Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 8: Respect for the strong

Seventh more)

A single person can fight with the Quartet alone. Although flexible, he can come and go freely, making people more elusive. The advantages are obvious, but in fact the shortcomings are also obvious.

Chen Zong has been more clear, that is, he wants to get more will of purgatory ghosts, only to kill the ghosts by himself, is always limited, and runs around.

In this case, it would be better to head yourself and create a power to make yourself a powerless leader. Collecting the power of the whole power in one body, invisibly, will also strengthen the concentration of ghostly wills.

In this way, let this power fight and kill, some ghostly wills will be turned into themselves, and will be swallowed up by the world will of the heavenly sanctuary.

This can increase the efficiency and speed of devouring sneaky will.

The ghost town is worthy of its name. Chen Zong marched along and saw many different ghosts.

There is a ghost clan with ghosts, that is the ghost clan of the ghosts and beasts, there is a ghost clan that carries swords, the breath that pervades from the sword is integrated with itself, the blood is natural, that is the ghost clan of the ghost blades .

In addition, Chen Zong also saw a ghost clan covering his body. This is the ghost clan of the ghost armor. The armor on their body is born and exists as soon as it is born, just like the sword of the ghost blade.

The armor of the Ghost Clan is amazingly defensive.

However, at a glance, Chen Zong can see that the difference between Ghost Armor Warframe and Ghost King War Armor is purely inductive.

There are ghosts with arms that look out of proportion.

All in all, Haunted Town is a veritable name.

Here you can see thirty-six ghosts, of course, most of them were snatched from the time of the ghosts, or betrayed the headquarters because of some things.

The ghosts who defected from the headquarters to the ghost town are often more powerful, but also relatively few.

Chen Zong wanted to probe the news, but found that it was difficult, or that there were no special channels.

Different from the human race in all walks of life, the ghost race is very single.

Their birth seems to be for fighting and devouring, and constant fighting and devouring.

Chen Zong has been to many places and has seen a lot. In the human race, the more chaotic the place, the more cattle, ghosts, and snakes, and the more complicated the situation.

No strange industry exists.

And, such as probing news and entertaining, it is very prosperous, but within the ghosts, it does not exist.

The only pastime is the death battlefield, allowing the ghosts to enter the battle, and winning is rewarded, winning streak to a certain degree, can also be valued by those powerful forces, and received by the ghost king as a dependency.

Dependent on the strong, for the ghost clan, normal.

Although the intelligence here is very weak, Chen Zong was sorted out during enquiries.

In the Haunted Ghost City, there are many forces. If you carefully divide it, it is actually 36. It is a coincidence that it corresponds to the 36th part of the ghost family.

The characteristics of the ghost clan are very clear. No matter what tribe they are born from, no matter what tribe they are. Even if they are taken away at birth or rebelled afterwards, they will not abandon their origins, even if they have not returned to the headquarters. His surname is still the headquarters.

From this we can see a characteristic of the ghost clan.

Of the thirty-six forces, the strongest is naturally the ghost clan from the strong tribe.

After all, this chaotic ghost town was created by the strong three renegade ghost kings.

Among them, Ghost King Gate, Ghost Kill Gate, and Ghost Underworld Gate are the main palaces of Chaos Ghost City, in charge of Chaos Ghost City.

The other thirty-three gates either allied with each other or were hostile to each other, forming a stable and stable situation unique to Chaos and Ghost Town.

For a time, Chen Zong's mind was lively.

Originally, it was intended to form a force on its own, and compete with other forces, regardless of casualties. After all, his most real purpose is to sneak his will.

But now it seems that this method is not feasible.

If it has not been created successfully, it will immediately encounter the attacks of the 36 forces that have already existed, and it will not be effective.

In addition, according to the characteristics of the ghost clan, it is not easy to pull the gang.

However, there are ready-made ones.

That is Ghostblade Door.

In the current ghost town, there are nine ghost kings, which is a coincidence. Two of the ten ghost kings are from the strongest ghost king department, and the other eight are from the ghost killing department and the ghost department and the first six. .

As for the middle nine and the eighteenth, there are no ghost king-level powerhouses.

Fortunately, although this chaotic ghost city is chaotic, it will become very united when facing the thirty-sixth part. Because of this, it was not attacked by the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan.

Of course, if Qiang Sanbu is willing to make all-out shots, they can break through the ghost town, but they will also pay some price.

After turning around and slightly adjusting the direction, Chen Zong quickly went to the place where the Ghostblade Gate was located.

The Haunted City is very big, but there is no prosperity in the human race city, and all the buildings look rough or rough.

There are many empty places interspersed with avenues and paths, like a wilderness, and you can see ghosts and beasts.

It feels like only one side of the land is surrounded by a city wall, like the preface of a human race, with mountains and water.

Before long, Chen Zong saw a unique building standing on the ground.

The building was dark, and it seemed that the large and short blades pointed directly at the dark sky, pervading an astonishing sharp edge.

Ghostblade Door!

This is where Ghostblade Gate is located.

At the entrance, ghost soldiers with ghost blades guarded.

Chen Zong did not cover his whereabouts, but also gave out a scent of breath, immediately attracting the attention of the two gatekeepers.

The two ghost soldiers suddenly froze, their eyes widened irresistibly, their eyes opened, their mouths opened, and for a while they didn't know what to say, and they trembled uncontrollably.

Ghost King!

This is obviously a ghost king!

And it seems that it is still the ghost king of the ghost blade department.

"Ghostblade door, I haven't come out to meet the king yet." Chen Zongliding, sounded like a thunder and a thunder, with an amazing sharpness, like an invisible sharp blade cut into the ghostblade door.

When he died, all the ghosts of Ghostblade Gate were shocked.


Those who dare to call themselves such are the ghost kings.

And these sharps are exactly the same as them.

Obviously, this is a ghost king of the ghost blade department.

For a while, the ghosts of Ghostblade Gate appeared one after another, standing in front of Chen Zong.

At first glance, it was the ghost king of the ghost blade department.

"See the Ghost King." All the ghost clan gate ghosts bowed down on their knees.

The strong are respected, no matter where they come from, what their status is now, as long as they are strong, they will be respected accordingly. At this point, the Ghost clan is interpreted vividly.

What's more, the person in front of him is the ghost king of the ghost blade department, who shares the same roots with them.

"My lord alone, Ghost Blade and Sword Heart, come today, and enter the Lord Ghost Blade's Gate. What's your disagreement?" Chen Zong pointed out his current identity and said clearly.

The minds of the ghosts are not as curved as the humans.

The strong are respected, and the weak are obedient, so simple.

Therefore, I don't need to play with any power to think, in fact, that is not what I am good at.

Of course, infiltrated ghosts sneak into ghosts, which is actually inappropriate for those who have changeable minds and prefer conspiracy.

Ghosts only talk about fists.

What strategy is useless.

Extreme world extreme race.

For Chen Zong's words, if they are replaced by human race, they often have to resist, or even if they have to yield under pressure, they are very dissatisfied.

After all, what belongs to you belongs to your own interests, but is occupied by others, and no one will feel happy.

However, these ghost clan readily agreed, that way, they were anxious to do so, so that Chen Zong for a while.



Human hearts are like ghosts, but the hearts of ghosts are straightforward and simple.

For a moment, Chen Zong suddenly realized that he had more comprehension of the Tao of the Heart. There seemed to be a collision between them, but there was still a lack of timing.

It's just that this inspiration is temporarily in my heart.

Quite simply, Chen Zong, as the lone walker Ghostblade Sword and Ghost King, became the master of Ghostblade and became the leader and controller of Ghostblade.

For a while, Chen Zong could feel the wisps of ghostly wills, falling on his body, and was immediately swallowed and absorbed by the ghostly wills incarnate in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct, and the road is correct." Chen Zong couldn't help secretly.

Another point is to make Chen Zong hush.

In the original assumption, it may take some effort to truly enter the ghostblade door, and use some means ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to surrender these ghosts and truly surrender to themselves.

But now it is not necessary. It is very simple and straightforward. I surrender, and all surrender.

It is also because of surrender that he is able to get sneaky will.

Although it is not much, it is like flowing water, and the fine water flows continuously.

If the ghostblade door grows stronger, the ghostly will that comes together will also strengthen.

To some extent, sneaky will also represent sneaky luck.

The soul still belongs to the human race, which is the origin.

Therefore, for a while, Chen Zong could not fully appreciate the thoughts of these ghost clan, but it was actually very simple.

Ghostblade Gate is in the ghost town, not weak but not strong, because of the lack of a top combat force to sit in the town, that is, the ghost king-level strong.

However, it is impossible for Ghostblade Gate to surrender to other forces, at best it is an alliance.

Now, there is a ghost king, or a lone ghost ghost who is from the same roots as the ghost blade, and it is certainly a good thing to lead them.

In this way, Ghostblade Gate will become strong, comparable to those powerful ghost kings sitting in the town.

Respect the strong!

This is important.

After entering the ghostblade door, Chen Zong did not act immediately, but thought.

Now that we have taken the first step, how can we proceed better with the second step?

Chen Zong found that he had to put aside some thinking habits of the human race for the time being, and refer more to the behavior style of the ghost people.

People's hearts are changeable and difficult to predict, but the hearts of the ghosts are simpler and more direct.

On the other hand, I just realized that a little bit of enlightenment. Now, I also take the time to take a good look at it, maybe I will get something.

At the same time, the news of Chen Zong's entry into the Ghostblade was also known by other forces.

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