Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 7: Into the ghost town

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The purgatory ghost is a very strange and extreme world. Its size is not as good as the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, but its strength is far better than that of the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary.

Therefore, in the purgatory ghost, Chen Zong's speed was more than a hundred times slower than that in the Tianyuan sanctuary.

To a certain extent, it is also disguised as purgatory ghosts seem to be larger than Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Within the purgatory ghosts, except for the territories of the 36th part of the ghost clan, ghosts and beasts run rampant, fighting and killing each other constantly, devouring each other to strengthen themselves.

And the members of the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan, whether they are soldiers in the ghost town or small tribal ghost clan outside the ghost town, will not be idle.

Chen Zong found that the purgatory ghosts are very strange. The ghosts and beasts active in the thirty-sixth part of the ghost family are not high, the highest is the level of the lower ghost and beast soldiers.

Very suitable for those small tribal ghosts fighting to kill and devour vitality.

The ghosts beyond the lower ghost and beast soldiers are active outside the thirty-six ghost tribal realm.

Feeling everything is like an invisible big hand controlling everything behind it, planning everything in order.

Why are the powerful ghosts only active outside the 36th part of the ghost clan, and why are the weaker ghosts active between the small tribes of the 36th part.

It seems to be arranged so that the ghost tribe of the small tribe can fight with the ghost and beast, grow up, break through into ghost soldiers, and enter the ghost town to become a tribal warrior.

If you don't think about it, you will feel that everything is normal, but when Chen Zong moves along, killing and seeing, he can't help but come up with a doubt.

Think carefully!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there are behind-the-scenes hands controlling everything.

The situation of purgatory ghosts and ghost clan is different from Tianyuan Sanctuary.

How to describe

Tianyuan Sanctuary is a very normal world.

But purgatory ghosts do not have all of this. Ghost clan is born from ghost mother tree. Strictly, there is no gender distinction, but it is directly inclined to male appearance.

The origin of ghosts and monsters was not born from reproduction. Similar to the ghost clan, they were born in a thing called the ghost mother pond. The ghost mother pond is more numerous than the ghost mother tree.

The birth of the ghost race and the beast is to fight, devour, and become stronger.

Then, he became a true ghost warrior, and he continued to fight.

Or leave the realm of the thirty-sixth chapter, fight with powerful monsters, devour vitality and improve yourself.

Or a small-scale kill with other warriors in the ghost town.

All in all, fighting and devouring are the super in the purgatory ghosts, and are a main line that runs through the lives of the purgatory ghosts.

It seems that the purgatory ghost clan is an extreme existence created artificially only for fighting and devouring.

Thoughts seemed to become clear, but the more he thought about it, the more frightened Chen Zong felt.

If your thinking is true, then what is it that can create a world or even a race?

I dare not think, Chen Zong dare not continue thinking.

Anyway, the universe is empty, there are countless worlds, and some worlds are strange and normal. Perhaps the purgatory ghost is just that special world.

Now that you have sneaked in, you must do a good job of destruction, devour more ghostly will, and further sharpen and strengthen yourself.

Flying at high altitude, Chen Zong saw the ground in front of him. There were two hanging teams tore each other. Each side had to ask for the right, and a group of ghost soldiers was led by the lower ghosts. They were constantly killing.

Chen Zong's eyes condensed and stared.

Chen Zong was very interested in the two sides that were killed.

The ghost family of the ghost blade department.

The ghost family of the ghost blade department does not look as strong as other ghost families, but it is more robust. They also use weapons when fighting, and they are sharp blades, often sharp blade weapons such as knives or swords.

The sharp blade of the ghost family is closely related to its own bloodline. It is a weapon that has grown from its own body since its birth. To a certain extent, it can also be regarded as one of the body components.

These sharp blades grow in the body and continue to grow with their own strength. They are of great help to the Ghostblade Tribe, and they are naturally fit, flexible, and powerful.

But the same, once destroyed, the ghost clan of the ghost blade department will also be hit hard.

Chen Zong paused and watched the fighting skills of the ghost clan.

Compared with other ghost clan, the ghost clan tribe pays more attention to the use of combat skills. Of course, this is only relative. In Chen Zong's eyes, the sword blade punishment of the ghost clan tribe is not high in skill, but it is fast. The power is very strong, so as to exert great power.

This is a swordsmanship for fighting and killing.

In fact, the martial arts of the ghost clan are like this.

Aside from all other factors, only focusing on killing. To kill, you must have sufficient strength and speed, and this is exactly the ability of the purgatory ghosts themselves to play it out.

For example, the human race has developed for many years and has continued to thrive. There have been tens of millions of martial arts created. Among them, there are martial arts that are dedicated to killing, there are also various martial arts that are changing, and there are gorgeous martial arts just for viewing. learn.

Although other ghost clan will also use weapons, but the weapon is a foreign object, can not play as complete as the ghost blade tribe.

After watching for a while, Chen Zong lost interest.

Most of the fighting methods of the ghost clan are relatively simple and straightforward, even if there is a ghost blade department involving deep skills, they have not escaped.

Then let's die.

Above the sky, Chen Zong drew his sword and volleyed out.

The sound of roaring sounded like a thunder on the ground, and the astonishing sound exploded. The two sides that were torn on the ground were shocked, only feeling a strong and extreme palpitation from the deepest heart.

There is not much time to think about it, the whole body is a meal, the vitality is quickly lost, and the ghostly wills carried by them also fly away, being invisible traction, and submerged into Chen Zong's body.

Even with ghostly wills, there are the broken and fierce souls of these ghosts.

When he died, Chen Zong felt that within the Shenhai, there were broken and fierce ghosts and ghosts appearing out of thin air, sending out sorrowful wailing, rushing to his soul wantonly to devour his consciousness.

Adhering to the mind and mind, the will to confront, a touch of sharpness condensed on the edge of the will, as sharp as a sword edge, immediately in the confrontation, chopped the carnage of the ghosts of the ghosts.

Grinding again, the will, and a little stronger.

In this situation, it may not take long for one's own will to be sharpened to the extreme, and then the flower of the extreme state will be condensed.

Keep going.

Passed along the way, or draw sword to kill.

Every killing will absorb the ghostly will, and there is a trace of strong or weak power into the depths of his body, dormant.

Chen Zong also found that with the continuous shots, the potential of this body was activated a little bit, and the fine flower became more condensed.

The broken ghosts and evil spirits also continuously accumulate, causing qualitative changes, once again impacting their own sea of ​​God, sharpening their spiritual will.

Chen Zong found that as his spirit and will continue to be sharpened and strengthened, so that after each time, more ghosts and ghosts need to be able to play a sharpening effect.

Then you can only continue to kill and kill more ghosts.

Ghosts are belligerent races. Once they meet, there is a great possibility that fighting will break out. Once fighting, they will die or die.

However, Chen Zong was in a battle armor, and at first glance he knew that he was a ghost king-level power.

Finally, Chen Zongfei emerged from the realm of the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan.

However, along the way, Chen Zong did not enter the boundary of the strong tribe, and did not see the strong tribe of the strong tribe.

A wilderness, the land is dark, as if there is no edge, countless ghosts are running and fighting on it, the momentum is amazing, the terrible breath is endless.

Chen Zong knew that beyond this field, he could reach the ghost town.

About another half a day before flying, Chen Zong saw a huge black city outline, like an old and vicious beast resting on the ground and falling asleep.

Far away, Chen Zong can even feel the volatile breath that pervades within that city.

Evil, chaotic!

The name of the ghost town is worthy of the name.

"From here, start my scourge of ghosts and ghosts." Chen Zong hung a smile, his eyes sharp.

Converge and take a big step towards the open city gate.

At the gate of the city, there are several senior ghost soldiers guarding, staring at the ghosts who come in and out.

Immediately, they saw Chen Zong, their eyes narrowed.

Because the armor of Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 36 of the ghost clan, there are also some ghost clan who will put on the armor, but there is a fundamental difference between the armor and the armor connected to the flesh.

In addition, the armor of the ghost clan has its own characteristics, which is obvious.

The armor in front of this figure has an indescribable nobility, and a kind of innate origin from fundamental coercion.

This is a ghost king.

The power of the ghost king level, even in the strong three, is also the top level, and it should have a high position.

Therefore, without any obstruction, Chen Zong entered the ghost town directly.

However, because of his own astringent breath, he was not immediately discovered by other ghost kings in the city. It was just a super sharp perception that made Chen Zong feel the ghost king-level powerhouse in the chaotic ghost city.


There are ten ghost kings in this chaotic ghost town.

The ten ghost king levels have shown that the top combat power of the ghost town is not inferior to any of the last six, second only to the strong three.

No wonder, the ghost town can stand up to now without being destroyed.

Because of strength!

Then, he became the eleventh ghost king in this messy ghost city.

Although he has calmed down, I believe that it won't take long for the ten ghost kings to know their arrival.

Just don't know what kind of reaction they will have at that time?




Either way, Chen Zong is not afraid.

The worst result was nothing more than World War I.

With your current strength, even if you can't be fun, you can go if you want to go.

Stepping into the ghost town, Chen Zong turned his thoughts and kept thinking about how he should proceed with his plans.

Scourge purgatory ghosts, take this opportunity to devour more ghosts and ghosts.

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