Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 46: Super Ghost Mother Tree

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook From, if the storm raged continuously, it sounded like the horn of war that sounded through the world.

Above the sky, there is a dark, rolling sky, like a dark cloud covering the sky, like a raging sea and a surging wave, a dark and fierce domineering atmosphere, covering the sky, wherever it goes, everything is crushed and devoured to extinction.

Ghost army!

This large black area, like a locust crossing, is a ghost army starting from a ghost town.

Three ghost kings and one ghost and beast king were among them.

Total attack!

The Ghost tribe directly launched the total offensive and concentrated enough strength. In order to avoid night long dreams, they immediately set off and launched the total offensive, intending to devour all the people of the Taixuan Realm and completely occupy the Taixuan Realm.

At that time, you can use the Taixuan Realm as the base camp to spread in all directions and invade other realms until you completely occupy the world and become a new ghost.

Keep marching, and then the soldiers split into two paths.

Along the way, they are heading towards Taiyi City. It is the two ghost kings and the army of ghost soldiers in the ghost forest department.

Along the way, it is going out of the Taixuan Realm, which was discussed by the Ghost Forest Department and the Ghost Beast Department before.

The Taixuan Realm, when it belongs to the Ghost Forest Department, must leave the Taixuan Realm and go to other realms, and adjacent to the Taixuan Realm are the Upper Yuan Realm, Zhengu Realm, and Tianxuan Realm.

The Upper Yuan Realms are separated by the sea of ​​light, which is difficult to cross.

Although the army of the ghost and beast department seems to be smaller in number, it is not inferior to that of the ghost forest in combat effectiveness, because nearly half of the soldiers of the ghost and beast department have ghosts and monsters.

The boundary of Taiji City on the edge of Taixuanjie.

Chen Xiu informed the army of the ghost clan and informed the Yuanji and Xuankong allies and the Taixuan Saints allies.

The Taixuan Shengmen sent people to sneak into the boundary of Tailuo City, and paid a small price before confirming the news. The whole league retreated to Taiji City.

The three major alliances joined together, and deployed a number of means in the Taiji city boundary in order to deal with the ghost army.

"Are you coming?" The eyes of Xuankong League's eyes flickered endlessly.

"Come on, sooner or later." The Yuanqi League's main body filled with amazing breath fluctuations, surpassing the past.

The leader of the Taixuan Holy Alliance did not speak, but the murderous power in his eyes could not be concealed.

In the ghost town, a figure flashed, which was Chen Zong.

The ghost town at this moment is really like a ghost town, empty, and no ghosts left.

The army of the ghost clan has already fallen out of the nest, leaving no soldiers to guard it. This also reveals the determination and will of the ghost clan's general attack, and also reveals a confidence that it is not afraid to be attacked by the old nest.

Since there are no ghosts staying in the city, Chen Zong need not hide himself.

As he unfolded, Chen Zong quickly went deep into the ghost town. Immediately, he saw a huge tree that was tens of meters thick and nearly kilometer high in black and strangely shaped.

Ghost mother tree!

This is the ghost mother tree, the holy tree of the purgatory ghost family, and the holy tree that gave birth to the purgatory ghost family.

Without the Ghost Mother Tree, Purgatory Ghost Clan would not be able to appear.

Today, such a huge ghost mother tree appears unguarded in front of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong suddenly felt hot.


Destroying this ghost mother tree may be a big blow to the ghost clan.

But Chen Zong didn't take the shot immediately, but thought.

The Ghost Mother Tree is so important, but the Ghost clan has not left any troops, which is obviously unreasonable.

The only explanation is that the mother-ghost tree is not weak and even impossible to destroy.

A deeper guess is that the ghost mother tree also has great power.

Regarding this, in the ghost clan's memory obtained by Chen Xiu, there seems to be a fragment, so that Chen Xiu is also unclear, after all, it is only a fragment of the soul.

As for whether or not, we will know soon.

The ghost mother tree is nearly thousands of meters tall and extremely huge. The trunk is covered with ghost scars and twisted one by one, as if the soul was burned to the ground after being tortured and tortured.

At a glance, Chen Zong felt an indescribable cold, which grew from his heart and sprang up.

The horizontal and vertical extensions are extremely complex, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand meters. On the top, there are things like a heart around a meter and a meter, the whole body is black, and the surface is covered with red veins, it seems to be shaking gently.

It's a ghost, it's something that breeds a ghost.

Within each of the ghosts, a larva of the ghost clan is growing until the ghosts break open.

It takes a lot of time.

Mind Sword Flow: Unlimited Mind!

In a hurry, Chen Zong gathered ten successes and killed with one sword.

Jianguang smashed and killed in a vacuum, but in an instant, he crossed several kilometers and approached the ghost mother tree.


This mighty sword turned into tens of meters of sword light, and was directly killed on the ghost mother tree.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

The mighty sword light was beheaded on the trunk of the ghost mother tree. At the same time, a black light flashed on the ghost mother tree, blocking Chen Zong's strong sword.

In the next breath, the black light disappeared, but the trunk of the ghost mother tree was intact and not broken at all.

Chen Zong's eyes widened suddenly, terrified.

Mindless sword is infinite, but the strongest sword except the vacuum is not cut. It is still performed under its own strength. Once the ghost king is hit, it will definitely suffer a minor injury.

However, these mighty swords could not cause the slightest damage to the ghost mother tree, and they could not do even a little trace, completely resisted by the flashing black light.

Chen Zong finally understood why the ghost clan was so assured that there was no force to guard it.

Such defensive forces cannot be broken at all, let alone destroyed.

At the turn of his thoughts, it was just a dying time. Chen Zong's face suddenly changed greatly, but he was still slow.

I saw those scars on the ghost mother tree trembled, and the ghost faces seemed to have come alive. Qi Qi's open teethlessness seemed to have only a single epidermal mouth, which made a sharp scream.

The ghost is crying!

In a hurry, countless sharp and terrifying sounds were emitted from the mouth of each grimace, and those grimaces were distorted and trembling, as if they were about to escape from the ghost mother tree and turned into an injustice.

This terrifying scream sounded like a thunderous explosion, which hit directly.

Chen Zong felt that his membrane was numb, as if it was torn, and there was a burst of pain, and the bones and viscera in his body were trembling, as if being madly cut by countless fine broken blades.

The entire Shenhai was also impacted at once, as if it was suddenly damaged by natural disasters, and it was almost shattered between violent shocks.

If the heart and swordsmanship had not been raised to perfection, it would be guarded in Shenhai, which would make Shenhai more stable and broken.

Rao is so, and Shenhai is also violently turbulent. Chen Zong feels that his soul seems to be constantly shocked, it seems to be torn, and the pain is extremely painful.

Suddenly, Chen Zong disappeared and appeared on Miguang Island.

In the ghost town, after the ghost mother tree released the terrible and sharp soul-hunting sound waves, it was waving a series of flexible childishness, dancing like a whip, and twitched to where Chen Zong disappeared in an instant.

With a snap, the void collapsed, and a crack with a thickness of ten meters was formed.

Chen Zong did not see this scene, otherwise he would be even more shocked.

This ghost mother tree not only has amazing defense ability, but also has terrible counterattack power.

No wonder, the ghost family will be so relieved that they are not afraid of someone directly attacking the ghost mother tree.

In Purgatory Ghosts, even the most powerful ghost king can't help the ghost mother tree.

It can be said that in addition to being unable to move, the ghost mother tree's combat power is even stronger than the strongest ghost king in the purgatory ghost.

Only the level of the Great Holy Realm to the strongest has the ability to threaten or even destroy the ghost mother tree.

However, there are not many great sacred realms in Tianyuan Sanctuary. Some of them have already left and entered the void of the universe to find opportunities to improve themselves.

The remaining part should also pay attention to the invasion of the void demons, and some enter the deep retreat.

It can be said that, for the time being, the Great Sacred Realm of the Taixuan Realm is equal to none.

The enemies of the Tianyuan Sanctuary are not only the purgatory ghosts, but also the Void Demon Tigers. If negligent, the Void Demon will invade the Tianyuan Sanctuary.

If you have to resist the evil demons, the power of the Taixuan Realm will not be only these, it will be stronger.

On Miguang Island, Chen Zong looked pale, and the ghost mother tree was not only extremely defensive, but its sound waves were extremely terrifying. In a flash, it made him feel a bit late.

Shenhai was directly impacted, and the soul was in a state of turbulence. If it were not for leaving in time, and after a few breaths, I was afraid that his own soul would also be damaged.

How can such a terrible ghost mother tree be destroyed?

The turmoil in Shenhai has subsided, and Chen Zong's complexion has also returned to ruddy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The purgatory ghost family is really a very scary race, to a certain extent, even more than the void demons he has encountered before It's hard to be strong.

Today, Chen Zong can't think of any good way to deal with the ghost mother tree, so he can only give up for the time being.

Fortunately, the ghost mother tree cannot move, it can only stay in place, as long as it does not attack it, it will not be powerful.

"Perhaps, after I condensed three flowers, try again." Chen Zong secretly said.

As long as the Flower of the Extreme is condensed, your own combat power will be further strengthened. At that time, if you take a shot, you may break the defense of the ghost mother tree and cut it off and destroy it before it fights back.

As for now, it is to hunt down the ghost army.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body disappeared, appeared in the boundary of Taiming City, and quickly followed the breath left by the ghost clan.

At this moment, the ghost army has crossed the border of Taiming City, crossed the Wanxing Plain, and stepped into the border of Taiyi City.

However, there is no one in the boundary of Taiyi City. Taiyuan League has already organized all the personnel to retreat, and left here far away, leaving only a dead silence.

"Escape fast." Ghost Jess smiled coldly, with some surprises, but it was reasonable.

The army of the ghost clan was dispatched directly. Although it was divided into two routes, the army of the ghost forest department was close to 100,000, which was terrible. It was simply destroyed and irresistible. Moreover, the ghost clan had no intention of concealing whereabouts and proceeded directly.

Such a huge momentum, the Terrans will definitely know in advance, and then respond.


This is undoubtedly a very correct approach, and it is better than a direct confrontation. After all, the ghost army is too strong.

However, even if it is the correct way to retreat, unless it is to leave the realm, it will only be a little longer.

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