Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 9: Ghost League

Eighth more, is there anyone else, who will help me to rush into the top 20, and let the six Daojia three chapters, the heart is beating, the blood is boiling, the memory will burst, come on, dry up, rush up, Top 20 top 10, burn together)

In addition to Ghostblade Gate, the other thirty-five forces corresponding to the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan have all learned the news.

That is, Ghostblade Gate has a lone ghost ghost king, and since then, he has control of Ghostblade Gate and has become the master of Ghostblade Gate.

Ghostblade Gate jumped to the top and became the tenth powerful force to be beautiful with Qiangsanmen and Shanglien.

Before long, Chen Zong was invited.

Invitation from Ghost King League.

The so-called ghost king alliance is the alliance of the ten ghost kings in the ghost town.

If you want to fight against the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan, it is simply impossible to rely on the ghost soldiers and ghost generals of the ghost king alone. Only the strong one at the level of the ghost king has sufficient deterrent power to the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan.

And there are enough and powerful ghost kings.

If there were only two or three ghost kings in the ghost town, it would have been destroyed.

If the ghost kings in the ghost town were not united, they would have been removed.

In any case, competition belongs to competition, but unity is a must. Only in this way can we ensure that the ghost town continues to exist.

Since a new ghost king has entered the ghost town and has also become the master of the ghostblade gate, to a certain extent, it is necessary to be a member of the ghost town and should be invited over.

"Ghost King League." Chen Zong smiled slightly and did not refuse, but immediately left.

Maybe if it is done well, this chaotic ghost town will become its own help, making the purgatory ghosts more chaotic, so that you can get more ghosts' will.

He got more ghostly will, and then left to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

The longer he stayed here, the more Chen Zong would think about it, and the more he felt that the world was strange and extreme, and he thought it terribly.

I'm afraid to wait too long and cause bad results.

With his sword, Chen Zong strode out of the Ghostblade door, his figure rose into the air, and he quickly flew to the center of the chaotic ghost town.

That's where the Ghost King League is.

Before his arrival, there were ten ghost kings in the ghost town.

Two of them came from the ghost king department, one was a defected ghost king, and one was a ghost king who left the ghost king department at the beginning and grew up in countless battles.

In addition, the eight deities are from the ghost killing department, the ghost ghost department and the upper six ghost kings, respectively.

When Chen Zong stepped into the Ten League of Ghost Kings, all eyes looked with amazing coercion, the air seemed to become heavy Xiao Xiao, and the king fell on Chen Zong.

With a trace of pressure in his eyes, Chen Zong was directly locked, and a completely different air machine was permeated in the air, coming from all directions, as if to suppress Chen Zong at the beginning.


Ghost races are relatively straightforward and do not pay attention to conspiracy or anything, but such things as Ma Mawei are irrespective of race.


Take the upper hand.

The ten coercions that belong to the ghost king are indeed very strong and strong, which made Chen Zong feel dignified and had to run his forces to gather spiritual will and confrontation.

From these ten coercion, Chen Zong can judge the strength of the ten ghost kings.

The strongest is the ghost king sitting on the main seat.

Each tribe's ghost king has a different armor, with its own ethnic characteristics.

The ghost king headed by is the founder of Chaos ghost town. He rebelled from the strongest ghost king department. From the momentum alone, it is impossible to judge the level of his combat power, but Chen Zong felt that he was stronger than himself and much better. .

The body armor of this ghost king is black and covered with dark golden lines, and looks like a noble, kinglike power.

He sits on the main seat, his eyes are dark, dark and deep, like an abyss, and he seems to be able to devour the soul and make people tremble.

Secondly, there is a ghost king who looks like a condensed ghost king. His eyes are cold and cold, and he seems to be condensed. The ghost king's battle armor is also black and covered with blood-colored lines. It is the ghost killing department. Ghost King.

As soon as the Ghost Killing Department was born, he carried an astonishing murderous spirit, not against whom, but against everything.

Their talent is to condense murderous energy for their own use. The more killing, the stronger the murderous energy, and the more arrogant.

The ghost king of the ghost killing department feels very dangerous to himself. When the eyes stare, it is as if the blade is cutting, and it is filled with amazing killing.

The other ghost king who is no less than the ghost killing department is a ghost king who seems to be shrouded in shadows and filled with a breathtaking cold atmosphere. Its body is thin and thin, unlike the strength of most ghost races, the whole person gives a ghost Sensational.

Ghost King Ghost King!

The ghost king of the ghost king department, the ghost king of the ghost killing department, and the ghost king of the ghost ghost department are the three ghost kings who created the ghost town together, and are also the strongest in the ghost king.

The other ones are the ghost kings of the last six books.

Ghost inflammation department, ghost dragon department, ghost moon department, ghost shadow department, ghost phase department, ghost bone department.

Each of the ghost kings has different armors.

Compared with them, Chen Zong is equal to the ghost blade department.

The Ghostblade is part of the middle nine, and it is not as good as the top six.

"Sit." The Lord of the Ghost King Alliance, the strongest Ghost King who betrayed the Ghost King's Ministry, spoke with a strong voice, implying hegemony, and an irresistible force permeated the tone.

Chen Zong was not dissatisfied.

In purgatory ghosts, the big fist is the reason. As long as you are strong enough, you will have the respect you deserve, but if you are not strong enough, then you can only tolerate low-key.

Simple and straightforward.

"Welcome to the Chaos Ghost City. From then on, you are the tenth ghost king of the ghost king alliance." The ghost king headed again said that he is the leader of the ghost king alliance, and the second seat is the first seat.

Chen Zonggang's arrival is naturally the tenth seat.

The level of this seat is related to the strength of the battle force. If Chen Zong is not satisfied with the tenth seat, he can challenge the higher seat. As long as he defeats the opponent, he can replace the other seat.

But now, Chen Zong does not intend to do so. In fact, for Chen Zong, it doesn't matter what seats are high or low.

Of course, sometimes you have to go to the countryside to follow the custom.

The Ghost King Alliance leader is very overbearing. From his tone, we can see that he is right.

Unless you have enough power, you can only obey.

How strong the opponent's combat power is, Chen Zong is not clear, but by looking at the other ghost kings take for granted, it can be concluded that its combat power is very amazing.

The amount of war is good. In this way, there is capital to fight against the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan, and to disrupt the storm.

Chen Zong sat down in the tenth seat. In this way, he was equivalent to joining the ghost king alliance and becoming one of them.

"Leader, soon after Blood Moon appears, we should act," said the ghost king of the sixth seat.

The blood moon of purgatory ghosts appears once a year, and each time the blood moon appears, it is when the ghosts on the ghost mother tree mature and are about to fall to give birth to the ghost clan.

It is also the ghost town that began to take action, vying for ghost ghosts and even the newly born ghost larvae, bringing them back to the ghost town, allowing them to grow and strengthen the power of the ghost town.

There are as many as thirty-six ghosts, and there are thirty-six forces in the chaotic ghost town. Of course, it is impossible to disperse all of them at once, and start with all thirty-six. Then, they will be killed.

It must be united, and all the ghost kings must be dispatched to be guaranteed.

So, which one of the thirty-sixth chapters to start with?

This is also an important part of the Alliance Conference today.

Chen Zong quietly sat and didn't speak.

"Sword Heart Ghost King, what suggestions do you have?" Immediately, Ghost King Alliance King Ghost King Xuanlie turned his gaze and stared at Chen Zong.

At the same time, all eyes fell on Chen Zong, making Chen Zong the focus at once.

Chen Zong was actually thinking about this just now.

Which of the thirty-sixth chapters to start with?

There is no doubt that in order to make the ghost town stronger, it is best to start with the strong three, because the strong tribe's talents are higher, the same level of strength is stronger, and it is easier to give birth to the ghost king.

But again, it is the most difficult and most dangerous for the strong three to start. Once it fails, the losses are heavy.

Second, there are the upper six, and again, the middle nine.

As for the next eighteenth chapter, it is the least valuable.

Of course, if there is no ulcer, the next eighteenth part is also a good ulcer, which is the easiest to get.

When Chen Zong uttered his suggestion, a laughter sounded and he was the ghost king of the ghost department.

The ghost king of the ghost department sits there and feels like a ghost. It seems to be fluctuating at any time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It will turn into a shadow and disappear. If there is nothing like a ghost.

"You have never been so timid as a lone walker." Ghostly Shadowless Ghost King laughed.

The Ghost Forest Department is one of the eighteenth, or the weaker one, and it has no value to start with.

Generally speaking, at least nine of the ghost towns will start.

Ghosts, the weak have no status, are shy, and will be looked down upon.

"The ghost clan in the ghost town has disappeared." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, and finally decided to reveal this information, this information spread, but sooner or later.

Of course, now that you disclose it here, there is also a risk that the sealed purgatory ghost gate may be found, but the possibility is very good.

But it is also good, that is, you can start from the Oni Mori Department as the starting point of the evil.

Listening to Chen Zong's description, all the ghost kings were shocked.

The army and ghost king of the ghost forest department disappeared.

How amazing.

Of course, Chen Zong would not say the real reason, but only said that he found it when he walked alone, but could not find any reason.

"We can directly deal with the ghost mother tree and destroy it. At that time, we can cultivate a new ghost mother tree in the ghost town." Chen Zong said, this immediately called a dry ghost king.

Ghost mother tree!

Owning the ghost mother tree that belongs to this city is undoubtedly very attractive to the ten ghost kings. Although they have to pay a small price for this, they are also willing.

Because as long as there is a ghost mother tree, the chaotic ghost city can be regarded as a real force, and it will not be distinguished from the forces of the 36th part of the ghost tribe.

No, it is said that it will replace one of them and become one of the thirty-six.

In particular, Xuanlie, the head of the ghost, shined his eyes.

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