Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 6: Killing like fire wills like gold

The fifth and third changes will be updated later. If you enter the top 20, there will be three more changes. In addition, today is the birthday of our abused companion, "Better Hearts". Here we wish him a happy birthday and all the best. )

The ghosts and ghosts possessed a ghost, and the ghost and beast's bad karma soared several times. The body seemed to be infinitely tall, punched out, and the ripples of the void layered and stirred up endlessly. Below the ripples, you can see a bunch of fine pieces.

Nether Rift!

This hit turned out to be a crack in the void.

You know, the intensity of the space of purgatory ghosts is far better than that of Tianyuan Sanctuary. Even if Chen Zong shots with all his own strength, he can't make a space crack here.

The ghost king inspired the ghost and **** to summon the ghost and ghost under the possession of the ghost, and the combat power increased several times. Between the shots, he had reached the level of breaking the void and cracking. Although it was only a small crack, it was shocking.

That punch, a kind of terrifying coercion came from all directions, as if crushing Chen Zong's body, and his arrogant physique seemed unbearable under this pressure.

The heart moves and the sword moves. Under the guidance of Xuan Xuanming, one mind and one hundred swords, as if just a sword, kill from all directions, and point and stab on that punch, constantly weakening the power of that punch .

With one sword, Chen Zong can more clearly feel the power contained in that punch, arrogant, beyond his own resistance.

If it is hit, it may be knocked out instantly. Of course, that is just a theory.

You know, there is a heart-print robe that can weaken Qicheng's external forces on himself, but Chen Zong will not stupidly resist the attack of the opponent. Such a brutal blow, even if it is weakened, is only left 30% is enough to hurt himself, and Chen Zong has no plans to retreat.


No matter how many times you are stronger, as long as you can't beat me at once, you can fight.

The Ghost King roared, a phantom suddenly shot out of his body, and merged into the ghost's evil karma.


The sky was falling apart, and Welling was more than doubled.


Extreme Crisis!

As if the alarm bell was a masterpiece, Chen Zong's mind was shaking.

Can't avoid it!

Chen Zong found that in his own mind, he could not find the trajectory of avoidance in an instant.

Mind-eye is a unique perception condensed after the transmission of one-hearted tactics, replacing the eyes with the heart to perceive the surroundings, more quickly and more accurately.

The strong can fight, and in an instant, they can decide the outcome of life and death. The judgment of the eyes is faster than the consciousness.

Chen Zong knew all of a sudden that he couldn't escape this blow.

Four swords in one mind!

The basin-shaped high-end fine flower above his head also burst out with amazing blood, and all the power burst out.


A sword, blood glowing, like a thunderstorm, is full of amazing breath of destruction.

Swords with one heart and one heart, from the heart, if the heart is strong, the sword is strong, if the heart changes, the sword changes.

The wind is light, the wind is thundering, and the wind is thundering.

Under one sword, the power is extremely high, and the power is unmatched. The void under the sword's edge is rippling with ripples, and it turns into a raging flame that sweeps in all directions.


The sword was cut off and collided with that violent punch, but at the moment, the sword light was broken, and the sword body was violently violent. A terrible force seemed to break the sword body and break it through the sword body, straight Chen Zong's arm.

The layers of invisible light suddenly start with the arm of the sword, like ripples, spread to the shoulders, and then spread to the body, legs, and the whole body.

The ripple, which is the power of the ghost king's punch, fell on the heart-printed treasure, and was constantly weakened by the heart-printed treasure.

After smashing Chen Zongqiang's sword and being weakened by 70% of William, 30% still blasted into the body through the heart-printed treasure.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be destroyed by a terrible amount of violent violence, as if being trampled by ancient dragons, as if torn and shattered.

After being weakened, only 30% of the strength left makes him so painful. If it is 10% of the power, it is estimated that this body will be blown.

Spitting three blood again and again, he quickly retreated, and Chen Zong walked away without hesitation.

The difference in combat power is too great. Even if you are good at weak and strong, you can't cross this many times the gap.

The opponent inspired the ghost and **** to powerfully summon ghost ghost ghost possession, the combat power increased several times, much more powerful, unable to defeat the enemy.

In addition, Chen Zong also did not know how much the ghosts and spirits of the ghost and beast department had accumulated.

It is not good for you to continue fighting.


After this battle, next time, when you challenge the ghost king again, you must pay attention not to run into the ghost town of the opponent as much as possible, otherwise, you can inspire the power of ghosts and gods, and you can't bear it.

Of course, this is also because of their insufficient combat strength.

If three polar flowers are condensed, then the combat power will increase dramatically and become more powerful.

Now, it is just a flower of condensed, and it has not been fully solidified.

A trace of warm current pervaded the body, which alleviated the severe pain, then disappeared, and the injury slowly healed.

Incarnation as a ghost clan has more or less some of the characteristics of a ghost clan, such as its superb self-healing ability.

"The ghostly water is deeper than I imagined." In the void, Chen Zong said secretly, then, the next action will be more heart-conscious.

It is a pity that he turned into a ghost clan and obtained part of the power of the ghost clan, but did not use the ghost clan to devour vitality and strengthen his ability.

However, in addition to improving oneself by engulfing life, there are also some treasures and holy medicines growing in ghosts. If you can find them and refine them, you can also improve yourself.

The injuries in his body were gradually healed. Chen Zong was also clear. The strong men in the ghosts had amazing combat power. Even if they had the heart-printed treasures, they couldn't relax at all.

If the opponent's combat power is even more aggressive, even if it is weakened by 70%, that 30% is enough to eat a pot on its own, and the injury will definitely be heavier than just now.

The ghost king is just a ghost king in the middle of nine ghost and beast departments.

What about the ghost king of the last six or strong three?

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought of the ghost town.

Compared with the thirty-six ghost towns in the thirty-sixth part of the ghost family, the chaotic ghost town has no ghost mother tree and no ghost and **** power, which can be said to be the easiest force to deal with.

Well, maybe you can use the ghost town as a real entry point.

Suddenly, various thoughts spread in Chen Zong's mind.

The power of the haunted ghost town is complex, but it will be better than going to other ghost towns.

So, head to Haunted Town.

Chen Zong recalled it carefully, sorted out the information, and then compared his current position to find the way to the ghost town.

The ghost town is far away from the 36th Ghost Tribe, and the space intensity of Purgatory Ghosts is far better than the Heavenly Realm. Chen Zong's flight speed is relatively slow.

Passing along the way, Chen Zong didn't just rush the road. If he meets a ghost and beast, he will kill with one sword, and he will end with a sword.

Even if it is only a small ghost and beast, there is also a ghostly will on the body. Although it is rare, the mosquito legs are also flesh, and they will always accumulate less.

This is not a human race. Chen Zong started without any burden. Instead, with the constant killing, the killing intention became more solid.

During the high-speed flight, Chen Zong suddenly had a meal, his face changed greatly, only he felt that his sea of ​​God was shocked by an astonishing force, and a trace of breath seemed to come out of nothing, as if turned into a wisp of fierce ghosts, haunting Chen Zong's Shenhai is constantly raging and impacts Chen Zong's conscious soul, and he wants to devour it.


Chen Zong stopped, concentrated his consciousness to resist the impact of this fierce soul and ghost, and felt only a wave of violent and cold killings constantly breeding in his heart. It seemed to kill everything, destroy everything, destroy everything.

But Chen Zong's will is tough, and he constantly resists this shock and wears it out.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Zongsong breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flashed a little tired, and finally resisted the constant impact of the fierce soul, which was more tiring than the war, but his own will seemed to be stronger.

Killing becomes a demon because it can't bear the backlash of evil spirits and murderous spirits, is invaded into the soul, and becomes a demon who loses his mind and only knows constant killing.

From the cultivation of Chen Zong to the present, the people or beasts that have been beheaded and killed cannot be counted at all, and the accumulation of murderous spirits and evil spirits is constantly accumulated, but before, they have all become the nutrients of Chen Xiu's cultivation and are absorbed by them.

Even in the Taixuan Realm, nearly 100,000 ghosts were beheaded and killed, and the accumulated evil spirits were also absorbed by Chen Xiu.

But when entering the purgatory ghost, Chen Xiu is not at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Moreover, the environment of the purgatory ghost is dark and gloomy, and the evil spirit will be enlarged and strengthened invisibly.

Chen Zong's soul is not the soul of the ghost tribe, but the soul of the human tribe. He is born out of touch with such an environment and is more vulnerable.

Finally, while continuously slaying the ghosts and ghosts to obtain their ghostly will, they also continuously accumulated evil spirits and qi, among which there is a trace of residual will belonging to the ghosts and ghosts into the evil spirits and qi. With less success, he finally launched an attack on Chen Zong.

If Chen Zong's defense fails, the result is to lose his will to test and become a killer.

But Chen Zong's resistance succeeded, making his own will stronger.

"Killing is like fire, will is like real gold." Chen Zong stared, his eyes became sharper and sharper.

In this purgatory ghost, his current combat power is obviously not enough. He must be more powerful in order to stir up the situation in this ghost, stir up a greater change, and devour more ghosts.

If you want to become more powerful, you can't strengthen yourself by consuming the vitality of other ghosts like a true ghost.

What's more, when the level reaches the level of the ghost king, the devouring efficiency of the ghost clan is not as good as before. Even if devouring, they can only strengthen their physique and internal strength, and have nothing to do with spiritual will.

Since killing ghosts and ghosts, you will accumulate evil spirits and broken ghosts and ghosts, and they will accumulate a large amount of metamorphism and change, impact your own consciousness of the sea of ​​seas, so as to sharpen your will, and finally, sharpen it Then the flower of the extreme world representing God was gathered, and the combat power increased greatly.

Then kill it.

Can be more unscrupulous killings.

With a sword out, Chen Zong will kill all the ghosts and beasts coming from him. As he passes by, he will also absorb his ghostly will and broken soul.

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