Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 14: Wan Jian Chaozong

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The cultivator is extremely powerful, possessing extremely powerful power and extremely amazing defense power. He is also capable of self-healing. He has not only amazing strength but also excellent survival ability.

On the same level, if the Qi practitioners fight the refiners, most of them who died will be Qi practitioners.

Because once the trainer is wounded, his strength will be severely reduced, but the trainer is less likely to be physically strong and full of endurance. It is like a beast with a superb wisdom.

It is very difficult to deal with the bodybuilder.

The ghost clan is more terrible than the cultivator, and the ghost clan of the ghost phase, which stimulates the body of the ghost, is more difficult to deal with like the cultivator among the ghost clan.

It is very difficult to break the ghost body of another ghost blade department, and it is very difficult for Chen Zong to break it. It is completely because of the sword intention of Taichu Jianyuan and the heart. The body caused obvious trauma.

Once wounded, you can quickly heal yourself. This is the unique talent brought by the ghost tribe to inspire the ghost.

Only the power of the ghost king of the ghost king department can form some repression.

Practicing swords into silk is a kind of clever skill that Chen Zong mastered after raising his swordsmanship to perfection.

Although the techniques are small, they are very practical.

However, after Chen Zong transformed the mind of the heart into the sword of the Supreme Heart, with the power of the sword of the heart, the sword energy was condensed, and it was extremely sharp. The trick.

When people encounter difficulties, they often seek a way out.

This is a kind of instinct of the intelligent being, which comes from the instinct that comes from the heart.

The better an intelligent being is, the easier it is to find a way to deal with it when it is in trouble. It may be the initiative of thought or a flash of aura.

Practicing sword into silk is a flash of light from Chen Zong.

For a long time, the dark eyes of the steel were a few silvery whites, which were inconceivable, and it was difficult to find clues during the fierce battle.


This is the first time that Chen Zong's incarnate ghost clan has entered the ghost town, using his self-confidence.

When I use it, I immediately feel the change. This kind of change is an enhanced and intensified change.

Chen Zong knew immediately that this was because he had successfully condensed the relationship of the flower of the gods after condensing his divine spirit to the extreme, especially the flower of the gods at the top level.

Self-comfort is a special state and is also closely related to the will of God.

The cohesion of the flower of the **** has caused the qualitative change of Chen Zong's divine will, and even enhanced his self-comfort.


Take control all around!

Everything is under his control.

This feeling is very wonderful.

Sword into silk!

For a while, a force condensed on the sword body, condensed into a thread that is more subtle than silk.


When a sword is killed, the sword disappears, and it seems to turn into a sword silk.

That thread had no sound, no light and shadow, and no shape.

It's like an illusion of smoke.

But in the next breath, the left arm of the ghost king's body suddenly detached, shoulder to shoulder, and fell downward, the ghost king did not seem to immediately respond.

When he saw the blood spraying continuously from the shoulder fracture, he was frightened.


When did his arm get cut off, he didn't even react to it the first time.


It's too fast, beyond your own reaction speed.

Another question also emerged. Why couldn't the other party have been themselves before, why now they can directly cut off their arms?

The body of the ghost family is extremely strong, especially after the body of the ghost is excited, but their brains have become less flexible. At this time, many problems came up and called him Some are so muddy that it's hard to get along.

Chen Zong will not stop because of this, and sword again.

Sword into silk!

That right arm was also cut off suddenly.

Under the consciousness, the ghost king of the ghost phase department felt faster and issued an incomparable roar.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared, and the broken arm that fell off actually flew up and rejoined.

Sure enough, it is more difficult than other ghosts.

No wonder among the last six, the ghost phase is one of the best.

"In this case, I will completely break you." Chen Zong secretly said.

Field of Hearts!

When the time passed, the realm of the heart opened, directly covering a radius of three kilometers.

You should know that the spatial intensity of Purgatory ghosts is far better than the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary. Here, the realm of the heart can cover three kilometers, which seems to be less than in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, but it is actually more than that.

If you return to the heavenly realm, the expansion of the realm of the mind is at least ten thousand meters.

Combined with the self-reliance, a feeling that seems to be able to control everything sprang up.

Following this, the realm of the heart quickly contracted, completely restrained and integrated into the sword of the heart.

The wonderful feeling made Chen Zong even more profound.

As if he could control everything around him with the sword in his hand.

Expansion again to cover kilometers.

Heart Sword Domain!

In the beginning, the sword swordsmen poured into the sword of the heart, and within a kilometer range of the sword of the heart, suddenly a ray of sword gas emerged out of nothing.

Then, thousands of sword qi quickly contracted and condensed, more delicate than silk.

Heart Sword Domain: Wan Jian Chaozong!

With Chen Zong wielding his sword, a thousand hours of sword energy incorporating the skill of practicing swords into silk, shot out and shot out, aiming at the ghost king of the ghost phase.

The sword qi under the sword becomes silk, sharp and extremely sharp, and can easily penetrate the strong body of ghosts. If you use the sword to become silk, you will hurt the opponent at most.

Even if it is seriously injured, with the amazing self-healing ability of the other party, it is difficult to cause serious consequences.

It's different now.

The sword qi under the practice of the sword became more and more condensed, whether sharp or sharp, multiplied and became more and more amazing.

Under the attack of thousands of such amazing sword qi, the body of the ghost phase was completely torn and broken directly.

Even if the self-healing power of the ghost body is amazing, but so many sword gas attacks and kills, and continuous extinction vitality, no matter how strong the self-healing power is, the ghost king has not yet reached that kind of broken limb rebirth, Even to the point of rebirth.


Chen Zong immediately absorbed the ghostly will that was about to escape.


All ghost kings were shocked.

How could it be so.

The battle between ghost kings is difficult to die unless there is a big difference in combat power.

However, it can be seen that the ghost king from the ghost blade department only condenses two flowers of the extreme state. Although one is the top order and the other is the high order, they are not solid enough, and have not reached the extreme. Even with the addition of the power of ghost blades, it is not possible to easily kill two ghost kings from the last six tribes.

Subverted the idea directly.

Chen Zong knew that his performance at this moment must have surprised the ghost kings, and even doubted and could not help but explore.

However, the longer he stayed here, the more uncomfortable Chen Zong felt.

Out of place!

To get more sneaky will, please leave here.

As for how many ghostly wills you get, the will of the heavenly sanctuary world that bears on your own will remind you.

Depend on it, the ones who should show their strengths still have to show up. The ghost clan believes in the strong and respected, and may be suspected, but as long as they have enough strength, everything can be solved.


Heart Sword Domain: Wan Jian Chaozong!

Chen Zong once again condensed thousands of sword spirits by practicing his sword into silk, killing them instantly, killing the ghost king of the ghost inflammation department.

The ghost king was burning a layer of dark red flames all over his body, and was cooperating with other ghost kings to directly suppress Guiyanlieshan, and beat Guiyanlieshan with no temper.

The same is true for Guiyuewu. In the face of the ghost king of the ghost department and the dragon of the ghost dragon department, they can only continue to resist and dodge, and continue to be injured.

The situation of the two is considered to be precarious.

Although the ghost king Xuanlie is very strong, with one enemy and three opponents, he can only have the upper hand slightly, and he can't be reinforced at all.

Thousands of swords hit the air with great speed, and the sound was subtle, making it difficult for people to react.

The ghost king of the ghost inflammation department was too late to avoid, and was immediately hit, screaming screaming, and the ghost flame on his body quickly extinguished.


The third ghost king died.


Without hesitation, the other ghost kings retreated immediately.

Nine enemies intercepted, three died and the remaining six escaped, very embarrassed.

Chen Zong did not pursue, because practicing sword into the heart of the sword under the silk, consumes more, and now the remaining power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not enough to perform again.

Otherwise, you will definitely shoot again and kill one.

The ghostly will of the Ghost Mother Tree and the ghostly will of the three ghost kings called Chen Zong's will to the heavens and heavens world willful meal, and the pure power back to him also made Chen Zong extremely comfortable.

"Very good." Ghost King Xuanlie took a deep look at Chen Zong and immediately left: "Go."

Next, it is natural to rush back to the chaotic ghost town at the fastest speed and prepare to cultivate the ghost mother tree.

The ghost kings who went to the ghost and beast department to grab the ghostly ghosts also successfully robbed some ghostly ghosts after a fierce battle, brought them back, and quickly left.

Then, no sniper interception was encountered, because time was too late.

The eleven ghost kings rushed out of the thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan at the fastest speed and entered the sky ghost wasteland.

The sky ghost wasteland is the largest ghost beast wasteland in Purgatory Ghosts, inhabited by countless ghosts, and the monster king is even more numerous.

The ghost town is built in the depths of the sky ghost wasteland, which is very dangerous. Of course, it has been cleaned up by the ghost kings before. The ghosts in the ghost town will continue to patrol and clean up regularly to ensure that An army of ghosts comes to attack the ghost town.

"Very good." Back in the ghost town, Xuanlie the ghost king was extremely excited.

This trip has yielded great results.

It's really big. Get rid of a ghost mother tree and get a natural tree species with unlimited potential.

In addition, it was found that the ghost king from the Ghost Blade Department was amazingly powerful, although not as good as himself, but had great potential.

"Ghost Blade Sword Heart, from now on, will be ranked fourth in the League of Ghost Kings." Gui Wang Xuanlie said directly.

Guiyanlieshan and Guiyue are meaningless, but other ghost kings are surprised.

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