Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 56: One person arrives at the army (continued)

On the edge of the Taixuan Realm, near the front of the Great Rift Valley, the momentum was endless. Numerous violent attacks bombarded all directions. The void was rendered a large area in black, and there were faint traces of cracks.

The astonishing collision sounded like a flash flood, as if a mountain collapsed.

In the darkness, there is a golden light, as if the flames burned in the air. Wherever he passed, the Dark Lord was burned to nothingness.




The nine-day-ten-field warfare is a full-fledged method of operation. This is a pure method of fighting for life and death. Once in operation, the mind is filled with amazing warfare. The stronger the warfare, the stronger the method.

This inheritance of almost dead body, coupled with the atmosphere of the world for this side of the world, suddenly let the palace gods reborn, more powerful than ever before.

Just a single person, but came to intercept a ghost army, plus a ghost army of up to 40,000 ghosts, of which there is a ghost king and a monster king.

Boom boom!

Gongtianshen's double fists condensed a war-fighting ambition, reaching an astonishing five inches, and continuously bombarded out. Each punch was like a starburst that broke through the void and blasted out, continuously, like one. The meteor shower was violent and bright.

Regardless of whether it is a ghost soldier or a general, whether it is a lower or middle or upper position, even the golden ghosts and beasts of all nine battle stars can not stop Gong Tianshen from punching.

During the continuous battle, you can see that the basin-sized Qi flower above the head of Gong Tianshen has gradually condensed from illusory, which means that in the fierce battle, the strength of Gong Tianshen has increased a little, The stronger.

From the appearance of Gongtian God to the present, the fighting has been going on for a while. There have been thousands of ghosts killed. The essence of the spirit has been continuously absorbed and refined, while supplementing its own consumption, it has also strengthened its strength a little bit. .

Nine days and ten places of warfare is an extreme heritage.

The more fighting, the stronger the war will, and the stronger the fighting will be, the stronger the combat power will be.

Of course, this will only be the case during the battle. The increase is almost unlimited. Once the battle ends, the war will fade and the strength will return to its original level.

It can be said that the longer the battle time, the more intense the battle situation, and the more dramatic the increase in the strength of the palace gods.

The monsters in the ghost and beast department found that this human race was suppressed by themselves and the monster king at the beginning, and it was in peril, but I do n’t know why, it was extremely stubbornly supported, and the Vietnam War became stronger. By now, it can already be an enemy. The two fight against themselves and join forces with the Beastmaster.

Even now, you can still spare more power to kill the ghost soldiers.


Ghost Beast Cup, power bursts out, summons the Purgatory Ghost Gate to replenish its own power, and does not evade, even if it is injured, it will not hesitate to replenish it with its arrogant physique and the power of the Purgatory ghost gate The other side is dying alive.


Gong Tianshen only felt that he seemed to be burning, Jing Qi was burning, life was burning, boiling.

The whole person was boiling and fighting, as if a volcano erupted.

The essence of the ghost clan constantly flows into the body to supplement its own consumption.

The nine-day and ten-land warfare is indeed a very powerful and extremely extreme warfare. The more intense the battle, the more amazing the increase in combat power, but it is not without cost.

The price is to burn itself.

Once burned to the limit, the consequence is death.

In the past, people who practiced nine days and ten places of warfare were all amazing combat power, all of them broke into prestige, but most people ended up in battle.

Not to be killed, but to burn yourself in the battle, and eventually, to die without sitting.

Miya Tenjin has not yet reached that step, but is on the road.

However, there is a supplement to the essence of the Ghosts, and they will not be fully committed.


Ghosts have been dying, and the number of deaths has exceeded 10,000.

All these 10,000 ghosts have become the essence of the source to supplement the consumption of Gongtian God, which indirectly increased the fighting power of Gongtian God again.


In one punch, the war-fighting edge broke through five inches to six inches, hitting the head of the Beast King, and was extremely powerful, not only repulsing the Beast King hundreds of meters, but also cracking his head, dark red smelly blood Crossflow.

But the monster king's body is extremely strong and hurtful, but it is nothing, just to make it more cup, roaring crazy, and suddenly rushing.

In the distance, the three hundred practitioners from the ancient world of the town were all shocked and stunned.

The battle in front of them was completely beyond their imagination.

It's not that they don't want to take a shot at all, but that they can't take a shot.

Those mighty powers are too arrogant, and the pressure shock is felt far away. It is as magnificent as a landslide and tsunami. It feels depressed and difficult to breathe. If it approaches, it will be suppressed and it will be difficult to exert a lot of combat power. Consequences Is killed.

Looking at the army of ghosts, as if the flood of the world, the three hundred people in front of them are so fragile that they only need one face to face, they will be swallowed up, die completely, and there will be no waves at all.

Zhengu Shengzi was shaking.



Is that Taixuansheng womb god?

What's wrong with this world?

Why Miya Tenjin became so arrogant.

Zhengu Shengzi admits that in the past, the palace **** is indeed better than himself, but it is also limited, and not as it is now, you ca n’t see the top. This gap is like a star earthworm and a true dragon. Know how many times the difference.

For a time, Zhengu Shengzi seemed to be breaking something inside.

That's faith!

That's attachment!

It is to have a higher and lower attachment and conviction with Miya Tenjin, and now, in the face of seeing is believing, is completely broken.

It's like a fantasy dream. Now, the dream wakes up.

I don't know when the Zhengu Shengzi burst into tears. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh, or whether to be mad or sad.

Gongtian God, but he would not pay attention to Zhengu Shengzi, for him, this is already two levels of existence.

His opponent, only the sword emperor Chen Zong, even the ghost family in front of him, is just a stumbling block.

Kill them all!

In a hurry, the fighting intention boxer surged again, seven inches!

With every inch of war effort, the power will increase a lot.


Ghost King and Ghost King were repelled again, and many ghost families were killed.

Under the will of the war, the impertinent body of the ghost clan is like nothing, more fragile than benzene, and it was torn and crushed in an instant.

The ghost and beast did not rush out of the Taixuan Realm at all, because he was very angry.

The anger was so extreme that he forgot his original purpose and wanted to kill the human race in front of him.

If you don't kill this race, how can you occupy this world?

Above the outer city of Tai Chi, the fighting became fiercer.

Thousands and thousands of ghost clan's original spirits raged into the tsunami, and most of them were transformed to restore the Taiyuan Jianyuan.

Heart Sword Domain!

Thousands of sword spirits reappeared, and once again burst out.

Every sword qi reveals incredibly sharp sharpness, tearing vacuum, extremely fast, and extremely flexible, avoiding the human race practitioners and killing the ghost races.

Just moments later, tens of thousands of ghosts were killed.

Such a trick, everyone was stunned and shocked.

It can be described as a horrible trick of mass killing.

There are thousands of ghost spirits into the body to supplement the consumption of the sword element of Taichu.

Under the sword area of ​​the heart, Wan Dao Jian Qi was excited again.


It was a one-sided slaughter, which called the Ghost Senger Cup to the extreme, and he screamed and killed to the point, completely disregarding his own injury.

Because he has a type of purgatory ghost door, even if he is wounded, he can be cured in a short time as long as he does not die.

Chen Zong couldn't. If he was chopped by a giant axe, he would be hit hard immediately.

There was a smile on the corner of Chen Zong's mouth.

What you want is your anger.

Mind Sword Flow: Promise of Mind!

When he was killed, a sword was shot, and the sword was dim, drifting away like smoke, drifting in all directions, covering Gui Senjie Luo.

Gui Senjieluo's giant axe is waving, the axe light surrounds the surrounding, blocking the wishful smoke, but blocking the illusion of innocence, especially under the anger, without the calmness of the past, it is easier to breed the illusion.

Chop Chop!

Gui Senjieluo was in a stature, and he continued to wave the giant axe, and every blow was done as hard as possible, tearing the void and smashing everything, as if he was fighting a fierce enemy.

In Chen Zong's micro-line, if there was any sword energy, he passed the gap between the rays of the giant axe with an extremely flexible posture, followed the most mysterious trajectory, and passed through the chest armor of Guisenjieluo ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ pierce directly.


That sword gas penetrated the armor and chest, stabbed into the heart, and exploded suddenly, like a thousand needles, all through Gui Senjie Luo's overbearing heart.

Gui Senjie Luo trembled suddenly, wow, he couldn't help spitting blood, it was the essence of his heart, his breath fell in an instant, and he felt a tyrannical force, as if passing away.

Mind Sword Flow: Unlimited Mind!

At first glance, Jianguang shone to heaven and earth, as if Tianyang was cracking, the breathtaking breath of extinction, also seemed to be rushing and raging wildly.


Jianguang extreme, killing no life, kill everything.

This sword is irresistible.

When the heart was damaged, Gui Sengel felt a sense of darkness, full of silence, as if he was about to fall into the abyss of death.

The sword is as powerful as a bamboo shoot, and it is chopped on the body of Gui Senjieluo, and under the sword, the body of Gui Senjieluo is cut off directly.


His breath soared in an instant, and instantly condensed. The black hair danced wildly, as if a sharp sword pierced the sky, and Chen Zong's eyes also shot out with great precision.

An extinct breathlessness pervades all directions.

The body sank slightly, and a sword slanted forward.


Nothing to cut!

The Xeon struck out instantly, and a Taijian Jianyuan also surged into a peerless sword, tearing the world and shattering everything.

Chen Zong has been in the layout since the attack on the ghost army.

That is to slay the army of ghosts, anger this ghost king with a lot of damage, make him completely angry, and lose his reason.

Once you lose your mind, the ability of Mind Sword Flow to target your mind will be enhanced to the extreme.

The endless hits of Psychic Promise and Infinite Mind hit indefinitely. The last sword is a sword of vacuumless slashing, which is the strength of the horse.

Kill a sword!

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