Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 48: 1 person arrives at the army

Between Taixuanjie and Zhengujie, there is a big rift valley in the sky, clouds and waves, and winds and clouds, like a rush, a team emerged from the big crack.

One, two, three, there are three hundred figures in total, each figure emits strong breath fluctuations, at least, it is also a four-star combat level, and the strong reaches eight-star level.

"The atmosphere here is so depressing."

"There is an ominous taste."

Suddenly, the scream of "咦" sounded. It was one of them. He just started to exercise power and adjust the power, but unexpectedly found that there were four stars shining over his head.

Others found this and followed suit.

At that time, four stars, five stars, and even eight stars appeared.

"Did something happen in the Taixuan Realm this time?" One of the three hundred people's eyes flashed, thinking secretly that he was a person in the Taixuan Holy Palace and went to the title of Taixuan Holy Palace. Town ancient circles for help.

In the past few months, I finally got a batch of reinforcements. Although it was only three hundred, it was also a powerful force.

He didn't know that within a few months, great changes had taken place in Taixuanjie.

With the manifestation of the battle star, an invisible idea also entered into everyone's consciousness and was accepted by them.

Suddenly, one by one, shocked.

That battle star turned out to be a manifestation of combat power, and here, killing the ghosts can also get the essence of the essence, improve yourself, and the more ghosts you kill, the more obvious you get the luck of this world. It is more beneficial to future practice.

"Where is the ghost clan?" Suddenly, many people flexed their muscles, eagerly tried, their eyes glowed, as if they were using the ghost clan as a kind of prey.

"You guys, the Ghost Tribe is very strong and terrible, you must not be apricot." The elders of Taixuan Holy Palace said solemnly. Although it is not clear what happened to the Taixuan Realm in this period of time, the power of the Ghost Tribe is strong. He has personally experienced it.

If you write a ghost clan, you will definitely die terribly.

"We will not write about ghosts, nor will we be afraid of them." Zhengu Shengzi said, loudly.

This time, he is the leader.

The largest force in the ancient town of Zhenjiang is the ancient temple in the ancient town. Its status in the ancient town of Zhenjiang is like the Taixuan Holy Palace.

This time, the elders of Taixuan Holy Temple called for help, went directly to the ancient temple of Zhenzhen, explained the matter, and took out the corpse's body certificate.

Zhengu Temple issued a convening order, gathered three hundred at least four-star combat practitioners, led by Zhengu Shengzi.

In addition to the reinforcement of Taixuan Realm, there are also plans to train and train Zhengu Shengzi.

In the final analysis, it is because the ancient world of the town has not really realized the terrible aspects of the purgatory ghost clan, otherwise, it will not do so and it will be more cautious.

And the elders of the Taixuan Shenggong's understanding of the ghost clan stayed a few months ago, so they did not find it inappropriate.

"Dear everyone, let's rush to the battlefield now." Elder Taixuan Shengguo said loudly.

Three hundred people immediately set off and hurried forward.

But it didn't take long before they stopped solemnly.

Ahead, there is a magnificent and horrifying breath permeating, and the breath is mixed by countless ways, each one is amazing and powerful, each one is filled with ominous taste, full of wild evil.

It's cold!

You Mori!



"It's the breath of purgatory ghost clan." The elder of Taixuan Holy Palace looked dignified, his eyes gazed.

"Is the purgatory ghost clan?" Zhengu Shengzi and other practitioners who came from the ancient world of Zhenzhen, were excited and eager to try.

At the next breath, they all froze, and their expressions changed greatly and they were shocked.

The mighty ghost army is like a black frenzy, and it seems like a dark cloud covering the sky, and it spreads quickly from the distant sky.

Looking at the number, it is not one hundred or one thousand, but tens of thousands.

In addition to the purgatory ghosts, we can see strange beasts with strangely disgusting shapes and grimace.

The three hundred people in the ancient world of the town all looked dignified to white, because they could clearly feel that the terrifying breath emitted by the purgatory ghosts was very terrible.

"Kill!" With the order of Zhengu Shengzi, all the people shot, and a violent light burst through the air to kill the ghost clan.

However, the three hundred attacks were like three hundred stones thrown into the water, but splashed with a few splashes and ripples, and did not cause any damage to the ghost army.

For such tens of thousands of ghosts, the damage that such attacks can cause is really limited.

"Retreat!" Such a blow, but did not cause any casualties, Zhengu Shengzi immediately decided to order.

Three hundred people retreated without hesitation.

The direction of their retreat is really the direction of the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley is the nature of the rift. Once inside, you can cover yourself with the environment of the Great Rift Valley.

Suddenly, a figure full of golden light flew in from the distance, tearing up the sky.

The breath is magnificent, the light is upright, and the Huanghuang is like a mighty sky, it seems to carry the will of the world heavenly way, like the way of heaven.

The golden light was burning like flames and filled a hundred meters, the power was terrifying, the amazing coercion continued to spread out, like the turbulent turbulence of the sea, surging endlessly.

This kind of power seems to be able to suppress one world by one person.

Faced with such mighty power, the ghost clan did not stop, but the reinforcements of the ancient town of the town stopped.

How powerful!

"That's" the elders of Taixuan Holy Palace stared at the figure inside the golden flame, and they felt a little familiar. They seemed to be the sons of Taixuan Holy Palace, but couldn't recognize them.

After all, Taixuan Shengzi entered the Taixuan cave.

Zhengu Shengzi stared at the figure inside the golden flame, and an intuition told him that this man was Taixuan Shengzi, one of the three great sons.

This time, he led the reinforcements to reinforce him, and deep down in his heart was the idea of ​​arguing with Tai Xuan Shengzi.

In recent years, he has worked harder than ever before, and finally raised his combat power to the elite six-star level not long ago. He believes that he will not lose to Tai Xuan Shengzi anymore, and there is even a possibility that he will surpass it.

However, I did not expect that it would be in such a situation to see Taixuansheng Uterus God at this time, and the power diffused by the golden flame on the God of the Gods was truly amazing.

This person is the Gongtian **** who went out of customs.

Led by the will of this world, he came here.


With the operation of the nine-day and ten-place warfare and the extreme war will, it suddenly rose into the sky, making the golden flame more fierce and more overbearing. The amazing power directly repelled the void and turned the surrounding area into a vacuum.

The light became distorted, and it seemed to have a thriller that seemed to be absorbed and twisted.

Nine golden battle stars suddenly condense in the golden flame, emitting an amazing light, shining in all directions.

"Nine stars!" The reinforcements on the ancient side of the town looked extremely dignified.

Zhengu Shengzi seemed to have been bombarded by a thunderous thunder, and the whole person's consciousness was almost dispersed.

Nine stars!

And it's all golden.

Compared with myself, there is no comparability at all.

Taixuansheng womb god, is it really so amazing?

I worked so hard and so desperately, in the end, not only did I not get closer, but I went farther and farther.

Compared to myself, it is like a contrast between mortals and gods.

Even if it is Zhengu Shengzi, there is not much confidence that he can raise his combat power to the extreme of nine stars in the future.

An inexplicable loss breeds in the heart of Zhengu Shengzi, and gradually diffuses.

Suddenly, the Zhengu Shengzi thought of another person, who was not as good as them from the beginning, but he was not as good as them at first, but later he ranked first, and the Fengwang Tower ranked first.

Sword Emperor Chen Zong!

The **** Taixuansheng womb can possess such amazing combat power, so what about sword emperor Chen Zong?

Does it stand out from the crowd, or is it more powerful and inferior to Gongtian God?

For a time, Zhengu Shengzi only felt that his mind was in a mess, and he didn't even know what he was thinking about.

The light of the nine golden battle stars was so intense that immediately, the golden light spread, connected with each other, and the golden flames of his body quickly poured into it.

A brown flower suddenly steel.

Flower of Polar Realm: Flower of Qi!

The flower of qi, also known as the flower of the earth, represents the height that can be reached after the strength of one's power and law has been promoted to the extreme.

After a battle with Chen Zong, a battle with the ghost king, and a retreat for a period of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The unique **** Gongtian God finally raised his own skills to the extreme, condensing the first flower of the extreme state.

Originally, he intended to gather more flowers of the extreme state, at least, to gather the three flowers of the spirit and spirit, and then the combat power would be raised to the extreme. Not only can he defeat the sword emperor Chen Zong, but the ghost king is not a concern.

But the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the purgatory ghosts invaded.

Driven by the will of this world, Gongtian God had to go out.

He is the son of luck and is closely related to this world. If this world is severely damaged, he will also be affected.

To put it simply, the current God of Heaven and this side of the world is a relationship of glory and prosperity.

Closely related!

The more powerful the world becomes, the more benefits he will naturally gain.

Heavenly Son!

This is not only a title, but also a symbol.

The flower of Qi above Gong Tianshen is even larger than the washbasin. It is much larger than the two polar flowers of the ghost king Jess in the previous Onimoto department, but it is only a slap. .

Although this basin-sized polar flower is only a ghost image and not solid enough, the breath it emits is very scary.

The size of the polar flower is closely related to the personal polar environment.

More than the size of the washbasin, it is many times larger than the size of a palm.

The ghost king of the ghost and beast department looked at Gong Tianshen, and saw the full-faced flower of the size of a basin condensed above the opponent's head.

Such a large flower of the extremes is truly amazing. Only those ghost kings of powerful tribes can condense a flower of this size.

At the same time, the air of fortune pervading the other person's body seemed to turn into a substance, as if the heavy waves were surging.

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