Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 3: Sword alone

The second is more)

The physique of the lower monsters is several times stronger than that of the lower monsters. However, because of the low intelligence, the battle will be five or five points.

Chen Zong stabbed a lower-level ghost beast, and found that the will of the ghosts carried by the lower-level ghosts was weak, which was almost equal to the will carried by the lower-level ghost soldiers.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not deliberately kill the ghosts and monsters. Instead, he passed swords and killed them along the way.

However, no matter how many kilometers or kilometers apart, Chen Zong cannot be avoided.

With one heart and one mind, there is no sound, no shadow, no shape, and even there are no signs, it is difficult to perceive.

Kill kill!

On the way, dozens of flying ghosts roared and rushed to eat Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's understated sword waved without a trace of fireworks.

Dozens of flying ghosts were in a sudden meal, a hint of black breath permeated from their bodies, flying to Chen Zong, their bodies quickly fell down.


The direction of Chen Zong's progress is precisely the ghost and beast department, one of the middle nine.

The first purpose is to let the world will of Tianyuan Sanctuary devour the will of the infernal ghost, and this engulfment must be carried out secretly without the will of the infernal ghost.

For this reason, Tianyuan Sanctuary World Consumption had to consume nearly half, disguised as ghostly will, but fortunately, it has swallowed a lot of ghostly will, disguised, there is no difficulty, it will not be seen.

Chen Zong's approach also conforms to the characteristics of the purgatory ghost clan, and will not be suspected.

This is the first purpose.

As for the second purpose, of course, it is for ourselves.

The purgatory ghost clan has a large amount of warfare and fought against the strong. It has always been Chen Zong's desire to sharpen himself in the battle and then break through.

In today's Tianyuan Sanctuary, apart from Chen Xiu and Gong Tianshen, there are no other opponents.

But among the ghosts of Purgatory, there are many, many of them.

In the lower part of the Ghost Forest alone, there are two. There are at least ten ghost king-level strong men in each of the six upper divisions.

As for the strong three in the ghost king class, there are even more.

Taken together, the entire purgatory ghost is the most powerful king of ghosts, totally over a hundred.

In addition, there are powerful ghost mother trees and so on.

Fighting them can not only sharpen themselves, but also absorb a large amount of ghostly will after killing.

Two birds with one stone.

His current identity is the fierce lone walker among the ghosts, or the lone walker of the ghost king class. It is normal to fight around.

The sword refers to the ghost and beast department!

Chen Zong killed in a straight line along the way.

In the distance, Chen Zong saw that in the field, a ghost clan was torn away with ghosts and beasts, and they fought very fiercely.

It can be seen that these ghost clan belong to the ghost and beast department and are a group of ghost soldiers.

So let's die.

Chen Zong's eyes were calm and his expression remained unchanged.

Without the sword light and the sword spirit, the fierce soldiers and beasts who had been fighting fiercely had a meal, as if immobilized, and remained motionless.

A hint of blackness escaped from them, flying towards Chen Zong, disappearing into Chen Zong's body.

The slightest trace of inflow into the body disappeared deep into the body, turning into an accumulation, waiting for the qualitative change to erupt.

The sword returned to the sheath, but the figure did not pause for a moment, and continued to move forward.




Even if it is a small tribe of the ghost and beast department, as long as it is on the flying heart route, Chen Zong will not let go.

Every time you swing a sword, it seems that there is only one sword, but it is actually countless swords.

The advantages of the single-minded sword are very obvious, low consumption, fast shot, no flaws, power, but there are also shortcomings, that is, single.

Since it is a single heart, you can only deal with one goal with one sword.

But it doesn't matter, this sword is sent and received by heart, the speed of the sword is amazing, coupled with Chen Zong's inscrutable kendo accomplishments, it seems that a sword is wielded in an instant, but it is actually dozens of swords or even hundreds of swords.

One kill per sword, hundreds of yeasts are hundreds of kills.

In the constant shooting of swords, Chen Zong's use and grasp of the single-minded sword became deeper and deeper. The power consumed by the shots and the power of the swords were also constantly adjusted.

"Then such a powerful sword is one."

Chen Zong secretly said.

The sword with one mind and one mind, consumes more power than Jishui about 10%, and its power exceeds the heartbeat chain.

There is one style, and naturally there are two styles. For Chen Zong, who has amazing control, it is very simple.

After all, it's just for a standard distinction of shots.

The consumption of the second type is 50% more than that of the basic onion, which is close to that of Putuo, and its power is stronger than that of the mind.

Consumption of the three types is equivalent to the heartbeat chain, but its power is better than infinite mind.

In the four types, consumption is equivalent to infinite destruction, but its power is equal to vacuum.

As for the five styles, some of them are beyond expectation and cannot be grasped.

With Chen Zong's current strength, even if it is just one style, it is enough to kill any ghost family and ghost beast below the ghost king level, such as the two ghost kings in the ghost forest department will also hit the sword.

Of course, the Ghost clan's body is strong, even if it is a sword, the injury is not serious.

Go all the way, draw swords all the way, and behead all the way.

Wherever he goes, the extinction of the king's vitality is like a killing madness, extinct one small tribe after another, and it is close to the city of ghosts and beasts.

"Where is the ghost king of the ghost and beast department?" Chen Zong hung outside the city of the ghost and beast department.

This is a rule, a rule among the ghosts.

Small tribe, kill and kill, kill and kill, that's nothing.

After all, every time the blood moon hangs, the ghost ghosts condensed on the ghost mother tree will drop, and at least tens or even hundreds of thousands of ghost larvae will be born, scattered enough to build dozens of small tribes.

The blood month is a year.

In other words, every year, a group of ghost larvae is born in the ghost clan, each time being at least 30,000, as shown in the following eighteen ghost clan.

As for the ghosts of the Central Nine Chapters, the number of ghosts born every year can reach 60,000.

As for the upper six and strong three, the ghosts born every year are even more amazing.

Similarly, every year, a large number of ghost tribes will be killed in every ghost tribe.

And most of them are ghosts who haven't really grown up.

After all, ghosts and beasts will also attack the ghost tribe. If an attack is not stopped in time, it will be destroyed.

Therefore, the hidden rule in the ghosts is the safety of the small tribe. Each ghost city will not pay too much attention. If the natural race chooses the fittest to survive and die, it can only mean that you are too weak.

Only if you survive will you be strong.

The **** iron law is so cruel, but also very direct, completely different from the human race.

Terran practitioners do not mean that you can become stronger by killing people, but you must rely on your own cultivation.

But the Ghost Clan does not need to cultivate as long as it is strong, as long as constant fighting and constant killing can be devoured.

Small tribes are not so valued, but ghost towns are different. Those who can enter the ghost town, at least the lower ghost soldiers, are the real combat power of every ghost tribe.

To attack other people ’s ghost town, you must first make a fame. Like the war between the ghost tribe, you must first make a statement to let the other party know, and then start.

The challenge is the same.

Since you become a ghost clan, at some point, you also need to act in accordance with the rules of the ghost clan so as not to be easily exposed.

"The Wandering Ghost Clan Blade came to challenge." Chen Zong's voice sounded again, passed into the ghost city, it sounded, there was no amazing momentum, but there was a hint of sharpness, like the wind of invisible sword air It passed, blowing into the ears of every ghost warrior.


"The ghost-blade sword heart turned out to be the ghost-blade department."

"Did you not hear that clearly? He was talking about a stray ghost."

It is rare for such stray ghosts to directly challenge the ghost king.

In the ghost and beast department, there are three ghost kings and two ghost kings, which is equal to five ghost kings.

However, if you challenge the ghost king of the ghost and beast department, you may also face the ghost king and ghost and beast king together.

This kind of challenge is often not so simple.

However, it is not easy to separate the birth and death of ghost kings. Unless there is a large difference in combat power, at most, one party is injured.

Soon, a breath of exhilaration raged away from the city of ghosts and monsters, as if the storm swept through, and came with incredible coercion.

There are only two ghost kings and one ghost king in the ghost department today.

As for the ghost and beast evil, it was a heavy hit that escaped the purgatory ghost through the purgatory ghost gate. Now I do n’t know where it fell, and I have n’t returned to the ghost and beast department.

Maybe there is only a ray of remnant left.

The present ghost king, UU reads wwwww. uukanshhu.com is exactly the ghost king who does not have the talent to make a monster.

He is three meters tall and looks very strong, towering like a black iron tower, exuding bursts of strong and violent breath fluctuations, terrifying.

The ghost king's arms hang down, which is a little longer than the average ghost family. The ten knuckles are protruding, and it seems to be full of amazing power.

If you don't have the talents of the Emperor, you can only start with yourself if you want to become stronger.

Therefore, in this ghost and beast department, if the ghost and beast king is put aside, the only one who talks about his own combat power is to take this ghost king as the most.

"Born from the Wandering Ghost Clan of the Ghostblade." The ghost king of the Ghost Beast stared, staring at Chen Zong.

He doesn't take it lightly because his body doesn't look as strong as himself.

In fact, most of the ghost clan's body is not as strong as other ghost clan, their strength lies in the ghost blade.

The ghost blade was born with it. It grew up with its own blood and connected with each other. Among the middle nine, it is famous and amazing.

The wandering ghost clan in front of the ghost blade is a ghost king-level powerhouse, it is estimated that he is a lone walker, and he is not able to have half of it.

"Fight." Chen Zong's words were very direct.

Ghost clan has not always been a secretive generation.

Fight if you want.

"Challenge my ghost and beast department, I can only say that you have found the wrong place. Remember, my name is ghost and monster dragon." As the words sounded, he suddenly raised his arms and bent his legs to twist his waist, using the void as the force point.


Underneath, countless void ripples spread out like ripples.

The mighty force also seemed to erupt from under his feet, straight through the arms through the twisted waist.

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