Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 53: Broken

Surname: I am not dead, are you disappointed or happy)

One thousand!

900 meters!

800 meters!

When Chen Zong fell two kilometers from the ground, Gui Senjiesi shot a fatal blow, but Chen Zong avoided it with his strong will.

The Chen Xiu Cup inspired the form of Anger Shura. All the wounded strength of Gui Senjie Luo was recovered and he shot again.

Under the anger of Shura, Chen Xiu had two enemies, dragging Ghost Sengers and Ghost Senger to two amazing ghost kings, so that they could not shoot and kill Chen Zong, but they were also delayed and phenol-free Chen Case.

Everything is too fast.

But in just a short period of time, this changed, and everyone was almost fainted.

700 meters!

600 meters!

Five hundred meters!

Chen Zong opened his eyes reluctantly, and he could see the rock of amazing hardness just below, which seemed to be shining with a layer of metallic luster.

Will I die?

Chen Zong couldn't help asking himself.

In my mind, there seemed to be flashes of pictures.

That small lake is rippling in the moonlight. Every day at dawn, a young man will get up early and go out, exercising with tenacious will.

That year, the Skylight streamer fell and fell into the mind of the teenager. Since then, the veins have been washed, and the bones have been reborn, making up for the lack of blood before the weather.

The land on that side has left the trail of the teenager's continuous advancement, gradually drifting away, from the preface to the city, from the small city to the big city, step by step, alone, but extremely firm.

That long sword, the sword light is quiet and quiet, and it has stunning the world, leaving countless wonders and legends.

The pictures are spread out like scrolls, with faces and emotions flashing in front of you. They are loved ones, friends, and enemies.

Is this a retrospective?

It is rumored that the dying will recall the past before dying.

Are you going to die?

Do not!

Can't die!

Never die!

I have to go back and look at my loved ones, and look at my former friends.

I also have to enter the cosmic void and truly feel the vastness of the cosmic void to challenge more geniuses and to reach a higher level.

You must not die there.

Suddenly, a stronger will to survive suddenly erupted, from the deepest part of the body.

It's a force that belongs to the heart.

It is really the deepest power in the soul.

It is not the mind or the will, but the deepest desire in the heart.


In any case, we must live, not only to live, but also to master more powerful forces.

Go back to Donglu of the Canglan World, look at Adi, look at the little girl, look at the family sister, look at the place where you have worked hard, look at the people who have helped you.

Then, you have to enter the universe to explore the wider world and stronger opponents.

The premise is to live and live better.

Bang Bang!

With this extremely strong desire to breed from the deepest part of the heart, the heart that had gradually weakened seemed to be injected with a new force, and the heartbeat became stronger again.

With each beating, Chen Zong's body is injected with new strength, and the vitality seems to breed and spread in the body.

The air of eternal battle fortress glowed slightly, and the light of air in this world was also lingering, as if the water was rippling, becoming clearer and deeper.

Immediately, a trace of invisible and colorless power gathered from all directions seemed to be vitality, but it seemed not to be constantly injected into Chen Zong's body.

With the infusion of this invisible force, Chen Zong only felt that the vitality in his body was getting stronger and stronger, and the injury of his body was gradually recovering. His almost broken arms and arms were also covered by a cool breath. restore.


The body is returning to life at an alarming rate.

This power is the power of the world on this side.

Under the astonishing will to live, it seems to have inspired a certain mystery, and also attracted the power of this world to be continuously injected into Chen Zong's body.

The power of the world is so mysterious and so inscrutable that even the most powerful sacred state cannot be directly motivated.

But Chen Zong did it.

Under the incredible will to survive, under the extremely strong desire from the deepest heart, with the help of the power of the eternal battle fortress and the power of the world ’s fortune, it finally motivated the party. The power of the world is injected into his body and he recovers quickly.

Chen Zong was surprised to find that not only the physical injury was recovering, but also the cracks in the soul, but also the rapid healing with the injection of the power of the world. This was not only the healing on the surface, but also the deep inside. Being healed.


The injuries of body and soul are healing.

When he was awake, Chen Zong's body was a little meal, a hundred meters away from the ground, but he was standing in the air.


Everyone was relieved.

In just a short period of time, Chen Zong's body was healed, and the soul's wound was healed by 50%. At this rate, the soul's wound can heal as long as it takes about ten more breaths.

With the healing of the soul, the cracks on the edge of Shenhai disappeared.

Despite the broken heart and sword, the physical injury recovery, especially the soul injury and the Shenhai injury recovery, is a good luck in misfortune.

Losing the heart and sword meaning, he also has the fusion of yin, yang and wind and fire, and still has outstanding potential.

Although his strength will decline in a short period of time, Chen Zong is confident that if he continues to cultivate, he will definitely recover or even surpass it.

However, it is still a pity.

Sword intention!

After all, he practiced swords, with or without sword intentions, the difference was very big.

With the help of the Secret Method of the Three Robbery, it was a pity to raise the heart and sword of Taoism from the middle level to the top level, and continue to sharpen it to perfection.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's heart seemed to jump out of control, an indescribable consciousness, which suddenly grew from the deepest part of his heart, like a seed sprouting, quickly breaking through the ground and growing up.

The beating speed of the heart, beyond normal, beyond the limits, seems to be jumping out of the chest, as if the fierce heartbeat echoed between the heavens and the earth.

"Three calamities and sharp fronts created a perfect succession of the top order, what if there is a fourth calamity?"

Sudden whimsy, this is a whimsy, but it's so sudden and so exciting.

"Without the fourth calamity, I created it."

"This fourth calamity is a broken calamity.

"Best ideas, stand up and be supreme!"

Consciousness is becoming clearer and more cohesive, if there is divine help.

"The meaning of the sword of the heart is closely related to my original intention. This is the meaning of the sword. I have a sword in my heart."

"My heart is like a sword, and I mean like a sword. As long as I have a sword in my heart, the sword is not broken, the sword is there, and it is not broken."

Chen Zong's eyes burst into the magnificent shape, as if condensing the ultimate sword light, which can penetrate the sun, the moon and the earth.


Over the sky, there seems to be a thunderous split across the sky. The mighty sound is spreading in all directions, and the roaring sound shakes the world. The sound, deafening and trembling, seems to contain some sort of supreme truth.

Every trace of the rhyme is also permeated in it, and then it floats, as if the sound from the distant universe or the depths of nothingness sounds, floating and misty, like the recitation of a god, interpreting the infinite mysteries of heaven and earth, like The sound of the ancient Tao resounded through the void and filled the heavens and the earth.

If there is no sound, sometimes high and low, with a unique rhythm, it seems to be constantly coming from the outside, and it seems to be diffused from the deepest part of everyone's heart.

Then, over the sky, it seemed to be torn silently into a huge crack, tens of meters wide, but not black, but filled with nine-colored luster, rippling like the waves of a lake, with an extreme depth With mystery.

For a moment, everyone stopped fighting, and looked up at the ten thousand meters lake that looked like nine colors.

It seems that there are endless mysteries.

At the same time, everyone was full of doubts and wondered what it was.

Immediately after, a little light, as light as a goose feather, kept falling from the lake of Jiu Cai, fluttering, and it was a bunch of Jiu Cai flowers.

Nine-colored flowers do n’t seem to have any weight, but they are filled with an unspeakable fragrance. The fragrance seems to be very strong and almost intoxicating. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But when you sniff seriously, it is difficult Smell, it seems to be very light.

Chen Zong looked up at the scattered nine-colored smallpox, and his heart was peaceful. There was only a strength that emerged from the deepest part of his heart.

Immediately, the nine-color ceiling dropped, seemingly being dragged by an inexplicable one, and flew towards Chen Zong, from the top of his head, submerged into Chen Zong's head and straight into Shenhai.


In Chen Zong's Shenhai, blossoming nine-color smallpox bloomed, releasing dazzling gorgeous colorful brilliance, shining in all directions, as the nine-color smallpox continued to fall, becoming more and more rich, until the entire Shenhai was completely filled. .

Unparalleled strength is surging within the Shenhai, and the mysterious mysteries are echoing in the Shenhai.

The original 30% of the soul was damaged, and he was recovered in an instant, and healed completely. It seemed that he was even stronger.

The ancient Tao Tianyin continued to flow into Chen Zong's sea of ​​gods, as if an ancient deity was singing and praying, which greatly touched Chen Zong, and his inner understanding was strengthened ten times more than ever, infinite mystery Appeared, the stronger the heart, a shadow of the imaginary sword, then quietly condensed in the sea of ​​water filled with nine colors.

Kendo meaning!

No, it's not that simple before.

Although just condensed, the power of single theory is not as strong as the original intention of the sword, but an indescribable power is deeply buried in it, dormant.

As if the true dragon was temporarily dormant in the abyss, ready to fly into the sky.

With that sword shadow condensing, Chen Zong felt that his heart seemed more and more tenacious, and there was a kind of sharp and unexpected breeding.


The imaginary sword shadow continually condenses, the speed is amazing, the nine colorful brilliance in Shenhai continues to absorb, becoming the nutrient that the sword shadow grows and condenses.

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