Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 12: Amazing will

Eleventh, thank you again, and thank you all, and also wish our **** companions to "live heartily"

One-heartedness, the normal meaning is to focus, ignore, or even ignore others.

Two-hearted, on the contrary, does not focus, but takes care of multiple goals at the same time.

But here in Chen Zong, there are different interpretations.

A single-minded sword has the meaning of concentration. The center **** is only one target, that is, one sword can only attack one target. If you want to attack multiple targets, you will get multiple swords.

Ten people is ten swords.

A hundred people is a hundred swords.

It's just that Chen Zong's sword is too fast, and many swords are waved instantly, coupled with the mystery of the heart's sword, so it seems that it is just a sword in an instant.

The meaning of two-heartedness in Chen Zong's case is instantaneous, as if many people are waving swords at the same time.

This means that in an instant, Chen Zong only needs to wield a sword once, and then he can directly attack many targets, as if there were many swords that he himself issued at the same time.

In addition, many of them can also cast a single-minded sword.

In other words, under the heart of the two-hearted sword, you can also cast the heart of the one-hearted sword.

With two minds and two minds, Chen Zong understands it as five, that is, five phantoms can appear at the same time and follow his sword. The power of the sword is amazing and terrible.

But now, there can only be one phantom, and there is still much room for improvement.

Rao is so, the power of this sword goes beyond the single-minded sword.

In addition, Chen Zong condenses the flower of the top god. Invisibly, the power is more concentrated, the power surpasses the limit, and it is more terrible.

In an instant, thousands of branches were penetrated and shattered by the terrifying power contained in them, straight through the trunk that was constantly bombarded and shaken by the ghost king Xuanlie.

It was replaced by the ghost mother tree of the Taixuanjie ghost town. In the face of such an attack, it has been destroyed, but the ghost mother tree of the ghost forest department is very amazing. It can still support it and launch a counterattack.

When the clouds disappeared, a round of blood moon blew across the sky, shining the bleeding light, and shooting down like a sword.

Under the light of the **** light, the dark and deep earth looked a little bit more strange, and there seemed to be a layer of blood flowing slowly on it like a stream of water.

The screams sounded, Gao Zhongzhong seemed to have a little joy, it was the cry of the ghost mother tree.

"Intensify the attack." Ghost King Xuanlie growled.

Whenever the blood moon appears completely, when the moonlight is sprinkled, the ghosts on the ghost mother tree will mature and then fall. At the same time, the ghost mother tree will gain additional strength and become more vigorous and difficult to deal with.

Of course, although the ghost mother tree under the blood moon has become stronger and stronger, it also has the advantage that as long as it is destroyed and destroyed, a tree species will be left. By obtaining this tree species, new ghosts can be cultivated faster. Mother tree.

Moreover, it can be given its racial talent, such as the ghost mother tree of the ghost blade department or the ghost mother tree of other departments, etc., and it is no longer limited to the ghost forest department.

At this point, the true strength of the ghost king Xuanlie erupted.

The terrible momentum is like a storm raging in all directions, smashing everything, suppressing everything, being overwhelming, incomparable, like a king suppressing the heavens and the earth, making all the surrounding void calm and calm, no fluctuation can affect the slightest.

The ghost family of the ghost king department, the mastery of the talent, is called the power of the ghost king, which is the strongest force that surpasses the strength of other departments of the ghost family, as if the king suppresses everything.

Now, the ghost king Xuanlie has spurred the power of the ghost king, and his momentum has soared more than double, making Chen Zong extremely shocked.

The induction under the top-level **** flower became more and more clear.

Not an opponent!

If you say that you have gathered the flower of the top god, and you have created a sword with two hearts and two hearts, you have the slightest grasp to challenge the ghost king Xuanlie. Now, this mind is temporarily extinguished, and the difference is too great.

The combat power of this top ghost king is really terrible.

If at that time such ghost kings invaded the Taixuan Realm, whether they were themselves or Chen Xiu or Gongtian God, even if the three men joined forces, they would not be opponents at all.

The power of the ghost king is urged, the black light diffuses, condenses in the sky, and turns into a black sun with a diameter of Mish, as if it shines endless light, and it seems to continuously rotate toward the inner center, as the stars collapse, turning into black holes, devouring Everything in all directions.

Only momentarily, the void next to the black light group became dark, and even the blood moon's light could not penetrate it. It was completely swallowed up and turned into a dark area of ​​several kilometers.


The ghost king Xuanlie shoved suddenly with both hands, and the dark sun burst into the air, making a roaring sound, and the emptiness burst into fissures everywhere.

Every crack is clearly visible, like a thunderous lightning, with a breath of destruction that is horrifying.

Chen Zong and the other two ghost kings couldn't stop shaking.

That breath is too terrible. Once it is affected, it will die. Even if you have a heart-printed treasure on your body to weaken Qicheng's power, the remaining 30% will be enough to smash your body.

Chen Zong more and more felt that this sneaky danger was also above his own imagination.

When I hadn't entered before, I still thought that with my own strength and the protection of the heart-printed treasures, even if I was defeated by those powerful ghost kings, I could retreat.

Now it seems that he is too naive.

But Chen Zong didn't have half the fear. On the contrary, there was an unspeakable excitement in his heart. It was a kind of excitement, the excitement shivered and shuddered. His pores were widened and his head roared.

The long sword condensed by the sword of the heart will tremble with it, and Jin sounds buzzing, as if to tear the void.

Kill with two minds!

With the mystery of three minds and two minds, the power of the one mind and one mind sword is blended in. The heart beats instantly. The sword has been shot out of the air, and two vacuum trajectories have been directly killed, and there are countless fine cracks.

Guiyanlieshan exerted his full strength, and the whole body had a dark red flame burning, extremely fierce, as if everything was to be burned to ashes.


The power of Guiyan turned out into a long sword and beheaded. After the ripples of the void, cracks appeared, but it was very insignificant and almost non-existent. This shows that the combat power of Guiyanlieshan is not as good as Chen Zong.

Guiyue Wu also exhibited the talents of the Guiyue part. From above, a light rose, turning into a dark and waning moon, and the light shone. Chen Zong immediately felt that the void under the light of the ghosty moon seemed to become Very calm.

The ghost mother tree was shone by the light of Guiyue, and the screaming sounded slightly, and the thousands of branches that seemed to be waving seemed to become weak, and the intensity was greatly reduced.

Taking this opportunity, Guiyuewu also attacked and killed.

Ghost tribe's talents are different, each has its own magical effect.

Under the glow of the blood moon, the ghosts on the ghost mother tree also fell.

However, without paying attention to these ghosts, as long as the ghost mother tree can be destroyed and the tree species can be obtained, they can be brought back to the chaotic ghost town for planting. By then, you can have your own ghost mother tree, which is not bad.

What's more, this is just the lowest sneak sneaker, and really doesn't look down on it and doesn't intend to be distracted to collect it.

What's more, under the attack of the four ghost kings, the fallen ghosts were also affected, directly blasted or damaged, and the ghost larvae also died directly.

The four ghost kings burst into full force. The power of this ghost mother tree was overwhelming, but it couldn't completely resist it, and it was sieged and finally interrupted and dumped to the side.

The rumbling momentum is extremely amazing.

As the ghost mother tree completely fell, leaving only a huge stump, the blood moon shone, a trace of power was drawn, and one after another gathered from the fallen trunk and stump, condensing into a ball of blood red.

In the end, the blood red solidified to the diameter of Mish, like a heart, covered with veins.


This is a natural tree species, not a man-made species that consumes a lot of resources.

The ghost mother tree cultivated by the artificial tree species is like the ghost mother tree in the ghost town of Taixuanjie, with limited potential.

Natural tree species mean unlimited potential.

The ghost king Xuanlie, Guiyanlieshan and Guiyue have been excited. For many years, they have been planning to destroy a ghost mother tree and cultivate another ghost mother tree by themselves, even if it is a man-made tree species.

Now the goal is finally achieved.

Moreover, under the light of the blood moon, a natural tree species can be obtained with unlimited potential.

While they were excited, Chen Zong also wantonly absorbed the ghostly will that escaped after the devastation of the ghost mother tree ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The ghostly will represents the luck of ghosts, but they are different and there are differences.

Under normal circumstances, it cannot be actively absorbed, and can only be passively accepted. For example, if Chen Zong becomes the master of the Ghostblade Door, there will be a multitude of ghostly wills actively attached to it.

That's passive.

Now it's initiative.

With the sneaky will of the incarnation of the Heavenly Realm in his body, he actively swallowed and absorbed.

Chen Zong was very happy, even excited.

Because the ghostly will that pervades after the ghost mother tree is destroyed is really amazing, far better than the ghost king of the ghost and beast department that was beheaded before, at least ten times.

Chen Zong's body trembled as if turning into a body like a dark dragon.

Ghost King Xuanlie also noticed this, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, but there was nothing to show, but to directly collect the tree that was beating slightly like a heart.

Chen Zong also absorbed the ghostly will of the ghost mother tree, and the incarnation carried on the body was the will of the heavenly world of ghostly will, which has grown a lot again, and feedbacks a pure power, which directly poured into Chen Zong's body deep.

Shu Shuang, incomparably comfortable, indescribably comfortable, makes Chen Zong feel that his body seems to be undergoing some changes, but it is still very subtle.

When the goal is achieved, it is natural to leave.

The four figures set off immediately, but a tyrannical breath permeated from a distance, blocking the void and exuding unparalleled terror.

Ghost King!

Surprisingly, the ghost kings of other tribes rushed quickly, far apart and exuberant, but they had locked the four ghost kings.

"Go." The ghost king Xuanlie had no intention of fighting, because he wanted to return to the ghost town, and cultivate the tree species to become the ghost mother tree of the ghost town.

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