Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 15: overall enhancement

Third more)

In the ghost town, Xuanlie the ghost king immediately took out many resources and began to cultivate the species of the ghost mother tree, so that it could take root.

All the other ghost kings in the ghost town are also present, all around, the main purpose is to protect and avoid interference.

With a little curiosity, Chen Zong stared at the tree that was beating like a heart.

As the ghost king Xuanlie melted the precious resources and poured them into the tree species, the tree species continued to absorb the power, the beating became more and more fierce, and it seemed to continue to expand, giving out a throbbing sound, and sounded in all directions, The shock rippled through the layers.

When the strength was accumulated to the extreme, a clicking sound sounded, the tree species broke up and down, the rhizomes spread out, and with a sharp sword breaking into the sky, it penetrated directly into the earth and continued to spread under the earth. Go and get deeply rooted.

Chen Zong exudes his own sense, integrates into the species of the ghost mother tree, and continues to spread along with the roots of the ghost mother tree, and observes carefully.

"This feeling" vaguely, Chen Zong seems to have a certain understanding.

Constantly devouring the will of the ghosts and growing the will of the heavenly world of the holy world that it carries. It seems that I have not directly obtained any substantial benefits, but also obtained intangible benefits. One is pure power similar to the original. Incorporating deep into the body and continuously accumulating, the second is that perception is also affected invisibly, and then increases temporarily.

Originally Chen Zong's perception was very amazing, and the increase was even more amazing.

At this moment, when I saw the ghost mother tree species rupture and grow a rhizome, the stem was as sharp as a branch of the ghost mother tree, breaking through the air and breaking into the soil. Respect.

This made Chen Zong more enlightened in swordsmanship, but a deeper enlightenment came after the roots broke through the soil.

The roots and stems are like the peerless excalibur, which penetrates deeply into the hard soil, and there is a kind of indomitable determination.

Chen Zong knows that the ghostly land is very hard, just like stainless steel. The deeper the hardness, the more amazing it is. With his current strength, the force of ten percent can pierce straight into the sword, and it is estimated that it can only penetrate about ten meters.

But in the blink of an eye, the roots of the ghost mother tree pierced more than ten meters, and continued to go down. Chen Zong's consciousness continued to follow the rhizome, using the rhizome as a sharp sword.

All over!

In just a short time, the rhizomes of the ghost mother tree penetrated dozens of meters below the ground, covering hundreds of meters in a circle, and continued to spread.

At the same time, the shoots were pulled upwards, and the trunks continued to rise, rising into the sky.

Chen Zong's consciousness is fully integrated into the ghost mother tree, and as it continues to grow.

A unique enlightenment is also haunting in the heart, gushing out of my mind, swirling around.

Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to disappear, as if it had become a tree, sprouting from the seeds and slowly growing up.

It was an inexplicable touch and joy.

I don't know how long it has been in the past, soberly awake, consciousness returned to the body, with a wave of turbulent awareness.

At this moment, the ghost mother tree has grown to a height of one thousand meters, which is as high as the ghost mother tree in the original Taixuan Realm. However, the breath is more magnificent. After all, this is a ghost mother tree grown from a natural tree species.

The ghost mother tree has taken shape. The next step is to continuously invest precious resources, constantly absorb the power of ghost ghosts, and continue to grow, so it will take some time.

Chen Zong filed his resignation, returned to the Ghostblade Door, and began to retreat.

With all the experience of turning into a ghost mother tree at that moment, I merged into my own kendo.

A decisive and indomitable Feng Rui quietly condensed on Chen Zong's body, becoming more and more arrogant, and between the sword of the heart and the flicker of the mind, more potential was also constantly excited.

Time slowly passed, and Chen Zong's eyes opened, but there was no radiance, but he was completely locked, flowing in the depths of his eyes, like a wave of water.

When he wasn't in sight, there seemed to be an indescribable light shining through the void. It was Jianguang and Chen Zong was out.

However, it is hard to perceive Kuai as if it has been incorporated into the void.

But the next breath, I saw the sword marks spreading quickly and slowly, like the roots of the ghost mother tree spreading in all directions.

The void seemed to turn into the earth, and the sword energy, like the rhizome of the ghost mother tree, was deeply rooted, covering a few meters.

Of course, comparing the range of a few meters with the thousands of kilometers covered by the rhizome of the ghost mother tree, it looks like a firefly is better than a moon.

But Chen Zong realized the difference more clearly.

"Perhaps this kind of sword gas will do more damage to the ghost clan." Chen Zong secretly said.

Previously, a sword was killed, and the sword gas penetrated or tore the target, but if the opponent is strong, it can only cause very small damage and even small damage.

Now, under his own realization, sword qi can grow like the root of a ghost mother tree, spreading in all directions, and multiplying the damage many times.

If it is reintegrated into sword training, it is estimated that the ghost body of the ghost king of the previous ghost department is also difficult to resist.

In the end, Chen Zong is just guessing, he needs to find a target to try.

But before that, you still need to cultivate.

Between the hands, Chen Zong appeared a black fist large wedge in his hand, but the surface was covered with red tendons.

This strange fruit seemed to be beating like a heart, very slowly, but powerfully.

This is the actual reward given by the ghost king Xuanlie to Chen Zong, which is better than raising the seat from tenth to fourth, at least for Chen Zong.

With the fruit in hand, Chen Zong immediately felt a feeling of longing coming from his body, eager to devour it.

This is a useful fruit for your body.


The entrance of the alien fruit was suddenly chewed, and the juices were stirred in the mouth, like a stream of torrents. It made Chen Zong feel that he was not eating a fruit, but a river that broke the bank. , Will rush out of his mouth, spit out the same.

But Chen Zong was locked tightly.

The taste of this fruit, how to say it, is weird, very pungent and irritating, like a bite of blood, which is hard to accept, but has to be served.

In the grunting sound, Chen Zong swallowed the fruit juice down the river, flowing along the esophagus as if the torrents of the river were flowing, as if it were shot down by a mighty waterfall.

As the juice poured into the belly, in the roar, it seemed as if it had turned into a magma torrent, and it was like burning all the limbs of Chen Zong.



The high-end fine flower condenses and emerges from the top of the head. With the continuous refinement and absorption of the juice of the different fruits, it gradually solidifies.

The degree of solidification of the flower of the polar realm can be divided into ten percent, ten achievements are complete, that is, complete consolidation, and ten percent are just ghosts.

Before taking the different fruit, Chen Zong's fine flower solidification degree was 30%.

Now, entering 40%, it is still continually improving.

Until 50%, the power of that alien fruit was exhausted.

It is really amazing that a different fruit directly improves the concentration of Jinghua flower by 20%. Of course, these different fruit are often the first one with obvious effect, and then the effect is weakened or even invalid.

However, the concentration of Jinghuahua has been increased by 20%, and he can feel the strength of his physique, becoming more tyrannical, and his combat power has also been improved.

Then, Chen Zong took out a black flower, the size of a palm, which looked horrible like a ghost claw, covered with red veins.

This is also awarded to Chen Zong by Xuanlie the ghost king.

Because this time, Chen Zong's contribution can be said to be great, and it must be rewarded.

This flower is used to promote the flower of God.

Chen Zong's flower of the gods is the top order, and now the degree of condensing is 10%.

Take it!

The ghost-claw-like flower tasted even stranger, and it was impossible to describe it. Chen Zong could only forcibly swallow it.

Immediately, the intense smell filled the body and turned into a seemingly blazing and cold air flow, straight through the sea of ​​God, and rushing out along the top of the head, into the flower of the god.

The flower of God began to solidify a little bit from the virtual shadow.

When you solidify one point, you increase one point.

When this ghost-like flower ran out of air, Chen Zong's god's flower also solidified from 10% to 30%, and it didn't look so unreal.

"Yes, the flower of the essence and the flower of the gods are more condensed. My combat strength can improve at least 30%." Chen Zong secretly said.

At this level, it is undoubtedly amazing to increase the combat power by 30%. Besides, I am very good at turning one point into two points or even three points.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 30% improvement is just superficial. Actually the improvement will be more.

After consolidating, Chen Zong went out.

Without the help of Tiandidibao, although you can condense the flower of the extremes yourself, the efficiency will undoubtedly be very low and the speed will be very slow.

Once out of the gate, Chen Zong quickly left the Ghostblade Gate and left the Chaos ghost city.

On the devil wasteland, Chen Zong is looking for a suitable target.

Ghost King!

I just finished a big vote, and for a period of time, I need to be low-key and try my best to improve my combat power. In the midst of it, Chen Zong has an ominous premonition, and he feels a horrible maliciousness, which seems to gather from all sides Come, aim for yourself.


You need to be more powerful.

Now, it's not easy to break into the Ghost Tribe, and you can only fight against the Ghost Beast King.

The spirit of the ghosts carried by the ghost king is not as good as the ghost king, but it is far superior to the higher ghosts.

In addition, the sword that I have learned, how powerful it is, also needs a proper target to verify.

On the ghostly wasteland, ghosts and beasts run rampant, almost endless, and there are also a lot of ghost and beast kings. Before long, Chen Zong found a ghost and beast king.


As soon as he entered the air and killed it, the ghost and beast king hit the sword without realizing it. When he died, a ray of sword air spread like a rhizome breaking through the tree species. It spread quickly in the body of the ghost and beast, as if it had taken root. The wisps of sword gas burst out with astonishing sharpness, wantonly destroying the body of the Beastmaster.

Under normal circumstances, the monster king's physique will be stronger than the next eighteen ghost kings, but also unable to resist the sword of Chen Zong.

Just dying, vitality quickly passed, and his body was torn by countless sword qi like the roots of a ghost mother tree, and died by death.

The ghostly wills carried on him were also absorbed by Chen Zong.

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