Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 42: Lonely Sword vs. Ghost King

(Does the surname want to single out the ghost king, hurry up and give the surname some monthly tickets into sword spirit?)

Ghostly, fierce like a volcanic eruption, astonishing sound like a sea flowing across the sea, swarming with anger, moving in shock.

Chen Zong could feel that, in an instant, the endless force of extreme pressure came from all directions, and he seemed to be the most unpopular person in the ghost city, and was being rejected.

Compared to the previous, it seems like the drizzle of the spring breeze has turned into a violent storm and rain, becoming more and more arrogant.


Amazingly malicious and madly attacking, a sense of crisis originated from the heart, as if springs were spreading out.

However, compared with the previous crisis, this crisis is not so strong.

Ghost King!

Chen Zong knew that the ghost king was here.

Suddenly, black light lasing, a pair of crimson eyes full of malice, staring at each other, and facing the eyes of Chen Zong, the will full of terrible power destroys the deadly death.

Last time, these eyes were called Chen Zong as if struck by lightning, and the sea of ​​God almost collapsed. .

There is even a perfect heart and sword to defend, Shenhai has been stabilized several times, and it can completely resist the impact of a pair of evil eyes and the will of the will, without any turbulence.

With the pair of evil eyes gazing, it was a mighty black mang that gathered power, like a black lightning swift, but silently burst into the air.

This attack, before, called Chen Zong must pour out the cutting means, and finally paid an arm for heavy damage at the cost before he could barely resist and avoid.

But this time, it's different.

Chen Zong's eyes gazed at the lightning-fast black mang, his eyes condensed slightly, and he could clearly see the lightning-like black mang.

In a hurry, the perfect heart Kendo was transformed into a streamer, which instantly penetrated into the nine holy artifacts in his hand.

The sword trembled, and between the swordsman's sword, a kind of sword sound that seemed to originate from the void, the edge was peerless.

Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat Serial!

Killed with one sword, countless sword lights, starting from the hilt, traversed the perfect trajectory, and killed from all directions, hitting the black mang that was very condensed.

Originally, the power of Heimang was very condensed. Before that, Chen Zong used all means to break it without a sail, at most it was slightly weakened, like scraping powder on the surface of the stone.

Those levels cannot really weaken the opponent's attack.

Even if the power levels of the two sides are the same, but one side is as loose as a pile of sand, the other side is condensed into stones. When they collide with each other, the sand will spread. .

Countless sword lights, hitting the same point of Heimang immediately, broke it and broke it.

The intention of swordsmanship reached 10% of the full power, Chen Zong also initially mastered the superb skills of practicing silk, practicing silk, which is naturally an inexhaustible concentration of strength.

Heiman collapsed, and the ghost king who issued this attack was frightened, staring at the golden sun above the human race's head, his face was a little dignified.

That's not the flower of the polar world, but what is it?

It seems to be beyond my own cognition, feeling, and seems to be able to bring some threats to myself.

In just a short period of time, the strength of this human race has actually improved so much.

It really deserves to have a caregiver for the atmosphere. If you continue to do so, maybe after a while, in fact, Lin will skyrocket.


The murderous power of the ghost king became more and more intense, and the two polar flowers above him manifested again, using all their power.

These two polar flowers, a blood red, are very condensed, just like the essence, just like the real blood flower, filled with breathtaking fluctuations of qi and blood, as if the magma torrents are contained in them. Burst out. Destroy the world.

Another brown flower of the polar world, but relatively faint, is just a ghost.

However, being able to condense the flower of the extremes means that the development of that aspect is the ultimate, as long as it continues to condense.

In the battle that day, if the two polar flowers of the ghost king were condensed to a complete level and turned into substance, the combat power would be even more amazing. Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen were afraid of the repulsion without sails.

Two flowers of the polar world, one condensed to perfection, and one just condensed. Such a combat force brought a sense of crisis to Chen Zong, but it was not so strong.

This means that I can already compete with this ghost king.

A sword that breaks the opponent's attack is proof that it is put in front of it, but why not.

That sword also greatly increased Chen Zong's confidence.

At the first confrontation, he was very embarrassed and had to flee.

In the second confrontation, in the case of teaming up with the God of the Palace, all the means were used in the war, but it was still not bad. In the end, the help of the willpower of this world was needed to drive back the ghost king.

This is the third confrontation, but they can already fight one with their own strength.

This is his progress.

Mind Sword Flow: Promise of Mind!

A sword stabbed, the sword light was blurred, like a fantasy dream, the will of the ghost king was arrogant and could not help but affect it.

The mighty swordsmanship of a mighty mighty power is even more amazing.

During the attack, the ghost king returned to the battlefield of blood and fire, experiencing countless battles and numerous killings.

The ghost claws were shot through the air, the dark claws were extremely condensed, the sound was subtle, and the sky was broken.

Heartbeat Serial!

A sword waved, the ray of light spreading, breaking the ghost claw.

This sword is really suitable for breaking tricks.

As for the sword strokes of the mixed fire and yin and yang meanings of Fenghuo Lei, Chen Zong did not plan to use them because of insufficient power to threaten the ghost king.

Only the swordsmanship of the heart and swordsmanship can threaten the ghost king and make him afraid.

Fight fight!

Sure enough, raising the power of the top-level Taoism to a state of perfection is equal to the level of condensing a flower of the extreme state.

After the Jiu Pin Sacred Artifact was incorporated into the Heart Sword and Taoism, its power was also greatly improved, and it suddenly reached the level of a semi-artifact.

Only the glaring light, endless sword shadows, each sword presents a bribe trajectory, but the speed of the sword is several times faster than a straight line, constantly killing the ghost king from all sides.

The ghost king's claws are extremely hard and sharp, as tough as a semi-artifact, and they collided with the long sword in the hands of Chen Zong repeatedly, emitting countless sparks, and the sound of golden iron and iron symphony was endless.

The more he fights, the more vigorous Chen Zong is. It is not the same as the feeling of being crushed. He can swing his sword freely, and the sword will become more and more condensed, even with will, it will become more condensed. .

The will is like rough iron. It is constantly beaten, a little bit of impurities are removed, and it becomes like fine iron.

The will, in the spirit of spirit, is the part of God.

Sharpen your will to the extreme, you can condense the flower of the extreme.

If you can condense a flower of the extreme environment, and cooperate with a perfect heart swordsmanship, it is equivalent to having two levels of the flower of the extreme environment, and the war forest will be greatly improved.

However, the condensed flower of the polar world is extremely difficult.

Why not this human race? The ghost king was immediately furious, and the power of the entire ghost city followed the riots and turned into a raging wave.

Boom boom!

Under the tide of this cold and dark wave, the momentum of the ghost king skyrocketed. Immediately, a few cold storms were swallowed up by the ghost king, and his body soared half a meter in an instant. A battle armor seemed to be inflated. The muscles exploded.

The red light of the silk spread out between the gaps of the armor, permeating with an astonishingly hot atmosphere, and it seemed to contain magma fire.


The breath of the ghost king suddenly skyrocketed by 30%.

Obviously, some special means were used.

The reason why these methods have not been used to enhance combat power before is because of the environment.

Today, within the ghost town, it is the territory of the ghost clan, and there is a massive and powerful ghost clan power permeating it.

Chen Zong's complexion was a little more dignified, but the light in his eyes became more concentrated, and deep inside, there was a slight excitement.

The enthusiastic excitement, the terrifying warfare, the rushing sword's intention, like the calmness of ice.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong inspires self-confidence, masters all his powers, and masters all around.

Field of Hearts!

When the time passed, Chen Zong was compressed to a radius of ten meters.

The forces of the ghost clan that came under constant pressure from the oppression were offset one after another and could not really affect Chen Zong.


The ghost king took a shot, and immediately tore the void to kill him.

Compared with the previous silent attack, this attack is astonishing, accompanied by heavy roar and roar of evil spirits, impacting the spiritual will, and increasing its power and destructive power by more than 50%.

Chen Zong's face remained unchanged, his body was erratic, and the yin and yang were vacant and unsteady, and turned into imagination. Cooperating with the flow of the sword of mind, he guided the unloading force to avoid this extreme blow. When he saw the darkness, he was directly torn. Make a terrible rift ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Howling wind roars, fierce thunder.

Chen Zong glanced at himself. He was calm and unaffected.

The yin and yang no-body method is exerted to the extreme, as if scattered on the edge of the void, and the body is constantly changing between the real and the virtual, making this ghost king even more difficult to grasp.

Heartbeat Serial!

Wonderful mind!

My heart is gone!

Mind sword flow three styles of sword moves alternately, constantly attacking the ghost king from all directions.

The power of each sword is extremely powerful. If this ghost king's will is very condensed, it will not be able to resist it. Rao is so, and sword injuries continue to appear on his body.

However, as soon as the injury appeared, only the strength in the meat was needed to recover quickly.

"Human race, this is my realm. This injury has no effect on the king at all." The ghost king roared while waving his claws.

Suddenly, ghost claws swept across the sky, covering everything.

The light of the unicorn on the forehead of the ghost king flashed violently, the red light shone, and quickly spread to the tip of the unicorn, condensing into one point.

Laser shot!

A red light like a hair burst from the unicorne.


Very fast!

Unparalleled speed!

Even with the cooperation of self-reliance and the realm of the mind, he has almost absolute control over the surroundings, and can only vaguely capture this trace of red light.

That red light, the power was extremely condensed, wherever it passed, the void was directly erased.

It is not torn, but to be erased. Those are two concepts, as if they disappeared directly and cannot be recovered.


Extreme crisis!

Even the state of self-comfort could not curb the thriller, the intense crisis, which called Chen Zongmei's heart beating wildly, and the heart beating uncontrollably, and was almost forced to withdraw from the self-confidence.

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