Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 45: Desperate crisis

Within the ghost town, a tree emerged and was growing vigorously.

On the Island of Miguang, Chen Zong is holding a sword formed by the heart and sword of Taoism, and is practicing swordsmanship one by one.

This sword technique looks very simple, stabbing, chopping, cutting, chopping, picking

This is truly the basic method of sword-making, which is spread in the universe and the world's most basic method of using swords. It is the basic technique of using swords. Everyone who is determined to practice swordsmanship must practice and master the swordsmanship at first.

However, most people who practice swordsmanship will switch to more advanced swordsmanship after mastering the basic swordsmanship. After that, they will leave the basic swordsmanship behind and will not revisit them, because they believe that there is no That is necessary.

Once fighting, it is natural to use a mighty sword to respond to the enemy, that is the first choice.

Chen Zong, however, would not revisit the basics, as if it were an instinct carved into the soul, even if he changed his body.

Now, Chen Zong is revisiting the basic methods, calming himself, looking for inspiration, and slowly accumulating, improving, and breaking through himself.

In the boundary of Taiyi City, among the temporary mountain gates of Shuramen, Chen Xiu is practicing the Shenshashura warfare, and constantly draws the power of Shensha's original beads.

The fourth important God of Shasuluo's warfare improved bit by bit.

The inheritance of the God of Shasura Warfare is very superb, and every promotion is very difficult.

Without Shensha's original beads, I don't know how many years it will take for Chen Xiu to break through from the fourth to the fifth, which is hard to imagine.

Now even if there are gods, the origin beads, it is not so easy.

Chen Xiu himself estimates that once he has cultivated Shenshaura's warfare to the fifth level, he will surpass the nine-star rating and possess the ultimate combat power of demigods.

As for whether the flower of the extreme will condense, but I am not sure.

The potential of this body is amazing. What level of extremes is really unsure.

In a void in the Taixuan Realm, a golden flame continued to burn, and it seemed to be getting more and more vigorous. It was the uterine **** of luck who had the care of the world's will.

It can be said that in this world, the one who has the most luck is Gongtian God, followed by Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

In addition, not long ago, the three men joined forces to repel a ghost king, temporarily dissolving a great crisis, and the more the world's favor was gained, the more sensitive they were to some changes in the air machine.

In the ghost town, the ghost mother tree is thriving.

An astonishing sneaky will also spread out from the ghost mother tree, spreading slowly, Sensen maliciously attacked everything.

This is the erosion of the will of the world.

Chen Zong, Chen Xiu and Gong Tianshen, who were practicing, were stunned.

I felt that there was an ominous permeation between heaven and earth. This ominous attack came with a surprisingly malicious maliciousness, making Chen Zong and others feel that their skin seemed to be cold, and it seemed that their spiritual will was eroded and polluted.

There is no pollution and no erosion, but it feels like a dark cloud, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

In particular, the more people who are cared for by this world, the more obvious it feels.

"Is there any action of the ghost clan?" Chen Zong could not help but secretly said a thought, suddenly disappeared, and appeared in the boundary of Tailuo City.

When the Yin and Yang Wushen method was exerted to the extreme, silently, Chen Zong quickly headed for the ghost town.

Investigate the enemy!

As soon as he entered the boundary of Tailuo City, Chen Zong felt the changes in the atmosphere here, obviously much stronger.

The look was a little dignified, and the closer to the ghost town, the thicker the gloomy atmosphere, the more dim the light, and the five fingers were out of reach.

Over the walls of the ghost town, although the defense was more than doubled, Chen Zong was not found.

Immediately, Chen Zong was surprised to see a monster with a huge head and a musculature covered with twisted grimaces on his body. It was very disgusting, but the breath fluctuations emitted were also very arrogant.

"This is a ghost!" Chen Zong looked more dignified.

Chen Xiu's memories are common, so Chen Zong can also know what Chen Xiu knows.


Even ghosts and monsters appeared here.

Recall carefully that the eyebrows of these ghosts and beasts all have red lights flashing, which are obviously the ghosts of the ambassadors. Among the ghosts, only the ghosts and beasts can control them.

In other words, in addition to the original Ghost Forest Department, has the Ghost and Beast Department also entered here?

The Ghost Forest Department is already very powerful. For the Taixuan Realm, it is almost impossible to resist. If the more powerful Ghost Animal Department also enters, it will be almost a disaster.

Could this be the origin of maliciousness?

sneak into!

Keep sneaking in!

Under the yin and yang invisibility method, Chen Zong's breath is extremely restrained. As long as he does not actively disclose, even the ghost king, it is difficult to find immediately.

In the distance, Chen Zong saw a huge and weird tree, which was growing up inch by inch, rising continuously, and becoming stout.

That big tree has a dark trunk and its trunk is more than ten meters in size. It is still growing, with numerous scar marks on it, which look like twisted grimace.

Countless branches spread like all directions, with strange shapes, like countless ghosts lurking on it.

Amazing malice is spreading from that tree that is gradually rising, and it seems to turn into a ripple visible to the naked eye.

Chen Zong's pupil suddenly contracted like a needle.

This tree

There seemed to be relevant information in the memory of the ghost general at that time.

Ghost mother tree!

It is what gave birth to the purgatory ghosts. For the ghosts, that is the holy tree, which is the holy tree that carries the great will of the purgatory ghosts. It can truly transform the surrounding environment into more suitable ghosts for survival and battle. Sneaky land.

Finally, Chen Zong fully understood where the sense of depression that seemed to come from the dark clouds came from.

The ghost clan has strengthened the erosion of this world, and that is the ghost king and ghost beast king of the ghost and beast department, and the two ghost kings of the ghost forest department.

In this way, it is equal to the combat power of four ghost kings, which is equal to the ultimate combat power of four demigods.


Chen Zongqing couldn't help feeling a shudder when a strong sense of crisis immediately swept across, permeating the whole body.

The great crisis has already arrived in the Taixuan Realm.

The four demigods who are extremely powerful, as well as the assembly of tens of thousands of ghost clan troops, and the appearance of ghost clan relics such as the ghost mother tree, all reveal a kind of information.

The ghost clan is about to attack.

In the face of 2,000 ghosts, the Terran Alliance may be able to resist one or two.

But if faced with 120,000 ghost clan, then the three major human races will not be able to resist the slightest, but they will be defeated at the first contact, even if it is Chen Zong and Chen Xiu who shot with all their strength.

After all, the other party has four powerful demigods at the extreme level.

Now destroy the ghost mother tree?

Chen Zong silently estimated and deduced, but couldn't.

It is equivalent to four ghost kings around. Once he leaks his breath, he will be attacked immediately. He can't do anything other than leave, and he is not strong enough.

However, what happened here must be known to other races anyway.

Immediately, Chen Xiu went out of the gate, found the Yuanji Alliance leader, and explained everything that Chen Zong saw.

Throughout the hall of the Taiyuan League, there was a lot of depression and coldness.

"Master Chen Xiu, it's not that I don't believe it, but what you said is too incredible." The Yuanji League leader smiled bitterly.

"This is the information obtained by the sword emperor Chen Zong's own eyes." Chen Xiubu Xu Buji said.

Sword Emperor Chen Zong!

These four words are more important than the sword demon Chen Xiu, at least in the minds of everyone.

And such a major event can not be half joke.

"Master Chen Xiu, don't you know what you and Master Jiandi mean?" After Yuanji League settled down, he asked again.

"Transfer immediately, withdraw from Taiyi City, and unite with Xuankong League and Taiyuan Sheng League." Chen Xiu looked calmly.

To this day, the three major alliances must come together and cooperate sincerely to retreat for a while, so that there is little hope of resisting the ghost army.

If not, they will only be broken one by one and all destroyed.

And if they are united, they can fully concentrate their powers so that they will not be defeated by each individual. In addition, if they retreat, they can also wait for support to come.

Neither Chen Zong nor Chen Xiu are experts in tactics and strategy.

As for whether it is feasible, there is indeed a corresponding talent in the Taiyuan League to analyze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the result of the analysis is approval.

After all, there is a clear gap between the power of the human race and the power of the ghost race, both in terms of individual combat strength and quantity.

Especially now, the ghost army really enters the Taixuan Realm, the number is dozens or even hundreds of times, and more powerful ghost-level kings appear, terrifying.

It is very helpless for the three major alliances to retreat together, and it is also a last resort.

Immediately, Yuankong Taishang and Yuanfeng Taishang within the Taiyuan League set off, through the Void Gate of the Nether Temple, went to Taiyuan Shengmen and Xuankong League, told them the news, and explained the intention.


Union of three major alliances.

I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but a strong person can feel the diffused air in the air more or less, and there is a feeling of dark clouds covering it, which is heavy and uncomfortable.

Xuankong Meng did not refuse, they agreed directly, and began to arrange a manual retreat.

As for the Taiyuan Shengmeng League, I don't know why, but didn't agree immediately, but first sent someone to explore the territorial boundary of Tailo City. It seems that we need to further confirm the situation.

However, while investigating, it also arranged manpower to let some personnel retreat first.

The direction of the retreat this time is the most marginal boundary of Taixuanjie, named Taiji City.

The boundary of Taiji City is the largest in Taixuan Realm. Taixuan City can't compare with it. However, the vitality of the world of Taiji City is not strong enough and the resources are scarce.

It is a last resort to retreat to Tai Chi City.

The Taiyuan League and Xuankong League acted very quickly. While the ghost army was still being assembled and preparing, they retreated, taking away all resources and leaving no trace to the ghost race.

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