Sword God

: Killing Sword (Last Burning)

Friends who are familiar with Liu Dao all know that Liu Dao is a stable author. It is better for long streams of water than for eruptions. Therefore, the situation of Liu Dao is relatively rare.

At the outset of asking for votes, Liu Dao's heart was embarrassed, because he was worried and worried that everyone didn't support him enough, but it turned out that Liu Dao was wrong and was severely beaten.

Everyone not only supported, but also very much, surprising six times over and over again.

Thank you, I would like to thank all the friends and brothers who gave you support. I am grateful and moved. I am very grateful for your support and company.

Now, our monthly ticket ranking has entered the top 20 and ranked 19th. It is the highest ranking ever issued by Tongshen, but Liudao feels that we can rush higher.

Some students in the group said that the Six Ways were mad, yes, this time, the Six Ways have been cut out, and they went crazy once, and broke out in three days, how much can happen, depending on whether you are strong enough or not.

The day before yesterday and yesterday, Liu Dao updated a total of 20 chapters.

When the first day broke out, Liu Dao said that when he entered the top ten, he added 10 chapters. On the second day, Liu Dao said that when he entered the top ten, he added 20 chapters.

Well, today, as the last day of the outbreak, Liudao has to make a new agreement with everyone, a more explosive agreement.

That is, before entering the top ten, for every one in the monthly ticket ranking, add a chapter.

We are now in the 19th place, add one more to the 18th place, add one more to the 17th place, and so on. By the eleventh place, six courses will be added to eight chapters, and the basic five more will break out, that is Thirteen more.

If it reaches the tenth place, six chapters will add twenty chapters.

That is to say, if today's monthly ticket ranking can reach the top ten (including the tenth), the six passages will update 33 chapters.

You read that right, it's thirty-three chapters, thirty-three days.

Enough or insane enough, do you have a heart-beating **** sensation?

This is the last day of the eruption. This time, it is also the biggest eruption in the history of Tongshu Book. It is the craziest burning of six books so far. After this time, will there be such a crazy eruption? Count, so, seize the opportunity.

Now I ask you, dare you dare to accompany this six, this time, madly burn together, forget about yourself!

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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