Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 4: Xeon Might

Third more)

One punch!

An extremely fierce punch, the punch is dark, like a roar of a dragon, and it comes to an instant.

Under the fist, the layers of void rippled endlessly.

Chen Zong already knew that the intensity of the space of purgatory ghosts was far better than that of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

After all, the world will of Tianyuan Sanctuary has just awakened, its strength has not been restored, and its space strength is limited.

The purgatory ghost world's will is intact and its space strength is also very amazing. Therefore, here, the combat power of the ghost king level is also difficult to tear the void and can only stir the ripples of the void.

Below the ghost king level, even the ripples of the void can't be stirred up.

The ripples of the void are endless, and after being washed away layer by layer, a fist condensing a terrible power with amazing power comes to an instant, and astonishing pressure comes on, as if to defeat Chen Zong.

Very strong!

This kind of power is not inferior to the ghost king Ghost Moribe who had only a ray of remnant soul to escape before being destroyed by his own body, and the other party seems to have not done his best.

Draw a sword!

Without any sign, I felt any intention at all, leave the sheath, and assassinate directly.

The silent sword, approaching the extreme, came first.

Chen Zong did not fight with his sword, because his sword was faster and he came first, and there was no need to hit it hard.

The ghostly dragon eye pupil suddenly shrunk like a needle, only to feel an extremely condensed, terrible and extreme sharp sharp assassination, and the void seemed to have not caused a ripple.

But that sharp edge made his heart tremble, as if threatening his life.


As if the roar of the fierce dragon, shakes the world, countless void ripples shake from the ghost and monster dragon's whole body, like a raging sea.

Under the ripples of the emptiness, there was also some wonderful change in the emptiness. It seemed to be overlapping and full of amazing resistance.

Chen Zong only felt that the style he was stabbing seemed to be stabbing into the waves and being constantly impacted.

With the outburst of the extreme breath, two ghostly flowers also appeared above the ghostly dragon's head.

These two polar flowers are the flower of the essence and the flower of the qi, all of them are solid, exuding terrible breath fluctuations, shocking in all directions, powerful.

The blood-red fine flower seemed to have the size of a human head, while the brown flower of the air was the size of a palm.

Sanhua manifestation, which is common to any world, is an iron law belonging to the void of the universe.

Sanhua's large-scale cohesion is related to potential and combat power.

And Sanhua, there are high and low levels of division.

The size of the slap is for the lower order.

The head size is medium.

The size of the washbasin is for high order.

It's bigger than the washbasin. It's a top order.

The gap between each step is doubled.

In other words, the middle order is twice as powerful as the low order.

This ghost-handed dragon has a low-order polar flower and a middle-order polar flower. Its combat power is equal to having three low-order polar flowers and all condensed into a substantially complete level.

The vast majority of demigods can only condense the flowers of low-order extremes, and a few can condense the flowers of middle-order extremes. As for the high-levels, there are even fewer. The top-level words are even equivalent to legend.

However, Chen Zong estimates that the level of the sword's meaning of his heart should be comparable to that of the higher-order flower of the extreme state, and it is even expected to exceed.


A sword, breaking through obstacles, pierced the body of the ghostly dragon.

The mystery of the single-minded sword is far better than the sword-minded sword, which is completely incomparable.

If it is said that the sword of mind and mind can only play 50% of the mystery of the sword of mind, then the sword of mind and heart can reach 10%, and even it is expected to exceed the limit and exceed 10%.

If it is a chain of heartbeats, it is difficult to advance, but the sword is different, and follows the mysterious trajectory of the original heart, as if swimming in the water, the snake quickly entered the grass.


The body of the ghost and dragon is penetrated in an instant, and it is extremely scary and sharp. It rages in the body of the dragon with ghosts and hands, as if the blade is horrible, as if the body is torn.

This amazing sharpness, the ghost-handed dragon is very clear, that is the power of the ghost-blade.

The power of the ghost blade is terrible, it is extremely sharp, cutting everything, and condensing to the extreme, it is enough to tear all the hard.

If it is not for your own physique, the condensed flower is medium-level, if it is only low-level, it will be difficult to resist.


break out!

Burst out!


The ghost-handed dragon slammed into the net, and punched again.

Evil Dragon Eater!

This punch is a trick, a punch blows out, the dark fist condenses on the fist when it is strong, and turns into a fierce one-horned dragon head. With one mouth, it sends out a terrible horror. Power, as if to devour everything.

At the same time, the left hand of the ghost-evil dragon has five fingers, and the claws of the evil dragon condense, grabbing and tearing everything.

Double attack to the left and right, amazing power.

Chen Zong only felt that his body seemed to be torn, and there was a feeling of being swallowed up, very scary.


When he died, Chen Zong Yi Jian waved out, not seeing the sword light, nor the sword's qi, seemed to merge into the void, and instantly hit the two hands of the ghost-handed evil dragon.

It looks like a sword, but in fact it is dozens of swords. From different angles, they attack the ghosts and dragons with one punch and one claw.


Following the most mysterious trajectory, directly defeated both types of killing tricks of the ghost-handed dragon.

The more powerful the move is, the more lethal it is, but the same is true, the more obvious the flaws are.

Relatively speaking, the theory of martial arts alone is highly regarded. The single-minded sword that Chen Zong learned from the single-minded strategy is far better than the evil dragon fist of the ghost-handed dragon.

Dedicated three styles!

After smashing one punch and one claw, Chen Zong's wrist trembled slightly, and the sword body trembled. When he stunned, an invisible jianguang was shot through the air.

There are no ripples in the void, but in an instant, they kill.

The heavy void ripples around the ghost-handed dragon could not resist the slightest, and were penetrated again.

The power of this sword is several times better than that of the previous sword. The amazing sharp sword energy rages in its body and hangs it.

Gathering strength to resist the raging sharp sword spirit in the body, the strength of the ghost-handed dragon is also affected, and only 10% can only temporarily exert 70%.

This is a good opportunity, how could Chen Zong just let it go.

The challenge is just a cover-up. The real purpose is to kill the ghost king, and try out the ghostly will that is carried on the ghost king level.

Although I had killed in Taixuan Realm before, it was directly absorbed by the will of the world and I couldn't feel it.

This time, part of the world's will is carried on its own body, and once absorbed, it feels obvious.


The first form has the weakest power, the least consumption, and the fastest shot. It is most suitable for intercepting and interrupting the opponent's attack and disrupting the opponent's rhythm. As long as the opponent's rhythm is disordered, then the more powerful two or even three The style is even four styles, causing heavy damage or even killing.

Just moments ago, there were dozens of swords in the ghost-handed dragon. Although it was only one type, the damage caused by each sword was limited, but they were very superimposed, especially the dozens of one-style swords and the three-style swords. Outbreaks of interbody fusion exacerbated injuries.

Dedicated to four styles!

The strongest sword kill!

The use of this sword, Chen Zong's look is a little calm, not so understated.


Although Chen Zong was serious, when the sword was shot, there was still no obvious breath fluctuation.

He is suppressing and dispelling the horrifying ghost-evil dragons that are raging in his body. A strong sense of palpitations is manifested from the deepest part of his heart, as if the torrent flooded the dyke.

The heart beats to the extreme in an instant, it seems to be jumping out of the chest, and Rao is unable to resist the physique of his mid-level fine flower.

With the extreme heartbeat, the qi and blood are affected, and it seems to be countercurrent, so that their own strength is also affected, and they cannot operate as normal as before.

The physical arrogance of the purgatory ghosts is an important part of their combat power.

Once affected, it will also affect the display of combat power.

In the four styles, one sword is reached, and it is impossible to resist, and it is impossible to resist, and it is the sword.

Cut off!

The body of the ghost-handed dragon was directly cut off.

"Character!" The face of the ghost-handed dragon changed greatly, and he yelled immediately.

The vitality of the ghost clan is extremely tenacious, especially at the level of the ghost king, after condensing the flower of the extreme realm, there will be great progress in all aspects, very amazing, and the self-healing ability has reached the extreme.

The higher the level of the flower of the polar world, the stronger the self-healing ability.

In addition, some treasures of the ghost clan, etc., whether it is cut off the limbs or the body or the head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can be reconnected within a certain period of time, in a few days, Being able to heal without affecting action or combat.

Chen Zong certainly knew this, so he didn't think that he could kill him by cutting it.

Sword again.

A formula!

Second style!

Three styles!

When the sword is almost to the extreme and dense to the extreme, we can see a ray of sword-like light in the void, very subtle and almost nothing.

"Word!" A roar filled with anger suddenly came out from the ghost town, as if the thunder burst the void.


With a mighty and terrifying beast roar, two violent and extreme breaths exploded and burst out.

Endless void ripples, layer after layer of resistance, two extreme attacks broke through the air and bombarded Chen Zong.

At the same time, the ghost-handed dragon has hundreds of swords in it.

The Ghost King is difficult to kill, just give them some time to recover.

Of course, being slashed is also a serious injury and cannot be recovered immediately.

In addition, the difficulty of killing does not mean that it is impossible to kill.

Broken hands, broken feet, and even fingers and toes were severed by Chen Zong.

The next breath, the neck was also cut off.

The ghost-handed dragon was directly divided into corpses.

Such serious injuries, even with the help of treasures, cannot be recovered without a month or more.

The more severe the injury, the faster and more vitality lapses, and the easier it is to die if not treated in time.

Two powerful attacks broke through to the ground, and Chen Zong issued a sword, with hundreds of swords in his hand, and immediately broke down and melted those two attacks.

Four styles!

Another sword was killed, and the terrible sword gas was cut and passed again, and the severed limb was cut and shattered, and even the head of the dragon with a ghost hand was split and shattered.

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