Sword God

: Long sword (thanks for your support, everyone must check it out)

Tongshen now has 203 monthly tickets, ranking 35th. With the book opening to the present, the second best result, such a result, six sincere thanks to everyone for their support, especially for the reward. Brothers and friends who vote monthly.

It is precisely because of your support and love that this surprise came, because the original six thought that the most place is to enter the top 40, not the top 30, thank you, really thank you.

However, it is not enough. Liudao has an ambition and a goal, that is, the top ten, because only by entering the top ten can it appear on the homepage list, so that more people can see our book.

Liu Dao also knows that the competition for monthly tickets is very fierce. It is difficult and difficult to rush up, but still hope, even if there is only a trace of hope, you must seize it.

Rushing the monthly ticket list requires six efforts and the support of the majority of book friends. Your support is extremely important.

Yesterday, Liu Dao made an agreement with everyone in the outbreak. Five outbreaks are made every day, and the monthly ticket rankings are added and changed. Yesterday, the monthly ticket rankings went from 60 to 40, so four more were added, and the total was nine.

In the agreement, if you enter the 30th place, you can add two more, enter the 20th place, add two more, enter the top ten, and then add ten more.

Now, the six lanes have been cut out, entering the top 30, not adding two more, but adding three more, entering the top 20, not adding two more, but adding three more, entering the top ten, no longer adding ten More, but add twenty more.

You are not mistaken. The six lanes have been cut out this time, and they are fighting hard. If they can enter the top ten, the six lanes will break out on the basis of the fifth change, plus 26 more.

Six roads have been cut out, how about you?

Dare to fight with Liudao, crazy?

The timing is rare. The most beautiful moment is the best. Don't pity me because I am a tender flower. Don't think about the future. Now, the best time to catch words and rent is hot, hot, burning, fight, and the bike changes. Motorcycles, motorcycles become small cars, small cars become trucks, and trucks change cars.

When the road started, the road was clear and forward.

The goal of the Six Ways is also the goal of the gods, and it is also the goal of everyone. You, may you help me, and dare to work together with the Six Ways to fight against the four poles in all directions and rush to the top ten thrones! !! !!

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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