Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 47: Born of human dignity


The extremely depressed atmosphere permeated the heavens and the earth, making everyone feel heavy and difficult to breathe.

The boundary of Tai Chi City is vast and boundless. A huge city stands on the ground. It can be seen that the city walls are still very new, apparently just built, and every 20 meters on the city walls, a huge Above the crossbow bed, a two-meter-long crossbow was quietly placed.

The tip of the giant crossbow is like the tip of a spear, flashing green, and it seems to contain a very terrifying power.

There are three hundred crossbow beds lined up in a row.

The Nether Temple has always been neutral, and it has never participated in any battles in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary. However, the Taixuan Realm is now suffering a huge disaster, which will even affect the entire Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary. The Nether Temple is finally willing to help.

However, instead of directly shooting, but through trading, give some treasures, such as the Void Demon Crossbow.

The power of the Nether Demon Crossbow is extremely extreme, and it is extremely amazing. The more power injected into it, the more powerful it is. When the power is strong enough, even the strongest of the nine-star combat power can kill.

Of course, it is difficult to use the Void Demon Crossbow to kill the nine-star powerhouse. After all, the use of the Void Demon Crossbow requires the accumulation of power first, which requires time and a series of preparations such as aiming.

And the strong nine-star combat power will not be stupid standing in wait for you to kill.

This is true not only of the nine-star warfighters, but of any practitioner.

Nowadays, the ghost army is aggressively attacking. Under such a large number of attacks, the mysterious void temple has not shot directly, it can only be traded to the void crossbow and arrange some other means.

In the face of numerous enemies, there is no need to aim at it, just adjust the direction slightly. Once the laser is fired, it will always hit the ghost family and cause considerable damage.

Of course, there are only three hundred Void Demon Crossbow, and the number is small. It is hard to say how much damage can be caused to the ghost family.

However, in any case, Tai Chi City is the last retreat. There is no retreat. When it is necessary to fight hard, when you are going to do your best, even if it is dead, you have to kill a few more ghosts.

This section of the city wall is newly constructed, it can be said that it was expanded on the basis of the original Tai Chi City, as if it had become an inner city and an outer city.

Cultivators with enough combat power are all concentrated in the outer city, while those without sufficient combat power are concentrated in the inner city.

Of course, if the outer city is broken, the people in the inner city will inevitably die.

Tai Chi City is the last place.

In this battle, everyone contrasted widely, but they couldn't retreat, they could only face it.

The three major alliances have united, cut clean, and have more than 1,500 practitioners with four-star combat power and above. This number has actually increased a lot compared to the previous ones.

The invasion of the purgatory ghost clan caused great casualties to the Taixuan Realm. I don't know how many people were swallowed up.

However, the invasion of the purgatory ghost clan also awakened the will of this world, and slowly recovered. As the world's will awakened and gradually recovered, the practitioner can not only kill the ghost clan to gain its original essence and improve itself, but Improve the cultivation efficiency in the invisible.

Although in the battle with the Purgatory ghosts, many practitioners have been damaged, but they have also improved the combat power of many practitioners and become more powerful.

On the whole, four-star practitioners are more than four-star practitioners, but more than before the infernal ghost invasion.

However, compared with the Purgatory ghosts, there is still a huge gap in number.

Perhaps, only if the will of this world has completely recovered and developed for hundreds of years, can it hope to catch up with the current level of the Purgatory ghosts.

According to the news back, the attacking ghost army is at least tens of thousands.

The weakest also has a four-star combat power.

On the human race side, the three major alliances are united, but they are only about 1,500 people.

More than a thousand to tens of thousands, the gap is too big, and the contrast is extremely disparate.

If you let them know that the army of ghost clan is not tens of thousands, but nearly 100,000, there may be only despair in the heart.

Even now, everyone can only see one look: dignity!

Extremely dignified!

The wind is cold, the water is cold, and the strong men are gone forever. This kind of breath has already permeated all around, like a smoke.

The strength of the three hundred Nether Demon Crossbow has been accumulated to the extreme, reaching the upper limit of the Nether Demon Crossbow. Even if a strong nine-star combat power is hit by the front, more than half of the probability will die.

Unless there is some defense secret or some special means.

Of course, the purgatory ghost's body is tyrannical. Even if it is hit by the front, it will not necessarily die, but it is certain that it has been severely damaged.

Among the more than 1,500 people, Chen Xiu was also present, holding a smaller and smaller Shensha source ball in one hand, and constantly operating the Shenshaura warfare method. The old can grasp all the time to improve himself.


The breath became more and more depressed, and everyone's heart was heavy and almost choked.

Under this high pressure, some people can still support, practice, maintain their own state, and show amazing iron will, but some people have begun to be emotionally unstable.

In the inner city of Tai Chi City, it seems like a cloud of sadness and mist.

"The Ghost Clan is coming, it can't be blocked at all. Since it is going to die, it is better to enjoy it before death."

In the inner city, some people's minds have begun to be turbulent, as if awakened by the demon, their desires are infinitely amplified.

Is dying!

This sentence, like a curse and a book, spread rapidly in the inner city.

People's hearts are most likely to be turbulent, especially for low-level practitioners and ordinary people who are not strong enough. In the face of despair, it is easy to change their temperament.

Some desires that are usually hidden in the deepest part of the heart will be magnified unlimitedly.

Driven by this desire, the inner city began to be confused.

Burn and snatch, and adultery.

However, in this case, the three major alliances have also been considered. Therefore, those practitioners with a combat power of one to three stars are not qualified to participate in the direct battle against the ghosts, but they form a team and defend Take control of the inner city.

Whenever there is confusion, it will appear immediately and suppress it.

"Attention, the army of the ghost clan has entered the border of Taiji City and is approaching." Chen Xiu suddenly said, a cold voice came into everyone's ear.

The soldiers, whether they were practicing or resting, all changed greatly.

Finally, still, coming.

The inevitable decisive battle is here.

Immediately, a hundred people stood out, standing beside the Void Demon Crossbow, ready to blast out a hundred crossbow arrows, which could kill the ghosts.

The army of the ghost clan came. As soon as it entered the boundary of Taiji City, it was only a matter of hours.

For a few hours, it was not fleeting, but the heavy pressure made everyone dare not relax and couldn't relax.

A few hours later, an army of ghost clan came. By then, who could survive the more than 1,500 people?

Maybe none, all of them will die.

"I don't want to die," said a four-star practitioner, muttering to himself, his face changing, his voice low and seemingly trembling.

This tremolo seemed to be contagious. It suddenly rendered other people around, making their hearts shake uncontrollably, as if stabbed by a sharp knife, a panic that was not justified, and was suddenly awakened.

"Don't want to die, then kill the ghosts and work hard to survive." Chen Xiu's voice rang out at an instant, with an extreme chill that penetrated the soul, and his voice carried amazing power and will.

This amazing power and will shattered the panic that had just arisen in everyone's hearts.

In fact, this kind of thing is not very suitable for Chen Xiu to do, but helpless, here is Chen Xiu's most powerful.

Moreover, since the ulcer is here to meet the ghost clan, it is necessary for Chen Xiu to boost the morale of the crowd, otherwise the spirit clan will be disturbed and the fighting spirit will be lost before the ghost clan has really arrived.

"We have no retreat, even if we surrender, the ghost clan will not let you go." The Yuanji Alliance leader spoke, his voice was vigorous and low, and contained a strong will: "So, there is no second one except the death battle with the ghost The way can go. "

"Death battle, chances are high, but at least death is dignity."

"If you surrender or run away and be killed, you lose all the dignity that was born of a person."

"Kill one ghost clan, then you will be equal. Kill two ghost clan, and you will make money."

"Moreover, killing the ghosts can also get the essence of the ghosts, improve themselves, become stronger, and kill more ghosts."

The three confederates have spoken one after another, and their voices are either low or high or exhilarating. They are different, but one thing that is the same is the appeal.

A strong contagion is contained in their words, constantly inspiring the dignity of the people deepest in their hearts, and stimulating a little bit of fighting spirit to grow stronger.


"Death Fight!"

"Kill one enough! Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Kill two and make money."

"I'm fed up with this dog-ridden ghost clan."

The cursing voice sounded immediately, and the depressed atmosphere was instantly broken.

Everyone's look was no longer the deadly solemnity of the past. It seemed that he had recovered a little vitality and his fighting spirit gradually became stronger.

"It is expected that there will be three hours, and the ghost army will arrive. Within three hours, everyone must adjust their interest and prepare for the best battle." The leader of the Yuanji League issued a command.

The fighting spirit of everyone's heart has been awakened. Even if they know this battle, they are bound to die, but they are determined and there is no need to look back.

Because there is no retreat.

Who wants to die?

Who wants to die?


As long as there is a retreat, there will be many people to pursue, but now, there is no retreat.

Since there is no retreat, the final dignity of being born cannot be lost.


It is nothing more than death. In this case, what is the difference between early death and late death.

Fighting spirit!


Chen Xiu's mind is extremely tenacious, immovable and unaffected.

In this battle, depending on your strength, you may also die.

But, what about it?

Do n’t fight because you are afraid of death?

No, not only to fight, but also to kill a blood and a life in the battle.

Many students questioned why the Great Holy Realm did n’t sell. This is also strange. It was not specified in advance, because the idea is to be explained later. So now I will tell you that the Great Holy Realm means me. With one punch, the Taixuan Realm may be blasted directly, even if it is not blasted, it is semi-disabled, because it is not so serious

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