% for the sake of perfection and perfection. Does it also mean condensing a flower of the extreme environment?" Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly.

If it is true, then it means that his current level is beyond the nine-star level and has stepped into the extreme level of demigod, but he has reached the extreme step by means of Taoism instead of condensing the spirit and spirit. Sanhua stepped in.

Compared to condensed spirits, three extreme flowers, it will undoubtedly be more than ten times more difficult to reach the ultimate Taoism, because the normal Taoist limit is Jiucheng Power, and as for Chengcheng, you want to reach it. In addition to talent and perseverance, you have to have a chance.

San Jie Li Feng, however, is exactly where he is.

Although it is impossible to get a glimpse of the supreme realm, it has broken the limit of the sword of swordsmanship and raised it to perfection.

The perfection of top-level Taoism is by no means comparable to the perfection of higher-level Taoism, which is equivalent to elevating one of the spirits to the extreme, and condensing the flower of the extreme.

In other words, now Chen Zong has stepped into the extreme level of demigod, which is equivalent to condensing a strong flower of a flower of the extreme state.

In this way, there is more confidence.

Strength is the foundation of self-confidence.

Even if you face the ghost king-level powerhouse again, you won't be able to fight back like you did last time.

When you can fight!

In this case

A moment of smile hanged at the corner of Chen Zong's mouth, and in the depths of his eyes, Jingmang flashed, Yin and Yang unfolded, and silently and quickly approached the direction of the ghost town.

The demigod's extreme combat power, and Miguang Island as a retreat, have eternal heaven and earth order can resist the attack of the Great Holy Realm to the strongest level.

So, what else can make you afraid.

The death of many ghost clan has long attracted the attention of many ghost clan in the ghost city, but the silent and silent yin and yang invisibility method makes it difficult for many ghost clan to detect the slightest.

The ghost town is already here.

On the walls of the ghost town, Chen Zong saw the guarded ghosts.

Yin and Yang are boundless!

Chen Zong did not kill these ghosts, but only some ghost soldiers.

Secretly sneak into the ghost town, go in and out of the world, start hunting, like entering a realm of no one.

Yin and Yang have no power, showing amazing power.

Chen Zong's ability is very comprehensive.

The killing ridge has both the mind and heart of swordsmanship, the ability to counterattack and the conversion of yin and yang, and the three must-have swords with direct and terrible destructive power.

Whether it is attack, speed, skill or defense, they are all equipped, and the consciousness is also very powerful.

No shortcomings, overall improvement.

Can attack and defend, can advance and retreat.

Kill and get the essence of the essence, it is better to not disturb the strong of the ghost clan.

But besides the ghost king ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ other ghost clan can't help themselves.

I have to say that Chen Zong's approach is really very bold, and it can be said to be a model of the daring of artistic masters.

Do not dare to do this with someone else.

After all, this is a ghost town, which is regarded as the boundary of the ghost clan. Here, the ghost clan has water and its combat power is increased. In turn, the clan will be invisiblely suppressed.

Chen Zong can also feel the ubiquitous power and constant impact, squeezing himself, as if to penetrate himself to suppress, but unfortunately, not strong enough.

After all, the luck of the world in this side can eventually play a role of resistance and offset the pressure.

"Dare to dare to enter my ghost city." The ghost king who was under cultivation felt the change of breath in the ghost city, and when he sensed it, he was very angry.


Some people invaded the ghost city and killed many ghosts.

And from that breath induction, it was one of the three people who had wounded themselves before.

Not the son of luck, but the people who use swords. The swordsmanship is superb and terrifying.

Before, I finally got used to this side of the world. I was not suppressed anymore. I took the initiative to attack but was traumatized. This time I was going to wait until the other ghost clan in the ghost forest department came and then launch the general attack. Come to the ghost town to kill the ghost clan.

Damn it!

Immediately, the ghost king showed a faint smile, and his eyes also burst out with extremely scarlet and fierce.

Although it is not the son of Qiyun, but this one is also very rich in Qiyun, second only to the son of Qiyun. If it is killed, it can also cause a lot of blows to the will of this world, and it can also be obtained by itself. No small benefit, not to mention, the other party still came to the ghost town to seek death.

Here, even if you don't call out the Purgatory Ghost Gate, once you are wounded, you can quickly recover.

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