Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 52: Life and death

Not only is the sword broken, but your head is also broken. Do n’t you still vote for your surname?

The fissures appeared, and the clicking sound was slight, but in Chen Zong's ears, it was like opening a gods thunder.

In mind, the cracks spread across the entire body of the sword in a blink of an eye, and more fine cracks appeared, covering every part of the sword.


Heart Kendo is broken.

At the moment of fragmentation, Chen Zong only felt that his own sea of ​​God was also in an instant. There were cracks, it seemed to be broken away, and the pain swept through, which was as if the soul was torn.

As if, the whole person was torn directly from the soul, together with the mind and body, and completely torn.

Heart swordsmanship is Chen Zong's grasp of mastery, and he has been polished up and down again and again, which is closely related to his own soul consciousness.

Once wounded, their own soul consciousness and so on will also be affected. In severe cases, it will even break apart.

This was a fatal injury, more than ten times more severe than physical damage.

Severe pain swept through, causing Chen Zong's self-confidence to be directly broken and unsustainable. The whole person's head seemed to explode. Shenhai was covered with countless fissures. The soul seemed to be continuously cut by invisible blades.

Even Miguang Island lost its sense. In other words, Chen Zong could not use this card and left here.

The ghost king who was struck by Chen Zong's vacuum was cut, and a sword mark on his chest was cut diagonally, and the sternum was also cut off, straight through the back, as if to be cut off.

The power of a vacuum without cutting is unimaginable.

If replaced with a human demigod extreme strong, such a sword is enough to die.

But Purgatory Ghost King's physique is arrogant, his vitality is extremely tenacious, he has not died for a while, and even fights back in an instant. May break the heart of Kendo.

Even so, this injury is also very serious, if not treated in time, I am afraid that he will die on the spot.

Without hesitation, the purgatory ghost king immediately adjusted the power and opened the purgatory ghost door.

One breath two breaths three breaths

The infernal ghost gate behind the infernal ghost king continues to solidify from the shadow. It seems that after a few breaths, it can be completely consolidated. At that time, the infernal ghost king can use the infernal ghost gate to draw the power of the infernal ghost and restore it. Injury.

Once the injury recovered, it was Chen Zong's death.

Even now, Chen Zong is dying.

Aspirations of the heart and swordsmanship have been raised to perfection, and it is more closely related to its own soul consciousness. Under the fragmentation, it also affects the conscious soul.

Suddenly, consciousness seemed to break apart, and there were cracks in the soul, shocking.

It hurts!

out of control!

Chen Zong could no longer maintain his figure. The whole person flickered a few kilometers at a high altitude, and immediately, like an onion, fell down and quickly fell.

Several thousand meters above the ground, the fall without defense, Rao's physical constitution is probably impossible to resist, and coupled with the injury of the soul, it is likely to die.

This scene was suddenly desperate.

Sword Emperor Chen Zong!

This is a symbol. If it falls, the blow to everyone cannot be described clearly in words.

Chen Xiu was anxious.

Although Chen Zong's death, his avatar will not be implicated, and Hui Sa will become the deity, but in any case, the deity cannot die.

Shura Phantom!

Jiudao Phantom rushed towards Ghost Senjies, while Zhenshen burst into amazing speed and rushed to Chen Zong.

At the very least, catch Chen Zong.

"Stop for King." Gui Senjies was so happy that the Terran was going to die. This feeling was very refreshing and could not be destroyed anyway.

Full force broke out, thousands of ghost claws killed all over the sky, the nine magical bodies were shredded in the moment, the body flashed, and Ghost Senjie killed with one claw.

The striking power of this strike is amazing. If you do not dodge, you will be hit. At that time, this clone will also die.


As soon as possible, time was delayed.

At first sight, Zong Zong seemed to have lost his consciousness, and his body fell down like a stalk, only two kilometers away from the ground.

The distance of two kilometers is actually very short. It is estimated that after about ten years, it will completely fall, and there is a possibility of more than 70%, and it will die.

Ghost Senjie broke out, and the ghost claws were continuously killed. The purpose was to make Chen Xiu unable to respond to Chen Zong.

Suddenly, there was a fierce look in Ghost Senje's eyes, and he found that he seemed to be doing it wrong.

Why stop this person?

Just need to be faster yourself.

Pretending to contract, Ghost Senjie immediately burst into an astonishing speed, crossed the void, and rushed directly to the falling Chen Zong.

Pretending to kill, condensed into a cold light, silently tearing the void.

Very fast!

They are separated by tens of thousands of meters, but can be crossed in an instant.

In the case of almost losing consciousness, Chen Zong could not escape at all. Once he was hit, his body would be torn into two sections at once, and he died completely.

The battle site between Chen Xiu and Gui Senjiesi is far from the battle site between Chen Zong and Gui Senjieluo, at least tens of thousands of meters, so that they will not interfere with each other.


Intense to an extreme unprecedented crisis, lingering in Chen Zong's mind, a frenzy broke out.

There are cracks in the soul, just like the porcelain that was hit, but it still barely maintains a shape. It seems that as long as a little external force strikes, it will really break apart.

Once the soul is truly broken, it is disintegrated, or it is death.

The soul is flying, and it is inevitable that even God cannot save it.

Consciousness, along with the collapse of the edge, was like the fire of a residual candle in the wind, which was blown by a strong wind, and became weak and almost extinguished.

But in a hurry, the astonishing and deep-throat killings came, and the candle flame shook suddenly, not only resisting the blow of the wind but not extinguishing, but it became more vigorous and fiery.

It looks like the light is shining back.



Even if it was on the verge of despair, Chen Zong did not give up on it, and in despair, he sought a glimmer of vitality.

In any case, as long as you are alive, as long as there is still a breath, as long as there is still a little consciousness, even if it is no longer vague, you can never give up, and you must hold on.


Must survive!

This is Chen Zong's amazing will to survive and erupt.

However, the heart and sword are broken, and the soul is full of cracks. This kind of injury is extremely heavy. Even if Chen Zong's consciousness of survival is strong, for a time, it is difficult to fully react.


Avoid this fatal blow anyway.

The black claw light is like a long knife breaking through the air to kill it. At that moment, Chen Zong, with the only remaining consciousness, inspired an unparalleled sense of desperation and fell a little.

This meal lasted for less than one-tenth of a minute, but, just as it happened, it was a coincidence that the claw light passed through the body.

That less than a tenth of a breath is the distance between life and death.

As if losing all his strength, Chen Zong's body fell again.

Gui Sen Jie was a little stunned, and never thought that in this case, his fatal blow was avoided.

However, can you avoid one hit and two hits?



Extreme anger!

Chen Xiu's body was filled with gray light and the flames burned, turning into a gray armor, as if growing out of the body.

Anger Shura!

This deity was severely wounded, and he was on the verge of death. This greatly inspired Chen Xiu's anger. The anger was higher than the past. It was only an instant that inspired the form of Anger Shura and the combat strength rose.

Nine golden battle stars condensed into a golden scorching sun in an instant, and the sun shines in all directions. It is extremely stunning and dazzling.


The speed of Chen Xiu in the form of Anger Shura has more than doubled. As soon as his body moves, it turns into a gray mang and breaks away. The original standing place has numerous black cracks.


The mighty force is pulsating endlessly in the body, as if it contains volcanoes, which erupt constantly, and have to be vented. Otherwise, there is a feeling of expansion and burst.

The Sword of Doom has also become wider and longer, full of amazing power.


The sword fell, and the void trembled and shattered.

As if Chen Xiu was not swinging a sword, but a sledgehammer, crushing a vacuum.

Gui Sen Jie's face suddenly changed greatly, this sword can already threaten himself, if he is hacked, he will definitely be wounded.


Unexpectedly, Chen Xiu's sword is not only powerful, but the speed of the sword is amazing. He continuously kills them, forcing Gui Senjies to dodge for a while and it is difficult to fight back.

At this point ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Gim Senjero has opened the gate of purgatory ghosts, using the power of purgatory ghosts to recover himself, the scar on the chest that is astonishingly straight through the back is quickly recovering.

Not long after, the injuries recovered, along with the armor.

Consumed by the previous battle, it also recovered to the extreme.


Gui Senjie Luo shot again and killed Chen Zong who was still falling.

A flash of gray awn, like a thunderbolt, Chen Xiu beheaded with a sword, intercepting the attack of Gui Senjie Luo.

To one enemy two!

Endless fighting!

Chen Xiu in the form of Anger Shura, with a sword in his hand, completely blocked Gui Senjiesi and Gui Senjieluo, preventing them from shooting against the deity Chen Zong.

But in the same way, Chen Xiu could not be distracted to catch Chen Zong. The pressure brought about by the two ghost kings joining forces was too strong and too strong, and he almost choked himself.

Now, I can only block the crazy attacks of the two ghost kings. I can only hope that my deity can wake up and save himself.

Every cut of Chen Xiu was cut, and the void was smashed. The power was terrible, and the power between the two ghost kings was very terrible. In all directions, there were constant cracks, black paint, and howling wind. , The angry thunder was shocking, full of amazing breath of destruction, as if to destroy everything and silence.

Within a thousand kilometers, it has completely become an extinct region. Once the ultimate strength of less than half a **** is approached, even the strongest of the nine-star combat power will be harmed or even die.

Time is passing, and Chen Zong, still falling, is getting closer and closer to the ground.

His head was facing down, and beneath it was a rock that was extremely hard to expose the fine sand on the surface.

Falling down like this, it is conceivable that the rock will definitely crack, and Chen Zong's head does not know if it is hard enough.

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