Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 5: Ghost power

Fourth more)

Only mercilessly, annihilation of vitality, terrible sharp sword rages in all directions, the body and head of the ghost and dragon, the king is chopped.

Suddenly, a string of strong black breath escaped from the broken body of the ghost-handed dragon, billowing like smoke and dust, converging into a black devil-like snake, with a majestic breath, straight through Chen Zong.

The dark demon dragon was about eight feet long, no scales, and slipped through, Chen Zong did not evade, and let the dark demon snake enter the body.


This is the sneaky will carried by the ghost and dragon.

Compared to ghost soldiers and ghost futures, the ghostly will of the king of the ghosts is more than a hundred times stronger, and it is a thousand times more powerful.

The ghostly wills obtained by killing thousands of ghosts and monsters before can not be compared with the ghosts and wills carried by ghosts and dragons.

With the will of the demon snake engulfed and absorbed by the will of the world in the body of Chen Zong's body, a clear and pure source of power suddenly poured into Chen Zong's body, dormant at the deepest part of the body.


Constant accumulation, waiting to be mobilized by Chen Zong one day, bring great benefits.

As for now, it is unclear.

"Lonely, you **** it." The ghost and beast were extremely angry.

Even under his own attack, he killed the monster and monster dragon, causing great losses to the monster and beast department.

It should be killed ten thousand times.

Fortunately, the ghost-handed dragon will not really die, and his soul has already escaped. This is why Chen Zong is helpless, because this is a rule of ghostly will.

Of course, if you really want to destroy the soul of the other party, you can do it, but it will inevitably expose the world will of the heavenly sanctuary on your body.

By then, it will cause great trouble and crisis.

Weighing the pros and cons, you don't plan to do it, and you don't need to do it.

Although the soul is still alive, it has been broken and become mutilated. It can only grow into the ghosts of the ghost mother tree and grow again. When the annual blood moon turns into the sky, it becomes a ghost with the ghost king qualification. Clan larvae, grow up again.

Generally speaking, such ghost larvae will be protected by dark flags. Unless there is a danger of exceeding their upper limit, everything will fight in their own capacity until the spirit of the ghost king awakens.

At that time, he will become a new ghost king.

Facing the anger of the ghosts and monsters, Qi Zongyi was not afraid.


A single-minded sword with one heart and one heart consumes very little power. It can completely fight for a long time. It is physically strong and can support long-term battles without worrying about exhaustion.

Now that one ghost king has been beheaded, why not kill another.

Right and left here are purgatory ghosts. The purpose of incarnation of purgatory ghosts is to destroy and destroy the purgatory ghosts and purgatory ghosts. The greater the damage, the more ghosts will be swallowed up by the will of the heavenly world. , The more you can recover.

So, let's get rid of it.

Heart to sword.

One-hearted sword.

The sword of the heart is in the hand, where Chen Zong's eyes stare, in the void, it seems that there are steel lines, the lines are intertwined like silk, permeating with changing colors.

It is a trajectory of the mystery in the void, which can only be seen if the realm is deep to a certain degree or special exercises are practiced.

Chen Zong can see that it is also because of the relationship between Yixinjue and Xinyi.

The single-minded sword is following this trajectory, which is the trajectory of the heart, the trajectory of the mystery of the heavens and the earth, the trajectory of the mystery of the void, and fits into each other.

The monster beast's bad karma and all attacks of the monster beast king, the king was resisted and weakened by Chen Zongyi sword.

A sword is shot, it seems to pierce straight, and it seems to draw a circle of arcs, and the change is uncertain, as if the mind is volatile and elusive.

I don't know where it started, nor where it ends.

However, the ghosts and monsters' evil karma also condensed two flowers of the polar world. Although not as good as the ghost-handed evil dragon, they are not much different, and the ghost and monster king is also the level of the two polar flowers.

The ghost family of the ghosts and monsters teamed up with the ghosts they commanded, but it is not as simple as one plus one and can exert more power. This is where the talents of the ghosts and monsters are.

For a time, Chen Zong's pressure increased sharply than before.

The combined siege of the Ghost King and the Ghost Beast King seemed to be stormy and torrential. The power of each hit was extremely powerful. It was terrible. If it was hit, Chen Zong's stronger physique at this time could not bear it.

Whenever there are powerful moves, there are often more flaws. However, under the combination of the ghost king and the beast king, the powerful power of the flaws, although not reduced, is hidden from each other.

Even if you saw the flaw, but the flaw was covered and protected by another mighty power, it could not be broken.

Powerful and intertwined, surrounded by all sides, blocking all the retreats of Chen Zong, there is no escape.

The black light surrounds, like a circle of circles, constantly compressing to the inside, not only giving way to heavy and difficult to evade, but also seems to suppress Chen Zong in it, and then kill it with forceful force.

This is the most powerful power that erupts in cooperation with the monster king that he has commanded.


The intense crisis was like the tide swept through, and he wanted to drown Chen Zong.

One heart tactic enhances Chen Zong ’s sense of heart. The sword intention of the Supreme Sword is the same, so that Chen Zong ’s perception becomes more acute. Therefore, any trace of crisis will be more clearly sensed by Chen Zong, and will also Is presented more intensely.

break out!

At an instant, the strength in Chen Zong's body was like a volcanic eruption, and the blood was turbulent like a magma torrent. It swelled in the body of this ghost clan, bursting with unparalleled fierceness.

At the same time, there is a flower of extreme scenery above Chen Zong's head.

It was a blood-red polar flower, a flower for the essence, but just a cohesion, immediately shocked the ghosts and monsters.

High order!

That is a high-order flower of the extreme environment. Although it doesn't look solid enough, it doesn't condense to the perfect level, but the high-order is the high-order, and the power emitted is amazing.



A very powerful feeling permeates the body.

This feeling is very wonderful. Although the previous body is also very strong, it seems to be banned and it seems to be sleeping.

Today, it is unsealed and awake.

Once unblocked, it was like an awakening dragon, bursting out an astonishing power.

This is also the first time that Chen Zong felt the physical strength of condensed out of the flower of the extreme environment, very arrogant.

I can feel that my strength has become very condensed.

Whether the same body has inspired the flower of the extremes, the difference is obvious.

Before inspiring the flower of the polar realm, the strength is like a pond, and the concentration of strength is like hemp rope.

After inspiring the flower of the polar realm, it changed immediately, and the strength became a pool of water, and the level of condensing became a wire.

And this condensed to the extreme power can be integrated into one's other powers, fully combined, the power is greatly increased.


This sword is in three styles, but this sword is not silent as before, but with a faint dull sound, as if the thunder rages in the depths of the most void, and it bursts into an unparalleled shock. Prestige.

Power has more than doubled.


The surrounding black light was immediately cut off.

Chen Zong's body flickered, following that crack, his body was flexible to the extreme, and swept out instantly.

A formula!

The fastest style, and the easiest one, was killed immediately. It looked like a sword, but there were hundreds of swords. Each sword gave out amazing power and showed no mercy.

Ghost Beasts and Ghost Beast King were immediately wrapped in countless swords and instantly hit the sword.

In a sword, the sword gas raged in the body and strangled wantonly.

The ghost and beast's evil karma changed dramatically, his anger burst out, his hands were raised, as if he lifted one side of the world, and the endless darkness was permeated.

"Ghostly power!"

In the roar, the whole ghost town was suddenly shaken. It seemed that the power lurking in every part of the ghost city burst out and surged.

The dark wolf billowed like a dragon and snake rising to the ground. For a moment, they rushed into the sky above the ghost town, converging into a dark phantom.

The phantom seemed infinitely high and profound, standing like a ghost and **** between heaven and earth, permeating the infinite force that enveloped the heaven and earth, suppressing all directions.

Chen Zong knew that this was a ghost image.

In every complete ghost town, the ghosts and gods that have accumulated for many years can be inspired by the ghost king to lead them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to form ghosts and ghosts.

In the next breath, ghosts and ghosts possessed ghosts and ghosts and monsters' karma. They were shrouded in ghosts and ghosts, and their momentum skyrocketed, which directly increased more than twice.

Under normal circumstances, the ghost king is unwilling to use ghost power to summon ghost ghost ghost possession, after all, the accumulation of ghost power is very slow, bit by bit, the accumulation speed is closely related to the strength of the ghost tribe.

For example, the strength of the ghosts and gods of the three strong tribes is faster than that of other tribes.

But no matter how fast the savings are, each use will consume part of it.

Therefore, ghost power is often used as a hole card.

Of course, this kind of hole card can only be activated within the ghost town, leaving the ghost town is useless.

After inspiring the power of ghosts and gods to summon ghost ghost ghost possession, it will not only increase the combat power several times, but also improve in all aspects, such as self-healing ability, even if it is cut off, it will heal in the instant, as before, It will not affect the battle in the slightest.

Therefore, even the strong ghost king-level strong, rarely go to other ghost towns to massacre, so as not to irritate each other and summon ghost ghosts.

Chen Zong beheaded one ghost king, naturally angered another ghost king, and realized that when the wandering ghost clan of Wufan, the ghost blade, was killed, he decisively inspired the ghost and **** to summon ghost ghost ghost possession.

Chen Zong also knew all these messages, and looked dignified, but deep in his eyes, there was a little bit of excitement.

I don't know what level the opponent's combat power can reach under the ghost ghost's possession.

The demigod is also a very complicated realm. It can be said to be more complicated than the division of the nine-star combat power of the half-step saint. Of course, in most cases, no deliberate division is made, which is vague, but Chen Zong himself gave a definition.

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