Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 49: The inevitable decisive battle (1)

In the borders of Taiji City, dark clouds topped, and a strong malicious rush down the mountain.

Standing on the walls of the outer city, everyone can already see a large area of ​​dark rushing, that is the army of ghosts.



"Everyone is ready, waiting for orders."

Fighting at least tens of thousands of ghost clan forces with 1,500 people is nothing short of magical, unless these 1,500 people have nine-star combat power.

But now it is impossible.

Compared with the past, the nine-star combat power is a little bit more, but it is only a dozen when it is counted.

This time, we must fight against the ghost army. First, there is no retreat, we must do it, we will die, and second, we will use some treasures from the Nether Temple to resist the old.

But the Purgatory ghosts are different from the Nether Demon, so it's hard to say how effective it can be.

To this day, there is nothing left to say.

Only war!

"This purgatory ghost is more than tens of thousands."

"Estimated nearly 100,000."

A person, pale.

The difference is tens of thousands and 100,000.

"Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, you have to fight."

"Prepare" Yuanji League's main eyes were cold and cold, and the voice sounded: "Do it!"

With an order, suddenly, the left and right sides of the ghost clan, the sky and the bottom, suddenly shined a light.

The colors of the light are different, as the colorful flashes endlessly, but in an instant, it spreads quickly like an open scroll.

Up and down, the monarch is filled with colorful light, which extends continuously, as if to be transformed into a cage, besieging the ghosts.


At an instant, three hundred giant crossbows blasted out of the air without seeing the crossbow. Only three hundred straight scratches traversed the sky, leaving three hundred fine cracks faintly left.

The full-bodied Void Demon Crossbow has an overwhelming power that threatens nine-star combat power.

After all, the Void Demon's offensive power is the most powerful in the Void Battlefield of the Taixuan Realm, and the Void Demon Crossbow is also a new type of war weapon just researched in recent years.

However, at the same time of great power, it also represents the difficulty of casting, and the separation of three hundred pieces is already the limit that all forces in the Taixuan Realm can trade from the Nether Temple.

The Void Demon Crossbow is really difficult to forge, not actually the crossbow itself, but the crossbow.

The crafting process of each crossbow is very complicated and consumes a lot of resources.

In other words, because of the difficulty of forging, the value of the crossbow is extremely amazing, and the price to be paid is also great. That is to say, three hundred Void Demon Crossbow can only fire for one round, and then it becomes a decoration.

It can only be expected that these three hundred demon crossbows can work, and the old ones can kill more infernal ghosts.

Suddenly, three hundred demon crossbows tore through the sky, like three hundred aurora-like rapids, and shot into the ghost army.

Too fast!

The army of ghosts is nearly 100,000, and the black is a large piece, which is arranged in the front. Naturally, it is the ghost general.

The high-level generals responded very quickly. When facing the crossbow firing, they could feel the terrifying power contained in it and do not hesitate to dodge.

Because you do not dodge, you may be hit hard.

The upper ghosts will dodge, but the middle and lower ghosts will be unavoidable, and will be hit shortly after.

The crossbow crossbow has a special structure. It is not only hard and hard to break, but its tip contains peculiar power and unparalleled penetration force. Once penetrated, it will leave a horrible force raging and destroying the body.

From the emergence of colorful cages, the old capable of suppressing the ghost clan army to the three hundred demon crossbows shot and shot out, but it was not even time to die.

The Ghosts knew that the Terrans would fight back, but did not expect such a counterattack.

In an instant, one ghost after another will be run through the body or broken into the arms and thighs.

The two ghost kings Ghost Senges and Ghost Senger of the Oni Senbei also suffered attacks from two Demon Crossbow, but they are demigod super strong. Although the power of the Demon Crossbow is overbearing, it can not threat they.

Without any evasion, they shot instantly, and the two crossbows that were extremely powerful were immediately crushed and broken.

Not only that, but the crossbows of the slayers were also crushed by two ghost kings, and other ghosts were rescued.

This is so. There are also more than two hundred demon crossbows. Each demon crossbow runs through one ghost family after another. As long as they are hit, no matter if they pass through or are wounded, they will be demonized. Attacked by the power of the crossbow.

This is itself a war weapon developed by the mysterious Void Temple. It has a powerful and amazing power. It is used to deal with the Purgatory ghosts, and the effect seems to be excellent.

Only the upper ghost can truly resist the power of the makeup demon crossbow. The middle ghost will be penetrated in an instant. As for the lower ghost and ghost soldiers, it is not necessary to say more.

Run through Run through!

With the penetration, the power contained in each crossbow crossbow is also consumed greatly.

Eventually, when the castration was exhausted and stopped, the last trace of force detonated the crossbow tip.

Boom boom!

All the terrible forces suddenly struck in all directions from the tip of the exploding crossbow, as if the Foshan flood erupted, and it seemed to fall apart.

The power of the outbreak was extremely strong, and the surrounding void was directly blown up into fine cracks, spreading quickly and spreading, covering a circle of 100 meters.

Once affected, even the strong body of the purgatory ghosts will be destroyed and die.

All 1,500 people stared with wide eyes, as if watching a fireworks display.

More than two hundred demon crossbows exploded in the army of ghost clan. The power was terrifying. Each one could cover a hundred meters of radius, wherever it passed, and killed everything.

Even the arrogance of two ghost kings can only suppress a few.

In this way, the army of the ghost clan immediately suffered no small casualties.

Each demon crossbow, at least runs through 20 or 30 ghost clan, as many as hundreds, showing amazing power, so, they killed thousands of ghost clan at once.

After the explosion, it covered a circle of 100 meters. Although many ghosts reacted quickly to avoid it, some of them were still affected, and their arrogant body was destroyed in an instant.

Tens of thousands of ghost clan have been killed. In total, more than 20,000 ghost clan have died.

It was just a round of attacks by the Void Demon Crossbow, which caused the death of more than 20,000 ghosts. These records are truly amazing.

If there are thousands more slayer crossbow, maybe these ghosts will be slaughtered.

But that was just delusion. The resources of the various forces in the Taixuan Realm could accumulate from the Nether Temple and the crossbow crossbow could not reach a thousand, let alone a few thousand.

This time it was able to trade to three hundred pieces, that is already the limit that Taixuanjie can do. In this way, it can already kill nearly 20,000 infernal ghosts in one fell swoop. The power is amazing.

One thousand and five hundred people on the wall were stunned.


It can only be described in awful words.

The two ghost kings were also shocked.

It turned out that it was just a face-to-face meeting, and more than 20,000 ghost warriors had died. The loss was not small, it was a terrible loss.

Human race, even if there is such a means, why hasn't it been used before?


The more than 20,000 ghosts killed by the bombardment left more than 20,000 essences of their origins, and flew away to the outer city, and then merged into the body of 1,500 people.

The three hundred demon crossbows were recharged and recharged.

For a while, some people got a few strands of essence, but some got a dozen strands, some more.

Chen Xiu alone, obtained hundreds of strands of essence.

It is a pity that these essences are useless to him, but they can be left to the deity.

After getting the essence of the source, everyone immediately refined and absorbed the part without any hesitation, promoted the cultivation and combat power, and left a small part for future use.

This essence of energy can not only promote repair, but also recover injuries.

First, the suppression of the colorful cages called the ghost clan's response limited, which became slow in an instant, and then attacked with a crossbow in the void, which caused more than 20,000 casualties.

Although the casualties are great, it is not much for the ghosts of nearly 100,000, at least, they have more than 70,000 ghosts left.

"Kill!" The two ghost kings roared, killing intently, overflowing the world, the remaining ghosts immediately regrouped and moved forward, and the horrific killings raged like destruction tides.

"Get on the crossbow!" The Yuanji Alliance leader immediately ordered.

When he died, three hundred crossbow arrows were erected again.

This is not a demon crossbow, it is a relatively ordinary crossbow that can only threaten six-star combat power. It is also exchanged from the Nether Temple, and its value is relatively low.

But this kind of crossbow wins in a large number, is the most reasonable transaction after calculation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shoot shoot shoot!

In the first round, more than 20,000 ghosts were shot and killed, and they received a lot of original energy. It was a great inspiration to anyone, one by one, as if they were fighting chickens and full of motivation.

Constantly remove the crossbow and place it, and you can shoot directly without aiming.

In a short period of time, three crossbow arrows can be fired, each carrying a mighty force, and the lower ghost will be hit in front and injured.

Compared with the demon crossbow, the power of these crossbow arrows is too great. Even if they hit a ghost soldier, they can only shoot one, they cannot penetrate, and they cannot explode.

It's dense, like a heavy rain invading and killing.

At the same time, Chen Zong followed suit.

The sacred sword is easy to break, and it is not as solid as the sword of the heart.


Chen Zong's body is like a light smoke, extremely light, extremely fast, and it seems to be erratic and erratic.

Kill with a sword!

From behind, one person with one sword is irresistible.

Killing one, Chen Zong will get a ray of essence of essence, which is used to improve the cultivation practice.

With such a large army moving forward, Chen Zong's final assault operation, for a time, no one noticed that the two ghost kings were so angry and overwhelming, but they were also aimed at the front, the rear, and noticed.

They wouldn't think about it, someone would be bold enough to kill him in the shadow.

Kill hundreds of ghosts in a row, but they are all ghost-level soldiers. Their essence and energy make it difficult to improve their practice.

In addition, ghost soldiers are ghost soldiers after all, and the threat of generals is even greater.

Yin and Yang are boundless!

Reality and uncertainty!

Chen Zong, like a peerless assassin, quickly walked between the ghost army, killed with a sword, and constantly approached the ghost generals.

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