Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 13: Battle of Ghost Kings

The first one is offered, and I ’m so excited. I suddenly had two more leaders “Kendo V5” and “Arvin_Liu”. I was so excited that I did n’t know how to type. Although there were two new books, the monthly ticket list was opened. Ten, resulting in a drop in the ranking of Tongshen, but fortunately, it returned to 19th, thank you, sincerely thank you for your support)

Blood Moon appears once a year. Since there is a ghost town, the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan will respond when the blood moon appears, paying attention to the movement of the ghost town.

This time, it is no exception.

I just didn't expect that the ghost king of the Chaos ghost town would attack the ghost blade department and the ghost and beast department and rob the ghosts.

But even more surprising was that he attacked the ghost mother tree of the Onimori Department.

Snatch the ghosts of the Ghost Blade and Ghost Beast Departments. Naturally, the Ghost King and Ghost Clan of the Ghost Blade and Ghost Beast departments can resist the interception, but attacking the ghost mother tree of the Ghost Forest is of great importance.

If the Haunted City successfully destroys the ghost mother tree of the Onibu Department, it is equivalent to the Haunted City having its own ghost mother tree, which will become more powerful.

Must be stopped.

However, they seem to have arrived a little later, and the ghost mother tree of the Onimori Department has been destroyed.

Moreover, under the shining of the blood moon, it is likely that they have obtained natural tree species with amazing potential.

Fortunately, the other party has not yet returned to the ghost town, and there are only four ghost kings.

"Give up the tree species," one of the many ghost kings approaching, whispering the most powerful ghost king.

This is a ghost king from the ghost king's department, with a high amount of warfare, but when he stares at the ghost king Xuanlie, he has a fearful look.

"Xuanming, do you want to stop me?" Ghost King Xuanlie stared at the other side, his voice was a little cold.

"Xuanlie, hand over the tree species." The ghost king Xuanming obviously was very jealous of the ghost king Xuanlie, there is no reason not to fear, because before that, the ghost king Xuanlie was the second strongest in the ghost king's department, second only to the first, and himself, It is ranked third.

Ghost King Xuanlie is a very ambitious man. He wants to dominate the Ghost King Ministry, but unfortunately, someone is stronger than him. Therefore, he rebelled from the Ghost King Ministry and built his own ghost town.

This also shows that there is no absolute in everything, and the ghost clan is not completely a tendon. At least, some of the ghost clan are more autonomous and not succumb to the strong, but are more ambitious, such as ghost king Xuanlie.

"You will die here." The original intention of the ghost king Xuanlie was to return to the chaotic ghost city, but the ghost king Xuanming jumped out to block himself, and other ghost kings appeared, angered him, his eyes were cold and amazing. Anger swept past: "You will all die here."

Although the ghost king changed his face greatly, he did not mean to retreat in the slightest.

There are four ghost kings on the side of the ghost town, but there are nine ghost kings to intercept.

Great contrast in numbers.

Moreover, in addition to the ghost king Xuanming of the ghost king department, the other eight ghost kings are from the ghost killing department, the ghost ghost department and the upper six.

The ghost king Xuanlie was angry, Guiyanlieshan and Guiyue were extremely vigilant, but Chen Zong was secretly excited.

This is what I would like to see, but now I'm stuck in it.

However, only one of them can slay other ghost clan kings to obtain the ghost's will.

Needless to say, fight directly.

The ghost king Xuanming fired. The ghost king of the ghost killing department and the ghost king of the ghost department also knew the **** of the ghost king Xuanlie, so the yang cooperated with the ghost king Xuanming, and the three ghost kings joined forces to fight against the ghost king Xuanlie.

Invisibly, the pressure on Chen Zong and Guiyanlie Mountain and Guiyue Wuyu is much smaller.

However, they also face the siege of the six ghost kings.

Together, the three must join forces to resist.

The flower of the polar realm emerged, its strength was full, and its breath was overwhelming.

On top of Chen Zong's head, a top-order god's flower and a high-order god's flower emerged, permeating the turbulent breath, which immediately caught the attention of a dry ghost king and was shocked.

In any case, Chen Zong is only from the origin of the ghost blade department. There is a high-order flower of the extreme state, which is already amazing. There is even a top-order flower of the extreme state, which is simply impossible.

Chen Zongke didn't care what they thought. The sword fluttered, and the void was torn out and killed.

At the moment the sword came out, there was a ghost sword.

The speed of the sword is too fast, and it is as close to the mind as if tearing everything, there is nothing to stop.

The extreme sharpness contained in the single-minded sword is raging in the body, piercing the heart, as if to smash it through, causing pain to his ghost king.

After condensing the flower of God, not only is the power more concentrated, but it can also hurt the mind and will of the other party.


As if there was no prelude, the fight became fierce in an instant.

The strong enemy from the King of Ghost Moon suddenly backed off, releasing a black residual moon over his head, and the black moonlight was shining like water in all directions. Chen Zong only felt that he suddenly became lazy and sleepy, as if he had accumulated fatigue for many days. To the extreme, it suddenly broke out and kept coming.


I really want to take a good rest, don't care about anything, fight or fight, everything is set aside, and Meimei sleeps.

Suddenly, the flower of the top step shivered a little, all tiredness and laziness swept away in an instant and ceased to exist.

"It's a terrible talent." Chen Zong couldn't help secretly.

As soon as the moonlight shines, the mind is directly affected and becomes sleepy and lazy. It seems extremely tired. Just wanting to take a good rest. Invisibly, the body is also affected by the mind, becoming dull and weak, waiting to be killed by the other party.

However, Chen Zong's own spiritual will is very tough, and it also condenses the flower of the top gods. Moreover, he also masters the sword of the Supreme Heart. No matter in which aspect, he is very strong in this ability against the mind and will. Resistance.

In an instant, Chen Zong not only got rid of the influence of the power of the ghost moon part of the ghost moon part, but the sword of heart naturally counterattacked invisible.

The invisible sharp edge broke instantly, and the black meniscus on the top of the ghost king's head trembled silently and split into two halves.

The meniscus was cut and torn.

The talent of the Ghost Moon Division is not indestructible, but it will reunite after being broken, and generally has no effect.

But after being cut off by Chen Zong, the ghost king of the ghost moon part felt his head as if it was torn, and it was extremely painful.

It was cut off by the sword of the heart, and the sword of the heart is not only the sword of the Supreme Sword, but also the sword of the heart.

Chen Zong's sword was lifted flatly, and the power was condensed into the sword body silently. It seemed to be a stunned body, and a phantom flashed.

Double Hearted Sword!

Wei Liangqiang.

The ghost king of the ghost moon part immediately hit the sword.

Two sword holes were added to the body, one sword directly penetrated the eyebrow, and one sword directly penetrated the heart.

The opponent's combat power is indeed very high, higher than the ghost king of the ghost and beast department that was killed before, but it is not enough to see Chen Zong's multiplying warfare.

The body of the Ghost Moon is relatively ordinary, but its spiritual will is stronger.

At this time, the sword was killed, and the injury was not impossible to heal, but it took a little time.

However, Chen Zong would not give him these times.

The body flickered, as if shifting, and appeared on the side of the ghost king of the ghost moon part, the sword cut through the sky.

One sword is like hundreds of swords.

Cut off the limbs, the head, and smash everything.

Too fast.

Chen Zong is too fast and will be fast, his throat is unexpected.

The battle had just begun, and one side was beheaded to kill a ghost king, with heavy losses.

After killing a ghost king, Chen Zong immediately absorbed the ghost's will on the other side. Although not as majestic as the ghost mother tree, he outperformed the ghost king by more than at least twice.

Chen Zong's feeling of this huge sneaky will is absorbed, which makes him feel wonderful.

With the death of the ghost king, the original six to three became five to three.

In another place, the ghost king Xuanlie relied on his own overwhelming strength to fight against the three ghost kings with one enemy and three resistances.

Holding the sword, Chen Zong turned back, and the sword was killed silently, killing another ghost king.

This is a ghost king from the ghost department. Its body is much stronger than other ghost kings, and it looks very amazing.

However, the ghost king department is also the middle sword, but Chen Zong can feel the opponent's body, it is very amazing, even if the sword, the injury is very light.

The power of ghosts!

In the roar, the ghost king of the ghost phase was shocked. The terrible momentum soared in an instant, like a volcanic eruption. It was extremely powerful. The original strong body soared in an instant, constantly expanding, becoming increasingly amazing.

When he died, the ghost king changed from three meters to five meters high, with muscles protruding from his body, covered with the thick veins of fingers, like countless long snake coils, containing the most terrifying power.

This power is so amazing.

As soon as the power of the ghost phase of the ghost phase department is displayed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it will make itself bigger and stronger, and the power it possesses will become more and more terrifying and magnificent.

But in contrast, it is not without its drawbacks, that is, it becomes a stronger body and the reaction speed is slightly slower.


The other side didn't care, because such an injury was nothing at all.

With the power of ghosts, not only does the body soar and become stronger, it also increases the ability to heal itself.

As long as it is not directly fatal, it can be cured in a very short time.

It was because the power of the ghosts was so strong that they rushed straight.

For a while, Chen Zong also had a headache.

Such an opponent is really difficult to beat, the sword is not serious, but if you are hit by the opponent, look at that terrible fist like a meteorite, your small body will be blown out at once.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's figure is extremely flexible, moving forward and backward freely. With the opponent's violent double fists, it is as light as a paper kite in the wind. Constant counterattack.

Although the body of the opponent's ghost is very tyrannical, but Chen Zong's heart is very sharp, and the sharpness of the sword power in the early days also tears all defenses.

The ghost king continued to strike the sword, and a wound appeared on his body, but the wound did not seem to affect the other party, and healed soon.

This kind of body strength and self-healing speed caused Chen Zong a headache, which was very difficult.

The ghosts of the last six books are actually similar, but they have different talents, because they are different from each other.

"I need to make Jian Qi more condensed." Chen Zong secretly said.

In a way, this ghost king is like a refiner, with a stronger body. So, what about dealing with refiners?

Sword into silk!

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