Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 43: Vacuumless Slash

A bit of red light, as if the sky and the earth were shattered, the breath was horrible and amazing.

Can't avoid it!

Not only is the speed too fast, it is also a kind of extreme mystery between heaven and earth, making yourself unable to dodge, even if you dodge, you still have to face the blow.

A blow like cheekbones.

The power of horror to the extreme is condensed, runs through everything, and then destroys everything.

The light of destruction!

This is the talent ability that the median ghost will be able to master, but at this moment it is displayed by the ghost king, but it is even more terrifying.

This is killer!

As soon as this move was made, a ghostly smile appeared on the ghost king's face.

He was laughing. Such a trick, even if the other party is also a ghost king, can't be avoided, either by hitting it hard or by resisting it.

The light of destruction that concentrated all his strength, once the ghost king of the same level is hit, he will also die.


The crisis was so extreme that Chen Zong's eyebrows were beating madly. The whole mind seemed to explode, and his heart couldn't control it.

This is palpitations!

Strong palpitations.

It feels like my heart is shaking madly, and the speed of my heart beats beyond my own limit, almost exploding.

The heart and swordsmanship of the long sword in the hands of condensate was also dragged and shaken violently. The sword can no longer support the power of the heart and swordsmanship, and it instantly shattered into countless fragments and turned into powder.

The heart of Kendo is solid, but in the hands of Chen Zong, it oscillates at an alarmingly high frequency, turning into a cloud of shadows to the extreme. The void around the shadow of the sword is completely torn, and there are traces of fine blackness, numerous traces. The breath that erupted into one piece was shocking.

The heart that jumped almost exploded, and the sea of ​​Shen that seemed to collapse was shaken to the extreme, which seemed to be a broken heart.

There is a connection between the three.

The mysterious feeling of Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi permeated, and the power of the sword power in the beginning of the beginning was also irritated, and they poured into the swordsmanship without reservation, turned into a ship, and then converged on the swordsmanship.


Extreme power!

The ultimate in mind!

The ultimate sword!


Suddenly, Chen Zong waved his sword and a sword was drawn.

Silently, the void was directly erased.

Like that fading light.

A silver ship was shot out of the air.

In a hurry, the silver-white ship collided with the redness of the shattering light.

A slight meal, as if the sky and the earth were exploding, terrifying force, pouring madly, as if the stars were bursting out a terrible ring of stars.

The roaring sound shook the world. Under the impact of the ring of stars, the void collapsed, and numerous cracks spread quickly, spreading around the 100-meter square, and then shattered, turning into a huge space crack full of 100 meters, like a black hole. Like.


Lightning and thunder roaring and roaring deep in the black hole, and howling winds roared past, full of extreme power and exhaling breath, which made Chen Zong and the ghost king horrified.

This kind of power is touched a little, both of them will die, they will be reduced to no need in an instant, and the bones will disappear without soul.


Without hesitation, the ghost king backed away immediately. This is a ghost town. He has a natural advantage. This is also the case, and he was also slightly affected. One arm turned into nothingness in silence.

A sense of crisis that swept a hundredfold stronger than before, swept Chen Zong no longer able to maintain his self-reliance, but at the moment of crisis, Chen Zong's figure disappeared immediately.

The cracks in the 100-meter space did not continue to expand, but continuously swallowed the surrounding surging forces, healing a little bit, and finally disappearing.

The purgatory ghost king looked terrified and even more stunned.

It seemed that the Terran had died, but it did not seem to have died.

It would be okay if you died, if you did n’t die, I ’m afraid it would be troublesome.

The body flashed, and the Ghost King immediately went to the gate of Purgatory Ghosts, absorbing a large amount of the power of Purgatory Ghosts, turning his arms into nothingness and re-growing.

Miguang Island, a figure appeared instantly.

Chen Zong's face was pale, and the moment he appeared, he almost fell.

Not only was his complexion pale, his eyes were deeply exhausted, the robes were broken innumerable, and scars appeared on the skin as if cut by silk threads, exuding a trace of blood.

Almost, but just a little bit, I was swallowed up by that crack in the space, and it instantly broke and disappeared without a trace.

Even if it doesn't break the gold body, it can't resist the horror power of Risuma cracks. It's amazing.

Fortunately, I have Miguang Island as a retreat, and I can get away in an instant, otherwise, this time is really dangerous.

The danger is not the ghost king, but the space crack created after the collision of the two types of tricks.

Even if the ghost king's body was so arrogant, he couldn't resist the slightest. Just being affected, one arm turned into nothingness.

Consumption of empty power, seeps out like water, gradually diffused in the body and recovered.

Numerous fissures on his body have also disappeared and are healing.

After a period of time, Chen Zong's complexion returned to rosy, and the fatigue in his eyes disappeared, and he became energetic.

This time to take the initiative to enter the territories of Tailor City, the gain is undoubtedly great.

Not only did the fourth refining war star transform into gold, but it also lightened the fifth war star, and it also became golden, and even the sixth war star appeared. It is now bronze.

This also means that his current refining combat power has reached the level of elite six-star and has greatly improved.

In addition, it is fighting the ghost king, using the power of the ghost king to sharpen itself, sharpen the mind and sword, and further stimulate the potential and power of the sword and sword, and enhance the power of the sword and sword.

This battle really allowed Chen Zong to really excavate the power of the sword of swordsmanship and intensify.

In addition, it is also able to completely control and give full play to its power, so that the three types of tricks of the mind and sword flow all reach the most perfect level.

Because of this, it was able to constantly hurt the Purgatory Ghost King.

Unfortunately, the body of the Purgatory Ghost King is too arrogant and has reached the point of condensing the flower of the extreme state, so some injuries are not fatal at all.

In addition, in the ghost town, it is the opponent ’s territory, which has a geographical advantage. Once injured, it can quickly recover.

In the end of the battle, Wu Fanqi killed and even made him hard to do.

Thoughts flowed, the previous battle scene was played back in my mind, very carefully, as if it were a bystander's record.

Immediately, it was the last sword.

That sword completely exceeded Chen Zong's own consciousness and control.

If it wasn't in peacetime, I wouldn't be able to cast that sword at all, but in the light of the horror blasted by the ghost king to the extreme destruction, it seemed like a big subconscious explosion, and concentrated all of my own strength. Kill the sword.

Closing his eyes, Chen Zong carefully realized the feeling of waving that sword.

Heart swordsmanship, mind, will, and strength were all mobilized in an instant, all of them were promoted to the extreme, and they all converged into one, with the fearlessness of the heart, before wielding that sword.

Thinking back again and again, Chen Zong felt that he seemed to have broken something, pushed a new portal, and saw a new road.

Time passed slowly and the sun went up and down, but Chen Zong had been standing motionless on Miguang Island, closing his eyes and quietly comprehending.

Three days passed, Chen Zong's eyes were still closed, but the heart and sword of Taoism condensed into essence at once, appeared in the hands, and a sword waved.

There is no rule, but it is very simple to chop. It looks like an understatement. It is like a filial piety wielding a tree branch, but there is a strange power quietly condensing.

That power is invisible, colorless and silent, but very amazing.

A sword lightly waved crookedly, and when it was a while, the void was torn with a mark, shocking.

Close the sword and stand, continue to enlighten, and after a moment, another sword is waved.

Constantly comprehend and adjust constantly, constantly looking for the feeling at that time.

It was a feeling of reaching the extreme.

In that state, the mind is invincible.

For a long time, Chen Zong suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp cold mang burst out from the bottom of his eyes, as if torn into the void.

The long breath was also spit out, like an amazing sword sword, tearing everything apart.

Exhale like a sword!

This kind of power is so terrible that the eight-star battle six cannot be hard-wired, and the consequence is torn through.

"I see." Chen Zongxu said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have a strong heart and a strong mind, and then I can concentrate all my strength into one and become a ship peerless. "

"That sword is a fusion of the three unique skills of the sword of mind."

"That sword is also a fusion of my best efforts. It is the ultimate killing move."

"That sword comes out, there is no death!"

Chen Zong's eyes became sharper and sharper. If the sword was not struck by the ghost king's annihilation light, if it hit the ghost king in the front, perhaps, it might still be killed.

Because that sword, but the sword of the strength of the horse, in a short period of time, he can only show it once.

Gather all the strength, kill the sword without returning, without taking into consideration the safety of yourself, how terrible the power of such extreme swords is.

Just look at the fissures of the 100-meter void created by the collision with the light of destruction.

In normal times, even if Chen Zong displayed a sword of infinite destruction, at most he just tore a crack several meters long.

"So, this sword, I named the vacuum no-sword, one sword cut out, the vacuum tears, and no-life is absolutely killed." Chen Zong secretly said.

So what I have to do next is to control this sword.

Even if it has only one blow, it is necessary to truly grasp it and the quantity, so that it can be exhibited at the critical moment and become a killer who reverses victory and life and death.

Next, Chen Zong stayed on Miguang Island and practiced his sword constantly.


Imagine that you are facing the ultimate crisis, just like the devastating light of the ghost king. Only under that kind of crisis, can you elevate your energy and spirit to the extreme, and only then can your mind be concentrated to the extreme.

Heart Kendo shock, mind shock, sword element shock in the beginning.

In the shock, condensed into a sword, instantly chopped.

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