Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 10: Flower of the Top God (Part 1)

The ninth is offered, six are beaten, but I am very happy, I thought that the top 20 could not get up, I never expected it, totally unexpected, excited, really excited, thank you very much Dingli holds Tongtong into the top 20, currently ranked 19th, because it ’s so exciting, I ate an extra sea bowl in the evening, and now I ’m dead. Thank you so much. In addition, the 20th place is biting, only a few Tickets will pass us, hold on, rush up)

The ghostly sky, the dark clouds are as heavy as plumbing, deep and depressed, and the diffused air is extremely depressed.

Immediately, a stroke of blood appeared in the thick and dense dark clouds, from a little bit to a strong one, and a stroke of the contour appeared.

Blood Moon!

The ghostly blood moon is about to break through the clouds.

When the Blood Moon is fully revealed, the ghosts on the ghost mother tree will mature and fall, and the larvae of the ghost tribe will be born and start to grow.

Before the emergence of the chaotic ghost town, the ghosts automatically fell, and the ghost tribe was born. The other strong ghost tribe would not care about it. Instead, they would grow up, join various small tribes, and then join the ghost town, step by step. Powerful and become a true ghost warrior.

But since the emergence of the chaotic ghost town, it began to **** the ghosts and even the ghost larvae when the blood moon appeared, which violated the rules of the ghost town.

They don't care, it doesn't mean that it is not important, but the law of the natural selection of the ghost race.

But with external forces to intervene, you have to pay attention, otherwise, you will only continuously weaken the strength of the ghost town.

The blood moon will appear, and the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan will also take action to prepare to guard the mother tree of the ghost and to resist the people who may come to grab the ghost town.

Of course, their responsibilities are only to guard against the chaotic ghost town, and the other is not to interfere with the birth and growth of the ghost clan.

Which part of the Haunted City will start, it's hard to say, you can only take precautions, even the strong three.

The strength of the ghost town is not tolerated.

Especially the ghost king Xuanlie who betrayed the ghost king department. Among the ghost kings who had been in the ghost king department before, he also ranked among the top three, with amazing combat power.

The ghost king who betrayed the ghost killing department and the ghost ghost department was also very powerful.

Eleven figures flew quickly from high altitude, and continued to rise in the direction of the Oni Mori.

This is the eleven ghost kings, the eleven ghost kings in the ghost town.

All dispatched.

To **** the ghosts and ghost cubs, they will inevitably encounter the interception of the ghost tribe, and the other party will definitely dispatch the ghost king-level strongman. Therefore, only the ghost king level can play a role. For the ghost king level, it is cannon fodder.

As for all the dispatches, there was no ghost king sitting in the whole ghost town, and they were not worried that they would be attacked by the 36th part of the ghost tribe.

For the ghost town, the most important thing is the ghost king. As long as the ghost king is still there, even if the ghost town is destroyed, you can rebuild one, but it only takes more time.

But for ghosts with almost infinite life, time is actually the cheapest.

In the case where the ghost king of Wufan Chaoyang Ghost City is killed, there is no need to start fighting against Chaoyang Ghost City.

After flying for a while, the eleven ghost kings in the chaotic ghost town began to split up three ways.

This was previously discussed.

Along the way, naturally go to the ghost forest department, directly pay the ghost mother tree.

Along the way, he headed for the ghost city, because Chen Zong informed that the ghost king of the monster king was beheaded by him, and his defense strength was greatly reduced, so he could start.

The last way was the decision made by the ghost king Xuanlie. In order to reward Chen Zong, or the information provided by the ghost blade sword heart, some ghost kings went to the ghost blade to **** the ghosts.

What tribe ghosts and larvae are looted and what tribe talents are born, and when they grow up, they will be included in the corresponding ghost town.

Therefore, stealing the ghosts of the ghostblade is to further strengthen the ghostblade door, which is a reward.

In this regard, other ghost kings have no objection.

Of course, Chen Zong has no objection, although he does not necessarily wait for the ghost clan larvae to be born.

The eleven ghost king soldiers have three routes.

The first way, led by the ghost king Xuanlie, members include Guiyanlieshan, Guiyuewu, and Guijianjianxin.

The second way is headed by the ghost killing department of the ghost killing department, carrying two ghost kings, and starting against the monster and beast department.

The third way is headed by the ghost ghost Youze of the ghost ghost department, carrying three ghost kings, and starting against the ghost blade department.

At this time, the Ghost Forest Department has not been found to be abnormal by other clans.

After all, the small tribes around the ghost town still exist, and everything looks normal.

The Ghost Forest Department is a very common one in the next eighteen, and pays less attention to nature.

Led by the ghost king Xuanlie, the four ghost kings flew across the sky at an amazing speed and headed towards the ghost mother tree in the ghost forest department.

Even with the mighty strength of the ghost king Xuanlie, dare not despise the ghost mother tree.

It can be said that the strongest person in purgatory ghosts has never been a ghost family, but a ghost mother tree.

Especially the ghost mother tree of the ghost king department is simply terrifying, and the first strongest of the ghost king department is not its opponent.

However, although the ghost mother tree of the ghost forest department is also very strong, compared with the ghost mother tree of the ghost king department, there is a huge gap.

Two kilometers high!

The ghost mother tree of the ghost king department is five kilometers high. The ghost mother tree of the ghost forest department is only two kilometers high and has the opportunity to destroy it.

In order to ensure foolproofness, ghost king Xuanlie took the shot himself and brought three ghost kings to assist.

The two-kilometer-high ghost mother tree stands on the ground. Numerous immature babies are scattered in all directions, forming huge crickets, but there are no leaves. Only a group of dark ghost crickets hang, constantly beating, the red light spreads.

The blood moon slowly broke through the dark clouds and appeared, and the ghostly beating became more and more intense, and the red light shining on the veins became more dazzling.

"Do it." The ghost king Xuanlie's voice was low and overbearing, containing a terrible power. He immediately approached the mother tree of the ghost immediately, grasping the void with five fingers and a grasp, and then a black breath quickly gathered from all directions.

In the buzzing sound, the open palm of the ghost king Xuanlie condensed with black light, rapidly expanding, and bursting out a strong dazzling light, like a small dark sun, seeming to emit endless light, as if the surrounding All the rays of light are devoured and absorbed.


The group of head-sized black sun suddenly blasted out, as if smashing through the void, ripples were violent, but Chen Zong was keen to catch a trace of cracks.

That's a crack in space!

The strength of the ghost king Xuanlie is really terrible. This blow is not a best-effort blow, but it can crack the fierce void of the purgatory ghost's amazing strength into a crack.

The ghost king of the ghost and beast department used the power of ghosts and gods to possess ghosts and ghosts, and tried their best to make it.

The strength of Ghost King Xuanlie is really strong, and now he is not his opponent.

The ghost mother tree was attacked, and the black light on the trunk suddenly flickered, blocking the blast of dark and scorching sun.

The explosion went off, and the black light was instantly destroyed when flashed, hitting the trunk, leaving a crack.

But those cracks are disappearing at an alarming rate.

Chen Zong's long sword came out of the sheath.

The moment the sword stabbed was silent, but when the sword stabbed the trunk, it suddenly burst into an unparalleled momentum, as if the wind and thunder shook the world.

At that time, Chen Zong felt that the bark of this ghost mother tree was astonishingly hard. It was not comparable to that of the ghost mother tree in the ghost town of Xuanjie, at least several times different.

If it is not the characteristics of the sword in the beginning, plus the sharpness of the sword of the heart, this sword is afraid that it is difficult to break the bark of the ghost mother tree. Even if it is broken, the sword marks left are very shallow. light.

Guiyanlieshan had a large hand and suddenly stretched out a dark red flaming flaming sword, bursting open and beheading.

The weapon used by Guiyuewu is a black scimitar, which looks like a scimitar-like scimitar. When it is killed in the air, it turns into a black waning moon that breaks through the sky and ripples.

The main ghost king Xuanlie, four ghost kings immediately shot, attacking the ghost mother tree.

The attacked ghost mother tree also counterattacked in an instant.

First, the ghost scars on the tree trunks trembled, as if opening a black hole in their mouths, and screaming extremely.

This scream sounded more than the ghost mother tree in the ghost town of Taixuanjie, and it was more than arrogant. It was as terrible as a steel scraping knife, and it contained an amazing confusion.

Only moments later, Chen Zong felt his sea of ​​turbulence turbulent, his head buzzing as if being struck by a thunder hammer.

Fortunately, this time, my will has been tempered and strengthened a lot, otherwise, it is really unbearable.

At the same time, Chen Zong also saw that on the heads of the ghost king Xuanlie and Guiyanlieshan and Guiyuewu, blossoms of polar flowers appeared, and it seemed to resist the impact of the screaming .

Chen Zong was surprised.

Over the head of Guiyuewu, there are two polar flowers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One is a flower of God, which is the size of a washbasin. It is a high-end polar flower, and one is The flower of Qi, however, is quite different, only low-level, but these two flowers of the extreme state have condensed to the essence.

Over the head of Guiyanlie Mountain, there are also two polar flowers, the flower of high energy is a flower of high-order polar environment, and the flower of fine spirit is a flower of low-order polar environment.

According to Chen Zong's knowledge, at least the ghost king of the last six episodes will condense at least a high-order flower of the polar world. As for the other two, they are generally a low-order flower and a middle-order flower.

Of course, the flower of the polar world gathered by the ghost kings of different clans may not be the same.

For example, Guiyanlieshan and Guiyuewu, the flower of high-level polar world is different.

What shocked Chen Zong was Ghost King Xuanlie.

Full of three polar flowers.

Jingqi Shensanhua, fully manifested.

In addition, one of the three flowers in the polar world is the top class, while the other two are the top class.

The flower of the top-level polar environment has not yet been fully consolidated, but the two flowers of the top-level polar environment have been completely consolidated.

What does this mean?

This shows that the strength of the ghost king Xuanlie is terrible.

Maybe he alone is enough to destroy this ghost mother tree.

Only that blow was just a tentative blow.

When Chen Zong thought, he was frightened, and the strength of the ghost clan was really terrible.

Such strength, I can not compare at all.

You know, the power of the middle-order polar flower is double that of the low-order, while the power of the high-order polar flower is double that of the middle order. As for the power of the top-level flower, it is Double the higher order, the gap is very obvious.

If a person condenses three top-level flower of the extreme state, what level of combat power will he reach?

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