Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 54: Supreme

Liu Da is so lazy, he even took the name of the book as the chapter name)

Gudao Tianyin, Jiu Cai Tian Lake, Jiu Cai Smallpox.

The visions were horrifying.

Everyone was stunned, whether it was a ghost or a human.

Human race is ecstatic, ghost race is furious.

How could this be?

Although it is not clear what such a vision represents, it is by no means a good thing for the ghosts.

That tribe, originally a dead tribe, was now wrapped in the brilliance of nine colors, as if the water was rippling, as if echoing with the most colorful jiucai Tianhu and fluctuating together.


The sword shadow in Shenhai is continually condensing and becoming more solid.

When Jiu Caiguang Huajun in Shenhai was absorbed, the sword shadow was completely solidified.

A long sword is located in the center of Shenhai. The hilt is facing upwards and the tip is facing downwards. It slowly rotates the whole body as if cast by the mysterious and deep nine-colored **** light. Each rotation flashes a gloss. When it rotates nine times, Then it flashed over nine kinds of gloss.

At the beginning, the flickering light was very strong with each turn, but when the second round was nine turns, the gloss became softer, and on the third nine turn, it was softer and restrained.

By the ninth turn of the ninth, the gloss had become inconceivable and almost disappeared.

The sword also became transparent throughout, with only a trace of silver and white meandering from the sword's head to the point of the sword. It looked like a long sword made of transparent crystal, with a silver and white silk thread in the middle.

This long sword is exquisitely like the most exquisite work of art in the world.

But do not think that it is art, this is a sharp weapon, a killing weapon.

Chen Zong can feel that the amazing power contained in this sword, that power is terrible to the extreme, completely condensed on the winding silver and white silk line in the center.

"This sword, by the heart, is therefore called the sword of the heart!"

In a hurry, it seemed as if heaven and earth responded, as if the world responded. The ancient Tao Tianyin also changed with it, becoming magnificent and magnificent and clear. Everyone heard the two words clearly. word.


When the sound sounded, Chen Zong suddenly clenched his fists, secretly excited.


It is like singing and praise of gods.

"Supreme, what does this mean?" Everyone was puzzled, wondering what this chanting meant because of lack of knowledge and inheritance.

But Chen Zong was very clear.


His sword intention finally broke the limit, from the top level, transformed to supreme.

The so-called supreme is the ultimate, the supreme, insurmountable level.

So, how much improvement has Sword Art achieved?

Chen Zong is not clear and cannot be sure. Although he can feel that the power of the Supreme Sword is very strong, he is very restrained, and he cannot restrain himself accurately.

And, the power still had an elusive feeling, just like heart.

Since it is impossible to accurately determine what level of power he now has.

Then, try it with someone else.

The best object is undoubtedly the ghost king who cut his heart and sword with the axe.

For a moment, Chen Xiu also knew Chen Zong's plan, and immediately avoided the war-struck ghost king, killing Gui Senjie in the form of angry Shura.

In the form of Anger Shura, Chen Xiu's combat power at least doubled. One-on-two was doing his best to resist the delay, and he was also injured a lot. .

Gui Senjie Luo immediately dived down, and the infernal ghost gate behind him continued to follow, holding up the huge axe high, and suddenly axe fell.


It's like a black lightning tearing through the sky. The speed is amazing, the power is terrible, and it emits an unparalleled sense of destruction. It seems to destroy everything.

This blow used ten percent of the power of Ghost Sengel. Under this axe, the earth will be torn and chopped.

Chen Zong was 100 meters from the ground, looked up, and the sky seemed to disappear. Between heaven and earth, only the giant axe fell, marking a black crack, exuding a terrible breath, and falling towards himself.

If before, in the face of this axe, you must avoid it anyway. The power of this ghost king is too arrogant and completely outweighs himself.

But now, it is to try.

Reaching for a grasp in the void, the sword of heart appeared in his hand.

The sword is three feet long and the sword body is transparent. Only a silver-white silk thread is clearly visible.

One sword picks up, the sword light goes up against the current, and at the moment, a touch of silver and white sword light is swept across the sky, compared with the black crack of the giant axe, it is like a python compared to a snake.

However, at the moment of contact between the two sides, the giant axe was blocked and blocked.

Chen Zongyi sword rose up into the air, completely holding the splitting axe.

Compared with the giant axe, the sword is too different, but it can be blocked and shocking.

Gui Senjie Luo's face was horrified, but Chen Zong flashed an unexpected delight, and immediately relieved.

Supreme Sword!

This is the power of the Supreme Sword.

The sword of the heart is more direct than the sword of the heart, and the sword of the heart is strong.

The wrist trembled gently, and the sword body trembled at an alarmingly high speed, and suddenly the giant axe popped open, the sword light flashed, as if the silver mang burst, and it directly killed the ghost Sengero.

This sword is extremely fast!

The power is even more amazing.

Ghost Sengero had no time to dodge, and could only reluctantly run the giant axe. The huge axe blade was like a shield standing in front of him, and he wanted to block a sword.

Clinker, Jian Guang, which had been stabbed straight, suddenly trembled, and the silver thread seemed to burst into an incredible power, directly stabbing the giant axe.

The giant axe blade is not only very large, but also very thick, and extremely hard. Before the collision with the heart and sword, it was not damaged at all. The hardness alone has reached the level of semi-artifact.

Chen Zong only felt that the sword of his heart stabbed the axe surface, it was extremely hard, and he didn't know what material it was.

The golden sun above his head skyrocketed, and the light grew stronger.

The golden sun was originally the size of a human head, but now, it has skyrocketed several times, one circle larger than the washbasin, and the power is amazing.

Then, Jian Yi Jianguang, with the amazing power of destroying everything and breaking everything, penetrated into the extremely hard axe face, and there was a firm determination to pierce the axe face.

Be determined!

That is the determination and longing from Chen Zong's heart, and the sharpness and sharpness of the sword.

Suddenly, a sword light penetrated the axe face and stabbed at Gui Senjieluo, making Gui Senjie Luo startle and startle.

His own axe was pierced?

Can't believe it.

If it had not been countless battles, and experienced countless dangers, I was afraid that the ship that would be able to pass through would pass through its own head.

Although his body is arrogant and his head is extremely hard, there is still a gap compared to the giant axe in his hand.

A sword that penetrated the axe surface surprised Chen Zong a bit, but it felt a matter of course.

Sword of Heart!

Supreme Sword!

When there is such power.

Close your sword and slash!

Suddenly, Jianguang condensed into a silk thread, practicing sword into silk.

Chen Zong found that the sword-making exercise exhibited by the sword of the heart was easier and more comfortable than before, and he was completely in control.

The silk thread condensed by that sword light condensed incomparable terrible power and directly killed the ghost and **** Jero.

This sword, instead of directly hitting the axe, bypassed the axe, showing its true silky flexibility.

Chop Chop!

When he died, Ghost Sengero cut hundreds of axes, and the terrible axe cut into the void. The power was so extreme that he shattered all the surroundings. In this way, he resisted the sword of Chen Zong.

The situation suddenly turned around.

Previously, it was Chen Zong who was suppressed by Ghost Sengero, and he could only fight it. In the end, all the power broke out and he was forced to kill him. Although he hurt Ghost Sengero, he was seriously injured and almost died.

But now, it has the upper hand.

Such combat power has more than doubled.

However, Chen Zong felt that the potential of the sword of heart did not stop there. It was just that he had just transformed and was not familiar enough.

Mind Sword Flow First Form: Heartbeat Serial!

When the time passed, Jian Guang shot through the air.

It's not hundreds of bribery swords, there is only one, but it is a collection of hundreds. It seems that it was assassinated straight out, but it seems like a bribery assassination, it is difficult to distinguish.

Gui Senjie Luo only felt that his heart trembled uncontrollably, and a trace of strong heart palpitations, breeding from the deepest part of his heart.

Jian Guang had already reached the air.


A strong sense of crisis and the instinct torn from life and death ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ drove him to make the most accurate response in an instant.

While dodging, the giant axe splits suddenly, the axe tears the void, and is forced to the extreme. If it is split, Chen Zong will be split and torn directly.

The drama struck him, and Gui Senjie Luo suddenly knew that he had hit the sword. Although he tried his best to dodge, he still did not completely avoid it, but his axe to fight back was directly missed.

The shoulder was pierced, and the terrible sword gas suddenly diffused from the shoulder wound, strangling wantonly.

A black smoke spewed out from the infernal ghost gate behind him, continuously entering through the wound of the shoulder, dispersing the raging sword gas on the shoulder, and recovering the injury.

Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, which was really troublesome.

During the previous battle with King Rakshasa, it was with this amazing ability that King Razak was wounded and healed again and again. It was very difficult. At that time, he broke through by himself and joined forces with the avatar to force all his power behind him. The infernal purgatory ghost gate was smashed before it was killed.

If the infernal ghost gate is not broken, the opponent can continue to use the power of the infernal ghost gate to recover the wounded and consumed power.

"With my current strength, can I break that type of purgatory ghost gate?" Chen Zong secretly said.

This is not certain.

The strength of the Purgatory Ghost Gate is amazing, even if it has strengthened a lot, it is not sure.

However, if you don't break the infernal purgatory ghost gate, even if the ghost king is injured again and again, there is no sail to kill.

"I need more power," Chen Zong secretly said.

Although the current strength is already able to fight head-on with the ghost king and wound it, but it is not enough to kill it.

Then, we can only continue to improve ourselves and become more powerful.

Thinking flashed like lightning, Chen Zong immediately looked at the army of ghosts in the distance.

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