Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 1: Ghostblade Sword Heart

At present, monthly tickets are between 30 and 40, so today is the ninth change. This is the ninth change. I do n’t know if it is the last change today. Until 12 o’clock, if you enter the top 30, six will add two more according to the agreement. In addition, if it is in the top 30 after 12 o'clock, the additional two will be postponed to tomorrow. Here, six bows. Thank you everyone for your great support and love, the new volume. The surname is going to sneak and do things. Up)

The sky is dark, the clouds are rolling, covering the sky, and the sun is not visible all year round.

The earth is dark, and the horizon is boundless. It is connected to the spasm of the earth and merges with the spasm of the sky.

Ghost forest city, a secret place, a purgatory ghost gate is standing, slowly turning dark.

As usual, there will be soldiers of the Onimori Warrior here, but now, there is no one. The entire town of Onimori Warrior, except for the one thousand soldiers who stayed to guard the walls and confuse others, completely invaded the Heavenly Realm Taixuan. boundary.

As far as the city is concerned, there are many ghost tribe tribes that are attached to the ghost town. Most of these tribes are ghosts below the ghost soldier level, and a few are ghost soldiers. As for the generals, even less It's rare.

Ghosts are very cruel races. After they are born, they often do not directly enter the ghost city, but first enter various small tribes, and continue to grow and fight until they reach the level of the lower ghost soldiers before they are eligible to enter the city.

Originally, their plan was very good. They occupied Taixuan Realm and formed Taixuan Realm into a type of ghost, and then centered on Taixuan Realm, and gradually eroded other territories until the entire Tianyuan Sanctuary was turned into a ghost.

It stands to reason that they also have this ability.

Unfortunately, I met Chen Zong.

The sword of the sword emperor is invincible.

One consequence of not staying is also one of not staying.

Only Ghost Sens broke into the purgatory ghost gate and returned to the purgatory ghost, but it was a life of nine deaths, and he did not know where he would appear in the ghost. Even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured and not weak. He would be powerless in a short time. Appear and can only hide and recover.

Sneaky, but not flat, is more complicated than imagined.

In this way, the inner city of the ghost forest department naturally looks empty.

Suddenly, on the dark ghost door, like a ripple of water, a figure stepped out.

The height of around two meters, the whole body is black, and the body is in the dark black armor, which makes the body look more robust, and it contains a sense of strength.

The spiral blade's one-corner pointed directly at the sky, and the sharp red edge at the tip was extremely sharp and seemed to pierce the sky.

On the left waist, a black sword spread across the body, exuding a sense of sword.

This is the Purgatory Ghost.

One of the most fitting warframes that grew out of flesh and blood proved that it was a ghost king.

However, compared with other ghosts, this type of body is undoubtedly thinner, without the sturdy blocks of other ghosts.

But the breath permeated on him is the real ghost family.

This is Chen Zong, who was temporarily transformed into the appearance of a ghost clan after trading with the will of Lingwu Holy Realm.

The body is still his own body, but it just becomes a ghost clan, which makes Chen Zong feel very wonderful.

And you can also feel that the strength of this body is far better than the one before it, which is completely two levels.

The level of life of the Ghost is originally higher than that of the human race, and it is a fighting race. It is inherently arrogant, even if it is a human body's refiner, it is difficult to compare.

What's more, this is the ghost king's body, which is much more arrogant than his body that has reached the level of nine stars.

There is no comparability between the two, both in quality and quantity.

It ’s just a pity that this is not the shape of a human race. Otherwise, it would be great if the body really reached this level after changing back to a human race.

It's just hard.

After all, his body is just ordinary blood, and it is not a physical constitution. Even if the refining is the ultimate, it only belongs to the normal range. In terms of potential, it can't be compared with the blood vein and the physical constitution.

Aside from his thoughts, Chen Zong didn't think much.

Your Tao is Kendo. The stronger your body is, the better it is naturally. It cannot be more powerful and acceptable.

Sword is the main thing.

"My name, Ghost Blade Sword Heart, is a ghost larva that was taken away from the Ghost Blade by the people in the ghost town many years ago, and has grown out to become a ghost king." Chen Zong secretly said.

This is who I am now.

The fragments of the soul memory of the ghost generals obtained by Chen Xiu before are not complete, and not much is known about the situation of ghosts.

However, at the same time that the world will transform Chen Zong's body, he also transmits all kinds of information about sneaks learned from ghosts' wills to Chen Zong, allowing Chen Zong to have a more comprehensive understanding of purgatory ghosts.

There are thirty-six ghosts in the Purgatory Ghosts, and each one has a ghost mother tree, and only one ghost mother tree can exist.

In fact, the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan was established based on thirty-six ghost mother trees.

If you want to build and cultivate another ghost mother tree, you can't be in the purgatory ghost.

Unless you destroy one of the 36 ghost mother trees, you will be able to use new resources to cultivate new ghost mother trees in other places.

However, the protection of the ghost mother tree by the thirty-sixth chapter is very strict. Besides, each tribe has its own ghost mother tree. Even if a ghost mother tree can be cultivated again, it cannot be within the tribe.

There is no room for two tigers in a mountain, nor two ghost mother trees in a tribe.

Another point is that the mother ghost tree is very strong and very arrogant. Most of the ghost kings are not their opponents at all.

The idea of ​​trying to beat the ghost mother tree, if you want to destroy it, you will be killed by the ghost mother tree in turn.

Therefore, from now on, there are still 36 ghost mother trees.

In addition to the 36th Ghost Tribe, a new strength was born, called the Ghost Town.

Originally, Chaoyang Ghost City was established by the Ghost King Division, One of the 36 Strongest Tribes of the Ghost Race, the Ghost King Unit, the Ghost Killing Unit, and the Ghost Demon Unit, the Ghost King Unit. .

The 36th Ghost Tribe not only competes externally, it is also full of internal competition.

Weak tribes such as the Ghost Forest Department have less internal competition. After all, the Ghost Forest Department is only two ghost kings.

According to the division, the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan should be divided into four levels.

Among them, the three major tribes of the Ghost King Ministry, the Ghost Killing Ministry, and the Ghost Underworld Ministry are the strongest three tribes, that is, the three most powerful tribes within the thirty-six tribes of the ghost tribe. This is the first level.

The second level is the upper six.

The third level is the middle nine.

The fourth level is the next eighteen.

The Ghost Forest is the lower eighteenth part of the fourth level. It is one of the clans with only the most basic ghost clan strength and no unique talents.

The eighteen tribes at the fourth level are mediocre compared to other tribes.

Whether it is the middle nine, the upper six or the strong three, each has its own talent.

For example, the ghost and beast department in the middle nine has the talent of being an emissary. Although not all members, it also occupies a considerable part.

The ghost clan refers to the natural gift as the gift of ghosts and gods, meaning that it is the gift of ghosts and gods.

There is no gift of ghosts and gods in the next eighteenth chapter. From the perspective of other clans, especially the upper six and strong three, they are like the abandoned clan and belong to the lowest clan.

Under normal circumstances, no attention is given at all. This is one of the reasons why the Onimori Department was able to dispatch almost all of its troops and invade the Taixuan Realm without much attention.

In the end, only the ghosts and monsters of the ghost and beast department not far away were aware of it unexpectedly, and then led a quarter of the ghost and beast army to invade the Taixuan Realm.

However, the news was naturally blocked by the ghost and beast department.

The middle nine is stronger than the next eighteen because they have the unique talents of ghosts and gods. As a result, their ghost mother tree is more powerful, more ghosts are born, and more powerful.

The talents of the ghosts and gods in the first six chapters are stronger than those of the middle nine, and the talents of the three ghosts and gods are the strongest.

Of course, in addition to the strength of the gifts of ghosts and gods, the number of tribes and troops and the number of strong are also an important part.

In a word, the Ghost Forest Department is the most mediocre one among the 36 Ghost Tribes, and even in the lower 18 Departments, it belongs to the ordinary level. Only two.

The Ghostblade part, which belongs to the middle nine, is at the same level as the Ghost and Beast part, but according to the information, the Ghostblade part as a whole is stronger than the Ghost and Beast part.

The ghost town is the thirty-seventh force in the ghost, except that there is no ghost mother tree, which is equivalent to the thirty-seventh tribe.

Each time, when the blood moon is running out of the sky, thirty-six ghost ghosts on the mother-ghost tree will fall, and the larvae of the ghost clan will emerge, becoming new ghost clan and starting to grow.

At this time, when the strong ghost town is dispatched, they will rush in or lurk in one or several ghost tribes, or steal or **** away the ghosts that have just fallen and take them back to the ghost town. To supplement the number of ghosts in Chaos Town ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Enhance the strength of the army.

One side is guarding ghost sneaks from being taken away, and the other is snatching ghost sneaks to take away.

Fighting will inevitably occur between the two sides. During the battle, some ghosts will inevitably fall out and become wandering ghosts.

The members of the 36 tribes of the Ghost Tribe have records, or the imprint of belonging to the Ghost Tribe, which is the imprint that will be given when they are out of the ghost clan and are located within the tribal boundaries.

However, those ghosts who were taken away from the ghost tribe before they actually broke out of the horde did not have the imprint of their tribe, as if they were lonely wolves, stray and homeless.

In general, these traffic ghosts are divided into three types. One will go to great lengths to join one of the thirty-sixth part of the ghost family, and even return to the ghost family that was born by themselves. This is rare.

One is to join the ghost town, which is more.

The other is a true wandering, which does not belong to any force and grows alone. This type of ghost clan is called a lone walker, and there are even fewer.

At the same time, the lone walker is synonymous with power or fear.

In comparison, there are many crises in Purgatory Ghosts, especially ghost tribes and chaotic ghost cities. There are many dangerous places, etc. If there is not enough strength, there is only a dead end, and the bones are scattered.

And those who can survive as lone walkers all come out of countless murders and countless killings, which is naturally terrible.

Chen Zong cleared up all information and ideas.

So from now on, I am called Ghostblade Sword Heart. I was born in the Ghostblade Ghost Mother Tree, but was taken away while inside the Ghostbane, accidentally left out, and survived countless dangers to become a ghost king-level lone walker. .

In this way, it will be even more unobtrusive, and you can better act within the ghost.

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