Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 2: 1 heart 1 heart

(At present, the monthly ticket rankings are in the top 30. According to the agreement, Liu Dao will update eight chapters today. First of all, I would like to thank "Arvin_Liu", "duguvs555", "zw2zz0", and so on. , Not all six are listed, thank you, you are too powerful, six are so excited, love you so much)

Deep inside the ghost forest.

Chen Zong's left hand has five fingers open, dark and slender fingers, without the sharpness of the ghost tribe ghost family, but closer to the human race, which is also the characteristics of the ghost blade tribe ghost family, so that we can better hold weapons.


With a low sip, the strength of Chen Zong's body surged and filled with a magnificent and magnificent atmosphere. Once he appeared, it was terrible, as if to suppress this world.

That is the world will power of Lingwu Holy Realm or Tianyuan Holy Realm.

This purgatory ghost gate cannot be left unattended, otherwise, sooner or later, it will be found by other ghost families, such as the ghost and beast department. At that time, it will inevitably invade the Taixuan Realm again.

If it was the invasion of ghost kings of powerful tribes, Chen Xiu would be difficult to resist, and then it would be a disaster, or even a catastrophic disaster.

In the message, Chen Zong was more aware of the power of the ghost clan.

If it wasn't the Gui Mori Department but the Ghost Beast Department that invaded the Tai Xuan Realm at that time, perhaps the Tai Xuan Realm had already been captured.

The strands of world power use Chen Zong's ghost family as a bridge, mobilizing the power of ghosts, continually condensing across the sea, turning into a seal, and landing on the gate of purgatory ghosts.

Difficult to destroy, then seal.

Seal it up and cover up the purgatory ghost gate.

With the seal falling, after just three breaths, the purgatory ghost gate quickly faded, and then disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Chen Zong is fully aware, and can only perceive vague fluctuations.

My own perception is very amazing. With the knowledge and full awareness, I can only perceive a little bit of fluctuation, and let other ghost kings come, I am afraid it is difficult to feel.

But Chen Zong was not so determined.

However, a day can be concealed, a month is a month, and a year is a year.

Soaring skyward, skyrocketing.

Chen Zong glanced, then chose a direction and quickly flew away.

It was the wall of the inner city of the ghost forest, with a thousand ghost warriors guarding the wall.

Chen Zong's eyes swept away, and suddenly the thousand ghost warriors trembled, as if his body had been scratched, and he wanted to tear.


Chen Zong's eyes are cold. Although he is now a ghost clan, his essence is a human clan, or a human clan who sneaks into the ghost clan. The purpose is to kill the ghost clan, and even destroy the mother tree, in order to devour the will of the purgatory ghost. The will of Tianyuan Sanctuary will be strengthened and restored.

The ghost forest department invaded the Taixuan realm, the creatures were painted with charcoal, and the crime was extremely evil. Now these soldiers of the ghost forest department, of course, Chen Zong will not be weak.

In addition, each of the ghost lone walkers broke out from the countless fierce dangers from the blood of the corpses, killing countless people one by one, and occasionally some small tribes were killed by the lone walkers.

Draw a sword!

Jianguang was dark, passing by, silent and silent, but Jianguang seemed to merge into the void, extremely mysterious.

Those ghost warriors didn't feel any strength fluctuations at all, and the silent and silent Jianguang seemed to have cut off their bodies.

Lost life in silence.


The sword returned to the sheath, but Chen Zong was secretly surprised.

The sword is a condensed sword of the heart, but after some disguise, it looks like a weapon used by the ghost clan, and it is a weapon used by the ghost clan tribe.

The gift of ghosts and gods in the Ghost Blade Department lies in the power of the Ghost Blade, which has a natural increase in weapons such as swords and more powerful weapons.

So there is no difference at all.

However, this sword, Chen Zong is a one-handed trick inherited by Zhenxin Zhenjun, and combined with the sword of the heart to create the sword.

One Mind: One Mind!

The so-called single-mindedness strategy is based on one-mindedness, which lies in one-mindedness and concentrates all your minds.

It is a deduction and mysterious interpretation of one-heartedness that it is displayed in this way.

There is no fixed move for this move, because the mind is uncertain.

However, this trick can bring the power of the sword of his heart to the extreme and exceed the limit.

If it is only on the power, the sword that Chen Zong is now casting, its power is comparable to the infinite destruction of the heart, of course, it is far worse than the vacuum.

However, the vacuum has no effect, it is almost exhausted, and there is no reservation. After a blow, there is no strength left. If it is impossible to kill the opponent, it will be very dangerous.

But one mind and one mind is not the same. Not only is the power comparable to the infinite destruction of the mind, but it can also fully exert the mystery of the sword of the mind, and the consumption is still very small. .

In short, the strength and energy required to cast a single mind is only a little more than that of ordinary swords. With Chen Zong's current power reserve, many swords can be cast continuously.

There is another important point, that is, all powerful moves need to have a process of mobilizing and consolidating power, and then releasing the power, so that the powerful power bursts out, and then it is a process of returning energy. .

The more proficient and successful the moves, the faster the speed of mobilizing the cohesive force, and the faster the speed of returning air and returning force.

Therefore, the strong fight often does not show a trick at the beginning, because once the trick is avoided, there will be a momentary gap due to the recovery of energy, which often means a flaw.

Therefore, the battle for the strong was initially duel with ordinary moves.

The more common the moves are, the easier it is to perform, and the fewer the flaws.

If you can solve your opponent with ordinary moves, that's the best.

At present, the Yixinyiyi sword with Yixinji and Xinyiyi exhibits a speed of casting, just like ordinary moves, flaws, and almost the same as ordinary moves.

After all, the more ordinary moves, the more basic, the more basic, the more refined, almost perfect.

Yixinyiyiyijian sword, power consumption and speed of return and return speed and flaws are like ordinary moves, but its power is far better than ordinary moves, comparable to the best moves.

Not only that, if you want, you can also increase the consumption of strength and the power of the sword.

This is a trick, but it seems like a lot of tricks.

Use the power of ordinary tricks in a common trick mode.

This is the mystery of Yixinjue, but if Chen Zong does not master the power of the sword of mind, it is difficult to cultivate successfully.

In this regard, Chen Zong is very satisfied.

Among the thousand ghost warriors, there are only ten ghost generals, and the rest are all ghost soldiers.

As soon as they died, the ghostly wills carried on their bodies also flew up, converging to Chen Zong like a stream of rivers, absorbed by Chen Zong's camouflage, and further strengthened.

It can be said that Chen Zong directly carried a small half of the Tianyuan Sanctuary's will to the world, transformed into a ghostly will.

At the same time, there was also a strip of pure power, which merged into Chen Zong's body, shocked Chen Zong's body slightly, and his pupils contracted suddenly.

That power ...

Extremely pure, it is very clever. Although not much, after being integrated into the body, Chen Zong feels his body as if being washed.

It was a feeling similar to when I got the sword of heart, but it was not so strong.

That trace of power is not under his control, but is directly submerged in the body, as if it is integrated into the bloodstream and into the deepest part of the body.

Vaguely, Chen Zong felt that it was good for himself, but what kind of benefit was unclear.

Originally, Chen Zong thought that he sneaked into the purgatory ghosts by disguising himself as a ghost clan, and would not have the benefit of gaining the essence of the essence as if he slaughtered the ghost clan in the Taixuan Realm.

Of course, another point is also inseparable from the factors that seek battle and adventure in the bones.

After the purgatory ghosts kill the opponent, they can devour the opponent's vitality to improve themselves.

But Chen Zong, after all, is not a true purgatory ghost clan, or his body is temporarily transformed into a purgatory ghost clan, but the soul is still a human race, the essence, and the human race, and naturally cannot fully possess all the capabilities of the purgatory ghost race.

Camouflage is camouflage after all, but it can still absorb the pervasive power in ghosts and transform it to recover its own consumption.

Right now, I can get benefits even though I don't know what it is, but it's definitely a benefit. That kind of very bright and pure power breath is intoxicating.

Then, kill more infernal ghosts.

Ghosts can't coexist with human races at all, and no matter how many kills ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they will not be softened.

Instantly, Chen Zonghua broke into a black streamer.

Many small tribes around the city of the ghost forest, Chen Zong did not act, not to be soft-hearted, but to worry about attracting attention after the slaughter, so that more strong ghost clan will notice here, thereby increasing the risk of exposure to the purgatory ghost gate.

As for the thousand ghost warriors, okay, Chen Zong can only admit that he was really itchy at the time and wanted to give it a try. Therefore, since the sword has been issued, there is absolutely no reason to regret it.

After a while, Chen Zong saw a huge figure standing on the ground of the Ministry of Ghost Forest.

Ghost mother tree!

That is truly a ghost mother tree.

The ghost mother tree has a height of two kilometers, and its trunk diameter is more than one hundred meters, which is extremely huge. There are tens of thousands of ghosts hanging on it, dense and dense, and at a glance, it makes the scalp tingle.

The strength of the ghost mother tree is closely related to its size.

Two kilometers of ghost mother trees are about twice as powerful as one thousand.

Chen Zong silently estimated and found that, with his current strength, he couldn't help this two kilometer-high ghost mother tree, so he could only give up temporarily.

Otherwise, if you cut and destroy a ghost mother tree, you will definitely get a huge amount of ghost will.

What a pity.

After taking a look, after retracting his gaze, Chen Zong quickly flew away from the boundary of the ghost forest.

Below is a dark field, where we can see many weird-looking ghosts running, fighting, and rolling with horror.

Chen Zong's figure was a little, his sword came out of his sheath, and he was a little far away. A lower-level ghost that was several kilometers apart shook himself and extinct. However, unfortunately, the ghost's will carried by the ghost was more than ghost The clan is weaker, and the value of killing is obviously inferior to that of the ghost clan.

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